A View from the Bunker


The nexus of geopolitics and theopolitics: Angels and demons, secret societies and government cover-ups -- the eternal war between good and evil. Welcome to the battlefield.

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  • šŸiPhone
  • unleavened81
    Derek Gilbert Rocksā€¦ that is all
    Read above :)
  • shovelhd
    Great topics that are well done
    Derek Gilbert is one of the best christian researchers on many topics and is a great producer and does not shy away from fringe topics and their relevance.
  • Jeri Kozak
    Fascinating and interesting!
    Derek Gilbert and his guests are always interesting and informative! I always enjoy listening to his episodes.
  • canucck
    A podcast that has opinions on books that it has not read, for lack of a better title
    I have sibscribed to this podcast for over a year, perhaps two and listen to the occasional episode. I listened to the episode about the Graham Hancock series with interest, and only one of the participants had read any amount of Hancocks books, and he seemed objective, but the host seemed to jump onto suggestions that his dismissive agenda, when it was discussed that Hancock had based his opinions on ayuasca experiences. It was very sad to hear the lack of objectivity, from the host and the other participants, and it was clear that they were not well versed in the subject that they were delivering their opinions. Unsubscribed.
  • Birthrightx
    Nothing else like it
    No one else is doing research and discussing these very interesting and relevant topics. I never miss an episode. Show is incredible.
  • crldouglass
    Love your shows.
    Hi Derek and Sharon. I listen to you both regularly. Sharon, you are a great example of health. Your marriage is a great example of loving and strong bonds. God loves that. Thank you for all the information and news. May the Lord bless your ministry.
  • T.spun_86
    Not bad at all.
    I grew up in the church and still believe, although I never go. Much American church of the American church has gone straight Pharisee. Iā€™d say 80% wouldnā€™t recognize the Woes as a direct critique of todays Christian denominations. Read them and consider the possibility heā€™s talking to you and your church. If you arenā€™t too far gone, you will see. This guy would consider the possibility. Thatā€™s why I can listen. Heā€™s in tune with current events and think heā€™s on the right track eschatologically. Similarly, his understanding of ancient history jives well. He also recognizes not all eyes have been opened. And many of those who have seen the light are far from the faithā€”think the magi. Heā€™s seems too invested in his political alliances. They will let him down. Maybe itā€™s a matter of utility. And he will, occasionally, have a real nut job on. But as long as they make a cogent argument, and he guides them to do so, Iā€™m happy to listen. God will continue to use him and his influence will grow, particularly when it hits the fan next time. Heā€™ll continue to do well developing relationships with the Magi. The Holy Spirit is a gentleman, of course. Thank you
  • haaser cat
    Am a fan
    By far my favorite podcast. I always am happy to see a new episode. I always learn something new.
  • Post-op Recovery
    Great Spiritual Food
    Just discovered the podcast. Fantastic. I will stay tuned.
  • ID JD
    This is such an excellent podcast! I still listen to Derek and Sharon Gilbert on SkyWatch TV, but VFTB is far superior, because there is no commercials. Just a solid hour of content. The content and guests on this podcast are top notch and should be listened to by every Christian. Keep up the solid work Derek!
  • Consoiracy Jim
    Great and Important Show
    This podcast is important because it deals with topics that need more attention in the Christian West (and everywhere, of course). My only criticism is that the host too often forgets to remind the listeners what certain terms or ideas mean or are referring to. I suppose he gets so into the topic while speaking to a guest that he forgets that some listeners arenā€™t familiar with everything and need some things to be explained. Other than that, I think itā€™s a great show.
  • rodsworth77
    Im a daily listener to many podcasts. This one A view from the bunker surpasses all others. Highly recommended
  • JMCpshw
    Every time I listen to The Gilbertā€™s I hear something that fits into the overall context of the Bible. Derek brings that intelligence into this podcast while bringing on REAL scholars and teachers of the Bible and Ancient Near East. He has taken that DEEEEP DIVE that not all of us can. Thank you May YHWH continue to bless and raise up your ministries for all of us to hear ā¤ļøšŸ›ā¤ļøšŸ›ā¤ļøāœļø
  • kploeser
    Timely & Insightful
    Great guests. Vetted research. Historical context explained for current events. šŸ‘šŸ»
  • Splinter Bjj
    Iā€™m glad to find this channel
    Thank you for the TRUTH GOD BLESS YOU
  • Tin Foil Hat Man
    I loved the shows with Dr Michael Bennet
    Awesome show
  • Dar Holt
    Iā€™ve been missing out
    Derek Gilbert has the perfect combination of interesting topics, engaging speakers, current events and timeless spiritual principles. I have learned so much from his platforms. If you want to grow in your knowledge and understanding of all things related to the truth of Jesus Christ I highly recommend Derek and Sharon Gilbert, Skywatch TV and their associated programming.
