Greatest Trek: New Star Trek Reviewed
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bowtiebrianHigh Hopes and Pineapple Ropes.Do you have a DEEP and irreverent appreciation for Star Trek on the (W)hole? Does that hole need to get jammed full of dirt so you can blast? Well, with Greatest Trek, you can have your pineapple cake and shoot ropes too. From a recently new Friend of DeSoto to anyone looking for a fun having Trek community, Check out Greatest Trek and even The Greatest Generation for entertaining pod content that will keep your warp bubble intact on this long journey. Thanks Ben, Adam and Windy!
h_horsepowerK’athleen TurnerOn the discussion of Klingon shoe color before/after Labor Day, so tickled that Ben went straight to Serial Mom.
JRP61Move on number one…2 overgrown man-child alcoholics who pretend to be tolerant but say horrible things by claiming it’s part of a bit…
GTensenIf you can only listen to one podcastI would wonder about your priorities but listen to this one anyway.
TheZ482Love this podcastThese guys are great
edseljoeStar Trek, but with irony!This Star Trek pod doesn’t take itself or the show too seriously. Ben and Adam do a great job recapping episodes and pointing out the amazing parts of this amazing constellation of tv programs.
coolloser NPart One of TwoAre your tastes more refined? Yet still you crave the quips phallic and anular? Want to be touched by those doggy-D fingers of Saru? Undecided on whether you are for or against Book Burnham? Look no further than this, with a couple of my Edward Larkins, Ben and Adam! See more at part two on The Greatest Generation.
TCJXHR ConcernIt has been two whole years since I recommended this podcast to a coworker without realizing how much of the content is highly unsuitable for work. I have spent many waking hours sweating bullets waiting for the email instructing me to sign on for a zoom meeting with Human Resources. In my haste to share my love of Trek with that coworker, I forgot how much Ben and Adam talk about cranks, dongs, the gore setting, illicit substances, petty theft, and other subjects not suitable for the workplace. My delight over how much this podcast makes me laugh and enjoy new Trek overrode my instincts for self-preservation. Whatever you do, DO NOT RECOMMEND TO YOUR COWORKERS! Recommend to your friends, loved ones, and your mother, but do yourself a favor and keep Greatest Trek and Greatest Generation out of the workplace!
Sal5051Trek AND BSG?!? Dream Come True!!Absolutely love this pod and Greatest Generation, I hope you do all of Battlestar!! I am so excited for another excellent sci-fi show to be reviewed by my fave podcasters!!
CosmicDadLove the show, but why aren’t you doing the second season of ProdigyLove the show, but Ben and Adam have gotten stuck in old non-Star Trek recaps when the second season of Star Trek: Prodigy sits there unrecapped! And there it sits!! Guys, I’m a little bit embarrassed by financially supporting a New Star Trek podcast, so you guys can be a little bit embarrassed in churning out an excellent Star Trek podcast. Please, be a little bit embarrassed about Prodigy season two!
A BransoniteJust the right levels of smart and dumbSmart enough to make me appreciate and learn about certain aspects of acting, staging, filming, etc. Dumb enough to make me laugh at the juvenile humor. Great job guys, keep it up!
ParentQuixoteWhere Went Prodigy S2?Gotta go back and pick up the 2nd season of Prodigy! One of the best seasons of Star Trek and you guys skipped it?
souch3Great Adam Ragusea Music PodcastThis Adam Ragusea music podcast is great! It also has a couple of guys talking about Star Trek with it. It’s 2 for 1!
Kevin C-skiA warm blanket for my earsWhen I was 21, I was diagnosed with lymphoma. The treatment was intense and hard and I’m lucky to be alive. My choices of entertainment during those hard times made it a lot easier to deal with. Ben and Adam didn’t help with any of that because that happened in 2011, and I also wasn’t as into Trek back then. But maybe that wouldn’t have mattered? What my theory presupposes is that maybe you can get by listening to the Greatest Gen with only a glancing interest in Trek. Yeah. These guys are comedy first and good times adjacent. So if my future self could Janeway a shuttle back in time and break temporal prime directive to warn myself of the horrors of the 2020’s, I’d probably make myself a Friend of DeSoto a little earlier too. Thanks for making my Star Trek discussions unintelligible.
reconbotThe perfect way to get more trek after you watch all of trekI’ve been listening to Admiral Ben and Ensign Adam for like almost a decade now. Jesus Christ that’s a long time. The went from film nerds to professional podcasters and you get to go on that journey too. They’re funny, insightful and I only rarely get upset at them and yell at my phone. You can’t do better than that! a would order again.
