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SajarackGreat showI am 11 years old and I find this podcast amazing it is great for mystery’s lovers of all ages! 🕵🏽♀️
ZsenineShe’s good, but the pacing is offI am enjoying this narrator, but she has 1 habit that I find a little annoying. She speaks rather fast, which is not an issue since she also speaks very clearly, but then she pauses a bit overlong after each sentence so that the pace of the whole is rather stilted.
Luci BufaginGratuitous AdvertisingSleazy way to get paid for reading a book.
PlanopplA Most Enjoyable PodcastYou are my nightly listen. After Moonstone, I’m surprised you did not read Robinson Crusoe! Well done, a most enjoyable performance!
WibbleQuibbleBest idea EVER!I have literally been reading Agatha Christie since I was 8 years old! Her easy yet complicated stories are the perfect antidote to going stir crazy. Thank you! And I just love Phoebe’s voice! Such a joy to listen to. On the other hand, I do not like Avery Trufelman’s voice or delivery. Her delivery, especially, pulls you out of the early 20th century era and dumps you in the 21st in spite of the wonderful Wharton narration.
ACfromTexasYeah!Phoebe is back!
Mainer for ERAComforting and reliablePhoebe’s readings of classics have gotten me through some stressful times. A welcome, calming distraction.
cravaneportrait of dorian g.glorious. thank you.
Caroline BananasonEnjoyableGreat listen and so calming
marijuana raniFantastic!Book lovers this is the podcast you want to listen to. I might not have been able to finish these classics if I read them but Phoebe (and one season of Avery) can read me anything and I will listen spellbound!
Catgurl3313Great podcastI can’t fall asleep without a book. So I’ve been working my way through the Sherlock Holmes mystery’s. The delivery and story’s are so great. Phoebe does a great job presenting the episodes. Her calming voice makes it perfect for anytime.
? My name is CarolePhoebe Reads a MysteryPhoebe is the best of all ‘readers’ of the great classics. Her voice and delivery are perfect. I’ve listened to all 25 classics, and encouraged friends and family to do the same. They enjoy them too. I so miss Phoebe Reads a Mystery. They are my favorites above all her other podcasts. Please Phoebe read more classic mysteries!
childish drivelNew ListenerI’m a longtime listener of Criminal but new to this podcast. It’s fantastic—love every book so far. Very well delivered. Great stories.
jOmammadPhoebe is amazing!Can life get better, yes!!! phoebe judge now reads to you!!! Two thumbs way up 10/10 highly recommend
colleenbunnyBest naratorI love listing…. It brings me peace 💓
BeckyJ_124Not a narratorMy personal opinion is that Phoebe is a great interviewer and story teller but not that great at narrating someone else’s work.
#loveskyviewJane Eyre read by Phoebe Judge?! ❤️I adore Phoebe Judge and everything she creates…. And the when I discovered that she reads classic mysteries too, I was so excited. I’ve been listening to her read Jane Eyre and I’m thoroughly enjoying it. I look forward to listening to all the other seasons as well!!
Gmasandi8730“I wish Phoebe would read to me”I had just been thinking while listening to criminal “I wish she narrated books!” Then BAM!…she started reading books to me. I could listen for hours, and have, to her tell real stories or read fictional books. I recommend the podcasts to everyone who’ll let me talk about them. Keep them coming lady! And thank you for making working 12 hour shifts tolerable.
Lulu1298Bring on more!I don’t know why I’ve never read A Picture of Dorian Gray. Thank you for bringing this to life for me! I appreciate your thoughtful choices and wonderful voice.
Health phoenixVery enjoyable despite numerous mispronunciationsPhoebe has a lovely soothing voice which is a pleasure to listen to. I also enjoy most of the novels which she selects. I will say, however, that there are rather a shocking number of mispronunciations. Her French is quite dreadful, but, more surprisingly, there are many mispronounced English words also, which is fairly shocking in a professional literary podcast. Is there no one on the production team who could listen and deal with these sorts of issues?
KelseyKater⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️I know that the team works very hard and Phoebe is an excellent reader, and listening to the little Cricket chirping softly throughout The Picture of Dorian Gray is such a treat. Thanks for letting the Cricket be part of the show!
EspianaIt got me through the pandemic and I’m here forever.Phoebe is a mood. A calm mood, and at times I wish to feel tense. I also love classic novels and am sometimes too tense to read them myself. This series helped preserve my sanity during the pandemic. She’s an incredible narrator and I hope this series continues!
UPENN2016Better if…I like the format, selections and narration BUT the number of mispronounced words is rather amazing. Everything else about the podcast is very professional so it really, really detracts when they regularly appear. Season 11 examples: divan, Ptolemy, desserts and more. These aren’t difficult words.
KwkrShe’s BACK!!My nights(and days) are complete. “Phoebe Reads the Phonebook” would be just fine. Thank you, dear Phoebe,for sharing your time with us. “Criminal” for learning & stimulating the imagination , “Phoebe Reads” for calming it💖
angie applesauceSubscribeIt’s Phoebe, anything she does is fire.
themissourigirl85ThrilledListen to Podcasts and was thrilled when I found that I could listen to Phoebe read classic favorites!
Dee396The Moonstone and my catI absolutely loved your narration of the Collin’s mystery. My psycho kitty finds your voice so calming and soothing that she’s asleep in minutes. 🤭Thanks so much!
