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Stantastic0035 - 45 mins per hourI thought this was a political talk show. Travis turns it to sports to often. Losing interest in this podcast.
Satchel27txONESIESYes, I would like to order a Bernie Sanders with a side of onesies and a medium fruit flute
YngashdjCheck out Portsmouth Naval HospitalLove your podcast and commentary ! A recent harrowing experience at Portsmouth Naval Medical hospital . Retired Air Force husband . Major heart attack , happened while told a 5 hour wait with heart pains , young man checking us in had very broken English so the communication wasn’t clear and difficult to understand . The waiting room was horrific and disgusting . I can’t imagine what the rest of the hospital looks like . Please ask Sec Hegseth to look at that major hospital for the military in Portsmouth VA. Thank god husband was transported to a local heart hospital and surgery there from local cardiologist saved his life . The attitude that our military deserves these horrible conditions is shameful . This place use to be decent and was shocked to see the mess and decline . Thank you
tally_fsu_fanOther ShowsWhy are there so many other shows in this podcast feed? I’m here for Clay and Buck not 10 other podcasts.
Lorrie legsUnbelievableRich and Sean .. absolutely love you guys !!! Thank you for your incredible analysis. Just fun to listen to you guys !!
cmrryty4656Lousy PodcastCMATTHEW
Just me, JosephineJosephineWould you pardon your child if you were an honest person and could see that justice was served? A decent person would not; and of course, a corrupt person would pardon his criminal child.
Higs1942Real journalismExcellent interview with honest information
AJ_LarsonOccasional listenerThe content is good but there’s way too many ads, and it’s frustrating having the feed jammed with all kinds of other shows I’m not interested in, and 50 different edits of the program. It’s like they’re trying to use their one podcast feed on these apps as a network/separate platform which is irritating.
ElCheapadorThe new Normally show is greatI love the new show with Ham and Markowicz. They are fun to listen to and make a great team. Entertaining and informative. Would enjoy hearing them more than just twice a week.
non-squishyTOP NOTCHReasoned, rational, on target analysis of daily events. Humorous delivery, great back and forth between hosts and with callers. C & B dominate the airwaves. Great follow on to the legend, Maha Rushie.
Wrathofpaul84Great podcastA bit heavy on the ads, but very informative.
DkwestonNever miss this show!Highly recommend. I listen every day.
Ralatham83Something for EveryonePolitics, for sure, but this podcast touches on everything. Sports, entertainment, finance, intelligence gathering, travel, firearms, wine and bourbon are just some of the topics covered by this show. Can’t wait until they get Clay in the kitchen to teach him how to cook
kyjenkiSo DisingenuousStop treating Americans like we are stupid.
reklawdniwStop the commercialsFire Clay, get Derek Hunter!!!!
JR402424EhI love Buck but Clay adds nothing to the broadcast and a pile of commercials. I’ll stick with Bucks Podcast and continue wishing it was longer again
Thack SFI Must Have Watched A Different DebateI must have watched a different debate…. I thought Trump did OK for 3 on 1. You guys were SO negative. It was so depressing I quit the podcast halfway through.
N8eroutClay and BuckThe daily’s podcast that I can trust.
NeversummermanGo back to sports ClayWay too much sport analogies and sports talk for a political talk show. If I wanted to hear about sports I would be listening anywhere else. I don’t care about every guest’s (on the show) favorite sports teams and who they’re rooting for in any of the games. Get rid of Clay and make it the Buck Sexton show again. Screw the overplayed and over paid sport actors.
0unhappy7654Great show MenThank you for the Truth
mrs mc gonagall's sisterYour silly…Trump is a waste of my vote. The guy is too weird and nuts. My republicans eyes are wide open. Be honest with your listeners. The guy is a criminal and my family and I don’t trust him with our lives.
Low Country FanStop pushing Biden’s re election.I’ve loved your show but recently you keep pushing the idea that Harris is going to win. I worked on the last 3 GOP elections, and everyone is afraid the left is going to cheat again to win. So finding people to work for the GOP is not easy. We need positivity and not you two pushing the Dems agenda. You are pretty much saying Harris has this. Is this your true feelings or Fox News talking. You certainly are helping the lefts agenda,. Rush would be so disappointed in you. You are doing him and your audience a big disservice. Go work for CNN
Rare Reviewer 2020Terrible customer serviceIf you pay for this pod, sometimes the free version is available before the paid content. There are lots of tech issues with this podcast and the tech support people will not lift a finger to help. They literally told me they would refund my subscription rather than help. The content is mostly good and I will subscribe to the free version and just forward-fast through the ads when my paid subscription expires.
80'sVillagerDope Off!Clay v Buck. Wow! No one I can assure you will be reminded of William F. Buckley.
The Ox 20The OxClay and Buck are a fantastic Duo to usher in a great conservative perspective every day on radio.
micthovicMike, AZAgree with the adds being too repetitive. Also, many seem way off of target audiences to the point of orchestrated annoyance.
