True Sunlight


Previously known as the Murdaugh Murders Podcast, True Sunlight is the intersection of True Crime, journalism and systematic corruption. Welcome to the new face of MMP.
True Sunlight is the antithesis of True crime. True Sunlight values accuracy over "access journalism". True Sunlight is shed with empathy — not exploitation. True Sunlight was created as a matter of public service — not just entertainment. While the name of the podcast has changed, our mission, values and team have not. We are simply expanding our horizons while continuing to shine a much needed bright light on crime and corruption wherever it appears.
Celebrated journalists Mandy Matney and Liz Farrell are taking their style of reporting beyond Alex Murdaugh and his co-conspirators while pursuing justice for all the victims you've met so far.
Ranked #1 and #2 globally in 2021 and 2023 respectively as the Murdaugh Murders Podcast, True Sunlight provides unmatched insight into the crimes and criminals exposed on MMP and dives deep into new instances of corruption across the US.

We empower listeners to understand their legal and judicial systems through investigative journalism while providing tools to hold agencies and public figures accountable in order to change those systems for the better. 

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Recent Reviews
  • atleagle81
    Used to be good. Too personal now. Edited to add: you’re still rehashing facts from the murder case for the 100th time? They are geniuses only in their own minds
  • aslsherry
    This podcast sets a high bar
    I feel I can trust the facts that are being presented on True Sunlight. They are researched and corroborated. The discussion clarifies their meaning and importance. Mandi and Liz do have their opinions about what’s happening, and that’s fine with me. This is a podcast, not the evening news. Their story IS part of the story here. I’m glad they are moving on to some new cases, but I do still want to see the Murdaugh story to its conclusion, including the others who participated in his schemes. Since listening to this podcast, I’ve become much more discerning about the others I’ll listen to.
  • Rathersmallfish
    Please Research Mental Health More
    First, I want to be clear that I usually thoroughly enjoy this podcast. However, the coverage of Mica Francis makes me feel as if mental illness isn’t thoroughly understood or researched by the hosts, which, to be fair, isn’t uncommon. As someone who is bipolar, I can 100% understand how Mica may have just snapped, and that something pushed her over that final decision-making-cliff, even if Mica herself wasn’t bipolar. While I understand that such a concept can be difficult to comprehend, there is a LOT of research to back up this type of behavior prior to someone ending their lives through suicide, which leads me to my problem with this podcast: just because it’s a hard concept to grasp doesn’t mean it’s not what happened, and I feel like this possibility is being ignored by the hosts, which is extremely disappointing when the rest of their reporting seems to be so in depth and carefully researched. Or worse, they are choosing to ignore it because suicide isn’t as dramatic as the other theories. Either way, the lack of accepting that suicide, that Mica may have just snapped & the suicide wasn’t a premeditated action, is a legitimate possibility for Mica’s death feels disingenuous and incongruent with the typical caliber and unbiased reporting that made me a fan of their reporting to begin with. As someone who also comes from a writing/communications background, it’s disappointing to feel like I found a podcast that utilized traditional journalism with unbiased reporting that has begun slipping into unfounded speculation, especially when doing more research into pre-suicidal actions would provide the possibility of answers to some of the most basic questions surrounding Mica’s actions the day that she died.
  • KIPHazel
    Quality Information True Sunlight
    Love this podcast ☺️ Incredibly well done and comprehensive. “Pesky” in Oregon.
  • 90 all day
    Change it up
    I don’t know why I keep listening to this podcast. The more I listen the more it annoys me. She sounds more and more like a middle school girl spreading gossip.
  • 3fabboyz
    Love True Sunlight!!
    I have been listening since Season 1, Episode I on our drive down to our house in Isle of Palms, South Carolina and was hooked! Made our drive “fly” by! As an ex journalist from KC, now Boston area, I instantly loved Mandy and Liz! Their tenacity, peskiness and determination cannot be touched. Also became addicted to COJ! In MMP, I always loved when EB was on! He is so smart and genuine. A great permanent addition to COJ! Keep up all of your great work! “Stay Pesky”! ❤️💙
  • ClarkD982
    Mandy and her team seem to have a knack for diving deep into the details and unraveling complex narratives. It's like detective work for the ears, piecing together the puzzle of human behavior and justice.
  • Well:
    Please stop!
    Your obsession with DH is bizarre. Can’t you just report the shocking loss of DH in the State Senate? No, you were not the only reporter who clearly saw the writing on the wall with AM. Please find some journalistic skills and stop the high school drama. You harp on those who have wronged you. It is so strange. You had a good podcast with obvious great sources. You shouldn’t be the story!
  • brendatoo2002
    Listening from day one.
