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lances10Mean GirlsI used to be a fan of this show, but I’m generally tired of how negative and demeaning the hosts are. I get it’s fun to harp on the contestants, but the disgust is palpable. Their bias seeps through every passive aggressive comment, and it’s impossible for these nitwits to consider any other viewpoint but their own. The only podcast where the hosts are dumber than the reality contests.
LMA2021Love Juliet and Callie!This pod and betchelor are basically the only reasons I even watch this tired show anymore! Love Callie and Juliet, and I love the chill vibe of this pod.
DHN34Miss the old podcast..I used to love to listen to this pod directly after watching the bachelor because it seemed to be the first podcast to drop the quickest after the latest bachelor episode aired but soon as Juliet said “but first we need to discuss Traitors” in the last episode (before even mentioning the bachelor), I immediately was turned off and switched to a different pod. I get that the bachelor may not be as entertaining as other shows out there, but for some of us who watch the bachelor and love to listen other people’s thoughts about it, it’s a disappointment. Can those other shows be talked about after the bachelor discussion or just edit stuff around? Seems like a chore for Juliet and Callie to have to talk about the bachelor. The podcast name should be changed.. That being said, I did always enjoy some of Juliet’s takes and when she would have different guests on the show week to week, it was always good chemistry and banter, miss that!!
au008NegativeI’m not sure why they have a podcast about the Bachelor when they clearly dislike the show. We listen for entertainment, not for total negativity. I used to listen but I will have to unfollow if negativity doesn’t improve. Juliet is critical and depressing to listen to on the show.
CooperLoganStick a fork in it alreadyTwo profoundly negative, unpleasant people, at least one of whom has increasingly hated the Bachelor franchise for years. Just change the title and review all the other shows you gush about and give up on the Bachelor. It’s gotten painful and unlistenable.
Love2HateRealityTVHere 4 the “right reasons”This current season of Bachelor feels like an SNL parody skit and I love laughing about it with you girls.
tferererrThis has become unlistenableThis had been one of my go-to podcasts about the bachelor (it’s my guilty pleasure what can I say) but now it’s just become unlistenable. I was able to overlook the vocal fry, wild mispronunciation or misuse of the most basic of words (if I never hear “casted” it will be too soon) and Juliet’s laugh but I can’t extend my listening to love island or traitors or the litany of other things I don’t watch.
stubgk03Took a TurnI started listening to this podcast because I had heard Juliet on other podcasts. I liked her commentary on some of the shows I watch and started listening to this podcast. I’ve now been listening maybe a year and it’s nice to have a show that covers so many things I already watch. After listening to this week’s episode I was just disappointed. I know I have a bias, but the discussion about Taylor Swift at the Grammys just turned me off to this podcast now. Juliet was saying Taylor was trashy because she was potentially wearing cheifs red and that her behavior was a schtick and not genuine. All Taylor does is try to show enthusiasm and support to other artists and gets criticized for it. Even when she’s neutral she’ll get criticized for micro facial expressions. Yes, she is competitive within the music industry, but how is that different than any other artist or an athlete in their sport? Male athletes are allowed to have camaraderie and competitiveness coexist. Why not female artists? I know the comments made on the podcast seem small. And it is fine to have criticisms or not like someone’s dress, but people STILL questioning if she is genuine is old.
bethers1997Used to be a fave, unlistenable nowI’ve held on for years past this show’s expiration date but now we’re at the point where covering the bachelor is like 30 mins and then they’re on to other shows. Just over them constantly getting basic facts wrong that they would know if they actually like listened to the show as they watch or took any kind of valuable notes. Callie constantly interrupting to ramble about nothing interesting. I used to laugh at loud at this show, Juliet and her guests’ takes were usually entertaining. Now it just feels like listening in on two unhappy and one dimensional rich women discuss the bachelor at their coffee date on the UWS.
BachFan25Why Even Do This Show Anymore?It’s been clear for well over a year now that Juliet has no interest in the Bachelor franchise so why is she still cohosting this show? I’m sure there are other people at The Ringer who actually enjoy the show and would enjoy hosting a podcast called Bachelor Party instead of insulting the show and barely spending 30 minutes recapping episodes. Also, the forced tangents that Juliet and Amanda on other podcasts love going on to insult Taylor Swift are ridiculous. What does her Grammys dress have to do with The Bachelor? Not fun to listen to at all.
akrayyySo much negativityI feel like this show has just become so negative and mostly about putting other people down. The most recent example was Callie being SO harsh about Rachel having such low confidence. That’s extremely common for women so I’m so confused why Callie saw that as such a character flaw. I’m truly not even a Rachel fan but I definitely am not going to put a woman down for saying they don’t think they are good enough. Absolutely wild take
lalaweeColorism is realI listen to a lot of different podcasts and Callie is on at least two. And one consistent thread is that she is heavily biased against dark skinned black women. If a darker skinned black woman does something she thinks is wrong on a show, she is forever condemned. Everyone else gets chance after chance. It’s a pattern and she needs to take a step back.
