Cal of the Wild

Sports #214Wilderness #15

Welcome to “Cal of the Wild” where you can join Ryan “Cal” Callaghan each week for his unique brand of outdoor news and interviews designed for folks who need to know what’s going on and those who want to pretend they do. Also, get your dose of dog and dog training tips from Tony Peterson’s Houndations podcast. Both part of The MeatEater Podcast Network.

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Recent Reviews
  • I'm A Bison Not A Buffalo
    Thank you
    Hey Cal, you keep parroting the Project 2025 nonsense. Where’s the concrete evidence of fraud and waste? So far the only fraud and waste has been with DOGE itself who repeatedly removes their falsehoods and inaccuracies from their website. Keep up the disinformation and propaganda you have proven so effective at!
  • Rascal Hansen
    Don’t listen to the main podcast, but Tony’s Houndation segment is fantastic. Used to be a regular listener to his Sporting Dog Talk podcast and love getting to hear hunting dog content from him again!
  • bose 901
    Boat trash
    In episode 347 you missed one of the longest cases of boat trash. Check out the 100+ foot tug abandoned in Baileys Harbor Wisconsin. It’s been there for over three years and no one knows how it’s going to be removed.
  • Fish slayer12234
    3 stars
    Fun but gets boring a lot
  • First Lite Gear for Sale
    Get Out Now
    Been listening for years, had to finally unsubscribe, Cal is a Wolfe in sheep’s clothing. Posing as a representative of us hunters, but really a sneaky spokesperson of the deep state democrats. Don’t be a sucker, wasted my time for a long time. Get out while you can. He doesn’t have your interests in mind.
  • Msobo24
    Money grab
    21st century market hunting
  • Adhhafjsfkfsksfkf
    Love it
  • jeremyreger
    This is the way..
    The only podcast on the Meateater podcast network I can listen to anymore.. Cal is genuine, actually cares about our lands and our rights, and less about the image. Cal puts the work in on the ground to further our efforts. Where it seems everyone else has gone to the low hanging fruit and entertainment value and sponsors.. Thanks Cal and Phil and ol’ snort..
  • what did you do Ray
    this is one of my favorite podcasts
    and that’s saying a lot. i listen to various shows for about 5 hours a day.
  • badandy133
    Absurd amount of advertisements that turns me off on the meat eater brand. Love the content though!
    Three because
    The houndations episode are weird. His explaining on things is weird. Let’s get the explaining and examples all about the dog.
  • jcodyj
    For a show that has such a cool name nobody has mentioned a hound yet. This is a podcast for pet owners not hound hunters.
  • bunt tom
    Week in review and houndations are fantastic. Thanks Tony and Cal!
  • skidog99
    Please end this podcast. I am a birddog guy and the podcast is neither entertaining nor educational. Worst one you guys have put out and I love most of your products
  • mp27@
    Great podcast
    Great way to stay informed. Loved the Stripah episode. Keep those coming.
  • fishhead52m
    Houndations is great!
    Tony, does a great job on all his platforms delivering his message. Houndations is easy to follow and informative. Keep'em coming.
  • Hkgvhvjh
    The best show ever!!!
    Meat eater and cal’s week in review are the best podcast's ever!
  • Tiger_Woods_Yall
    Meat Eater is bad for hunters
    I can’t support this podcast knowing that the meat eater machine promotes things only to line their pockets and is counter to the interests of the hunting public
  • zebrasz
    Great tribute to “Granny”
    So sorry to hear of your loss Cal, granny sounds like a very influential person in your life. I was so touched by your remembrance of her on this weeks show. You have mentioned her in other episodes as well. One of the things that keeps me listening each week ( I have heard every episode from week one) is that you share your life with us and we are enriched by it!! Much love to you and your family in this time of loss.
  • Ozark_FL infidel
    Best episode ever!
    Love the story. Thanks for sharing.
  • Lipslewinski
    Great Tribute
    My condolences to you Ryan and your family. Granny was a great matriarch and embodied what makes families generationally strong. Keep her alive through your stories.
  • Deerslayer98
    CWD Scandal
    Need to do an episode including the TWRA CWD scandal. BIG DEAL!
  • Cal does no wrong
    Cal’s the best, just ask him.
    Cal certainly shares some very important and interesting insights that all outdoorsmen should be aware of, but be ready people. Cal is also that guy who tells you how great he is and you aren’t! He and Steve’s brother (mister my spot) should get together on a podcast.
  • GuttersDRs
    Da Best
    Probably the best conservation education, and purely entertaining, podcasts out there. Thank you for what you and your team do!
  • INTHokie86
    The “Whine” Challenge
    I heard Cal whine that we all need to get involved in conservation public policy on the Trivia podcast. I took his challenged and listened in ever since. I was rewarded with a brief, weekly, informative and entertaining program that encourages involvement and educates me. Well done, Cal.
