Newbie Star Trek


Ricardo and Sara have never watched Star Trek before! So Marvin and Dan are taking them on a journey to watch it all, one episode at a time! We‘re currently going through TNG! New episodes every Tuesday! Newbie Star Trek is part of Fugitive Frames.

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Recent Reviews
  • Picardo Rivera
    DS9 will be fun with this group
    Loving these guys (and gal).
  • floormee
    Everything goes back to sex.
    I get you’re a youngish guy (I mean I guess you’re young?) but does EVERYTHING have to go back to sex, Ricardo?? You keep going back to that punchline. Sex robots, death by sex, sex costumes, sexy looks, you know they’re banging, etc. It was funny with Naked Now and Justice, but this is getting really old. I’m not a prude, but it just lacks creativity and it makes you sound like a 14 year old who can’t think of anything except sex. And I’m quite certain that’s not true, which is why I’m hoping you change later on.
  • Scott Bass
    What happened this episode, Ricardo?
    This show is a lot of fun. RIP Yar.
  • Coco Nola
    my new favorite tng podcast lol keeps me giggling as i remember the episodes (most i’ve seen many times) from a fresh perspective. you can tell the hosts are really friends and they all have great chemistry and it’s just generally a lot of fun.
  • cmiller_tbn
    Great podcast wether you’ve seen the show or not. If you haven’t it’s probably even more fun to watch the episodes for the first time and listen to the podcast immediately after. I love how Dan butchers everybody’s name.
  • Mad Vapes
    A Great Premise Executed Poorly
    The jokes fall flat more often than not, everyone talks over one another and too much time is given to tangental conversations. Each 1.5 hour episode has about 30-40 minutes of Star Trek discussions with the remainder given to Ricardo telling bad jokes or Sara taking the discussion into an awkward tangent. The best thing you could do to improve this show is provide a structure for each episode and edit out the aimless chit-chat and poor attempts at humor. For example, 5-10 minutes of preamble, 5-minute episode recap from someone that isn’t Ricardo, 20-30 minutes given to the topics of discussion, and 5-10 minutes to close out the episode.
  • Hendizzleslizzle
    Tractor beams & d!ck skin wallets
    This is a legitimately funny and interesting popcast (pop culture podcast). If you are easily offended, maybe not for you… or maybe you should give it a listen just to know where your boundaries are.
  • ATVehicle
    Understand the effort, but the hosts constantly talk over and interrupt each other. Give each other some space and drop the fake stoner vibe. Not every single comment has to be a joke.
  • Me myce
    His name is not Luc
    I’m enjoying it so far, but I am increasingly annoyed by them calling the captain, “Luc.” That’s not his name.
  • madabox
    Your pod blows, and your not funny. Annoying comes to mind.
  • Rormster
    A fun way to re-experience tng
    Sure they don’t have all the trek lore fully downloaded (but you can read the title and learn that for yourself) but the retelling of each episode always makes me crack up. Excited to hear what the full 4-person cast is like!
  • MAP916
    Love it.
    Love it.
  • Literroy
    Culture shock
    Started listening from the beginning recently, and as a gay male Trekkie, I have to admit I get very few of their references. But I do love Star Trek, and there’s something kind of fun about listening to people who are as pop culture obsessed with you, but about entirely different universes of pop culture, talk about a thing you love. I barely knew what a Jason Statham was before I started listening. And I recently found myself yelling at my phone when they were listing things Daniel Davis (Moriarty) had been in and somehow didn’t mention he was in the main cast of the greatest TV show of all time, The Nanny. Anyway, super fun show, check it out.
  • CrowTRobot20
    Promising but very flawed
    This is a great idea but not well executed. Why are they giving 75% of the air time to Ricardo to recap each episode? He refuses to learn anything. And dropping the f-bomb 100+ times an episode is not funny in and of itself, just tiring. I think I counted 5 in one sentence. Couldn’t deal with it after the first 10 episodes. Disappointing.
  • Species42069
    Newbie reactions ruined by guy who’s seen it
    Great premise for a podcast (newbies watching Trek), but it’s 75% ruined by the guy who’s already seen the show and talks waaaaaay too much. He’s simply cannot stop himself from constantly seeking that attention of “I already know everything about the show! Aren’t I so cool!? Everyone listen to me!” It’s obnoxious and really hurts the show. We’re tuning in for newbie reactions, not to listen to someone who’s already seen it (and who’s clearly just feeding his superiority complex needs at that). Someone like that could helpfully guide the conversation with his foreknowledge, but instead he constantly stomps all over everyone else’s reactions and opinions. He interrupts far too much and it’s almost always to say why his opinion is correct and everyone else is wrong. Even when he tells Star Trek lore to the others it’s now annoying because we know he’s doing it for that attention/superiority fix, not to be helpful. I really want to like the show, but I always get a few mins into an episode and hear that guy dominating the show again and turn it off.
  • The_Ruiner_Who _Ruins
    Charming. But veeery unfocused.
