Phil in the Blanks


Experience a side of Dr. Phil McGraw you may have been missing as he provides critical information on some of the most important issues we face today. McGraw delves into the minds of the most exciting and accomplished people. From celebrities to ordinary people in extraordinary circumstances, to the world’s leading experts, every guest and topic is provocative, informative, and relevant. For more information:

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  • pinacoloda
    tRump lost u another listener
    Was a fan of yours for over 15years + However what I witnessed when you interviewed the former president was absolutely horrifying. You have lost all credibility and I will never listen again to a shred of your advice. Completely disappointed..
  • cadler11
    Listen to shrinking Trump podcast. Dr. Phil is an embarrassment to the profession.
  • Yhafyj
    Grateful for authenticity
    Im very grateful to finally have found a source of information that does not feel like I’m witnessing an altercation or an attack on another’s character. I’m very disheartened by the state of our country in that we seem to be more focused on fighting with each other instead of working together to solve the tremendous problems we are currently facing. This interview feels to me to be paving ground for more informative discussion. I absolutely cannot stand the hurling of accusations tossed around upon each other. This only deepens and breeds destruction upon our country. Thank you Dr Phil for shedding light into the dark state of where we currently are. We seem to otherwise be dissolving and I hope we can each as individuals come to recognize how important it is to set our own beliefs aside and seek understanding in Truth.
  • Flygirl Cindy
    I am truly disappointed that you Dr. Phil would do an interview with FORMER President Trump without holding him to be honest and ethical. The economy has been driven by a PANDEMIC. No one was going anywhere when gas prices were low. I really held you in high esteem until listening to this interview. Trump is a danger to this country and our democracy. You should be on FOX, you would fit right in. Your fear on gearing is not going to work on intelligent people.
  • Ohio!
    Trumps just lied and lied
    I listened opened minded to trumps interview because I have loved Dr Phil for many years but Trump lied several times and it can be fact checked. I really was giving him the benefit of the doubt. Just one was -He is not the only president who donated his salary, lie he said that over and over. It’s all these lies he tells that just does it for me. Turned it off after half way and the 3rd lie.
  • Avery’s dad
    So Disappointed
    Wow, Dr Phil, way to hold Trump accountable for his unpresidential behavior. I mean, the behavior of others is what you’re all about, right? One might think you’ve been promised to be part of his cabinet
  • begirl88
    Great Trump interview
    Very informative
  • Honeysucklemoon
    Thank you, Dr Phil!
    A well- thought out interview that needed to be done. Thank you, Dr Phil!
  • farrmer05
    Just lost all respect for Dr. Phil
    Wow, the interview with Trump says it all. Delusional duo.
  • MichellePLevy
    Edited Review
    I am so sad to be editing my review from 5 stars to 2 stars. I had loved listening to & watching Dr Phil for years. In the past I really appreciated the fact that he stayed somewhat neutral in terms of politics. His messages used to resonate with me deeply. Lately though, Dr Phil has pivoted to promoting political views that are Far Right. He’s talking about Trump and how he feels that Trump is being targeted!? Everyone has the right to his / her opinions. I just would prefer not to hear about it on this podcast. I enjoyed listening when it was more about self help, and other such topics. Saying goodbye for now Dr Phil.
  • JFL-Petaluma
    Disturbed and Disappointed
    I too never leave podcast reviews, let alone One-Stars. In fact, I didn’t know how until today. I stumbled onto Dr. Phil’s podcast last summer to learn about Narcissists, Borderline Personality, and Antisocial disorders. I wish all of his shows were more like that, as I learned so much. Particularly after he spent 3 episodes thoroughly discussing narcissists, I am disappointed how Dr. Phil could give any attention to Nod Pmurt, the convicted former president. I have to say, this has really disturbed me, and I’m deeply disappointed.
  • When54321
    What is missing is “Who paid for the stack of bricks?”