Cliff'sWarning! One of my favorite podcasts!Along with Greatest Generation, this is a podcast that I cannot live without and am too embarrassed to tell people I am a viewer. Seriously love the show Ben and Adam! So excited to cover to shows like BSG and pilot season, maybe an X-Files at some future date?
ppgamsterWhy is this so great?Two guys talking about Star Trek episodes. Why is it so great? Maybe some nostalgia from youth when you might discuss a recent episode with friends that happened to see it during its one broadcast during the season, and if you wanted to see it again, tough luck, maybe you’d catch it in summer reruns, so the only way to savor the experience was to go through the episode with good friends, debating and discussing and laughing. Ok, that’s my experience because I’m old enough to remember times before VCRs, but not quite old enough to have seen TOS in the original broadcasts. Anyways, Ben and Adam bring thoughtful commentary, humor, and an astonishing amount of humanity to a simple comedic concept.
Good morning podcastIf you build it they will come… the Star Trek fans… I mean😀😀😀😀😀
imawilksAn amazing recap podcast.An amazing recap podcast. Period. ☻
BergatronbotIt’s a NEW Star Trek PodcastBen and Adam are the best parasocial friends a person could hope to experience new Trek with. Looking forward, everyone knows that Battlestar Gallactica isn’t canonical Trek. What this review supposes is… maybe it is? To the podcast. So say we all.
Mac-n-OrbThe BestFantastic insights and a whole bunch of fun.
JoelDelanoAlways GreatHaving listened to Greatest Generation since season 1, it has been great to have Ben and Adam’s companionship as we’ve sailed into this new era of Trek. I’ve followed along since day one when this feed was still Greatest Discovery. I look forward to each episode and I realized I foolishly never left a review here. Time to fix that. Thanks, Ben and Adam for the great pod!
artoftheglitchThese guys are certified goobersSometimes a show prompts you to leave a good review (it helps!) and sometimes one of the hosts makes a ridiculous comparison in a Star Trek podcast between the relative longevities of Slug-o-Cola and the Zildjian companies and you realize you’ve found your home and you should have left a good review ages ago. This is definitely the latter. The show is good. The hosts are lovely, funny dweebs with Mariana’s Trench-depths of knowledge and humor. If you’re a Star Trek fan and you’re not listening, you’re missing out.
KKsquared22They built it. You should come.I….. See….. FIVE…. Stars….! If you get this, you will love Adam and Ben. And while you’re at it - check out Greatest Generation! If you are lucky, maybe your kid will out loud start singing “Always doin’ bits, bits bits” because they heard it from you! At least you hope they did…
ST_NERDAnother Great Star Trek Podcast in a class all its ownI love this pod!
ednwvfYou guys messed up big timeNow all I want in this world is for Greatest Battlestar to get picked up to series, and I’m going to keep leaving five-star reviews until I get it.
BeersBooksBrunchBowTiesFlying HighPilot Season is a ton of fun! Great idea…. I’m gonna say this is a brilliant Wendy invention.
RubyvroooomFunniest Sci-Fi podcast out thereFrom the jump, I've loved Ben and Adam's take on New Trek, equal parts hilarious and heartfelt, and was thrilled when they turned their attention to Stargate: SG1 in this new Pilot Season run. With all the built-in references to Trek in SG1, I'm hoping it becomes a regular off-season show for them to dig into. Just imagine their reaction to Wormhole X-Treme!!
Ianisme9The Greatest Stargate???If there was ever a show I wished for the pod to spin off with, this is it. Love the regular Trek but would love to see more "Stargate is a place" takes. Hope we'll see you jump into the Chappa'ai once more hok'tars.
