Kelly Corrigan Wonders


Welcome to Kelly Corrigan Wonders, a place for people who like to laugh while they think and find it useful to look closely at ourselves and our weird ways in the hopes that knowing more and feeling more will help us do more and be better.  Author of 4 New York Times bestsellers about family life, Kelly wonders about loads of stuff: is knowing more always good? Can we trust our gut? How does change actually happen?  We only book nice people who have a sense of humor and know things worth knowing. Each episode ends with Kelly’s shortlist of takeaways, appropriate for refrigerator doors, bulletin boards and notes to your children.

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Recent Reviews
  • judes-g
    True love
    Thank you Kelly for sharing your eulogy for your mom. Beautiful! And I am so sorry. I chuckled, nodded, remembered & cried. Your gifts with words is extraordinary & appreciated. Again.
  • Amybeth1126
    Educational and entertaining!
    I listened to the sleep episode because I love Maya Shunkar, and because I've struggled with sleep for about 35 years, so I was curious if I'd learn anything- now I have so many questions, because I seem to be a 'sleep freak,' because now I'm sleeping as much as 6 hours(unheard of for me!), and I'm more tired now- of course I'm also menopausal... the guest hosts and guest were so fun, and even listening during my afternoon slump time I stayed alert to learn more. Thank you for this conversation!
  • DJ BMcG
    Motherhood 🙌🏻
    Woo girl, your words are powerful. Couldn’t have loved you Motherhood Thanks for being here more. Can’t wait to listen to your latest series on mothers. Love it all and appreciate yours and your team’s work so much.
  • Jules ☀️❤️⚓️
    You are a Breath of Fresh Air Kelly
    Grateful for You. May you kindly Write a Book with All Your “Take Aways” from your Podcast. Value your keen insight.
  • MeadowsJ
    Favorite podcast
    I look forward to each episode. My favorite is on Sunday, Thanks for Being Here. Even though they are sad, they are so helpful in learning how to be a better person. I also love her 10 takeaways on the other shows! I just listened to episode 139 on mindfulness. One of my new favorites!
  • Yo mama huhuhh
    Thoughtful, funny and honest!!
    I have been enjoying this podcast almost since its inception. I’m finally writing a review because I was absolutely blown away by the episode at the end of Rupture and Repair with April Lawson. I learned more about “the other side” of the reproductive rights argument that I usually sit on, and I honestly didn’t expect to. I’ve learned so much on this podcast, always appreciated Kelly’s intellectual curiosity and her humility, but I never expected for an episode to be transformational. That conversation on reproductive rights was transformational for me. I know both women exhibited so much courage undertaking this conversation, and I want them both to know it was not in vain.
  • podsarefun
    She is the best !
    I don’t know how I stumbled on Kelly‘s podcast but I’m so glad that I did! She is so down to earth so relatable has said so many life-changing things. If I could give it 10 stars I would! Don’t go changing 😊
  • Lizzzyg
    Binge worthy!!!
    I discovered Kelly via her podcast with Gretchen Rubin and have been binging and sharing it ever since. She is so smart, vulnerable and FUNNY. I’m remodeling a new home and can’t think of a better voice to accompany my construction drudgery - I don’t even mind the ads because Kelly reads them.
  • nickname4happylisten
    I love this podcast!
    KCW is such a favorite of mine. I first heard the book club with Clare Danes and Kate Bowler about living a good life. I got so much out of those episodes, and have listened regularly since then. The authentic quaver in Kelly’s voice when she said: today I’m wondering if I’m going to post this podcast (or something like that). So real. That was about the podcast with April Lawson on civil discussions with those of opposing views. So brave. It really meant something to be a part of that conversation and hear both sides. I’m very impressed with your work and your realness, and am grateful to such great and worthwhile content that is fun to listen to. Thank you.