    We need to know who paid for the stack of bricks that just appeared at strategic locations where a riot happen the next day or days? Was anyone that delivered said bricks held responsible? Why have not elected officials or city and state bureaucrats been held responsible for what they allowed to occurred on their watch? In fact they are reelected. No responsibility breeds the unAmerican activity that no citizen wants or favors such behaviors. There is no evidence that communism or socialism has ever worked What is the answer to “How can those that have buckets for bathrooms not see that there is a better life just one level above the boredom of being on the street?” And the leadership of the university just capitulates, to the protester; with no responsibility or recompense. Why are universities lifting the expulsion to those students that are guilty of breaking basic conduct on campus and in our communities. How did the left leaning states and cities adopt not to punish criminals or those who have done crimes of property destruction to public buildings. Why are they being reelected again?
  • Lrwint
    I’ve held Dr. Phil in high esteem for a long time. If there were 5 people I’d like to spend an hour in conversation with, he’s one of them. Truth is truth - not A truth but THE truth. It’s what this culture - what the world needs. Life flourishes within truth, and I’m grateful that Dr Phil has taken the difficult task of telling people what they NEED to hear, and not just what they WANT to hear.
  • Smelly59/-
    American Antidote
    An actual thoughtful, reasonable adult. Let’s hope we listen!
  • MaryGale0725
    You lost me
    I have been a fan since you were on Oprah. You helped me see my own bad behavior which I sought help for and changed for the better. I didn’t always agree with everything you said but close enough to stay engaged. I am flabbergasted at your take regarding the Trump trial. That man deserved to be indicted and a jury convicted him. He is Convicted Felon Donald Trump and you are spreading his evil propaganda. very disappointed in you
  • opinionated karen😀
    Trump Travesty
    Dr Phil, you have really sunk so low. You always mention “moral compass “ and “common sense not being common “, it’s time you took your own advice. Your biased “expert” who admits he didn’t attend the trial and didn’t mention reading the transcript, sure had a lot of “opinions”. You ended your podcast asking people to forgive, after blasting on for an hour about how wrong the judicial system behaved. When you called Trump a “victim”, that’s when you completely lost your listeners. Oh pulleeaseeee… victim?? The one who started “lock her up” and tried to overthrow a free and fair election. When is your podcast going to be about the “poor poor prisoners” who stormed the capital, defecated in the halls and who Trump wants to call patriots. Are they victims too?? You have a huge audience and need to use “common sense” and judgement. I’ve only seen you on Fox News so your bias was already out there, but today is a new low. And for your “expert”, please inform him that Stormy Daniels is not a hooker. Since Trump claims they didn’t have sex, how is she a hooker? Obviously you don’t believe him either. But if his defense is he didn’t have sex with her then and didn’t falsify business records in NY (and be found guilty) then the rape of E. Jean Carroll and the judgement against him for falsifying records in NY is NOT prejudicial… it is FACT!! And he has the nerve to mention judge misconduct and recusal with what is going on with Aileen Cannon and some members of the Supreme Court. How quick they can be for verdicts that help Trump and slow roll those that don’t. And let’s talk about bias with the top court. Ridiculous. Don’t get me started on presidential pardons of crooks and then say how politics should not be involved in the court system. Trump started that, is the master of using the courts to his advantage and the last thing I would call him is a victim. Not all your listeners are educated and for you to present a biased case to people who trust you…. Shame on you!! It’s why after 20 years I stopped watching your show.
  • Burdyblue
    Alvin Bragg never ran on the premise of going after Trump. Right out of the gate, Phil, you just bought into lie#1. Prove it: when and where is there evidence that Bragg ran on the notion to take down trump? He did his job, Phil. Accept that Trump was caught at last and stop promoting falsehoods.
  • Rosalynna3
    Love these podcasts! Still miss Dr. Phil show!
    Getting a session with Dr. Phil would better than winning the lottery to me!😀❤️
  • brigitta christine
    I love dr Phil’s show because he says like it is to get to the truth. Just wish the episode would be longer because it cuts off in the middle of the show.
  • Sartre lush
    Right wing garbage
    I always get a chuckle out of watching Dr. Phil. He's great when he's simply talking personality disorders. Unfortunately, he's gone completely off the rails with these right wing Fox News trolls/talking heads. I specifically remember him advertising his new Merit channel as being completely done as a non-partizan outlet. That was a straight up lie and I can't support his new venture, which is just basically how Phil currently feels about something… and surprise, it's all just right wing talking points. No thanks. Enough of that trash is in the world already.
