The Law School Toolbox Podcast: Tools for Law Students from 1L to the Bar Exam, and Beyond

How To #13

The Law School Toolbox podcast is an engaging show for law students about law school, the bar exam, legal careers, and life. Each week, we offer practical tips and advice on academic matters, careers, and more. The Law School Toolbox podcast is hosted by opinionated law school and bar exam experts Alison Monahan and Lee Burgess. You might not always agree with us, but we guarantee you won’t be bored listening! Our goal is to impart useful, actionable advice in an entertaining manner. Join us! And, if you have an opinion on the show, please drop by and offer a review. We’re here to help, and we’d love to hear from you!

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Recent Reviews
  • HeatherPeden
    Extremely helpful
    I’m nervous about starting law school. I’ve been listening to this podcast on my drive to work each morning. The information in this podcast is helping me feel like I’m going to have the tools to succeed.
  • joanne72
    Personal Jurisdiction
    Thank you so much tor this clear and concise outline of personal jurisdiction. Better than my professor did which was not give one!! Love your podcast and I share them with my classmates all the time.
  • amominlawschool
    Great for law students
    Love this podcast. Super helpful that it lists the subject areas on each podcast. Please do more property, evidence, and civil procedures episodes!
  • bluediamondreview
    Learning Strategies
    Thank you for the learning strategies! Great for thinking ahead instead of planning to be reactive.
  • this is the way🙏💍
    Only smooth brain people don’t follow this podcast
    If you are interested or serious about pursuing a legal career this is absolutely the podcast for you. From before you enroll to landing biglaw or clerkship this is the podcast for you.
  • kmlichte
    Thanks for the heads up!
    Listening over the summer to prepare for 1L in the fall after being out of school for over 20 years. Thank you is not enough for the gratitude I feel. Thanks so much for thoughtful and interesting, informative episodes! Thank you for sharing your personal life experiences with us!
  • Student #1million
    good info but so condescending
    They have good tips but deliver it in a way that is so condescending. They make fun of people for saying stupid things in class … Get a life. Also, take a shot every time she says she was a civ pro TA! She definitely has a superiority complex for someone that lasted about 2 minutes in the actual field of law. 30 years old still wanting a medal for getting As in school and not actually working in biglaw lol
  • Chr1st0ph3rV
    A blessing for first-generation law students.
    I started listening to this in the Spring before my 1L year. Leading up to school, the show helped me to understand the “game” that law school is, and to focus on the rules of the game to be able to win. I went into school as equipped as anyone else seemed to be, even if neither of my parents graduated college. A large part of that is owed to The Law School Toolbox. Now, in my 2L year I’m hunting through the back catalog for the “Listen and Learn” episodes to help supplement my readings. Thank you Law School Toolbox. You’re a big part of my successful law school experience.
  • Amasia Y
    Omg I’m very impressed with this podcast not only they explain the concepts but they go over essays! So helpful I wish I knew about this podcast during my first year of law school. Can you please cover more 2L subjects. I’d really appreciate hearsay exceptions! I’m definitely going to forward this podcast to my friends!
  • Blabksjshs
    35 minutes of nothing
    Hands down one of the least eloquent podcasters I’ve ever heard. 35 mins of “yeaahh, like, crazy times, yeaah, cooking is relaxinggg”.
  • cathlynmelvin
    Great resource for first-gen students
    Alison and Lee cover a range of topics, from how to prepare for 1L to "triage"-ing before finals, to the annual job search, to early career advice. Guests are mostly helpful and engaging. The hosts take a pragmatic approach to law school, giving actionable advice on how to achieve the ends you're looking for. Some topics and anecdotes get repeated multiple times, but I imagine that the assumption is that just because you're listening to episode 197 doesn't mean you've listened to the 196 episodes that came before. Overall, I feel much more prepared for 1L and law school in general after listening through most of their episodes and seeking out some of the resources they recommend.
  • e_apple-TX
    So helpful!
    I’ve listened to a few episodes as i prepare to take the LSATs and all the information is super helpful whether i learn something new or just feel better about a certain thing. The covid episode on the flex LSAT was sent straight from Jesus because I’m taking it in July and it is a flex exam. Thank you for covering this!!
  • LJGoodman
    Valuable information
    So far I’ve listened to two of these podcasts, one on interviewing and one on law of homicide for exams. As a practicing lawyer, I wish I had access to this type of information, tutoring, and mentoring. This is great stuff.
