The Will Cain Show


Join FOX & Friends Weekend host Will Cain as he tackles the latest headlines from his unique perspective along with thought-provoking long-form interviews with leading figures and live calls from viewers and listeners. The Will Cain Show merges the worlds of news and sports, with a spotlight on audience interaction. You can listen live to The Will Cain Show on Fox News’ YouTube channel, Facebook page, or on at noon (12p ET), Monday through Thursday. And catch Will now five times a week on the FOX News Podcast Network!

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Recent Reviews
  • wailboy
  • Mlrus
    Great news always
    Listen to you daily, and also watch you on Fox/friends. Noticed while watching you this morning (Saturday) that anytime you were reading your pages, you held them so close to your face. Maybe a visit to the eye doctor is in order? lol.
  • 80'sVillager
    Strange Twist
    From Sports pundit to Right Wing Hack.
  • Ron0824
    Blue Bloods
    I would agree, \\//illanova is the Mason Dixon line of who’s in or out of the blue blood club. However, right now the shine has come off of UCLA and Indiana. Somewhat like Michigan football. Considered a blue blood program however this year’s title was their first full title in 75 years.
  • Shamrock715
    Love the shoe
    I loathe Dwayne like poison. K
  • JOB 69
    Great show
    Will is a great communicator, takes the time to dig into issues and explain. Highly recommend.
  • Chris, Charlotte NC
    Well-Rounded and Intelligent
    Thank you will for being a bright spot within American Media.
  • Lesa Gayle
    Loved the thoughtful but humorous discussion with the Fellas.
  • Doug in Charlotte
    Love the content and the length
    Your podcast are never rushed and I love the length.
  • Old School Fan yttfg533886
    Guys good 👍
  • 603Chappy
    The Goat?
    Will ,loved your debate on Goats. True Mahomes is a dynamic winner but I’ll just say 28-3 and you say Goat! Bill Russell would say he is the Goat too. Look at Bill’s record: NCAA Championship, Olympic Gold Medal and 11 NBA titles he is the Ultimate winner without a shoe contract! Bill was a different generation so no 40 year old fan would deny Jordan is the best except Bill himself! Bill had a great NBA cast but he always denied the most dominant force in the league, Wilt ! Records are made to be broken but nobody will catch Russell and Mahomes can wait his turn. Rick from New England
  • tomshairpiece
    Debating what Bomani Jones says… What a waste of time you’re giving him everything he wants. The guy is irrelevant. What a waste of 35 minutes.
  • Bumbroosky
    Good podcast
    Biden sees the end in site for the virus. He has to be in a position to take credit for beating the virus. So rush to put in place more mandates that get attention and show his strong actions as the virus goes away on its own. Then he declares victory!! After having done nothing to alter the course of the virus. 😃 You and Pete need to control her on weekends. Talks way to much. Get Carley or Safire back. “You Know “ Good show Friday. Your guest was right about Prescott. Ouch!! Rachel doesn’t need to be in your podcast. She is hard enough to watch on weekends.
  • Murraygirl
    Jan 19
    Love today’s show with Jake Cakn. I didn’t know who he was until I listened to him and you guys were very entertaining. I also enjoyed hearing your picks’ Please get the review portion of this podcast fixed. When I go to “ write a review”I’m forced to erase my last review before I can submit a new one. Shirley King Nashville Tennessee
  • [A-Z]22
    First show
    I realize he’s a friend, but for your first show of the new format? SAS lacks credibility… Looking forward to the daily routine!
  • c&ones
    The Bibile Recap podcast is a great personal daily reading and learning. 😊. Happy New Year!
  • Redbirdfan64
    Appreciate the opinion of Will Cain
    I so appreciate and look forward to your rants and opinions. Its like you live in my head as our opinions are such much alike, except for your love of Tx sports teams. Naturally. Im from IL and my love of bad football ( Bears, Illini) and basketball is similar to yours. Though your teams are now winning. My day will come again hopefully before I perish. Love this podcast and your take on language and the ignorance of our society. Keep up the great work and would really like to see you build your franchise as has Stephen A., Clay Travis, Megyn Kelly and others. You can do this without Fox News. Merry Christmas to you and yours this holiday season. Cheers!
  • jenniferb1634
    Enjoy his perspective.