  • Anti Phil
    Are you another Zionist Mr Phil?
    Your last episode looks like you’re cheering Israhell’s genocide! I’m so disappointed in you! You’re cheering israhel on. Shame on you!
    Saved my life
    I never leave reviews. But this saved my life and my daughter life!!!! Thank you thank you thank you!!!
  • Amber Angelica
    Great interview and insights!
  • Sue Bir
    Your honest and to the point!
    What I like about your show is that your honest and to the point, but you do it in a nice way to get your point across. I watch about 5 to 10 shows everyday of yours and I love them. But every once in a while you have to put your foot down, and even when you do that…even when you have had enough..your still pretty nice about it and at times make a joke to get the point across. For instance…the 2 part show on truthfully Teresa ? I think that was her name. When she fell on the floor and you said oh my god! I was happy, because she seems that she needs so much attention…but she made herself look a little crazy. Ok, sorry I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoy your shows. Oh and Robins face regiment does look awesome. The people in the audience are very lucky to receive any of it. I would love to try it, however it is a little high for me right now. But one day I’m going to try it because it looks amazing and she gets a lot of good reviews. Thank you for listening, have a wonderful day. Susie
  • harley hindman
    Sell out
    Shame on you Dr Phil. U clearly don’t support trump yet claim to be a Christian. You are in the elitist world and work for one of the major players, Oprah. This woman who put a man on a show called super soul Sunday who calls himself “John of god”. As you know serving a life sentence for kidnapping, trafficking, rape, satanic ritual abuse. And this man was the spiritual advisor to Oprah. To the Clinton’s. And more. Oprah can talk about “god” but her reference to God is not the same that us believers and followers of Christ listen to. I’m tact on one of her shows an audience member brought up Jesus and Oprah became incensed!! “Who cares about Jesus!” She said. Because The God she and her handlers follow is in fact Satan and his first and second in command, Baal and molach. You sold yourself out for 30 pieces of silver to get fame and Fortune. You are not a true Christian man and you will have a lot to answer for!! Trump was annoited by Jesus to take these evil ppl down. And it makes me sad to say you are one of them. You and your wife has better repent against the evil that handles you or your eternal life is at risk.
  • Jnlshort
    Relationship series
    Wow this latest one was powerful . How do I get to the questions you mention ? Thx
    When Did Dr. Phil Turn Woke?
    Strangely, more times than not Dr. Phil seems to lean further and further left with his statements and perspectives. However, it seems disingenuous, because it’s difficult to draw some of those conclusions organically… especially with the overwhelmingly left-leaning guests he has on. It’s a bit disappointing…
  • Prissy 21
    Hi I appreciate you reaching me I always love hearing from you thank you!
  • Stacey Burns
    Great feedback
    I love listening to dr.phil!! So great and refreshing! Everything through my childhood into adulthood you have helped all the way! I love the clear and very straightforward approach!! Love you!! Keep doing your work! I’m 33 years old and started at 15-16? Many times I needed to call on my own family it would be a great show to hear! Keep doing you!!!!
  • Awbrey New
    Love, and needed this
    I always loved Dr Phil, but with streaming services taking over, I forgot to tune in… for years. Stumbled across this podcast, at a perfect time in my life. His no nonsense advice has always resonated with me, and this podcast is the best format to get your dose of dr Phil!
  • prinetucey
    Your excellent advice
    I so much wish I could have heard your podcast about personality disorders years ago but there were no podcast at that time. I married a psychopath who almost destroyed me and my two daughters. He sexually abused them right under my nose and he was so deceitful about it I didn’t find out until my daughters started showing signs of DID which they have and been in therapy for many years now. I thank god they are doing well now. I would encourage everyone who listens to take your advice to heart because these people could destroy your life as well as any children you have.