  • KatherineKatie123
    Disappointed by LSAT episode
    I’ve been a long-time fan of LST, but I was disappointed by episode 246, “Influence of the LSAT on the Law School Admission Process (with Shirag Shemmassian).” The host and the guest seemed to imply that someone could take both the LSAT and the GRE and then pick which score to send to law schools. This is NOT TRUE. Once you take the LSAT once, you are required to submit that and schools are required to report it. It happens automatically through the LSAC. You can still send in the GRE, but it will hold less weight. Likewise, if you’ve taken the GRE, some schools (NYU, for example) will require you to send it in, even if you’d prefer that they only consider the LSAT. The guest seemed to be completely unaware of these policies, which made me doubt his expertise and, by extension, the expertise of the Law School Toolbox team. It looks like the guest works mostly with college and medical school applicants. I’m not sure why he was featured here. I hope the hosts will rectify or clarify this on the show.
  • Wannabe JD
    Love the Listen and Learn!
    First off, this is a wonderful Podcast series. I have been listening for about a year now. When I saw the Negligence Per Se episode pop up today under the LST banner I was particularly excited. I am an older student (55!) that begins 1L in the fall. I have been spending a lot of time getting acquainted with the basics of the 1L curriculum through various means. One of my favorite ways is to listen to your Bar Exam Toolbox (like the cross promotion?) and focus on your analysis of questions that cover first year topics. Those typically go pretty deep, as they should, but this Listen and Learn is a great way for 0L’s to get an intro to the basics without making your head spin! I hope there are more of these to come.
  • 1ER01
    I start law school this Fall as a non-traditional student in an evening program. I’ve found this podcasts to be incredibly helpful in giving me ideas of how I can prepare - from ideas to make outlines, requesting accommodations, etc. I had no idea commercial tutoring is available. Thank you for the valuable information the Toolbox for Law School podcast provides!
  • AstoriaWhatUp
    Very insightful!!
    Beyond great law school tips, there’s great life advice (not being too hard on yourself, importance of vulnerability, having a growth mindset). Lee and Alison have a great spirit and enthusiasm for helping people. I’m so lucky that I discovered them before I started 1L.
  • Jminion
    Great show
    This podcast is hilarious. The personal statement segment is really funny when people boast about their terrible work
  • ADDDeeJay
    Great tips, a lot of things considered
    Not a law school student, but I intend on it. Still gearing up for the LSAT, but these tips are even relevant for someone who’s just considering it. Well done.
  • LawSchoolB
    Incredible Guide to All Things Law School!
    I have only recently subscribed to this podcast, but in the couple of months since then, I have listened to almost every podcast from the Law School Toolbox. While there are plenty of written resources for law students, few places take the initiative to convert these lessons into easily-digestible, relevant audio format. Their podcast covers a whole array of different subjects, from giving tips to 0Ls thinking of making the law school leap to professional development strategies and guides for networking that I will take well into my law career. I especially enjoy the OCI podcasts and learning some of the ins and outs of BigLaw recruiting from both the student perspective (the hosts) and the law firm perspective (knowledgeable guests brought onto the show). Every law student, traditional or non-traditional, T14 to TTTT, should listen to their advice!
  • emmmaduke25
    Incredibly informative
    This is a focused, informative, fun podcast on ALL things law school! I’m in the middle of applying to law schools and I love binge listening these episodes- they make me so excited for this upcoming life season! Thanks for all the hard work!
  • Franny Lee
    Incredible resource for students before, during and after law school
    It is hard to over-exaggerate how much this podcast has enhanced my pre-law school and law school experiences. It succeeds in its goals of demystifying law school and preparing you for every aspect of the experience, from networking to academics. Providing this podcast for free is truly a public service. I think it is a particularly valuable resource for students who come from a community or background where they did not have social exposure to lawyers or the legal profession. Lee and Alison help to bridge the gap between “insiders” and “outsiders”; there are no stupid questions. For already motivated, passionate students, this podcast helps point you in the right direction and teaches you how to effectively channel your energy, transforming your desire to succeed in law into actual success as a young lawyer.
  • Sdavis352
    Love it!
    This podcast has been super helpful and exactly the kind of law school podcast that I was looking for as a 1L.
  • B Waugh
    Covers every aspect of the law school experience
    The best law school podcast, hands down.
  • Ness123456789$$
    200th episode is amazing!!
    This entire podcast is so necessary and has such great content! I usually tend to leave a quick star rating on something I like, but the 200th episode made me have to put it down in writing! I think the content is so important for anyone at any stage of this process and so reaffirming for anyone already incorporating or exploring these topics and skills in their “toolbox” for life. Absolutely worth a subscribe and listen.