    In an hour long podcast, they talk about Star Trek for maybe 25 minutes. Do you want to listen in on some likable banter? This is for you. Do you want them to focus and talk about the episode? You will get frustrated.
  • Schlubb Guy
    I just started listening. I’m a big enough trek fan that I can remember the episodes as they review them. I think it’s awesome that the Newbie calls Captain Picard “Luke.” It’s nice that I have hundreds of hours ahead of me. My commutes are set for a while.
  • A&EWorkman
    Hilarious and all in good fun
    I found this podcast through Instagram @newbiesstartrek They review each episode on a weekly basis and look at it through the lens of someone who hasn’t ever seen the show before and also a couple that have seen the episodes but are not TNG experts. It all is done in good nature and is quite funny.
  • Thelastson2
    Love this
    This truly is a great podcast. If you have a good dark sense of humor and you’re not easily offended, this show is like watching Star Trek through the eyes of an above average intelligence gorilla.
  • Mastodon Infantry
    A brilliant podcast. I just started from the beginning. Did we get to Identity Crisis yet? Pure nightmare fuel.
  • JB del Taco
    Ricardo. Ricardo. Ricardo. No. No. No. Dude. Dude. Dude. Ricardo. Ricardo. Ricardo. Please stop repeating yourself 17 times when you want to interrupt Sara for one of your jokes. Please. Ricardo. Ricardo. Ricardo. Please.
  • imawilks
    A fun listen!
  • Falynn K
    I wanted to like this
    Like many people I found the reels/tiktok promos/shorts to be hilarious and found this podcast. I was listening here first but I thought maybe I was missing something and jumped over to the You tube channel thinking there would be more visuals (like in the promos). And there is a little bit of that, but I guess I hoped this was more of a riff trax/mst3k style thing where they live watched (or gave the impression they are live watching) an episode of TNG while adding funny commentary. If that existed I would be all over it, but that’s not really what this is— And that’s fine, they seem like they are having a nice time chatting with each other, and their fans seem to enjoy that, but it’s just not for me.
  • empathYCounty
    Newbie here, This is a joy
    I had never seen Star Trek before, but I saw a reel for this show on Instagram that caught my attention and made me laugh out loud. I immediately dove into the first few episodes and watched along with the first few episodes of TNG, and I found that the NST crew captures so many of my feelings as a viewer: TNG is chaos, hilarious, touching, problematic, and ultimately a gem of a show. I'm grateful for the Newbies for introducing the show to me, and taking the journey along with them has been a blast. Sometimes the podcast can get bogged down in inside jokes or discussions that veer wildly off-topic, but that's what the skip button is for. Overall... Newbie Star Trek is a fun and funny show that ignighted a new interest for me. If you're new to Stark Trek, this is an awesome place to start.
  • SeaDour
    Too much off-topic banter
    They spent the majority of the episode I listened to not actually talking about the Star Trek episode.
  • FE Andrew
    These are the re-voyages
    This epic comedic revisiting has brought new light and joy to the nostalgic voyages of the star ship Enterprise. They shine new light on characters from the terrorist known as Wesley to his serial killer mother who consistently kills people on their death bed. You’d think that the D’Anna would be able to read Bevs mal intent but we learn that she is constantly wrong about what she “detects”. The epic leader that is Picard would be able to handle both of them if he weren’t so busy avoiding children and romance. Fear not though Riker will fill the romance gap by banging every alien lady he can find, or if that’s not your cup of tea you can watch Geordi face plant every relationship he’s exposed to. There’s these examples and so many more. My only complaint is I can’t fly around the sun and time travel to a point where I can binge the entire pod. Sadly I’ll have to stay here in this time vortex and wait each week for a new episode. (Ricardo’s so funny)
  • Narthexn
    Generally good
    I generally enjoy the podcast and have come to appreciate Ricardo’s complete refusal to learn anything or anyone’s name. Honestly, though Sara drives me nuts, not all her takes are bad but when they get stuck in a prolonged awkward conversation it’s almost always because of an indefensibly bad take she’s all in on.
  • KingGlitch
    Pretty Wonderful
    I’m not sure how I got teleported to this podcast, but thankful my molecules were reassembled here. At its core this is a TNG rewatch podcast, however the deep dives into cultural relevance and conversations about holodecks are the real gems. The crew is so perfectly assembled here and their banter is better than a weekend on Risa. Keep it up team. Goat in the water.
  • disregard all
    I don’t know how you did it but this the worst episode you have done. Can you talk about start trek a little bit in your Star Trek show. You guys do a great job talking over each other. I dislike commitment to beating to death a bad joke. Way to much fast and furious in this Star Trek episode
  • Lord John Marbury
    Great Podcast
    I love this podcast. I grew up in the 80’s when TNG first aired. TNG is a childhood favorite filled with nostalgia and comfort for me. I enjoy hearing the fresh perspective of the newbs on this series—especially when that perspective clashes with my own.