    I’ve been listening to Mandy and her reporting of this whole issue from the first day. But honestly I’m sick of always hearing on every single episode that information is behind a paywall. It seems like lately all they do is discuss the most popular topics on social media at the time. What happened to Steven Smiths case? You said you’d not let that fall by the wayside but it’s been months since you said anything about him. It’s not popular so you don’t update on his situation?
  • A UK fan
    Time to retire David
    This man is just plain incorrect for podcasting - l ave it to your wife please
  • Engman19
    Don’t bother
    Tuned out after narrator claims JP was never found guilty or charged with these crimes. Sweetheart you are innocent until proven guilty.
  • Listener2021:)
    Exceptional research and podcast
    Podcast used to be amazing. One of the best out there. Still has incredible journalism and I’m a huge fan. Lately they have some huge blind spots but I’m still a listener and appreciate their dedication and commitment to calling out abuse and corruption. They aren’t afraid to “say it like it is” and I’m here for it.
  • JoyShops
    ‘Journalism’ issues here
    Journalism is well-written, well-documented facts and information. It should be a story - easy to follow and understand. This seems like a lot of over-dramatization of the story, woven together with self-congratulatory tales about the good old days of very small markets and normal, regular journalist interactions. Real journalism is very different. I couldn’t follow this podcast for more than 5 minutes. The writing needs an overhaul and the narrators need some vocal coaching.
  • Ckgibbs
    Love the Podcast, but…
    Why does David read so dramatically? It’s too much. These are legal documents and letters; the over-emphasis detracts from the message in my opinion.
  • Ally Buehrle
    Best Podcast out there
    What an awesome Podcast. So we’ll done! Thanks for all your hard work to get the truth out.
  • jaydaarmstrong
    Amazing Job, Mandy!
    I’ve been listening to MMP since day 1 and listened to you grow. I’m proud to be a fan and love True Sunlight and COJ! Thank you for being you. It’s refreshing and awesome. GO YOU! Liz, you have been an outstanding addition. You both are brilliant 🤩🙌
  • Riv'sLita
    Keep up the exceptional work!
    Found out about your podcast late, but decided to go back to the beginning and listened with interest and sometimes edge of my seat tension. The combination of Liz and Mandy is stellar—journalism at its finest. David’s contributions are delightful and appreciated as well. You got me here through some rough times by being there to keep my mind occupied, so thanks extra for that! Keep spreading the sunlight!!
  • wanzong420!
    This is a hard one to listen to. My heart goes out to Mica and her loving family and friends. Believing that justice will be served. Keep up the pressure!
  • lmcg218
    Not sure anymore…
    Was a fan since the beginning but lately… seems like a ton of self congratulating and hiding fact behind paywalls. Not really my thing at the moment.
  • Tailormouseforever
    Excellent podcast
    Thank you all for your research and coverage on behalf of victims. And FTR, I like David’s dramatic readings. Keep up the great work.
  • jeannie_waitress
    Please read normally.
  • 48857921670752
    Great job!
    Love the work you do for victims. Keep shining the sunlight with your powerful investigative journalism.
  • mmmmb49
    Love this podcast!
    My only problem with the podcast is I have to wait! I listen to it early in the morning on the day it is released, and I have to wait another week for the next one. The story telling is amazing and reporting so detailed oriented. Really understand the players and the frustration is real with the system. Thank you Mandy and Liz! (And David- your readings are perfect. 😜)
  • alphagam5
    The future of journalism is female (plus 2 dudes and Luna..and Joe Pesky)
    Longtime listener, first time reviewer. This is what journalism needs to look like in today’s world - transparent research, factually supported commentary, and adaptive in branching out to other cases. It’s hard work exposing antiquated systems benefiting entrenched people… who have a lot to lose. Keep it up, you’re the foundation for our next generation of journalists.
  • ew719
    Don't hurt your arms...
    You have probably never heard the saying "Don't hurt your arm, patting yourself on the back". It took over 7 minutes of you talking about how good each of you are doing before you got to the other subject of the podcast. The story. It's getting harder and harder to listen in hopes of hearing something about the news story you are covering, or saying you are covering.
  • Dar Dar
    Stop already!
    I’ve listened from the beginning and have seen many reviews that complain about David’s readings. There was an episode or two where he seemed to stop being overly dramatic and derisive. We are intelligent listeners and it is soooo annoying and disrespectful as if we won’t “get” it without his horrible emotionality as he reads. Please stop! Otherwise, love the show.