  • Sheltbr1
    Informative for the outdoorsman
    Top shelf reporting, my number 1 podcast. Aside from MeatEater trivia of course!
  • slit lip
    My new favorite podcast
    I love the delivery, the format, and the humor. Short sweet and with many points.
  • Mommy Mickey
    Love Cal
    He’s the best! Great bunch of outdoor news fast. Great podcast.
  • carlosAircraftMaintenance
    I love this podcast.
    I appreciate Cal’s humble personality. He’s funny and witty. I appreciate this podcast and and he’s presence in the MeatEater podcast. He’s a good balance between them all.
  • keepitpublic
    Finally, someone that actually has a non-political common sense approach to legislative issues.
  • Bobby Wakelee.
    Episode 200
    Cal, it’s pronounce SeWaro Cactus. Not seGuaro.
  • telguybri
    Great show.
    I love this show. Sometimes I make new hires at work listen to it in the van while they ride around with me. Most people glance at me sideways with a “cool story bro,” kind of look. I remember you gave some cougar recipe ideas on an early episode, and I got myself a cat last season. So far it has made real good pulled pork type food, but I’d like to hear more about cooking cougars in general from meat eater. Might make a great ‘Cal in the Kitchen’ episode. Thanks for all the great info, laughs, and calls to action. -Brian, the hopeful cat cooker.
  • Bottomlandhunter
    Cal rules
    Love the podcast. Humor combined with real concerns and issues aimed at our way of life, including public land threats. Keep up the great work !
  • caleb (okieinTexas)
    Chill bro!
    Always whining and lecturing everyone.
  • Sick twisted whatever
    Cal’s week in review
    Very informative. It was kinda weird to be listening to the podcast and pass Ryan going in the grocery store though lol.
  • EMM009
    Invasives, Wildlife disease, and citizen science
    As always, susinct and accurate information on important topics. Thanks for a great year of keeping me well informed. This week’s empathy for bird farmers hopefully put things in perspective for grumbling hunters. I also could not agree with you more on CWD. I hope your positive scenarios are how it plays out in the future. Thanks again for a great podcast every week!
  • mgchonch
    Great podcast
  • Jbatir
    Great pod to keep up old life news
    This is a great, quick pod to keep up with wildlife news. Helps us all remember to participate in democracy if we have something to say as opposed to just complaining about it.
  • Mule_Skinner45
    Dubious sources
    Using data from the radical anti-hunting WWF makes me wonder about the accuracy of the podcast. Someone tell Cal that Wyoming has white tailed deer.
  • ranger62
    Good podcast, but I remember…
    Good podcast that keeps you up-to-date on all things hunting and conservation. My only complaint is how the Meateater franchise has sold out for ad revenue. I remember when Steve would make fun of “ball sports” as he was so into hunting/fishing. All the sport ads now kinda makes me wince. I guess money changes things.
  • TB12 VT
    The real Hillbilly Elegy
    Cal speaks the universal language of love- hillbilly!
  • Breakshunter
    Informative and fun!
    Love this podcast. Full of great information, science, and practical hunting information. Cal is a true conservationist and public land advocate. Keep ‘em coming!!
  • dbllll lung
    Cal for president
    Ty for your hard work and dedication to keeping us informed on the latest in the outdoors
  • Tom Gobble
    Cal for President
    I really appreciate the hard work and research that Cal (and his team) put in to keep us informed on what’s going on. I’ve binged every episode, some of them more than once. Keep them coming. Great information!
  • deertitties
    Best conservation podcast
    The only downside is listening to Steve talk about Can-Am for like 3 minutes every episode. Gotta make the bucks though, I get it. Educational, quick, and thorough. Ryan did a great job with the content!
  • twinfly2
    Conservation news like nowhere else.
    I love the way Cal presents news I don’t hear anywhere else! Keep up the great show.
  • smokeybear94
    Exxon Mobil?
    Why would a podcast on conversation be sponsored by Exxon Mobil? Seems kind of strange to me.
  • Vpop1
    Great podcast
    Super informative and entertaining at the same time. Cal does a great job providing covering policy info as well which is incredibly important for people like us.
  • Treeshine Brother
    Very informative and funny!
    Thanks Cal!
  • FCSOldschool
    Cal's getting to be a drag
    Cal's quick-fire news is a real hoot! Fun to listen to. Edit: after 3 years or so, I'm less than thrilled at the rising percentage of calls to political action. It's not balanced at all. Not that they're not necessary, but as far as the entertainment factor goes, it's overwhelming and the fun factor is pretty much gone. Cal's become a real drag to listen to. I know this is an unpopular opinion and I love Meateater but this Cal thing's really getting boring.
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