BostonIrishRulesBlind spot 💕I love Juliet and Jarred on the show. It was hilarious to hear them review ‘When Harry Met Sally” when it is SOOO obvious that the two of them are as perfect together as Sally and Harry…. And both equally oblivious to the fact, just like Harry and Sally! Come ON you two!
JoycieperJared and JulietteHey, guys, there’s chemistry between you!
Lolo13419Devon and Chock = sameDon’t always agree with Juliet but I do in the case of Chock. It’s very off putting, senior age man, behavior. Devon is GROSS and apparently DANGEROUS but Chock appears to be just ick
AV538Too NegativeI used to love listening to this podcast, but the constant negativity is a downer. They think everyone is boring and criticize people’s looks and choices. I understand there will be differences, but try to balance with some positive views as well. They dislike everything, so why have a podcast if everything frustrates them.
NicoJohn1004Interrupting Interrupting InterruptingCallie interrupting and cutting Juliette off is so frequent and SO disruptive. It’s all I can hear! I appreciate most of the banter, but I’ll be tuning out soon due to the interruption and talking over each other (mostly Callie).
HonestPretzelsLacks researchThese two hosts just say stuff. They aren’t offering new insights. They also pile on the women they talk about.
gabybo23Put women down often - especially HallieI like listening for the background noise but they give a lot of pick me girl energy
Kansas city dudeUsed to be my faveI used to be excited to tune in…. But the negative vibe and non stop cutting down of the show they recap, and the political talk EVERY.SINGLE.EPISODE is getting old!!! Callie interrupts Juliet multiple times per episode… it’s getting to the point that I might just stop tuning in. Miss the old format 🫤
KSG2011Tired of Callie interrupting JulietBring back other people to recap with, Juliet! It honestly really annoys me that Callie cuts off Juliet & interrupts her SO MUCH. And when she does interrupt, it’s never to say anything of substance. Juliet never gets to finish a sentence or a thought. Does Juliet not care? Or is she secretly raging inside? It happens A LOT! Not sure how much longer I can deal with Callie. I miss when Juliet would recap with other people from the Ringer.
CG1210Not GoodI’ve been a fan of your content for awhile. Your content and viewpoints are biased. If you listen carefully you can predict Callie and Juliet’s opinions. This isn’t good! It isn’t good to listen to preconceived opinions based on your own experience.
elon1055ChangesUsed to love Juliet’s Bach recaps but it’s obvious she no longer likes the show and the new content is not consistent. Either change the name of the podcast to something new and rebrand or get hosts that like to talk about the show.
Harvey ButtholeCasual racism much?Callie’s take on how the Black characters in Tell me Lies are rich and her rant about representation was… disgusting. Especially if you know about her background. Juliet cannot and would not ever talk about her Whiteness or would root for a character of her ethnicity based solely on that. But Callie can? Omg check your actual privilege. The beauty of life is that we are all of different origins and life circumstances, regardless of skin color.
bachfan1234Maybe time for a new host.I have been listening to Bachelor Party for almost 7 years. In the past year I have really struggled to listen to the episodes due to the inaccuracies. I do not consider myself a Bachelor expert however often feel like I am catching factual errors that the hosts are making. There is little to no fact checking on claims which is disappointing coming from a reputable network! I also have felt that the hosts are out of touch with normal people who watch and go on the show! I have listened to other podcasts with Juliet as a guest and juxtaposing those with BP makes it clear her heart isn’t in this pod anymore. Maybe time for her to focus on other projects and hire a new person for this one!
Kathryn959595Juliets podcastI’m not sure why I still listen. Callie makes a lot of statements like “I don’t believe women who say they love breastfeeding” I do. I’ve been doing it for 7 years straight. Also- currently from NY currently living in Alabama. The way Callie talks about the South is wrong and hateful.
callalily13just change the nameI’m giving you five stars because I genuinely like listening to both of you, but I’m a little irritated that you don’t even bother about caring about the golden bachelorette.
EmilydeadpoetNeed more Bach!I used to love the podcast for the bachelor content but the last episode was 32 min about a show I don’t care about and 10 min about the bachelorette, what happened??
mariy17It’s called bachelor partyHow ? They spend 5 min on bachelor and 35 min on a show that I’ve never heard of
Lisa ZzzzzStick to the subjectI like the show when they stick to Bachelor topic and not other scripted or unscripted that I’m not watching.
bach girl 2020DownhillThis used to be one of the fave Bachelor recaps but now each episodes discusses several other reality tv shows. It’s called “Bachelor Party.” Also, Juliet seems to have gotten meaner over time. Not as good a podcast anymore.