Embarrassed to binge the showRenaissance Men (Essato!)I’ve been a listener to Greatest Generation almost since you joined MaxFun, and so have listened to Greatest Trek from the beginning. While I love the treatments you give to NuTrek, I think I’m even more impressed by how you keep making content to keep the channel open between seasons. Pilot Season is a perfect example of how to keep the channel Trek adjacent, and I am loving it! Three hopes I have for the show: 1. More interviews with Friend of the Show Anson Mount. That guy is a gem, and the dynamic the three of you have is chef’s kiss. 2. More chill hangs with The Goose. The vibes are immaculate. 3. More episodes (bonus feed or off-season) featuring Trek actors in the wild. The recommendation that pops immediately to mind is Babylon 5 - Season 3, Episode 4: Passing Through Gesthemane, featuring Brad Dourif (ST:VOY Crewman Lon Suder), and directed by Adam Nimoy. It’s a deep reflection on identity, guilt, and redemption. Keep up the great work everyone, especially Wynde. You are such a great addition to the dynamic, the boys are lucky to have you on the team!
PaulclarkdcTrek Humor - the GreatestOnly the Greatest Generation can match Greatest Trek. A true delight. Adam and Ben are awesome.
Gorth GorndackerYou guys get paid for this?I measure my weeks by the episodes these silly guys make. What an amazing gift it is to listen to these silly jokes and to learn film and TV terms and critique along the way.
Sakou BaldeOversexed Darwin the DolphinOk, here we go. Finally leaving a review because of a double whammy. First was not being able to breathe when Adam and Ben were riffing on Seaquest’s Darwin the Dolphin kinks, and towards the end of the ep talking about breathplay. Then they said they would do Babylon 5’s pilot (finally) - one of my favorite sci-fi shows as a kid.
Donkey GandalfAdam and Ben make life better.Love listening to them chat, love occasionally disagreeing with their takes.
NoOneInParticular777Honestly, I watched Disco so I could listen to this podcastDespite having been a huge trek fan for decades, I was skeptical of Discovery and didn’t actually watch it when it launched. After I found the hosts’ other podcast and blew through the whole backlog in a matter of weeks, I watched Disco just so I could then listen and get more Adam and Ben. I find their combination of dorky humor and film production insights to be unique among podcasts in this genre. Thanks, nerds. Update: I’m not actually interested in Discovery season 2. Season 1 was fine, but there’s other stuff I want to watch more. I’m going to watch it anyway just so I can have more Uxbridge-Shimoda content in my life. Update again: I’m still watching Disco just so this podcast makes more sense, and I enjoyed the Prodigy episodes of Greatest Trek even without watching the show!
GlimmertwinsfanPretty good, however….Would have rated ***** but for two reasons. One: I really don’t want to hear the two humorous/knowledgable hosts open up gifts from listeners. Know your audience. We’re not 12 y.o. girls. Two: I don’t listen to hear your opinion on the “strikes in Hollywood”. Having said that, I fast forward through these parts, and I am a loyal listener.
Jboose276Twaining My Way Into a Warning Buoy!I have been a longtime fan of this show, Greatest Gen and Adam and Ben since I was first told of them in 2016. This podcast and these hosts have gotten me through job losses, death of parents and pets, and welcomed me to a community I could not live without. While I am still made that didn’t hire me to edit their podcast, Wendy certainly does a better job than I could anyway. I love this podcast, these hosts, and this community. Could not recommend this podcast enough.
QuotishaThe best part of my weekI look forward to new episodes of Greatest Trek as much as I look forward to new episodes of Star Trek. Adam and Ben are hilarious and insightful, and the production quality sets it above a lot of other podcasts out there. And the best part is their thorough recaps help me remember the plot points I forgot about when I drunk-watched Star Trek.
