Code Switch

by NPR
News #88

What's CODE SWITCH? It's the fearless conversations about race that you've been waiting for. Hosted by journalists of color, our podcast tackles the subject of race with empathy and humor. We explore how race affects every part of society — from politics and pop culture to history, food and everything in between. This podcast makes all of us part of the conversation — because we're all part of the story. Code Switch was named Apple Podcasts' first-ever Show of the Year in 2020.

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Recent Reviews
  • jeydeb
    Excellent Show
    I am so grateful for this pod - The stories centered on this pod is always needed and I hope folks feel seen and validated.
  • salodo
    NFL series
    I’m really enjoying the series on the NFL and football injuries over the course of a player’s lifetime. Great timing to play into the early post-Super Bowl NFL void and it’s really making me think. I love the NFL, but I’d be glad to support anything that makes the game safer for the players I love.
  • MyGrainMama
    Engaging and Informative
    I get so much from this podcast - have learned a great deal about the whitewashed stuff I’ve been taught. My perspective is changing and my respect for my Black neighbors is growing greater and greater. So yeah, I might not be your target demographic, but I’m glad I can sit with your stories, and I do recommend your podcast to friends.
  • Venuspt2
    Have to make time
    I’m sitting in my car eyes wide in surprise because of recent reviews. I’ve been listening for years, and I’ve never read the reviews but I’m looking for an episode older than the latest episode and I stumbled here. Anyway there was an episode a long time ago when Gene talks about “the explainatory comma” and how annoying it can be when someone is doing it for someone who is clearly not the intended audience…while the intended audience is taking a deep breath saying “we knoowwwwwww” I had to take time to leave a five star review because all the bad reviews are for the people who need expainatory commas and are not the intended audience anyway. Not because they can’t speak from the “I” perspective and share the views of the hosts and their guests but because they didn’t come here for a brave convo on race and its implications. They make the time to leave bad reviews, if you’re reading this…leave a review and tell your friends to do it too! 5 STARS!! (PS I so miss you Shereen!!!)
  • Tee, The Get Rite Podcast
    Deep!!! & Dope!!
    Interested hearing take on the new federal push of placing DEI on leave or reassignments
  • Dree1200
    Great Podcast
    Hands down one of my favorite podcasts, year after year!
  • Wh4TeveR_Town
    Awful 2024 hosts.
    These conversations sound like two self-appointed “smartest kids in high school” trying to have their version of a “rigorous intellectual dialogue” in performance for an audience of 5th graders — so much exaggerated emphasis and truly SLOW reading of obvious, banal scripts. Even the attempted “impromptu” jokes land like bad improv. Unlistenable and erodes any credibility in the info attempting to be shared.
  • Bob Garfield
    I love how each episode’s runtime is like 60% advertisements. More ads please! The ads are even better than the show’s content! I rely on NPR podcasts for all my favorite advertisements. Please fill all your shows with even more ads.
  • DaFlln
    Spitting on Andrew Jackson’s Grave???
    This show is sometimes worth a listen, and oftentimes not. I’ve listened to it on and off for some time. That said, the fact that they would title an episode about spitting on someone’s grave is honestly a disgrace. I’m aware of Andrew Jackson’s history and his reprehensible treatment of Native Americans, but to title any podcast with this has made me turn off this show for good. I won’t be missing much anyhow.
    Arab American Epidode
    Listening to this episode was definitely informative. I had to pause and think of those who are needlessly dying in Gaza. Having visited Israel several decades ago I have an understanding of their position and that of those living in Gaza. But I would be remiss if I didn’t say that the Arab American folks on this episode and their strategy is flawed on its face. If you are anti Trump or not voting for her or third party it can easily secure him Michigan and thus closer to the White House. To put any amount of trust into Trump to end the war if he was in office is just plain silly. What I know you know as an Arab American is that Israel is going to Israel. Doesn’t matter who the president may be. If you think in 2028 that your vote will matter when more than likely the war would have concluded, that’s a bad gamble. Politics isn’t hard, if you don’t have anything a party wants you are useless to that candidate or party. I don’t like that fact but it’s true. The lesser of two “evils” in this case is Kamala Harris. Admittedly I don’t have people in danger everyday so I don’t have that perspective but thinking that punishing the Democrats which could put Trump in the White House again is just a foolish endeavor on so many levels.
  • ManOnBar
    Labeling succeeding Latinos “Defectors” is hate speech
    Code switch had a good episode on how our taste evolves. Neutral and informative. The code switch under fake neutrality used some wisher that Latinos stay repressed label succeeding Latinos who search for their own opinions and identity instead of following the herd are “Defectors”. That’s hate speech something NPR does seductively well. I wish federal funding was cut from one minded NPR.