AikenDrum33QVC LightI love the talking points, love the content, like the delivery (audio is a B+ if I’m honest but this isn’t an orchestra so 89.44), love the chemistry…but Sweet Sweaty Jesus, please cut down on ads—it’s getting gross. If there is a paywall that I’m missing somewhere please let me know, my blonde hair has been known to get the best of me.
bdub0221!Oh the ads!Don't like all the ads!
cjbo1968AddsIt should be called The Clay OR Buck Show. Rarely have both there at the same time.
CATEASEThe ads are painfulLove the content, love you guys, but when I’m listening to a podcast I don’t want to sit there and have to fast forward every few minutes. I’ll still listen sporadically though:)
Mike5591637Too many ads.I realize that some ads are necessary to keep the lights on but my time is valuable to me, I have better things to do than listen to interminable ads. I used to be a faithful listener of Buck’s, have fallen away because of the high ratio of ads to content. Note that I used “ratio” correctly, not the made up meaning that the kids use now. Five minutes of ads before any content, WAY TOO MUCH!! This why I seldom listen anymore.
Benjamin Allen PatrickGreat ListenLighthearted but Serious with timely and great guests. A Go to source for current events. Would love 1 particular guest, may be controversial, Steven Crowder.... But that is just a special wish
meat sweats 1980DrivelThis show is very hard to listen to. Production value is worse than a high school radio station.
jrmeelep13???Why do you think they are not showing up to vote. They tried protesting, they tried to show they weren’t messing around on Jan 6 so if this doesn’t happen then they are giving up. Good luck when this group of people give up on this country then it’s gone. So you might want to think twice before you call them names!!!!
STpurnellGood podGood pod with good people. You’ll love it even more if you enjoy 5 minutes of ads then 2 minutes of content, then back to ads, and so on
Bogue Flyah'Great ContentLove the format and ability to listen to each hour or summary. Other contributors are great listening as well. Clay and Buck are doing the late Rush Limbaugh proud.
Grandpopie’ delightThank -youThank you for the Memorial Day special!
virginiaboyLove this show BUT…Clay and Buck are top class in knowledge and analysis. BUT the thing is EVERY Podcast has an audio pop/click glitch in them and it drives me INSANE!! So 4 stars until that is addressed. This level of show should have no audio quality issues.
haarrbbaaRotten gambling adsSpare me the pathetic gambling ads
SolutellcClay and Buck ???I truly like them, but that doesn’t mean I like the content recommendations that they push on me. By the way. Commercials don’t count as content.
jmacproi7Great, but needs to be split upLove the Clay and Buck show (helps keep things light and not dour), but needs to be split up so there is a podcast channel with ONLY their show and not all the other hosts. Unsubscribing because i am trying to stop the auto-play for all the other “shows”.
obrezaBest New Podcast!I love the Buck and Clay podcast!!!! It’s my new fave! You two are a great duo, keep up the excellent programming!!! Love the Sunday Hang!!! It’s more casual and love the conversation between Clay and Buck!!! Keep up the good work!!!
TJTENNISPROClay Travis is the bestI really enjoy the show and Buck Sexton also. Jay Cutler needs a podcast. Clay still owns libs daily
kkn00001Remove all shows expect Clay and Buck from feed!Fan of the Clay and Buck show, but can’t stand all of the other shows forced on this feed. I have to unsubscribe. Have a clay and buck only channel and I come back
holdenoliveGreatNow we get to listen to you sell coffee everyday. Capitalism can be exhausting.
happysam213Still a conservative if I don’t agree with youUnfollowed today. I have been a huge fan of Bucks for over 5 years now. There was a time when I literally planned my day around his podcast dropping in the afternoons. But today Clay said something to the effect of “if you vote for RFK, it’s because you don’t have the balls to vote for Biden, and you’re a moron”. This is the most hateful, close minded thing i have ever heard from this clown. I’ve been a conservative since I was old enough to know what it is, and to reduce me (who has listened daily for a long time) to a “moron”, is beyond the pale. This is why people are tired of politics - individual thought is frowned upon. It’s a shame!
BobF-GAStop with all the different podcasts!I subscribed to the Clay/Buck Show, not 10 other podcasts that clutter up my queue. The number of different shows I did not subscribe to showing up is getting exhausting! Nobody else does this. Put them in their own queues and let me choose what I want to listen to!
Ben77339Upload less and another starLove Clay and Buck. Didn’t sign up for the 37 other podcasts that get uploaded every day. I understand trying to boost the signal for other voices, but the end user has to weed through too many uploads to get to what they want. Let Karol Markiewicz et al find their own way.
DukearuPresident’s Day showThank you for working today like most of us have to. My other regular go to podcasts wimped out, slackers! Buck, De Opresso Liber.
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