  • Maria’s grandma
    Sad for my granddaughter
    I have been researching narcissism and so forth to try to help my granddaughter. Your podcast on borderline personality disorder is so informative. I’m convinced that’s what she has and it breaks my heart. I wish I could convince her to seek help but she gets very angry whenever I suggest it. I was very hopeful when you said that this disorder can be treated. Then, when you said there’s no cure it saddens me. It’s so unfair that she has to go through life like this. It has caused her many heartbreaks. Thanks for all you do. I’m so glad I found this episode.
  • simply_Donna
    You are appreciated!
    Thank you Dr. Phil, for all you do to help me, and everyone, sort through life. God bless you and your family.
  • Momsof51992
    Thank you
    I just listened to the 1st episode of narcissistic disorder and I’m intrigued to see if you ever mention co parenting with a narcissist. You described my trying to be ex husband to a T. He has said every phrase you mentioned on everything being my fault and he’s mean! And he knows it, it’s like he’s accepted and owned it. We’ve been separated 3 years, he’s “engaged” and still won’t divorce me. After filing twice I have gave up for now. He keeps wanting to meet and talk but I know he will only gaslight and manipulate me. I feel like he doesn’t even care about our 3 girls. Can they live their children, really love? Or is it just about continuing to hurt me?
  • Pilotswife94
    Love this podcast!
    I have always enjoyed learning from Dr Phil. But the latest series on this podcast have really helped open my eyes.. Thank you Dr Phil for taking the time and giving of your expertise. It’s like having a personal mental health & Christian motivational mentor. God Bless!
  • Succeding
    RE- The Struggle- Borderline
    Thank YOU SO much Dr. Phil! Should l encourage them to get sobriety life (alcoholic) first or to treat Borderline Disorder first?
  • caahj
    Navigating Narcissm
    Thank you! You posted this right when I needed it. Fascinating to hear you discuss as I have recently understood my Mother has this disorder. I would love to hear more specifically on Mothers and how it shows up. Working on boundaries. I have been left alone primarily but my twin sister has been impacted tremendously by this with our Mother. That’s another twist.
  • Sa Cin
    Borderline personality disorder
    I believe my sister may suffer from this disorder. After listening to this podcast I feel that I have more understanding however, the strategies suggested in dealing with her has backfired. I am very concerned for her. We have had a tremendous amount of challenges in our childhood to put it mildly . I’m not sure if her mental illness stems from all that we have endured. I am one of 6 children and as far as I know she is the only one that has so many mental instabilities that I don’t know how she developed them. She has always been a bit unstable but certainly not to the degree she is now. It’s so sad that none of my siblings including myself speak to her. We have all had to block her on our phones and completely block her in our lives. I wish I could help her but I have tried. Her story as well as our entire family is so complex that I wouldn’t even know where to begin on explaining everything. Please if anyone knows anyway I can help her I would appreciate it. But her borderline personality disorder does not allow anyone to get anything past her no matter how you try to approach it. I’m sad for her and I truly hope she can find happiness. I believe she suffers from bipolar depression anxiety alcoholism and all of those are just way beyond anything that I can help with. She has never been married or has had any children. All of her friends and family have also blocked her out of their lives because of her behavior and she is genuinely all alone. Again to much to explain. Thank you Dr Phill for some clarity and I appreciate you for all your good and I value all of your advice and opinions.
  • 1 lucky ducky
    How can I get control of what my son is doing?
    Your description hit the nail on the head! Both my children, especially my 48 yr old son is a malignant covert narcissist. He has gotten my 44 year old daughter to go along with him in keeping me from seeing my 3 grandchildren. I “assume” he is helping her pay an attorney, since she has no money, to keep the kids from me. What lead up to this is a long story. He is doing his best to get back at me. I’m not sure where to turn. It’s been 3 years since I’ve seen my 3 grandchildren. It’s breaking my heart. Exactly what he wants to do!
  • ckripp
    40+ years of this.
