
The largest oil spill in American history captivated the public's attention for the entire summer of 2010. Authorities told a story of a herculean response effort that made shorelines safe and avoided a worst case scenario. Was that really the whole picture?
From Western Sound and APM Studios, Ripple is a new series investigating the stories we were told were over.
In Season One, we travel hundreds of miles across the Gulf Coast to learn the ongoing effects of the 2010 Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill - which are still impacting many coastal residents more than a decade later.

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Recent Reviews
  • Mickey_hiker
    Informative and provides the other side
    The BP oil spill became quickly an out of sight out of mind thing for a lot of people but it is still real for a lot of people. This podcast is wonderful to provide the first hand experience of those affected by the oil spill. It’s the behind the scenes that wasn’t/isn’t shared. It is engaging and so well put together.
  • PolinaRuv
    Gripping story
    I am on the third episode and I can’t stop listening. Not only is this an important story that hasn’t been told, but the storytelling style is tremendous. I’m shocked at the level of callousness towards the people affected. Thank you for telling their story.
  • trulydooley
    The important investigative reporting we need
    Ripple fills us in on the details of the BP Oil Spill and the consequences that have not been widely reported. This true story is disturbingly similar to other chemical company cases like the radium girls, that one would think couldn’t possibly happen in the 21st century. Thank you for sharing this important story.
  • Moman Rars
    A wonderfully thoughtful, well-researched show that’s as gripping as it is depressing. A must-listen for anyone interested in investigative reporting
  • crystalsue7
    Amazing investigative podcast!
    This is one of my favorite podcasts, I’m a sucker for anything investigative. While the subject material is very different, it has a similar vibe to Your Own Backyard. If you liked YOB, you’ll probably like this. I hope there’s a second season!
  • Troy Acheman
    Southeast Louisiana Native
    I’m from St Charles Parish and have lived in New Orleans for most of my life and this podcast shined a light on aspects of the spill that were not known to me despite living in the center of it all. Great reporting.
  • lisawat58
    Tragic, heartfelt and powerful
    My heart broke when the Deepwater Horizon explosion happened back in 2010, and broke all over again when I started listening to “Ripple”. The entire series was so well researched, and informative; not to mention beautifully written and highly emotional. All of the participants in this podcast were articulate and informed. Thank you for such a great listening experience.
  • BernFB
    Excellent story telling
    I listen to many podcasts and never review but I just had to for this one - so captivating and well written. Literally the best - a must listen!!!
  • eaglesodm
    Just the word “Corexit” makes me shiver in fear. Just the sight of the BP logo makes me cringe in anger. This is the best podcast I ever heard. Excellent journalism.
  • cybercrosis
    you really think the us government would do that? just gloss over the complexity of a catastrophe to preserve economic interests and leave vast swaths of the population to sicken and die? :0c
  • cmaaaaaaax
    Thanks for this show
    BP pled guilty to falsifying post bill data.
  • Fake Name 26
    Podcasting at its best
    Incredibly thorough, thoughtful and well produced. Thank you for this important work.
  • sdc23233
    Unbelievable story
    The story telling is amazing and enthralling. I remember this disaster but I don’t recall many of the details provided. Very well done!
  • mikeccurtis
    Listened from Houston TX to Mobile, AL
    A few days ago I heard this podcast being advertised. Having been steeped in the oil and gas industry in Houston since the early 00’s, companies involved being VERY familiar, I certainly was curious about the topic at hand and how it was going to be handled. Having made the drive along the gulf coast countless times, and having a planned road trip up I-10/12 through Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama, it was definitely the perfect podcast for this road trip. I was not disappointed. This podcast focused on the people directly affected by the spill, to this day. Their struggles, their battle against the big company, federal regulations and red tape. It was very well researched and presented. I learned a lot about a topic I thought I knew a lot about already. Well done. It was also pretty amazing that I started the podcast on 59 in Htown and finished ep 8 about 3 minutes before my final destination in Mobile. Perfect timing!
  • Mouse Griswold
    Fantastic. Must Listen!
    Absolutely the best podcast I’ve listened to since Serial. The reporting and production is well done. The story is poignant. I couldn’t stop listening!! Well done! Bravo!
  • Inpursuitofglam
    The journalism and the tenacity of all the journalist is unparalleled
    US citizens that are the hero’s in story after story always are the ones that pay the ultimate price with their life. When are we going to learn that the govt never has our best interest at heart? Just like the 1st responders of 9/11 so too are the hero’s from the BP spill left behind and forgotten about. Thankyou for your amazing work on this podcast. Thankyou for telling their stories so the rest of us can learn this lesson from the unknowing sacrifice these people made for us. I believe in karma too and I wish we could all witness BP’s future karma.
  • Crooooner
    Great storytelling and atmosphere, you can feel the soul of Louisiana and the cajun people
    This series is surprising and every episode is engrossing. Impressive storytelling. It covers the disaster, but also asks big picture questions that keep me thinking about the show after I'm done listening. It’s deep. Great music too, a rare feat!