  • F35panther
    Great Research!
    VFTB is top tier when you want non Sunday School lessons, Subject matter is what a lot of people think about but never dare speak to others or donā€™t know where to get Information.
  • CEPPaulT65
    It's easy to be incredulous, but
    I have enjoyed listening, appreciating that I am not alone and not completely nutters observing what goes on in the world and it's true cause. It has been a good format and easy to listen regularly. The true way is to trust in Jesus of Nazareth!
  • Jeremiah Isaac
    One of several great shows hosted by Derek
    Derek is excellent at bringing real, pertinent and cutting edge content for the seeking Christian.
  • Jstee33
    Great Interviewer
    Derek is always enjoyable to listen to. He makes great radio and is an excellent interviewer.
  • stanla
    Outstanding show
    If there is a better podcast for Christians then I haven't found it. Terrific guests and relevant, urgent topics, but the real gem here is the host himself. Derek, it doesn't surprise me that you earned your chops in secular radio because it shows in your ability to communicate, and what you have to say is always worth hearing. I spent 35 years in seccular radio myself. I actually started 10 years before you. Josh Peck may not have been born when you started talking into a mic, but his parents may not have even met when I started talking into one. Unfortunately, what was coming out of my mouth was just shock jock nonsense and vulagarity. Didn't put my faith in our Lord until I had retired. But, oh brother, what a change it made. Now, do I agree with every prophetic stance you and Skywatch TV ascribe to? No, but so what? Prophecy is tough and we're all trying to figure it out, and it is important to understand other views as we (I) may need to pivot quickly when we (I) discover we (I) were wrong and the other guys were right. But here's one thing I hope you might consider. I wish our Christian brotheres and sisteers would stop referring to the expected temple as the Third Temple. If our Israeli friends do erect a building it won't deserve to be in the same sentence with the previous two Temples, which were God directed and overseen by true prophets of the Most High. This "temple" that might be built will not house the presence of God and will not be a Third Temple but a fake one and an insult to our Lord. So, can an Abomination of Desolation take place in a fake Temple? No, because there is nothing Holy in it to desecrate. BUT if your buddy does discover the Tabernacle of Moses...well, THAT is a different kettle of fish altogether. Regardless of wether you agree with me or not, I thank you for your podcast and pray for your continued ability to inform and encourage the rest of us. You are very, very good at it.
  • Southernheathen
    ultra right wing not christian at all
    propaganda pro Trump show disguiesed as Christian Radio
  • Rocky Creek Farm
    Wise use of your time
    Derek and Sharon bring credible interviews, thoughtful discussion and grounded thinking on interesting subjects from an informed Christian perspective. They recognize the wide field of views we all hold (and wrestle with) without judgement. They understand we only see part of the picture (1 Corinthians 8:2) but hold clearly to the truth of Jesus as our only way to Salvation. They put a lot of work into these programs and seem to be highly motivated to provide something useful instead of just trying to catch and monetize our attention.
  • Codeman422
    Always entertaining
    Not only is this podcast always entertaining but it is extremely educational and informational. Derek Gilbert does an amazing job speaking to his audience and to people he interviews. I believe Derek Gilbert could make any topic interesting to listen to.
  • Scythiant
    Praise God
    Truth, looking back into what really happened in days past, and Truth for today spiritually. Great stuff!
  • Jinkeez681
    Great podcast
    Love this podcast but the constant interruptions from the host make the show frustrating sometimes. He's long-winded and throws the guest off with having something to say about everything. Also he talks over the guest and takes a long time to get to a point or question.
  • ad.finem
    Great podcast for the discerning Christian
    Always relevant and touches on current topics. Thank you Derek for your efforts.
  • Oracle of Apollo
    Derek Gilbert Drinking Game
    Really enjoy the VFTB perspective on current events based on the Bible and ancient history. Recently, started playing the 'Derek Gilbert Drinking Game'. Every time Derek mentions his book while interviewing a guest, you have to take a shot. My doctor is advising me to stop listening to the podcast as my liver is shot. However, I'm hoping Derek focuses more on his guest and less on his own book and writings. Otherwise, I might need a 12-step program.
  • thedeadpools
    Love the podcast, Derek. Keep it up. Is there a way you can remember to keep the iTunes Podcast database updated? Lately the podcasts have been coming up slowly and had to download them from VFTB web site. Would like them to sync with iTunes which is so much faster and do not have to go online.