  • dirtygator1
    We love listening
    My wife and I listened to your pod cast for an entire afternoon trip home from Atlanta (5.5 hours). Keep up the work we both learned a lot!
  • Athena Atwill
    Whether you intend to stay or leave the world's second oldest profession, this is the podcast you need!
  • kaylyndanielle
    Love the LSTB
    I am a 2L and have been listening since the summer before 1L. This podcast has helped me so much as a law student, and listening to this in conjunction with the bar exam toolbox podcast, I feel much less anxious about the impending bar exam. Thank you!
  • SLankershim
    Started with episode 174 and thought this must be a prank. "LSAT expert Nathan Fox" knew nothing about the LSAT going digital despite that this episode was specifically to talk about the LSAT going digital. REALLY a perfect example of "if you have no content, don't post garbage" ignored. Oh, but Alyson and Nathan waste 45 minutes of our lives laughing about how lame the LSAT is for going digital - "Are they going to drive these Microsoft Surfaces around in armored trucks to each testing?...hyuck, hyuck, hyuck..." Seriously thought this MUST be the ONE bad episode so started listening to others...but I was wrong...after struggling through a couple dozen they just don't get better. The two non-practicing attorneys (and what does that say about their credibility?) spend most of their time laughing at each other and offering the same droll time and time again... "So Lee, do you think it's important to get a good night's sleep?" "Hyuck, hyuck, hyuck, yeah I think so Alyson." Funniest comment that's worked into nearly every episode I listened to before throwing in the towel is from Alyson: "Yeah, I don't believe in Ivy League status..." (five minutes later)..."but I DID graduate from Columbia and was on the law review...(yawn)...yeah clerking for a federal judge, so beneath me..." LOL...just don't think the 45 minute waste of time that *just might* offer 30 seconds of something useful is worth it. Pass, seriously pass.
  • Hobbyhitboy
    Probably a good listen for 0L or 1st semester 1Ls, but as a current 2L hoping to find real, practical advice/tips to improve.. not worth the listen. It’s all generic advice that I’ve heard from professors/school resources over & over again which doesn’t necessarily work well for me. Also, the podcast’s tone/attitude is eerily similar to the toxic law school attitude of many professors & students that makes it hard for underperforming students to seek out help & improve
  • M. Gunn
    1L Job Search Help
    I’m in the middle of the job search for my 1L summer and the ladies here have been extremely helpful to know what more I can tweak to get a legal-related clerkship this summer. Thank you Alison, Lee, and Sadie!
  • Ramen Forever
    Basically the only law school advice I listen to anymore!
    I listened to several of the Law School Toolbox episodes over the summer before starting my 1L year and I found them incredibly insightful. I was going through a huge life transition in moving across the world to start law school. They helped me form realistic expectations so that, when I got to law school, I was not as overwhelmed as I would have been otherwise. I cannot emphasize enough how appreciative I am that this podcast exists!! Now that I am nearing finals and have heard nothing but generic advice from law students and panels of people for the past 4 months, I truly can’t handle any more “information” or “tips” from fellow students or school resources because it is such an anxiety-producing environment. However, listening to the brilliant women of this podcast talk calmly and casually while I am cooking dinner or taking a walk is a time when I can happily take in advice. I look forward to continuing to listen to future episodes!
  • ErinHoran
    This Thanksgiving I am especially thankful for Alison, Lee, Sadie, and this podcast! This podcast made me feel so prepared going into law school this fall. I knew that I needed to start my outlines early, despite all the “advice” I was given by my peers. I was also well equipped with strategies to create a study schedule and stick to it! Now on Thanksgiving I am spending the day with family without guilt because I am in a good place on my final exam studies. I also have job application materials ready to send out on 12/1, which was never even mentioned to me by my school’s career office. This podcast is a GAME CHANGER if you’re starting/preparing for law school.
  • Cacbbjdddghnjg
    A Joy to Listen To
    I started listening to this podcast after my business law professor told me I should consider going to law school. While I’m still unsure if I will go or not, this podcast has really helped me understand what law school entails. Additionally, it has advice that is relevant to me even now as an undergrad.
  • Brand new 1L
    Best prep for law school
    A sincere thanks to Alison and Lee. I took the June LSAT that very quickly led to a July law school acceptance. I had very little time to prepare for the start of school. And then I found this podcast... I just completed my first week of classes, and the tips and wisdom have been invaluable. The time management skills I have learned from the podcast have set me up for success. I never thought I could sit still for very long but find myself engrossed in my cases for more than an hour, escaping the traps of the "just checks". I've learned so much from this podcast that have, as the intro says, "demystified the law school experience" and feel much more relaxed and confident about what I've gotten myself into.