  • Vsr20
    Phenomenal reporting and storytelling on a tragedy that is largely forgotten
    This podcast is one of the best I have listened to. The reporting is thorough and the storytelling driven by the voices of folks who were there. I didn’t realize how bad things were after the spill and how badly people were treated by BP and the government. At times, this has been hard to listen know, particularly knowing that nothing has changed or is likely to change.
  • HesterAB3
    Masterful exploration of the BP oil spill, unraveling human stories and systemic failures behind the environmental disaster. Engaging and immersive. Promotes reflection on the long term consequences of crony capitalism government and big business working together against the citizens.
  • Jawadekar
    One of the best podcasts I've ever heard
    I've been listening to this show since the week it came out and I've admired it more and more with each episode released. It's a rigorous piece of investigative journalism set apart by its host and its presentation. Ripple's host is never alarmist, always measured. His voice is rich and his delivery pensive as he reflects on the shocking details uncovered. The music is perfect. The writing is genuinely insightful throughout. There are moments in Ripple that infuriated me, moments that gave me chills, and many moments that had me in tears. The show is methodical AND compassionate, a haunting lament on loss and lies. Thank you to the makers of this outstanding podcast.
  • Loghill Brigade
    Excellent! People need to know and understand how big corporation money and brand is more important than the lives of people. This podcast helps to educate people so better decisions can be made which might help improve survival of those being taken advantage of by corporate money
  • Gregory Sweet
    A Jaw Dropper
    This is an incredibly well researched and presented podcast. It is so sad we see state and federal agencies and courts siding with large petroleum companies. Lives forever ruined and many lost with no hope for restitution. Well done.
  • RWestphal28
    Excellent investigation
    Excellent, thoughtful reporting and storytelling.
  • Mozzarella cheese stick OK?
    Great POD
    Host was great!
  • ...its ok
    Important Story to Share
    The only podcast I’m sharing with my networks right now. Great information and storytelling on a complicated and important issue.
  • Tyler I hate this app
    Amazing show
    Love the in depth analysis and deep dive. Loved the show so much that I donated and worth every penny.
  • Cbeaudzik
    OK I admit it the story about John Moss brought me to tears. his bravery and tenacity is beyond impressive. And the last line in this podcast made me cry all over again. Beautifully reported and poignant.
  • 698254
    Important Work
    Thank you for giving voice to the voiceless, and for offering the real truth of the devastating consequences of the BP spill and so-called clean-up. This podcast shines a bright light on the enormous human disconnect that allows financial profits to come before responsible, global citizenship. Thank you for this reporting.
  • OceanSolarFlare
    Revealed the Agent Orange Event in the U.S.
    Ripple takes on the most powerful government and one of the richest companies in the world. Bravos ~ Ripple shows how far a company was willing to go to cover its mistakes, and how powerless our government was when its citizens were threatened by this multibillion-dollar company. Ripple cuts through the noise of the usual news cycle and gives us an unvarnished look at the devastation of a man-made disaster. Very nicely done.
  • zombiemommysendcoffee
    Edge of my seat since episode 3
    It’s good. You’ll be upset at the total disregard for these peoples lives. Sadly I’m not the least bit surprised about what they were knowingly subjected to by the greedy and immoral.
  • CieloSera
    Excellent reporting
    One of the most thorough reporting podcasts I’ve heard.
  • Lozen16
    Excellent journalism. This is subject matter that is heavy and depressing but we should all be more aware of the ways our planet is being destroyed. The never ending thirst for oil and the lives ruined in its wake.
  • Veronica.Jones
    Great series!!
    Amazing series, so glad we have these reporters looking into the full story
  • dhdjfjfkfkdk
    Great storytelling. Keep it coming!
  • AdrienneMarieS
    Excellent reporting with many things I never knew, also with a strong bent towards the human costs of all of it. Kudos!
  • birdssszzzzz
    Great show
    Well reported and really engaging storytelling. I’m learning so much about an incident that has been unfairly forgotten by most of the country. Can’t wait for more episodes!
  • Classytchr
    Heartbreaking Story
    Well told and well paced. Lots of interviews with a variety of people adversely affected by this tragedy. So much we didn’t know.
  • Steve ms, cac
    Yo baby
    Interesting facts that I did not see during the actual event. Dude has a good voice.
  • Jordan's neglectes
    This is how great podcasts are constructed
    Perfectly done. Great pacing. We hear from the victims and voices of those impacted. No opinion based comments from the host. Excellent
  • SeeBea22
    Great pacing, great presentation!
    So much fascinating detail, but moves quickly and sounds amazing. A respectful approach.
  • Bankidu
    I always wondered about this!
    Very excited for this new show! I always knew we never got the full story of what happened after BP. Thanks to Dan Leone for uncovering this
  • Dressupper
    So well done and engaging I had a hard time pausing it when I got to work.
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