  • westatpod
    Beyond helpful and needed
    The rupture and repair series is so incredibly needed at this time and I’m so grateful to you for doing it. I most especially appreciated the conversation with April Lawson
  • erinielliott
    my Go To Podcast
    Inspiring, fresh, deeply moving, fun and funny. My heart is always broken wide open after listening to these podcasts. One of the highlights of my 2023 was discovering Kelly’s wisdom in her reflections and interviews. Grateful beyond wordS
  • KelWatts0830
    Better for Kelly
    I am a better human because Kelly does what she does. Her humility, intelligence, compassion and curiosity lead us on adventures like a grown up version of the 100 acre wood; stronger together, through ups and downs, and feeling warm and fuzzy at the end for the growth. I am profoundly thankful for the ways she does work, that we may all be richer for it. And to her guests, for allowing us access to the insights and wisdom they have acquired. Thank you all, genuinely and deeply, for this beautiful podcast. 💜
  • Winznik
    Amazing Podcast! So valuable.
    I listen to many podcasts, and this is truly my favorite. Kelly is a wonder, lol, and so honest, smart, curious, funny m, vulnerable and touching. She really connects to her listeners. I love her capacity for awe. She’s an amazing interviewer and her guests are all fascinating and offer us so much. Such wonderful information and so many questions and challenges and thought-provoking and inspiring ideas and concepts for all of us to learn and grow and create a well-lived life. Truly an amazing show!
  • KCG50
    A Gift To The World
    Kelly Corrigan is a gift to humanity. She is smart, witty, funny and humble. Her ability to engage with her guests is admirable. I love listening to all of her episodes and feel like they are making me a better human.
  • rannjones
    Just discovered podcast
    This podcast is new to my feed... so far, I absolutely love it and am looking forward to new episodes.
  • ZuzuML
    Thank you
    I am not writing to review one podcast episode, but rather everything you have shared with your listeners and readers. I first came across your work through your books, and fell in love with your mannerisms, your family stories, and the beauty of your dad Greenie. Then, as I continued to look for more books unsuccessfully, I found you in podcasts and on PBS. All I want to say is thank you from the bottom of my heart for joining me on my daily workout, making my life better, making me feel stronger and more willing to put myself out there, and for just being you. Gratitude for your blessing in my life!
  • Susy1968
    Love love love
    I love this podcast, both the deep dive interviews on Kelly Corrigan Wonders and also the sweet moments shared on For the Good of the Order. I love Kelly’s voice, I love her thoughtful questions, and I especially love her takeaways at the end. This podcast always teaches me something. It makes me look at life in a different way and it makes me happy. Plus I have found some other wonderful authors here.
  • Jeannie from OK
    My go to podcast! ❤️
    I love your podcast! In a time when everyone around me seems negative and confrontational, listening to your podcast brings me a moment of respite. I so appreciate your positive outlook and the way you pose thoughtful questions and explore the answers with an open mind and heart. Thank you so much for doing what you do. Keep up the good work. I’ll keep listening and recommending you to all my friends.
  • Csaca
    .. great podcast
    I have been listening to Kelly Corrigan wonders for a couple years. I love this podcast . Interesting guests and subjects. Also the heartfelt. Thanks for being here segments
  • PurpleHermia
    Everyone should be listening to this.
    This is by far my favorite podcast. I’m constantly sharing it with my friends and it grounds me like nothing else. Thank you so much for all the work that you do Kelly.
  • AustinTXFan
    If you want your brain stimulated, your heart warmed, your funny bone tickled, listen to Kelly Corrigan Wonders, For the Good of the Order, and Thanks For Being Here. Kelly asks the best questions and provides a succinct summary that leaves you with plenty to ponder as you go about your day.
  • Martha Zeeman
    The power of Awe
    Kelly - as always, you take simple things ideas that we can incorporate into our lives to make us feel more connected to each other, to nature and less reliant on the things that disconnect us from each other and ourselves. Puzzles and walks on nature are things everyone can do to get out if our heads. Thanks for sharing! Sending to my walking pal who is working on a Liberty puzzle right now. Have you tried those? They are the best!
  • ibe2it
    Longtime Listener/Reader A+ pod
    I first discovered Kelly Corrigan with her book The Middle Place and reading it made me laugh and cry. I’ve seen her speak twice and read all the books, and this podcast is one of the only ones I make a point to keep up with and listen to each week. I love the topics and the guests and all the things I learn about communicating and relationships. Has made me a better thinker and person. I am grateful for it and encourage all to listen, laugh and learn.