PonchieLAMore fun less judgementI really enjoy Callie’s quirks and opinions. I used to love Juliette because she was so positive smart and seemed to come from a happy place. She seems so mad these days.yes there is a lot to be mad about but the bachelor really isn’t one of them. Let’s lighten up and enjoy. Also hot take - multigenerational golden Bach watching here at our house and we laugh, we cry, we cringed during the stripping — it’s so much fun.
S+uP1GOuchI could listen to Juliette talk about anything. Her transparency about her classist viewpoints is actually refreshing to me (most people of her status would never own it) but still hard to hear she's okay with normalizing rejecting someone based on their pedigree. Especially coming from a family who summers in Nantucket or wherever
LizReedCallie is awfulI’m done.
Tucker'smommaMehI always try to give this show a chance when I listed through my typical reality recap podcasts but I can never seem to finish an episode. This time though, I am a little biased as a DWTS long time fan. I was coming for that content and quickly left 😂 they improve as it goes, come on now!!!l lol
Lo5151No longer a fun podcastCallie is chill, real and positive. Juliet can’t resist making fun of people, being mean spirited and constantly judgmental. I’ve listened to this podcast for years and I truly don’t know what happened to her. She used to be so positive and fun, now everything she says is literally just … mean! I can’t understand how a grown woman acts like a such mean girl from high school. Unfortunately I can’t listen anymore.
NCF1994Back to BachLOVE Juliette. LOVE Callie. Miss the more exclusive bachelor focused content. I listen to some of the other shows they discuss but feel like they’ve gotten away from deep diving into bachelor which is why I originally started listening to this podcast. Have we gotten a breakdown of Joan’s men?
j173637Always on the side of menSeriously Juliet? You basically defending Zac from Mormon Wives is disgusting. If you didn’t watch the Vegas episodes and IMMEDIATELY saw how horrible he spoke and treated his wife then you have serious issues
NY PsychologistCallie - let Juliet talkFor the love of god Callie, stop taking over Juliet.
TClaire1123Sound qualityFor what I imagine is a well-resourced Ringer pod, Callie’s sound quality is awful.
birdssszzzzzMissing the challenge coverageI would listen to Juliet talk about anything, but I loooved hearing you guys talk about the challenge this week! I can take or leave Bach at this point, but more challenge talk please!!!
MShelkowMaybe rename this podcast?4 hours of The Bachelorette this week and Juliet could just not keep from talking about Love Island on this 45 minute podcast. Maybe just… change the name of the podcast? You clearly aren’t really invested in the bachelor anymore. Just make each episode focus solely on whatever show you want to talk about, and I’ll know to just listen to the bachelor ones and not waste my time hearing about shows I don’t watch. Why fight it, Juliet?
ShopGirl_1998Put the Bachelor back in Bachelor PartyI really miss the days when the Bachelor Party podcast actually focused on the Bachelor.
jimothy mischiefNot great, don’t recommendEh, not the most nuanced show usually
East of WestervilleI Used to Live This...This used to be my go-to Bach podcast. However, it has drifted from the Bach to Love Island et al. Also, Callie comes across as very entitled and mean. Where is Mallory? Can Callie & find someone who LIKES the franchise and doesn't make me feels like she's judging me😬 & I'll be back. No true fan calls is BachelorS in Paradise.
mary sioCallie NOCallie sounds like she just woke up from a nap hungover, hasn’t prepared and thinks I’d be interested in her take. She has zero energy and doesn’t even seem like she is into the franchise at all. Juliet in the other hand is enthusiastic and has a broader approach. Juliet, get a new co host.
Essy_2012Love it!One of the best, if not the best bachelor podcast. New episodes are posted often. Keep the episodes coming!:) I look forward to each new upload! Having Mallory on was great!!! Juliet, please let your guest get a chance to speak- its hard when you keep interrupting them. PS- Callie was correct about Grant being the next bachelor, you Juliet was wrong, not sure why you said we when you were the on trying to convinced Callie it wont be Grant.
FieldHockey39Becoming Less Interested in this PodcastI used to be a regular listener when there was a rotating spot for guest hosts, often Bach alums. No disrespect, but I’m personally not the biggest of Callie. It specifically bothers me how she will admit that she fast forwards or didn’t watch parts of the episodes, when that is in fact her job to recap them. I also wish you would separate out the other content (Love Island, etc.) into a different episode because I tune in exclusively for Bach recaps
Katherine_RRCasual SpoilersWhy tell us in passing that you read something about a final four contestant so you know they’re not winning… at least warn spoilers.
MadeleinecmToo political for a reality television recap showJust because someone disagrees with you in politics doesn’t make them a bad person. Juliet yapping about how Marcus brings nothing to the table when he literally put his life on the line for your freedom and almost lost his life is disgraceful. You should feel ashamed of yourself. Disgusting.
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