    I enjoy, listening to Will, and his use of factual statistics during his arguments, which is quite rare these days.
  • Effedup!
    Top shelf!
    Will provides some fantastic information for those who are inclined to take matters into their own hands and be responsible for their own destiny. The caliber of his guests is of the highest quality with the most sterling of credentials.
  • TWS 46
    Will Cain Interview Rand Paul
    Appreciate interview with Rand Paul. Will provides guest ample time to answer the question (as always).
  • BamaRocks86
    Why are you off Rumble
    Things happen in the media and we never know why, so I’ll ask. Why no longer on Rumble. FNC mandate?
  • Ungarkelt
    Serious misinformation about Michigan football reported as a fact.
    Check your sources, Will. That guy on the CMU sidelines was not Stalion and he was not fired, he resigned. Do you think a perfect stranger can put on CMU gear and a laminate and show up on the sidelines standing amongst their coaching staff unnoticed? The complex electronic monitoring was an iPhone camera on the sidelines. Up your game and report actual facts, your sloppy journalism is making this worse and slanting public opinion against UM.
  • Title Town Mass
    Dave Smith 😂
    Sports fan and a history guy as well that tunes in on occasion, especially with this Israel issue going on. This guy Dave takes the cake, what a fool I can’t comprehend this guy smh. I could go into like 10 ridiculous takes he made but I’m currently working and making the decision to not dive into all that at the moment 🤣 Anyways keep up the good work, god bless u and your family 🇺🇸
  • RH Reader
    Taylor Swift and NFL
    The only Kelsey and Swift that are in the NFL and should be talked about are at Lincoln Financial Field. Go Birds!! 🦅
  • rosanne68
    What were they thinking
    PA voters decide on this slob and I say that since that is the persona he prefers, or Dr Oz s beyond me. Almost like NYC prefers Adams rather than Sliwa Amazing what is going on
  • ttytyyyyyyfrdt
    ESPN is not the same
    Followed you forever! Why does Fox have to charge for podcast subscription??
  • Kid Pail
    Gaslight Master
    The transformation from intelligent and well spoken broker of truth to an articulate gaslighting member of the destructionist party is complete. Will openly debated a few years ago about whether his morals would allow him to follow others down this same path. He has been convinced the ends justify the means and has lost his way. Trump is a tool of destruction for Will and he useful martyr to tear this country and all its institutions down. All wrapped up in the label of America First. Will loves some former version of America that harkens back to the 1950s. He is looking for progress driving in reverse.
  • JCurt2
    Cool insight and stories
    Love the takes and the stories Will Cain tells. Has some great guests and interviews too.
  • Fossiere
    Thank you!
    Your podcast from Feb. 20, 2023, was so so beautiful. Your analogy of a stay at home mom and her importance and contribution to our society was really appreciated by me and the millions of Mom’s who were blessed to ‘stay at home’. I just listened to the podcast with Clay Travis, who I think is great and I value his opinions; unfortunately is was a bad connection and Clay was breaking up the entire show.
  • raeast
    Vivek love fest
    Sorry guys but I do not want a Hindu as my President! Ain’t gonna happen.
  • Marioraphaël
    What about Mexicans? All the land stolen from them and native Americans!!! These democrats are a joke !!!
  • schnauzerdog
    Will Cain
    Keep him!! He does a great job! Even though he’s from wrong UT, he is a great listen!! University of Tennessee is THE only UT!! I’m a redneck country boy from middle Tennessee and I LOVE listening to his point of view!! ESPN went downhill when you left.
  • MauraX2
    Just don’t connect with this podcast…
    I find Will Cain’s podcast to be boring and blah. The topics are just rehashes of things covered by others elsewhere in far more interesting ways. I won’t be wasting my time listening again.
  • Bwillett
    Stephen a
    He is just race baiter making over arching wrong accusations.
  • Baker4vt
    Listen intently
    Your podcast is the only one that I almost never miss. I like your logic and the mix of topics between politics, sports and your life experiences. Keep it up. Also I listen to your Spotify playlist often. Thanks
  • Wes_Barnes7
    Unfortunately have to stop listening!