  • bubba.
    Very informative and encouraging
    I’ve recently started listening to this podcast and coming in, I had very little confidence that I could handle the LSAT; much less law school, but after hearing these ladies talk (and their guests as well), I feel much more confident in myself and when the time comes to take the test and apply for schools, I know I’ll come in much more prepared than I ever could on my own! Keep it up, y’all! 😁
  • erismire
    Great but
    I love the old episodes but recently it feels like there is no new content it is the same thing over and over again. Also, it bothers me that if listening through their website there are usually glitches and Spotify doesn’t have all the episodes.
  • Hodkins
    New Content Needed
    I’ve listened to most of the episodes and the information is decent. Many episodes discuss the same thing just under a different title. Alison continually tells the same stories, even to guests that she brings on and has already told that story too. For these reasons I wouldn’t recommend listening to all of these episodes. Once you get whatever you can from it, then move on. I also particularly dislike Alison’s interruptions of her guests. She often interrupts people when they are sharing really good information to share a personal anecdote that doesn’t necessarily add to the conversation.
  • publius 2018
    Audio delay unbearable for OCI episode
    I recently subscribed to this podcast and listened to today’s podcast about OCI strategy. Was really looking forward to it but as soon as the guest came on there was a noticeable audio delay between the host and guest. Not helped by the fact that the host would keep talking over the guest instead of waiting for the guest’s response to come in after the delay. Unbearable. This issue should have been caught during sound editing before posting the pod. Not good. A shame because I really wanted to listen to this podcast once it appeared on my feed. Hope all episodes aren’t like this
  • B.yxavius
    Some the lady's opinions and advice can sometimes can seem it's a little bit of a personal bias and not factual. Nonetheless, it's all based on their experiences so it yet still a great foundational thoughts and advice. By far some of the best pre-law school advice that I've heard.
  • ListeningLawStudent
    Wide Variety of Interesting and Important Topics
    An excellent podcast. I'm really enjoying the most recent episodes like "Leaving the Law," and others that go into what law practice is really even like, and how to find what you want to do. The bar prep ones are great too. Thank you Lee and Alison!
  • fabulizzzzz
    Preparing for bar exam studying episode
    Worth checking out if you’re law school student or past bar taker
  • YungMomma
    Great Info for Potential Law Students
    I started listening when I started studying for the LSAT. Lee and Alison explore many topics I had questions about and many that I didn’t even know to be curious about. Better than a mere introduction, I plan to keep this podcast and their other resources in my favorites, because they have helpful tips for the entire law school experience. I really appreciate their insiders perspective and their accessible style.
    I have a hard time listening to Allison... she criticizes other people’s mistakes and scoffs instead of giving valuable advice. It is condescending and arrogant. The topics are helpful but the tone turns me off.
  • Fuva
    Very helpful
    Great insight on offer! Thanks
  • Theadssuck998274
    Barbie Meets California Surfer
    This podcast has a ton of good information. Yet, I find myself having to pull the pencil out of my ears every time I listen to Alison speak. She sounds like your stereotypical Californian...only missing the snapping bubble gum and "Ugh! As if!" or "like totally!" (although, I'm pretty sure she's actually used the latter phrase). She makes my ears bleed. I wondered if I was the only one or was being hypercritical when I saw there are other critical reviews commenting on the same thing. If you can get through that, you will find this podcast useful. If not, you better hide sharp objects.
  • Matt Butts
    Very Informative
    I just applied to law school and the insight provided here is pure gold, especially for someone who has no idea what to expect.
  • skiva180
    I want so badly to love this podcast, because the substance is incredibly valuable and accurate. I have a hard time listening to the show, however, because of the condescension and arrogance that finds its way into every episode. Even worse is the draining vocal fry and the constant "just likes" and "you knows" and "yeah, nos" that Alison Monahan drops throughout the show.
  • hannahhuckleberry
    Alison and Lee are fantastic. They have great ideas and a fun approach. I love to listen on my way to law school. Their advise and tips put my mind at ease going into 1L year.
  • Peer Spectrum
    Are you an invisible? Conversation with author, David Zweig
    Very interesting podcast. Have worked in healthcare for many years with many 'invisibles' who had a tremendous impact on quality of patient care. Agree with David - focus should be on the best care you can provide not your own notoriety or financial reward. These employees will get their rewards & recognition in time if they continue to put their best foot forward. Would love to read David's book. Thank you Keith Menkin & Colin Miller for this enlightening podcast!
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