  • SandyB123!
    The episode on wonder was the best. Sharing this with friends who are going through hard times. Keep them coming Kelly love you & your work. You are a wonder!!
  • acletson
    Thoughtful, Truthful + Real
    Easily - far and away- my favorite podcast. I forward it regularly to friends and find myself seeking out previous episodes for truth and advice, building the scaffolding needed to work through being a human being. Without knowing it or asking to be, Kelly is my online big sister whose curiosity, honesty, and humor I value. And don’t we all want to be like our big sisters? Such a score! Thanks, Kelly.
  • Wolffy5
    My Daily Dose of Inspiration
    This podcast is like having a conversation with your best and brightest friends over a glass of wine. I look forward to listening to anything Kelly is wondering about.
  • Jericham
    If you only..
    Have time for one podcast, this is the ONE! love Kelly and her authenticity and ability to have a conversation not an interview. So good!
  • ;)Namaste
    My favorite podcast
    Always great guests, timely topics discussed, relatable discussions. Love it!
  • Bearsfan2
    KC is amazing!
    Absolutely love this podcast. Each episode is thought provoking. Kelly inspires me to widen my lens, think deeper and want to be better. Thanks Kelly!
    Food for my soul. Like talking to a friend.
    I never miss an episode of Kelly Corrigan Wonders. She is honest, funny, true to her purpose, humble enough to admit her faults, and is really just seeking to offer something good and valuable to this hurting world. She and her guests establish an immediate intimacy and their conversations make you think. They reassure you that this whole human experiment is, after all, worth it. This podcast is a real gift. Don’t miss it.
  • MTPG83
    Great thoughtful show
    Always gets me thinking of complex questions, and I love (and often write down!) those “takeaways” like- “delight leads to the possibility for gratitude” And sometimes the worst form of laziness is busyness- “sloth is actually inattentiveness to things that merit our attention.”
  • jaye 414
    Thank you!
    Thank you for making me think, making me grateful and also making me laugh (perhaps most important!) I have bought, read and shared all of your books. And when the books don’t return to me ( because I am sure they’ve been shared again!), I buy, read and share again! Thankfully I can share the podcast without giving it up! I also am the super proud owner of a signed Hello World book! Kristin Graves was kind enough to facilitate that, along with a picture of you and the “super cute “ Ken Graves. Again, that may not be the exact Ken Graves quote, since I have loaned out all of my books again!!! Thank you again and many blessings to you- keep up the wonderful work! Happy 2024 Kelly!
  • Chelsie DeLong
    Brings Joy to my day
    Thank you for opening my eyes to different thinking within the world and mind. I look forward to hearing your pods every week.
  • scinti105
    Beautiful Life Lessons
    This podcast in its many iterations brings presence, wonder, and kindness to the top of the list with real life as its foundation. Thank You for all that you do.
  • Lbrecke
    One of the best interviewers ever
    Kelly Corrigan asks questions that are insightful and prompt interesting discussions. I don’t just learn new information from this podcast, I also learn new ways of being. Thank you!
  • Liisa Hall
    Hopeful again!
    This podcast is pulling me out of a funk I didn’t even fully realize that I was in and back into my life! I am so very grateful for the sweet messages in the GOTO episodes and the abundantly valuable lessons in Kelly’s interviews. Thank you so much!!!!
  • KKH in NC
    Kelly Corrigan Wonders, For the Order and Thanks for Being Here
    Just catching up on missed episodes during the holiday season. I LOVE all things Kelly!
  • Sas9394
    Thank you Thank you
    Kelly, you have given me so much hope with this podcast. I was feeling lost with all that is wrong in the world. Your podcast has provided me a place to hear of other people from all walks of life, who are choosing to do the right thing and make the world a better place. I have been to apply new practices in my life that have turned my force to what is good and right.