  • JenniferPerie
    I was unkind, unfair & flat-out WRONG in my April review
    T.S. is deeply committed to pointing out the inequalities & unfairness of our two-tier system of justice. I fervently hope the journalists of this podcast will please accept my sincere apologies; I overreacted earlier, completely misunderstanding, thinking that they were withholding the “True Sunlight” of the Colucci case, making the salient details for Premium Members only. And yes, I have long recognized that Bonus Content IS a valid offering. However, for some (uncalled-for) unfathomable reason (perhaps it was/is that I care so much for the cruel way Sara Colucci was MURDERED - & that inexcusable initial “investigation” - I am also one for whom there can never be enough details - ikr🙄), in April ‘24, I had lowered my review from the original Five Star review which I gave years ago IMMEDIATELY after the VERY FIRST Episode of Murdaugh Murders. ... I deeply relish the length of each episode, & am extremely impressed with the extent & quality of the research, & ADMIRE the journalists’ commitment & professionalism. Mandy is a sensitive person. Dog people are! Long may you bark, Ms Luna! IMHO, we need more sensitive people - not fewer. Because sensitive people are the ones who really care, & empathize with victims, & with those who live with the aftermath of tragic, traumatic losses. It’s admirable to me how Mandy has persevered. (I, for for one, never actually heard ‘vocal fry’!) And Liz as especially has a unique way of pointing out the ironies of the various actions - unethical, legal, judicial - her acerbic tone is subtle, astute, & she adds a lot to each episode. I admire how many FOIA requests Mandy, Liz & associates pursue & analyze - & then analyze some more! We need podcasters like these, who will CARE ABOUT injustices. And OMG - Bowen Turner!!! Spoiled, whining, whimpering, white-bellied brat - & let’s not forget - a rapist! (Do I need to qualify rapist with “alleged”?) … Consider the vast number of motions being papered by M. Colucci’s exorbitantly well-paid attorney - recent episodes go into detail, & I LOVE all the legal verbiage.
  • KyraSe
    Favorite Podcast
    You all do amazing work and I look forward to this every week!
  • Lpbailey
    Last 2 eps
    There would be no way to determine which episode, Bowen Turner video or Colucci texts were more annoying. I get that you can’t help how gross the criminals are but sheesh all those folks need to crawl back under whatever rock they emerged from. Just 🤢
  • Born in Carolina
    Hasn’t changed
    I gave up trying to cringe through this podcast a year ago because I couldn’t no longer tolerate the whining and self aggrandizing by the hosts. There’s also so much these two spew that a little of your own research can debunk that it drove me to a point of disgust. I decided to give it another try thinking maybe they were finally taking the advice of listeners that were dropping like flies because of it, and had improved. Guess I was stupid to think two people so full of themselves would try to do the right thing. It’s even WORSE than before and they have a cult following on SM that will dox and harass anyone who has a difference of opinion. Mandy has publicly praised these individuals calling them her troll hunters and bragging that they chase the undesirables away. I’ve never seen so called professional journalists act this way. Even worse is the way the constantly demean their journalistic colleagues to the point that they’ve basically lost all respect in the profession. Unless you want to spend an hour listening to a couple of overgrown 13 year olds tell you how they’re the only journalists who get it right and whine about their critics don’t waste your time. This podcast is slowly drying up anyway. Listeners are steadily dropping and it won’t be relevant much longer. Search for a legitimate true crime podcast that has a long track record for covering multiple cases that will give you the facts instead of their biased opinions.
  • DarlinHeSaid
    Ep 46
    I can’t thank you enough for doing this work and making the essential facts available to all at no cost. Lax prosecution of rapists and wife or girlfriend abusers and murderers in South Carolina is incredibly intimidating to all girls and women who know without even asking, that they will not be protected from male violence or defended by the courts if they stand up to it. You also showed in the Murdaugh case how generational change can happen and that it’s one-by-one and not one-and-done. All the best!
  • Blue Huron
    Michael white privileged murder
    Excellent broadcast it was very annoying to listen to the whole mortgage thing and what he got away with unbelievable what is it with South Carolina and these people it’s really infuriating for somebody who has my own business what I have to do to have a mortgage and qualify for anything. He never works. He’s always backed up by all these people and the banks and really the white privilege is getting old in this country. It’s just what it is with Alex and the rest of them.
  • mama-mag
    Great podcast!
    Love this podcast! Can’t wait to follow along with this next case!
  • katieomi
    The Only Accurate Source!
    I started listening to this podcast about 2 years ago when I started with Episode 1 and what started as a curiosity has turned into a faithful devotion to this team and their multiple podcast productions. This dedicated team does journalism the way it’s supposed to be done - with honesty, integrity, compassion, empathy, rigor, and an unwavering commitment to finding and speaking the truth. Thank you Mandy, Liz, David, Eric and the whole team!