Sebastian Tech of coffeeTruly a greatest trekListen if “If all you do is love everyone around you, is that real?” Is a welcome quote in your comedy podcasts about Star Trek like it is mine you might just be a friend of Desoto
Mike DubbyaThe Greatest PodI’ve been listening to this and Greatest Gen for years, best Star Trek podcast(er)s out there! I never cease to be entertained. The details in the production are top notch! 🔥🔥
wogglebugnyxLove it!I look forward to this pod all week.
Hoju3942A Life-Altering ExperienceBen and Adam have changed my life with the work they do. But like, in the same way that choosing a Snickers instead of a Twix while getting snacks at the local gas station has also technically changed my life? Anyway, keep up the good work, boyos.
notquiteflamingWarning Buoy! Laughs Ahead!Be advised: this podcast may result in double takes, spit takes, and hot takes. Ben, Adam, and editor Wynde are the BEST team to give you the rundown of all new Trek. It’s not just a synopsis and review. These guys were filmmakers before becoming full-time embarrassments to their families by podcasting Trek, so you get a lot of inside baseball. Best part: they love their viewers and you feel that in the content.
MercerlikeDmWarning!!!!!!!You may laugh so hard you crash your car. You might have FOMO so hard you buy a live ticket. You might cry till the next episode drops. YOU WILL love Ben and Adam, and the way they make a great franchise even better through dumb jokes and great reoccurring drops!
Plain, simple ToddYou should be listening to this podcast!Ben and Adam blend humor, analysis, anecdotes from their lives, and star trek knowledge into a wonderful mixture that’s fun to listen to and makes you reflect and thinks (and laugh, laugh, laugh). If you are a fan (or anti-fan) if any of the newer star trek series, this is a must listen!
kitastropheThis podcast has changed my life!Mostly for the good. Sure, people think I’m confirming my planned attendance at funerals, and that I don’t know that “Miriam” is a woman’s name… but the pod encourages me to watch episodes of Trek with a new eye. I never would have noticed camera angles or recognized the “that guy” supporting actor if not for this podcast. It’s the next best thing to having actual friends to nerd out about each new episode StarTrek with!
SWGillSophisticated fart jokes and more!I have degrees in English literature from two Ivy League universities. The doctorate is very nearly complete. That’s a lot of course work, and a lot of guiding students through narratives, so throw some gravity on what I’m about to say: Adam and Ben manage to really deftly combine thoughtful criticism of Trek with a lively and amiable humor. Their deep knowledge of canon informs and guides that criticism, even as it allows them to exploit episodic flaws for good-natured, if often bawdy, laughs. They ask really grounded and probing questions, and they voice their concerns with erudition and, I think, with consistency. Yet, they remain kind and considerate to the humans undertaking the massive work that Trek entails. Their jokes and really lovely camaraderie replace the digressions into secondary sources and theory that a film course on Trek would have, but otherwise their commentary would often be at home in even graduate-level film courses (if seminars allowed tiki drinks). Perhaps the most impressive feature of combining serious exegesis with alcohol and the low-brow is that both Adam and Ben, somehow, remain consummate professionals, always looking for ways to improve their product, their brand, and their listeners’ experiences. It’s really no wonder that they’ve done so well in a remarkably crowded space. Honestly, it’s just a real pleasure to listen to them, and I hope you’ll give them a try.
Samus-KYThese guys are very smart and extremely funnyBen and Adam make me laugh every week. Their podcasts have help me through tough times and I look forward to listening each week.
lindsayb311Best ST Podcast Hands DownI adore Star Trek and can never get enough of fan content and conversation about it. Now that I’ve found Greatest Trek, I can bask in the glory of Star Trek nearly all the time. It’s glorious! I am equally excited for new episodes of this podcast as I am the ST content it references. Adam and Ben, you bring me so much joy and irreverent hilarity in all of your podcasts. Thank you for all you do!
danumidwifeMore than a little bit embarrassed“I cannot seem to remember why I am writing about this podcast. I know that when I am listening to this pod cast, I am laughing like a P’tach. I cannot seem to remember why I am laughing, but then I am laughing again.” P.S. Guys, I need a Barnus Franks medley. Every time you sang a different version of that, my laughter decibels increased. I can barely drive when you do it. It’s the best. Thanks for all the laughter in these crazy times.
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