  • bshdbdghheb
    Used to be a fan
    Through their coverage of the genocide in Palestine I have realized Code Switch is not much different than majority of main stream media. I am extremely disappointed.
  • Al_Sol01
    Marxist hog wash
    Wow, a bunch of hog wash. As a Cuban immigrant, listening to folks that are actively promoting illegal immigration makes me want to support Trump even more! Your entire cast and guest, especially the 9/25/2024 crew, have a strong case of TDS due to the woke mind virus and the marxist media propaganda wing of the DNC masquerading as NPR, ABC, NBC, CNN, CBS, Bloomberg, AP, NYT, WP, LAT (almost bankrupt), and to some extent FOX and the WSJ spewing nonsense. Go to a Trump rally, you will meet people from all walks of life, including different sexual preferences (which is really not an important factor as it does not determine your character). When you move to another country you should assimilate to that country’s culture and laws because you are a guest in that new country. Similar to when you invite guest to your house, you expect them to follow the rules set by the host and not the other way around, basic understanding. The radical far left marxist pretending to be democrats hate their own country. If you hate the United States, please go and live in Cuba and Venezuela for at least two years to get some real lived experience (spoiler alert: you will not enjoy it, zero journalistic freedom). If you like that environment, please stay there. No country would allow foreign immigrants, let along illegal immigrants, to change their culture or laws. Try that in Cuba, Venezuela, Lebanon, Gaza, China, Iran, and South Africa, all the countries and region loved and admired by the radical far left marxist democrats more than the United States. Do you think these countries go out of their way to translate their laws, give illegals immigrants free lunch, schools, and healthcare, or provide you ESOL classes, I think you know the answer. Go get some independence and study the Declaration of Independence, the US Constitution, the Federalist papers, and Over Ruled by Neil Gorsuch to get a better idea for the US and its founding. Please get back to objective and unbiased journalism - We The People are tuning you out. Good day.
  • The Zstreet
    Lost its way
    I used to love this show. Appreciated the insight it offered into different cultures, the many ways we contain multitudes, and how that manifests for different people as they move through the world. Somewhere along the line the narrative changed to one of activism. I’m not sure the hosts and staff even realize that’s what they are doing and if that is true it’s unsalvageable. I hope not, but they’ve lost the thread. It’s been so sad to lose what was a great program.
  • stinky lefty
    Your tax dollars at work
    Mindless wokeness produced by and for the least useful members of our society.
  • P_Lar
    Bangers only on the Code Switch feed
  • Hftkni34679&(medla
    Always the victim
    I used to like this podcast to get a different point of view and learn about other people’s lived experiences. After all, I only know what it’s like to be me. The stories used to be interesting and eye opening then things went downhill. It started with the School Colors series about the most diverse place in the world-Queens, New York. Despite the schools being home to the children of all these diverse residents it wasn’t diverse enough. Why? Because there weren’t enough black students. Of course. After that series it devolved into hearing about how if you’re not white then you’re a victim. No one’s ever woke enough. It just got annoying. No thanks.
  • nadi624
    Change in hosts, change in quality
    I’ve been a listener since day 1, but it feels very different with the shift in hosts a couple years ago. The quality of the content isn’t the same, and the newer hosts don’t bring it quite the same as Gene and Shereen. I used to look forward to each and every single episode and would never miss one. I now find myself missing more and more. I do hope it finds its groove again. Rooting for you Code Switch.
  • Aloewishes6
    B A and Lori are great
    B A would be/could be an amazing friend, unfortunately, she isn’t a journalist. Empathy and sympathy are necessary traits one needs to navigate our social environs, but not within the framework of journalism. Both Lori and B A come across as deeply ingenious through inflection and a lack of journalistic integrity. I will continue listening to Code Switch, but the validity and weight left with Shereen. Much love to Gene
  • doczhivago
    They Need to Fact Check Better to be Trustworthy Journalism
    (They also refuse to post this review because it reveals a major flaw in their journalistic practices) The day I stopped listening was during an episode on Black representation in film. As a Black film nerd, I take Black representation in media seriously. They were discussing horror and how we always die first (so they were saying). Someone brings up Alien and says the “Black guy dies first in Alien.” The Black guy’s name by the way is Parker. He’s played by Yaphet Kotto, an outstanding actor and character in a strong ensemble cast. Spoiler alert: he doesn’t die first he dies last at the very end of the film and he has an unforgettable voice throughout. Love Parker. Considering it’s Yaphet Kotto (an actor’s actor), you could just get this right. Revisiting this sci-fi horror masterpiece, I had to leave a review. Alien and its place in film is far and away more important and more significant than this podcast. I don’t think I’ve listened to an episode since.