  • Stringbeana
    3.5 For Now
    I’m trying to push through the second season and honestly I’m hoping for better. I’m a casual Star Trek fan so I do love the discussion on the show and the absurdity of the episodes but my biggest problem is the ragging so hard on the female characters (excluding Tasha Yar obviously). Maybe it’s because I actually did some research on why Gates McFadden was fired and then brought back. I think what’s annoying is it was lightly glazed over and they didn’t even touch the misogyny behind it. I do think the deadbeat mom joke is funny but also have they considered it was the bad writing in the first season that made her a bad doctor? I’m gonna try to give it more time so we’ll see if this changes.
  • Mdweeb
    Love this Podcast
    Introduced to this podcast through their awesome TikTok promos. I grew up watching Star Trek TNG and love hearing Marvin, Ricardo and Dan (eventually Sara) share their love and opinions about each and every episode. Great job guys and dolls. You’re just a bunch of crazy guys and dolls! Remember… this is a Star Trek podcast. Lol
  • Eidolon49er
    Renewed my love of Trek
    This podcast gave me a reason to go back and watch TNG. Also… I like to party.
  • JT in OC
    My new favorite podcast
    I started listening from the first episode. When do you guys stop referring to Picard as Luke?
  • Ensign Changsteen
    I like this Podcast
    I listened to your podcast everyday for a month and a half sometimes two to three episodes a day and finally caught up. I enjoy your commentary because you are giving a younger point of view on what is happening based on todays political climate social culture. I am older (41) than all of you I think maybe. It was also nice to have a female join the discussion as well. Look forward to each episode. Be well.
  • hopeful fan 83
    I finally found a good TNG commentary recap show
  • Peppermint_the_hedgehog
    Frick'in Tim
    All the best comentery and tangents all in the same place! Very funny and a great listen. Love everyone's takes and the fact that Tim is the fall guy.
  • Bungi
    Reliving my childhood
    i love your commentary and the fact that some of you haven’t seen the episodes lets me relive that feeling of watching these episodes for the first time!
  • WildcatDrums
    The Greatest Podcast Of All Time
    Elder Fan of Star Trek since my love for TOS made me watch TNG. Marvin, Dan, Ricardo sum up my thoughts about and make me laugh and feel deep about Star Trek TNG in all the right ways. I die laughing when I’m supposed to die laughing. I reflect and feel ways about certain moments when I should. I make my friends at work listen to clips of this and we spend hours on TNG. It’s that good. I enjoy the Trek commentary as much as I do when go off script about video games or politics. This is gold. I’m hooked. Thanks fellas.
  • PauEx
    Hilarious Trek Commentary
    This podcast has hilarious Next Generation commentary, good for die hard Trekies and new comers alike.
  • STHelton1
    The perfect recipe for Star Trek fun.
    This is a great podcast/youtube channel. I am about 3/4 of the way through TNG season 1, and I am fully committed to finishing the series with them. The hosts each bring funny and entertaining personalities, and I could totally see myself sitting in on an episode and having a great time. The is not a podcast just for the die hard elite fans. Everyone is welcome from the most knowledgable, all the way down to someone on their first view. I only wish I had found the show sooner.
  • 'Codix'
    For Newcomers and Fans of the Show
    I saw their shorts on You tube and decided to take a chance. I rememeber watching them as a kid, and this was really enjoyable to listen.
  • D7decker
    My new fav podcast
    I love this podcast. Recently started watching ST:TNG on my own then I found this podcast. Ricardo’s version of the storyline is so entertaining with Marvin and Dan’s commentary filling in any gaps. Looking forward to this journey together. Keep it up guys!
  • Atieh
    Funny and informative
    I love this podcast. They have a great sense of humor and like to listen to them because it feels you have a conversation with your friends.
  • mistake_input
    saw on tiktok
    loved it so much! funny and informative
  • Reidbg
    Fun for newbies and veterans of the show
    I started listening to this because their Tik Tok came across my FYP and I’ve loved every minute. Whether it’s Ricardo intentionally mispronouncing names or Marvin snort laughing, I love it all. From a 40+ year old ST fan, thank you for the great time!
  • pwnmistriss
    Great podcast
    Del Taco better sponsor this podcast I swear to god. At the same time, I can’t stand for this Taco Bell slander.
  • MgD99
    If they delivered a podcast where they talked about the episode, it would be 20 minutes. Not interested in listening to three guys cough into their microphones for an hour and a half.
  • Romulan Mercy
    Wonderful Podcast!
    Just started at the beginning yesterday after seeing some YouTube shorts, and I’ve been loving it. Really looking forward to catching up, as well as seeing what else is up ahead with this crew.
  • Shammack
    A hilarious recounting of a cult classic
    I have been searching for (and found) a long-series podcast to scratch at the comedy and nostalgia itches plaguing my modern life. The Fugitive team knocks this retelling out of the park. If you are a fan of Star Trek and comedy, do yourself a favor and give this podcast a listen!
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