  • Doug and wife in AK
    Got me addicted to podcasts!
    I have really appreciated this brothers ministry! He has pleasant interview tactfulness; as well as an interesting array of topics that spark your attention. This ol boy got me started down the rabbit trail of podcast teachings and passion for seeking God.
  • Jffghuugfs
    Great show
    I have been a fan for years. I don't always agree but I always enjoy. I also love skywatch TV.....shameless plug. You should try to enter view Frank and Chris. If you can find Chris he has gone dark since the Chase thing. šŸ‘
  • Recon 73
    Fantastic Show!!
    I love this show aand can not wait till a new episode comes out every week. Derek has great guests on to interview, with thouht provoking subjects. Keep up the great work,
  • Flytrap2001
    Premier Podcast
    Derek Gilbert is the king of the fringe Christian podcast community for good reason!
  • semper reformanda1
    Bad Theology
    This show is full of bad pre-mill theology. Of course, one could argue that all pre-mill theology is bad theology. If you like theology mixed with science fiction, this is the podcast for you. The name of show should tell you all you need to know about the theology that is being presented.
  • becomelove
    Great stuff!
    Really love the way Gilbert leads and interview the people he's brought on just all in all really awesome! Really enjoyed this last one put on about the Exodus. I think everybody should listen to it
  • Locutus9
    Challenge Your Perceptions
    ā€œView From the Bunkerā€ is one of the best interview broadcasts that I have found on the internet. Derek Gilbert does an outstanding job balancing the various points of view in the Christian and Secular communities as he asks insightful questions of his guests. Additionally, Derek is not afraid to push the boundaries of normal dogmas and thought, while always remaining focused on the Biblical word. He is not afraid to use his Christian belief as a foundation of his evaluation, but he still respectfully interviews guests from all occupations, lifestyles, and perspectives. Additionally, he does not bow to worldly pressures or critics as he continues to interview guests from various opposing viewpoints to push for poignant insights into the current world we all live in.
  • Sonofliberity
    A must listen to podcast for all believers
    This show is such a great way to listen to up to date Bible prophecy current events end times and so much more.
  • jennifergrtn
    Love this podcast
    I have a great time listening and keeps my mind questioning. Thanks for the great podcast.
  • CoolmoT
    Great content and top notch execution!
    Derek is an excellent broadcast host who brings captivating discussions every episode.
  • R@gdoll
    Best podcast! Don't miss an episode!!
    I listen to a few news/interview type radio programs through podcast and this one is without question my favorite along with PID Radio. The host brings on informative guests, is respectful yet brings the truth. I appreciate the approach through which news and information is delivered...one that speaks to the real times in which we are living...and news that you won't get by turning on the major networks. The host is positive and open to many things people have questions about but the regular church just won't talk about. Through it all the host remains firmly grounded in the Word of God. Anyone who wants to know about what is REALLY going on in our world and in the one we cannot see should definitely tune in!! Keep up the great work!!
  • MrIncredAbel
    Great show. I've been a fan of you and Sharon for a couple of years now. I found you through reading Tom Horn's books. I enjoy the guests and your commentary and look forward to seeing you both on SkyWatch TV. Good luck with the move! Take care and God bless your ministry, John
  • Cloegail
    Wonderful show
    For Christians who are not afraid to investigate the margins! This show makes me think! Love it.
  • RickDCct
    VFTB is a Great show dealing with many important issues of today.
  • Spiker726
    Very informative but Doug Stauffer only slipped up when he mixed up the Jews as being ALL Israel. EZK 37 speaks of TWO sticks being joined by Jesus one day in the future..not one. So the TWO sticks are the two peoples spoken of one is named Judah meaning "The Jews" and the other one is named "Israel" speaking of the N. Kingdom are still separate today and they are also separate in the Great Tribulation. The TWO Kingdoms were split by God and never rejoined. Other than that error that many unknowingly make today the Pod Cast was well worth listening to.
  • HistoryGoesBump
    Derek does a great job!
    Great topics and guests and I like that Derek doesn't just stick strictly to Christian guests! Always in my rotation!
  • Mredood
    Good content
    Great interviews.
  • Ku Kai
    Very nice show
    Thought-provoking and tastefully presented show. I highly recommend it. The subject matter is important because it will help us to not be deceived.
  • Michael Trabtree
    Great podcast!
    VFTB does a great job of tackling some of the day's biggest issues from a Biblical worldview. Derek has a very engaging interviewing style. Looking at events of our day through a Biblical lens is so important and VFTB does this remarkably. I highly recommend this podcast to anyone interested in fringe topics that aren't always covered in church.
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