  • angrylf
    Terrible program
    Entitled, insensitive, arrogant hosts apply woke values to real life situations and tell stories in a manner that is appallingly cruel - truly confoundingly awful stuff. Listen to episode 70 of Blocked and Reported for an example which says it better than I can. Zero stars if I could.
  • hvjhdc
    Thank you for Mike curato’s interview
    This was one of the most honest heartwarming interviews. Mike you are a truly beautiful person. Thank you 🙏
  • B.Hud
    Gumbo for the American Soul
    Code Switch is such a dope podcast. I wish more curriculums and DEI trainings across the country promoted it as a resource and for discussion. I’ve learned so much about so many different cultures, races, and flavors of people. The stories shared have also allowed me to look at my own biases and shortcomings. Some stories shared have inspired me to dig deeper into my own cultural heritage to gain a better understanding of my family’s Black and Native history. The episode that prompted me to write a review was titled “The truth and lies behind one of the most banned books in America.” First of all.. 😭😭. So many beautiful nuggets in that episode. If only folks would take the time to listen and try to understand.. Mike Curato’s beautiful soul was spreading nothing but love and creating a sense of belonging. Wonderful interview, Ms. Parker. 👏🏾👏🏾 I was crying right along with you! Adding Flamer to my “banned books to read” list. “Looking where the love is.” We all need to adopt that practice. 🥹
  • I heart PB
    Opinions and grievances
    Finally had to unfollow this show. So sad what NPR has become. And I say this as someone who has always leaned left. Nothing but ideological babble. Misogyny is a woman and only a woman’s experience - stop stripping us of our lived experiences and erasing words to describe us in order to placate the ‘identities’ of men. That is TRUE misogyny.
  • Ash8787421780
    Please stop turning the end of half of your sentences into a question when it should be a statement. It’s silly and makes you sound like you’re uncomfortable or unconfident in what you’re saying.
  • James Tripoli
    Like Dan Bongino for the left!
    Formulated for hard left bubble dwellers.
  • pb and telly
    Love BA Parker’s interview style!
    Listening to BA Parker’s interviews with authors like Kailene Bradley is such a treat! Feels like listening to friends! Thanks Code Switch!
  • TNickiB
    Love it!
    I’ve been listening to Code Switch for a while and I love love love it! Also, those who have an issue with talking about race should look up what it means to code switch. You’d save time and characters 😊
  • jasoncwolfe
    Conflicting feelings about the hosts
    BA Parker is not my taste. She seemingly defaults to a silly/light tone even when subject matter is heavy. Gene is brilliant at weaving in and out of conversations and topics with appropriate demeanor and a keenness for the subject. If this podcast was exclusively Gene I wouldn’t miss an episode but sometimes I need to turn off when Parker is steering. I could imagine liking Parkers work much more in a much lighter forum.
  • Kovvez
    No facts just opinions
    Same thing every episode of you’re white you’re racist
  • mikeyivan
    I love this show BUT
    I love this show and everything is stands for! I’m so very glad that it exist…..BUT Gene Denby’s smarmy attitude and teenagerish tones and takes are intolerable to the point thatI I have almost given up on the show all together. Mr. Denby, please consider examining your own attitudes and indeed psychological-motives that are so clearly displayed in your performance. Your intelligence and purpose, which are both also evident are belied by your bratty tone of voice. Thank you
  • JoopieSoCute
    Educational and thought provoking
    I absolutely love this podcast and the vast subjects it discusses. It is a good learning tool and find myself learning something new every time I listen to it.
  • Hjkhcxfg
    Race this race that
    Stop making everything about race when it’s clearly not. You are the problem
  • EMO Philly
    Learning, learning, learning
    I am constantly learning new things from this podcast! I think Gene has always been great and I’m very happy with BA’s arrival to the team. My world has expanded and I look forward to continuing to learn!
  • 808needisaymore
    One of the best!
    I love this podcast. I just listened to the public housing episode. Fanta Kaba was so good!!! It really got me thinking about the question of who gets to live where. I am always learning when I listen. Thank you so much for all of your work!
