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twistmyfateGreat show!The hosts are pleasant to listen to and don’t drawl into monotone. The content is interesting with a balance of facts, background, insights, and opinions.
DrmlsherwoodRecommend with a caveatIt makes me uncomfortable to hear criticism of Amy’s voice. A voice is not something that can be changed. We rarely hear complaints on male voices. That said, she can really get into the weeds with many obscure takes. It gets tedious. Love Paul. His knowledge is clear and his takes seem more balanced to me.
angrylfDumbfoundingly dumbPaul Scheer makes inane points - he clearly has no idea as to what the parameters are for critique - if you can’t separate your personal likes and dislikes from looking at the success or failure of an artistic endeavor you make a fool of yourself and he does - listen to the Carrie episode and you’ll see what I mean. He’s extremely ill suited to hosting a show like this.
PeeWeeCGThey’re Both Great Hosts!If you like or love movies this is a great podcast. I’m always learning something new from Amy and Paul.
IT”S TOTALLY LIKEIT”S LIKE,LIKE, IT”S LIKE, IT’SLIKEI can’t decide who sounds more juvenile with the constant use of the word like. Nauseating.
mdv808Phew.I’ve listened to this podcast for a long time, and I will continue to listen. It’s entertaining. But that’s all it is. The interstellar episode really cemented how unserious they can be. They are not serious about watching these films and talking about them thoroughly. The clear example where they were like well look at least the characters acknowledge that they don’t know, proceed to play clip, but then cut off clip where the very next lines explain how they actually do understand and is an integral part of the plot. Just embarrassing. It’s not about liking a movie or not, that’s criticism. But to blatantly show that they aren’t even paying attention to these movies or trying to understand them even slightly deeper than the most superficial level is rough. It’s one episode a week, put the least bit of time and effort into it.
KwagenschutzFashion Queen of London ROBBEDSupposedly discussing the best films of all time, but I don’t see The Great Muppet Caper anywhere…
kjane_89Hmm…Listening to the Home Alone episode, and it turns out that Amy is an Uncle Frank sympathizer. Disturbing, though it helps give context to the general attitude and demeanor of most of her commentary.
blevinsdesignsPaul Saves ItEntertaining to listen to depending on the episode and how Amy feels about the film. She can make some episodes tedious to get through. However, Paul is seemingly able to recognize this and save it with his quick humor and moving the conversation else where. Loved listening to his opinions on Hellraiser! Totally agreed. Most of the horror episodes are pretty good. Enjoyed The Thing and Halloween a good bit.
richard4044Pretty mixed bagThe idea that Kubrick cared less about technical prowess than acting betrays a sort of stunning ignorance about his process. Read the bit about Spielberg confessing he felt Jack went over the top on The Shining. Read Kubrick’s response (it has to do with Cagney.) “Real is good. Interesting is better”. It’s called Dream Story, weird that not once was that fact factored into the discussion of the performances. This pod is fun but not super brainy.
themicamonsterI’m moving onI’ve listened since episode one. This podcast provided me an incentive to expand my film knowledge and try new things while also celebrating what I’d already seen and loved. After the afi was done any and Paul, who are great, continued to push and review movies like Chungking express and strip to the moon while also exploring crowd pleasers. That has changed in the past two years and I can’t take it any more. There are never any surprises in their movie choices. They’re Hollywood and they’re from the past 30 years and that’s it. I hate giving up and I don’t hate the movies they pick but they are no longer pushing my knowledge as a film fan in new directions. My suspicion is it’s to get better numbers than what the 400 blows provide but idk. It’s not for me. Have fun reviewing point break.
tnv1002just agree to disagreei enjoy most of the movies they pick and the episodes are fairly entertaining, there’s just so much back and forth and arguing. i don’t mind listening to differing opinions between the hosts, but their bickering will go on and on for good chunks of the episode.
Cinephile85Paul, yes. Amy absolutely no.I enjoy listening to Paul. He’s always upbeat and entertaining, regardless if I agree with his takes on certain films. Amy is truly aggravating to listen to. Her voice sounds put on, and she comes off extremely pretentious. Maybe they should replace her with someone who’s fun to listen to and have fun convos with Paul.
Steve de los GuantesThis pod is great. Never mind the woke-spotters. Telling it like it is just rankles some people.Paul is great, he’s our ‘everyman’, and I love his takes on movies. While Amy is our movie historian/reviewer/critic and she deserves respect despite how some hateful trolls claim her political ideas are driving her opinions, but since everything is politics... whatever. When this new breed of outright fascist/RINO conservatives (who probably voted for the adjudicated R’ist, Russian Asset, Traitor) start pointing to SJW’s & wokeness I have to wonder if they can even see how their embracing of fascism is the thoroughly un-American activity it is. This Podcast still deserves ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️’s. And the petty Trolls can go to X for takes on their favorite Kevin Sorbo propaganda Movies and leave these American treasures alone. Great Movies and great analysis. And we really need this now that the fool has his hands back in the Mac & Cheese.
aesthetictigerEhThe way Amy talks is so grating, I almost turned it off after 10 minutes. I pushed through and have enjoyed several episodes, but I just got halfway through the Shrek episode and had to bail. The arguing was AWFUL, and seriously takes up most of the episode. And it was over what should be called a “kids film”! Get a grip!!