    Hey Will, I have to write this out of respect for you. I’ve been following your work for well over 6 years from first take and your ESPN podcast and now on Fox. After Tucker got cut from Fox the way he did I just lost all respect for the Fox brand. As soon as your on a different platform I will return to listening. I have no interest in turning on that channel ever again,Fox showed their true colors and their real agenda! I’ve really enjoyed listening to you and your view points, I just can’t support a company like Fox. This is honestly been weighing heavily on me to write this. I don’t know you’ll ever read this but had to tell you . I wish you all the success! Hope to see you on a different platform sooner than later, your way better than the Fox brand. Know your worth! -Wes
  • yet another new walker
    Epicurious vs Epictetus
    I really enjoyed this one, I think Will had food on his mind🤔😜
  • TPCansu
    Steve Friend
    Great interview love Steve Friend, Kyle Seriphin, and the others that are blowing the whistle.
  • mbapsu
    Will Cain deserves a prime time show
    Will Cain applies logic, articulation, and a genuine delivery that sounds real not scripted. I demand that Fox News give Will Cain his own prime time show (quick before Fox management completely destroys the network). Will Cain may just save the FoxNews network from certain failure. Great interview with Steve Friend!!!
  • Ryan Burnham
    Will acts out of character
    Much of this podcast is Will’s personal diary, listening to his personal daily life activities which I find uninteresting. I love Will but I find him to be way too theatrical on here, which might be a product of him feeling the need to overcompensate for not having producers or cohosts or callers. It is out of character for him and it detracts from his messaging, in my opinion (the screaming, extreme voice inflections, different cadences). I loved him on ESPN radio and doing hits on first take when he was more natural and relaxed.
  • bdhdjn zcnvdom xu
    Misogynistic lunatics are running the asylum
    It’s shocking to me that news that is this absurd, misogynistic and low rent appeals to even the lowest common denominators. #sheeple
  • Zed_55
    Sometimes it seems that Fox News hosts are not completely honest with us.
  • Chester4726
    Don’t think you understand
    Listened to you and supported you since you appeared on espn. Just listened to an ad on your podcast for Disney+. Sorry I’m done. I look for people with morals. Can’t preach if you don’t practice it. So unsubscribed. Almost painful. Sorry enjoyed you. Best of luck!
  • mudd52
    Will Cain podcast
    Love this - and totally agree that we need more heroes in every day situations!
  • XorgeX55
    When do we get to the Irena Briganti interview? The Constitution is only as good as those that abide by and enforce it. As it has been said: it is the first casualty of war. Beware, be careful, watch your back. Hate to see what happened to TC happen to you. And although I still find your podcast informative and even inspirational, my enthusiasm has waned significantly. BTW: I’m done with Fox.
  • NativeTexican
    Shallow & Vain
    Not a true Texan in spirit. Claims to love the truth and doing the “right thing.” In reality couldn’t even muster enough intestinal fortitude to even wish his recently departed colleague a fond farewell. As the young folks say, he sold. Dissapointing.
  • Lerxst
    Intelligent and thought-provoking
    I can’t say enough good things about this show. Will always raises important issues, looks at them from both sides, and admits when he just doesn’t have the right “answer.”
  • kweingand
    The Best
    Really enjoy Will’s podcast and his love of western culture. Ride on cowboy!
  • Herbi17
    Listening since I was a kid
    Hey Will! Love the podcast. I remember listening to your ESPN show on my FM radio built into my nightstand clock in my room. You were my favorite national show when I was in my early teens. I always made sure I was in my room around 10:00 PST to listen to you. I was bummed to have you leave. I rediscovered you again, this time in my early 20s, about six months ago on Apple Podcasts. My favorite thing about you is that your bias makes you more convincing. You admit it’s there, you embrace it, but you try to see both sides of the story and you are never afraid to admit that you’re wrong. My one complaint, which almost made this a four star review, is that the sports stories you talk about are limited to the biggest stories but mostly UT and the ‘Boys. Take your reaction to free agency of ‘23. Not even a mention of the Seahawks, who resigned a pro bowl QB, fixed some major problems on defense, while having the 5th and 20th picks, along with two second rounders. There are more teams outside of Texas! Go Hawks Sam
  • Darin La.
    The MAN Mantle
    I rate my “entertainment options” on expressing the “man” principle. Will seems as genuine as they come when it comes to being a man. Loves his family and is passionate about being involved in their life. “Watching my kids play soccer”, YOU GET IT! Keep expressing the manly ideals as many need to hear it!
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