MEHmotormouthSuper happy!!!I too have been waiting and hoping that Phoebe would bring her talents back to reading mysteries for us. I love to listen when I need to relax from work. Thank you for returning and picking up the classics of mysteries to share with us.
RomyMNYay! She’s back!I am so happy Phoebe is back reading to us! I’ve been watching my podcast library for over a year, waiting to see this one update with new information. I love listening to Phoebe when I am working or when I am winding down for the day. She’s so soothing to listen to and the stories are a mix of one I’ve read before, ones I’ve been meaning to read, and ones I’ve never heard of. It’s just perfection. I opted for the ad-free version and it’s worth the cost. Welcome back, Phoebe! We missed you!
restlessincoloradoPhoebe Is BackI have loved listening and I'm so happy that you have come back. I've listened to the existing stories over and over again-they're a big part of winding down each evening. Thank you for taking the time to come back and read to us again!
-@)3 nbGreat podcastAlways enjoy the books that Phoebe reads, so glad that the show is continuing. thank you!!
CMDaniel1Fabulous Storytelling!!I’m so glad that Phoebe’s continuing to read those wonderful novels! Her voice is a pleasure to listen to, and I look forward to her next narration.
Quel the belleHow much do I love this?I’ve been introduced to so many authors! Can’t face the real news til I have had a dose of Queen Phoebe! I have tried a few books on tape and couldn’t stand them-either they read too slow, or the attempt at different accents were painful. Phoebe does it just right!
LindseylatchLove the podcast, cannot stand the sweet tart adI still listen almost every night to go to sleep. Eventually, I’ll probably hear all of every book. ;) I have trouble reading some of these classics so it’s actually been awesome to hear them. And I like that Phoebe doesn’t try to do voices, that can get so distracting with other readers. I know you gotta make money cause capitalism but that sweet tart ad is the WORST. And when it plays twice in a row, at the end of one episode and the beginning of the next? Torture.
nikbobikPhoebe is the best!!Fantastic read. Phoebe could definitely have her own night time meditation app . Love it!
roxspaThe Valley Of FearI thoroughly enjoyed it.Superbly read by Phoebe.More please!
SinginLinYes!!Excellent reader of an excellent story! Give us more, please!!!
manishakreddySoothingListening to this podcast is soothing and relaxing. Great way to wind down at the end of a day. Phoebe’s voice is lovely to listen to.
Fashnmama8Love Phoebe and audiobooks!!I really love how soft and soothing Phoebe’s voice is. Listening to her read these books is enjoyable and much better than reading them myself! It’s the perfect way to “read” a book before bed to unwind and relax.
TreeMac4What a find!I love my podcasts and hearing stories read - when I just want to listen to a good read (and I don’t have the book on hand). This was a great find! I’m so excited to hear the repertoire of books read by Phoebe. Update 6/2022: What a story “The Woman in White” is when I listened to it on this podcast! It was such a treasure to listen to from beginning to end the way Phoebe reads it. I found myself doing a lot of playbacks. Seriously, what a book and what a reader! Update 11/2022: I just listened to Jane Eyre and fell in love with that story because of Phoebe’s reading. I don’t recall liking it when I read it in hs or college. Miss you Phoebe!!
dbrrvLove this, but …Phoebe, your voice is wonderful and you read beautifully, but you might want to check on how some foreign words are pronounced. Monsieur is pronounced ‘mehs-siur’, not ‘mone-siur’. Victoir is pronounced ‘Vic-twa ’ not ‘Vic-tor’. It was really distracting. I follow your other podcasts and notice this in other places as well. When in doubt, check it out. Otherwise, good research. Great podcasts.
Tss71Trail of the serpentWonderful!!! Please do The Master Mariner By Nicholas Monsarrat
laura840I hope this returnsI don’t want to hear another classic tale read by any other narrator. Thank you PJ!
Autismom1991Thank, PhoebeThank you, Phoebe, for reading to us throughout the pandemic. You introduced me to titles and authors I’d never read before—pure delight! I look forward to hearing your voice on Criminal and This is Love.
Sehpwa01Please keep readingI love this podcast and would be a paid subscriber. Thank you for all you do!
tberry111111111DONT GO !I cannot sleep without you! Another adult in need of bedtime stories will miss your daily chapters dearly. Please consider a YouTube channel or something!
alabamarichAnyone who didn’t rate this 5 ⭐️ is a haterBut fr… this got me through the pandemic… the idea is amazing… we love the consistency likeeeeee you really have to be on some other ish to not like this podcast.
eonartsJust what I needed during these trying times!I came to these from your podcast Criminal and immediately realized I needed these. They were such a respite from all the true crime I was listening to. Halfway through the first book I realized Oh! I’m finally “reading” a book from the list of 100 Books you should read before you die (or some such name). Then the second book which was also on the list! OK I admit I read many of these as a child but didn’t remember them correctly. Others I’m enjoying revisiting and some! I never read. I love your voice and rhythm. If you weren’t intentionally reading books from this list it’s so great that you’re getting through them. I understand you will be taking a break which already makes me miss you even though I have 4 more books!
Terryjane1225ThanksOh Phoebe say it isn’t so. I’m going to miss this daily dose. It is wonderful.
bigkitty7Phoebe is an American TreasureOh Phoebe, I don’t know what I will do without you. You reading to me at night has been the one consistent and calming joy, for two years now. You have turned many of us into children who now require a bedtime story. I thank you for your dedication and for sharing your gift. My hope is you find your way back to us.
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