  • The Album Cover.
    Way too preachy
    This podcast was relevant, if far too biased, when the mystery, investigations and trials were ongoing. Its pivot has remained unpleasantly preachy and its presentation too dramatically breathy and moralistic. Please give it another pivot and maybe have another regular viewpoint.
    One trick pony
  • textgoon
    Great episode on next case
    True Sunlight comes roaring back with a new investigation to pursue now that Murdaugh is done and dusted!
  • Interested Guest
    Enough for me, First the "Becky Hill podium", Now with the Kate Middleton podcast segment, Done..
  • yahoo girl 19
    I am done
    This crew is done.
  • FANewcomer
    #44 fascinating reporting🌞
    I’ve been following Mandy and Liz for a number of years. They r professional as in trained/educated journalists who know grammar, spelling and their dogged determination is astounding. I love u for takin’ on the good ole boys.😎
  • mtennesseejane
    Listening from Texas
    I found the MMP podcast randomly on Apple. I listened to a couple of episodes and realized there was so much more to the story than I was hearing on CNN. So I immediately went back and started listening to the very first episode. I have been shocked over and over at what y’all have dug up, but mostly elated at the actual real life difference y’all have made in the Lowcountry good ol’ boy system. I’ve been wishing you had a sister podcast in Texas. The twists and turns, as they were discovered by your investigative reporting have just been absolutely fascinating. Keep up the great work! Staying pesky in Texas.
  • slkkbnc
    LunaShark jumped the shark
    I used to be a big fan but not anymore. When the whole “Where’s Kate” debacle happened Liz posted a photo of William and Charles with a tree they planted and said that he gave her “Alex Murdaugh vibes” then retweeted a post that called Catherine a racist. Mandy was a bit better but this is not how true journalists work they cry about trolls but do the same. I will no longer support them. Understand if you listen to them they are entertainment only.
  • G00STER
    So close
    I want to give it a better rating because I do believe this team brings the most accurate truth to the repulsiveness of the SC justice system. I applaud the relentlessness and thoroughness of the teams work. But good grief do I find the sarcasm so off putting and unprofessional. It often plays like an adult podcast with intermittent teenage commentary. That being said, please keep up your continued efforts with the Smith case. It sure seems like the case might be long lost if not for your coverage and attention.
  • jeffboy13459
    My least favorite Murdaugh podcast
    I began listening in the early days of the Murdaugh case. It was informative and enjoyable, despite the narration. It went off the rails, however after the case gained national attention. There was all kinds drama with other journalists and news sources, as well as lots of entitlement and martyrdom on the part of the hosts. It became boring and tedious, unless you were fans/followers of the hosts and their “community,” which became highly toxic, accusatory, and childish. I gave it another shot after the trial ended and they rebranded, but it just wasn’t for me.
  • Karenonitunes
    I love this podcast. It is so clear, and straightforward. My Mom was a journalist so this approach is extremely refreshing. The whole story is so crazy, complicated and fascinating. Thank you for doing this podcast! As I continue to listen, I remain so impressed with your journalistic approach and deep dives. There is so much HARD work done behind the scenes.
  • Rob Vale
    Ugh! Call it a wrap!
    Went from great Murdoch murder podcast to ad nauseum ads and plugs about Mandy’s horrible book and stupid “appearances”….as if she is a “personality”…..pure ego driven drivel. So sad, shoukd just called it a wrap or hired soneone yo help transition,
  • rarely 223
    Just to set the record straight, you seem to be under the impression that your podcasts are #1 in the nation/globally. After a quick dive, you are not in the top 25 or even the top 50 rated podcasts. Seriously, the Office Ladies beat you! Since you appreciate the truth (remember, you are the only ones who do!), I thought you like to know. Your welcome !
  • bb19274628
    Gave up on it.
    Just so unbearably bad in every way. Choose another podcast. ANY other podcast.
  • Keepn-it-real
    The way Mandy continues to insinuate Buster had something to do with Stephen Smith’s death is ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTING. Is this how she plans to continue to milk these tragedies for her own personal gain?! Gross. Mandy saying she now has sympathy for Paul after all the terrible things she’s said about Paul, Maggie, and Buster is a joke. They were actual victims in these crimes. Mandy was not but continues to act like she was. Don’t think she should be judging anyone. The whole true sunlight cult is trash 🗑️
  • cobeans03
    Eric Bland
    I noticed that Mr. Bland was not mentioned in the names of the few people Sandy Smith trusts now. That’s a shame. As a listener, he was so informative and respectful of the sensitive issue for the Smiths. Mandy and Liz should have included him. Also, he is well spoken and has added so much to both podcasts.
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