AJ393939Amy. Not everything has to be political!!!The podcast is fun for sure, but it’s getting a bit much when Amy has to crowbar in her political views and hate for a certain political party. We get it. Move on already. You can hear how uncomfortable Paul is getting with it. Paul does a great job keeping things on track but it’s getting harder to be a fan of the show.
Ethan's eyebrowsWhite privilege the podcastThe Office Space episode was surreal to listen to while I was at work. I wonder if the coastal elites are proud of the podcasts their children are occupying themselves with until that inheritance check comes in.
DoiiiiyaaaanneT god for PaulI love this podcast and I have been listening for a little over a year now. That being said I could really do without Amy‘s pretentious rants. The hating can get a little arduous. Thank you Paul for being there to be cool and open minded because otherwise I probably wouldn’t tune in. Good stuff otherwise.
sntkynot for meI think these hosts genuinely have bad taste and what’s worse is that they can’t even back up their horrid takes in good faith. It feels like listening to people in high school.
MsDiagnosedI rarely miss an epI listen to a lot of movie podcasts, and this is one of my very faves. I love the rapport between Paul and Amy. I love that, between them both, they bring both movie loving passion and film critique expertise. I love the BTS movie tidbits I learn, and the context they place their discussions in. There are several movies I’ve sought out so I can listen to the episode. (I WOULD pay for an ad-free version!)
Pomponiuswoke but more correctRemember when these guys used to be funny?
SjdnshdnsnNice jobThe lady says “like” as frequently as a grade schooler.
Funtimes1812Love this show, but the ads…Really love the podcast and hosts. The repetitiveness of the ads in episodes makes it challenging to listen. Ads are ok, I get it, but hearing the same ones over and over again in the same episode is annoying…
heydudemegAFI ListI miss when they used to do the AFI list. The movie selection lately has turned me off. I’m not sure what this podcast is anymore — love Paul and Amy though! They’re insight is always fun, and their chemistry is great!
My DoooodHorrificAwful
CharliipresleyAmy is BRUTALPaul is really good. Amy seems disconnected from reality. Also, I listen at 2x speed but if I was listening at 1x speed I would be driven mad by Amy’s voice…the reviewers are right…
SandiegoamcAmy = NegatibityReally want to like this pod but often find it exhausting and dragged out by a consistent attitude of negativity/dislike of the films they watch. Every episode, I’m just waiting for the moment Amy shares her obscure critiques. Also, Amy… do you like/enjoy any of the movies you and Paul review? If you do like one, can you at least fake excitement/joy from it. Basically, I feel like Paul is a fun and outgoing critic/reviewer of movies who finds joy in the films, with fair criticisms, and good perspectives. Amy, on the other hand, feels like she majored in 14th Century French poetry (with a minor in 1900’s Italian silent films) and somehow ended up a film critic with little ability to relate to widely enjoyed popular, modern films. Paul, love you and your crew on HDTGM, but this seems beneath your style. Amy, maybe consider drinking some wine while watching a movie you review, chill out, stop looking for deep, negative sub-texts in movie plots that aren’t there. This pod is unfortunately a GRIND to get through. It needs to be more fun, less analytical, requires more energy and each episode trimmed in regards to length. Hope you both find the right recipe because there’s potential here. Good luck!
KirbyGMackMovies. Not politics.Hey. We listen for behind the scenes movie information, history and opinions. Keep the politics out of it. I’ll give it to Paul he is at least much more unbiased and carefully tows the line. But Amy, well we all know where she stands. And yet it’s a podcast about movies AND WE SHOULDN’T!
d1rt1estw1zardPeople 2 People!I went to the UK and Ireland!! Never heard anyone say People 2 People in 30 years.
BrianBPBGreat PodcastI love this podcast. It takes me to college film class. The Deerhunter episode does miss the mark in my opinion. The movie was not intended to be a realistic version of serving in Vietnam. It is about relationships of people who did go and didn’t go and the extreme difficulty of coming back and transitioning to a life outside of war. I think you both misjudged this movie.
She-Wolf of FranceObnoxiousThese two are obnoxious. Any insightful analysis or interesting movie fact is immediately canceled by an irrelevant comment about politics/dumb country bumpkins/virtue signal. I don’t believe for one second that Amy is terrified of police (Hot Fuzz episode), but I guess it sounds good? I’d rather really focus on folding my laundry than listen to this podcast.