  • Injeel H
    Code Switch: The Black 14
    Absolutely amazing. Football is my thing! Has been all my life. As a player, coach, student and historian of the game, this is a story I never knew. Thank you BA Parker and the whole team for bringing this piece of history to the world. Moreover, thank you to all the hosts and team for the amazing work you do with the Code Switch podcast. Your excellent work on a myriad of subjects is vitally necessary and so appreciated! Keep doing what you’re doing! We hear you and thank you!
  • JuicyJ_NY
    B.A. Parker Sta
    I’m here for all B.A. Parker journalism. She’s so authentic and unique. Her storytelling leaves you wanting more.
  • JO Robinson1
    Very Enjoyable
    I have enjoyed the show and topics of this show. I love the variety of the topics and subject matter and how informative it is.
  • lmredd86
    this is the problem
    why does EVERYTHING have be about RACE now???? America is a melting pot- literally everyone is a from a mixed culture- get over yourselves. It’s HYSTERICAL to me that anyone today in these modern times in America can talk about discrimination. Women, gay, blacks, jews, old, young, rich, poor - everyone- we’ve all been discriminated against in one way or another . it’s old already- the biggest problem and concern we all are facing today is the discrimination against AMERICANS. by continuing to talk and whine about how we be been treated by this or that - it’s only serving to divide us as a whole, to weaken our foundation as a country from which we all come from. Why isn’t anyone talking about how “whites” are being discriminated against? How my ancestors came here from italy and were discriminated against and treated like they were disposable? my ancestors suffered at the hands of colonial rule—JUST SHUT UP AND STOP THE VICTIM MENTALITY. JustTalk talk talk about race race race - THIS IS THE REASON THAT RACISM CONTINUES BC ITS ALL THATS TALKED ABOUT. We are ALL AMERICAN. We are all being denied our rights, being taken advantage of and being dictated to and controlled and we’re all subjected to suffering now. WE ALL BLEED THE SAME COLOR. THE ENEMY IS NOT YOUR NEIGHBOR- wake up.
  • Bluezie
    Taylor take down
    WOW! I’m no Swiftie, but I know a mean girl take down when I hear one! It’s disturbing to hear women diminish or ignore the good that she’s done…while pontificating about what YOU think she SHOULD be & do. When you talked about the good… I could hear your eyes roll in that “what-evah“ way. Y’all damned her political involvement being late… then insinuated it was only done to make her look good. Talk about being damned if you do & damned if you don’t! My takeaway is this pod will celebrate women…but only IF they’re women of color. Since I’m not…I won’t be back. This divisiveness is disturbing & sad!
  • monitorboy
    An opinion show
    Highly subjective, not any sort of reportage. The bias against “whiteness” is very obvious. NPR should be ashamed.
  • Dannycash48
    Listened to one one taylor swift. I’m not a fan of hers, but I became concerned as it became increasingly critical if her not because of anything she said or did but rather that shes white, has too many fans and won too many awards. So the host has to take her down a peg. Such a cynical and misguided way to view the world.
  • GlennWatson
    We get it
    “White people bad.” That’s the message of this podcast.
  • Megan H78
    Housing episode top notch
    Thank you for bringing to light the complex issues of public housing in New York. The young journalist did a beautiful job of bringing forward the facts and the human issues that intertwine in the complex issue of housing. Thank you for lifting her up and giving her a chance to show her talent. I have a feeling, we will hear a great deal more from her in the future. The show is terrific.
  • No, please!
    So tedious
    Excruciating, simply excruciating. It’s never too late to do something meaningful with your life.
  • Skiffymom
    The episode about the Montgomery Bus Boycott was awesome!
    I’ve been a “Code Switch” fan for years, and the programming is always top notch and highly relevant. This particular episode is a great example of programming that goes to new heights. Thank you!
  • mattxokern
    Thank you!
    Thank you for the wonderful episode on the Montgomery Bus Boycott Women leaders and participants! Very beautiful and inspiring!
  • StephTheArchivist
    Thanks, Code Switch!
    Thank you to the team for making such a quality podcast.
  • Dr. Teacher Lish
    Dr. Love on Reform
    If you listened to the the Arkansas episode, and you care even a little about schooling, please read Dr. Bettina Love’s latest book, “Punished for Dreaming.” School reform, such as what is happening in this latest episode, is a part of a calculated attack on public education. Thank you for speaking up on this. Unfortunately, Arkansas is just the tip of the privatization iceberg.
  • Phenom-a-mom
    Wonderfully Refreshing
    Offering great perspective's on culture without centering whiteness! That’s what makes Code Switch an authentic listen. BIPOC thoughts, ideas, and cultures are highlighted and brought to the forefront of each narrative. We love to see it!
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