    I started researching narcissistic personality disorder about a year ago and soon realized my husband of 38 years, who is also my business partner and the father of our two children, is a narcissist and I believe he has NPD. Several years ago, a marriage counselor alluded to this, which resulted in the abrupt ceasing of our counseling. A couple of observations of my own are 1) he cycles, not only over time, but in the type of narcissism he exhibits, 2) he has improved over time and although he is still a narcissist I believe he does have compassion for certain others at certain times (albeit on his own terms), and 3) he suffers as much as those around him (and we do suffer). Thank you for this discussion. I must admit it brings up feelings of hopelessness. I am very committed to my family, so I’ll continue to live this life unless he blows it up. He nearly has in the past. The Lord has gifted me with an abundance of tolerance, I suppose. That said, I don’t take his attacks any more - I get away from him if he goes into a rage, and I’ve told him I will.
  • Movie degree
    Cannot co-parent with a narcissist
    Dr.Phil, my ex narc has poisoned my children against me, and no matter what I try to say, they have been brainwashed and that’s that. I would like to learn about how to navigate this particular situation, when narcissists can’t be reasoned with and the children align themselves with him. Can you do a show about that?
  • Lj5dogmom
    Navigating Narcissism
    Great episode. Very helpful. I have been involved with a narcissist for last 20 years and trying to figure out what happened. How did he manage to do this to me? Thank you Dr Phil.
  • ISpankEm
    This man is an idiot
    He hasn’t been an actual doctor in a thousand years and he’s certainly not up to date on treatment issues. His retirement is 20 years overdue.
  • Hendrena
    Forever Podcast listener
    I listen to Dr.Phil while I’m walking and enjoy what I learn from him. He is mentally stimulating and helps me to focus on improving myself. I can relate to mostly all of his podcast and fell it’s a like an amen moment. I laugh at a lot of his commits because I need to hear it most of the time. I’m grateful
  • Pbro1
    Human Trafficking
    I have recently listened to your podcast on human trafficking and this is a subject close to our Navy SEAL community! Jeremy Mahugh is a former SEAL who was part of Deliver Fund to help police officers get the appropriate software to stop human trafficking worldwide and now is launching an app to be able to type in a name and find out if the person is part of human trafficking before you get in an Uber etc! You should look into this or listen to Team Never Quit podcast where he talks about it with Marcus Luttrell!
  • Jules10b
    Navigating narcissism
    This was a very interesting topic because it feels like I’m trying to coparent with a narcissist who has begun to teach those behaviors to our daughter. Unfortunately he has been able to manipulate her to the point that she no longer wants a relationship with me. He has isolated her from my side of the family and convinced her that he is the only one that has really been there for her and understands how she feels. No matter what I do or say he always finds fault with what I’m doing and tries to create arguments. How do I maintain my power and set boundaries when I can’t just walk away if I want to maintain a relationship with my daughter?
  • NYC Lady 59
    He is a very wise man
    His podcast is so very informative. I love that he provides action steps and other tools to his listeners. I also appreciate his down to earth way of communicating. I have a therapist. However, this podcast has helped me so much. I’m so grateful.
  • N. N. B.
    Wisdom for the Ages Dr. Phil -Thank You!
    I love this series Dr. Phil! I believe this approach to living my best life you are teaching me is through your own school of hard knocks? However this way to approach our lives your sharing came about …. It certainly has taught me a lot and I’m grateful ! Prayers for continued good works always Dr. Phil and to Robin too!
  • ReneeLannaman1
    Love this Series!
    Inspirational, tools for life! Here is the room we need to change into when you become the smartest person in the room you use to occupy. In this new position I have been elected to… this motivational helped me fill in blanks and expand my thinking. It confirms my “stretching”. Please Dr Phil, keep this going.
  • sharlenafox
    You changed my life and the life of my family
    I am a young mom who only a high school diploma making $10/hr when I started listening to Living By Design back in 2019! Listening to this series inspired me to go to college and get my Registered Nursing License. I started taking pre-requisite classes in 2019 and slowly chipped away at this degree while working to support my family. I will graduate with my RN in just a few months now and I have a job offer waiting for me making more than I ever thought would be possible for me. My life and my family’s life has improved tremendously because I took everything Dr. Phil said to heart and lived by design. I relisten to the Living by Design series at least once every year (I swear I have it memorized). This has helped motivate me to improve my life and I will FOREVER be grateful to Dr. Phil for this. Thank you for motivating me to change my life!
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