ThisIsMyChosenNickname777I Like This Show BUTI like this show, but doing ads for casinos is really messed up. PLUS, now I’m getting ads for my local police department—it’s deeply troubling that Paul
MasseynessBeauty and No-it-allReally enjoy this show overall! I think it’s great that they have differing opinions and thoughts that they can, for the most part, civilly argue, but Paul discusses those as if they are fact a lot of the time and that is a little of a disappointment on the show. Amy’s voice is wonderful!💗 Appreciate you guys sharing your insights!
JackieBNguyenMy go-toI really enjoy the chemistry and respectful, engaged dialogue between Paul and Amy. They bring out the funny in each other and their vulnerable, real moments break through always in the best ways. I really feel Amy - her divulging the kind of girlfriend/girl friend that she is or fears she is in the Bridesmaids episode was so relatable. I totally get it, Amy. Thank you for the content. I am a big fan!!
attyrrbLove the podcastI always enjoy the interplay between Paul and Amy! Perfect match. They bring enough disagreement to the table to make things interesting while still getting along as friends. Every episode leaves me happy I got to hang out and listen. I also get turned on to movies I wouldn’t normally have watched. Robert Tallahassee
BamjubbyNot HDTGMI love Paul and have been an avid HDTGM listener since just about the start. This podcast is not up to the standard set by his other show. I have nothing against Amy personally, but I have given this a fair shake and agree with others. Her voice is very difficult to listen to. Cadence is hard. I love the films they cover (I was a film studies major) but I can’t stop thinking this would be a much better podcast with two other hosts. Paul and Amy are too polite with each other. It’s too saccharine and that isn’t what film analysis needs. I do learn some interesting tidbits about the films from the research they do, but the end doesn’t justify the means. I think I’m done. Sorry. I can’t remember the last time I wanted to like something so much, but it just doesn’t work.
natandmartFast fast woman talker. Too speedy for me.Can’t deal with speed of lightening woman,s voice. Not melodious or soothing. Too bad.
TimaaaFuriosaUhhh where is it… We’re getting reviews of movies 20 years ago thanks anyway
PenkypooAmy is not for me…I love Paul, but Amy just isn't for me. The Cadence of her voice, her political perspective. I come to podcasts to escape for a bit, and she makes it impossible.
TimopppAmy is recklessly…I cannot handle her bad takes on policy, yeah let’s ask just lay down and pretend there is no evil in the world, beyond frustrating
RicoRoscoGreatI’ve been here since the beginning AFI ranking and the reason I return is their back and forth. Sure, you might not agree with Paul and Amy’s take each time but I know I’ll watch the given movie differently next time and have a more thoughtful perspective as a result of listening to their discussion. That’s all you can hope for and this podcast delivers—keep up the good work!
ooohWee69I love Paul, but….Amy makes this podcast unlistenable. Her voice is beyond obnoxious. Listen to HDTGM instead!!
larking todsAmy is unbearableI’ve tried many times to listen to the podcast and each time come away baffled at Amy’s “hot takes”. She has a political axe to grind and that dictates her reviews. She also seems intolerant of Paul’s opinions.
kc52mugsGood podcastI’ve leaned stuff about movies I love. Fun to listen to Unspoooooooooooooled
leahbobeeuhPaul’s takes on Dune 2 might be the end for meThat’s it. I was screaming in my car listening to this episode. Next time actually stop and watch the movie instead of planning your criticisms during it.
brdgiiuhdcvfschkjdsvniPaul is out of his lane.I listened to “Point Break” and then “Carrie”. I like Amy very much but I just can’t stomach Paul. The platitudes are too much for me and he just comes off as adding garnish rather than substance. Had to unfollow bc of this.
Mark Hated Apple NewsUnspooledThe episodes without a live audience are a little better.
Jdw85Paul is good but Amy meh…I came here after catching up on what went wrong podcast. I thought I’d find another one that discussed movie productions and the difficulties behind the scenes. Paul can be a little over the top at times but I truly appreciate his passion for filmmaking. I’m sorry but I can’t listen to Amy her critics are just not good and she doesn’t seem to understand basic concepts of movies. I also don’t know why she pauses in the middle of speaking like she is trying to elaborate a point where there isn’t one. Guess I’ll head back to how did this get made pod. I can put up with Jason’s random perverse comments more easily.
tranceaddict1Not goodFirst episode and last episode I listen to was the goonies and hearing Amy talk about the goonies and not understand it and make dumb comments. It’s absolutely ridiculous. I would never listen to another episode. Not good move on podcast.
Jill Lloyd FlanaganIt’s goodI like unspooled even though I wasn’t the biggest fan of Paul scheer when he joined. The problem with the podcast though is that they are kind of both these contrarians in different directions and so often it doesn’t feel like they get into what’s actually good or flawed about a lot of the movies they cover
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