  • jbk1234
    Perfect Fit
    Maybe one of the few great things to come out of the pandemic. I never miss an episode from the Tuesday interview to GOTO to Thanks For Being Here… like checking in with a friend throughout the week.
  • jlynndivito710
    I just caught up on my unplayed Kelly Corrigan podcasts that have been on my list since December. All I can say is that I am continually grateful for them. It’s time that I pause and can think about things that really matter the most, it’s a reposition of my day , and my mind. After listening, I try to carry the ideas and words into my world, wanting to put them in my pocket and pull out whenever I need them again. Thanks for being here Kelly and thanks for your gifts that you share with your listeners.
  • bdkeat
    My favorite listen
    I love the series, like Kelly’s discussion on meaning with Claire Danes and Kate Bowler. I love the Thanks for Being Here letters and eulogies. And I love For the Good of the Order, Kelly’s short episodes with a gem from that week. I’ve gone back to relisten to several—the ones with George Saunders, Arianna Huffington and Anthony Ray Hinton. I appreciate how Kelly sums up her takeaways from each episode. So much good here. When the noise of the world leaves me in despair, Kelly Corrigan Wonders reminds me that most people are basically good, that we are all connected and that each of us can contribute to making this a better place to be.
  • I Also Wonder
    I Also Wonder
    I never miss an episode! I'm nerdy and often take notes in my journal. Your podcasts help me think and keep an open mind, and I am greatly appreciative!
  • MillerCLT
    This is my can’t miss pod!
    Best of the best! Thanks for being here, Kelley!
  • MrsBloom21
    Full of heart
    Heart opening Heart warming Thought provoking Always interesting Highly recommend
  • 11sms11
    Love your love & respect for each other!
    This is such a special episode. I so enjoyed listening to it and imagining the strength, support, courage, success, and laughter you share with each other. What a beautiful productive partnership you have built and share. Talented, passionate, ambitious, creators. Thank you for sharing, and reminding us to cherish and celebrate the team of people holding us up. Sharing with my cheer squad. Oh, and of course I love and adore Tammy! Tammy is the definition of good people. HNY Kelly!
  • KSMartino
    Tammy, Thanks for being here
    Kelly,Thanks for taking the time to record/post the latest episode of Thanks for Being Here. You’ve captured just the tip of the Iceberg that makes Tammy such an AMAZING human being. Many times she has given me perspective during a time of turmoil or stress, and has done so with eloquence and honesty. I value our friendship/sisterhood more than I can express here. But she knows that. :) I am blessed to have her in my life. Kimberly Stedman Martino
  • Moomer Humor
    Kelly Corrigan
    "Thanks for being here" is a weekly podcast that serves as a heartwarming reminder of the goodness in people. The show's positive and uplifting content creates a welcoming atmosphere, making it a joy to listen to regularly. The affirming messages and stories shared contribute to a sense of gratitude and appreciation for the positive aspects of humanity. Overall, "Thanks for being here" is a delightful and feel-good experience that fosters a positive outlook on life.
  • crazy whale
    Thanks for Being Here- Kelly Corrigan Wonders
    Such a beautiful and moving podcast. Thank you for acknowledging the value of being remembered.
  • Dog-Walking Momma
    Conversations That Matter
    I loved Kelly’s interview with Mary Louise Kelly from All Things Considered. This episode wasn’t about reporting the news of the world, but rather the human cost of doing the hard and fulfilling work of a mother while doing the work of an author and reporter. This interview was a fascinating glimpse into the pride, self-doubt, worry, and joy a woman feels while navigating life without a roadmap. All of Kelly’s podcast episodes have touched my heart and reminded me what it means to be human.
  • Jeanne in NJ
    Thinking and feeling deeply together!
    Kelly Corrigan Wonders has been a favorite of mine for a few years now. I have been going through a significant period of growth through questioning and wondering about the deeper things of life. Not once have I been disappointed in an interview with a guest; in fact, I have forwarded several to friends! As a person of faith, I appreciate the inclusion of this topic with Kelly’s honest questions and doubts. She remains open minded and curious and these conversations have helped me along the way as well. Thank you, Kelly and Team for all you are doing!
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