The Ben and Ashley I Almost Famous Podcast

TV & Film #35

Fan Favorite and one of the most popular Bachelors Ben Higgins and Ashley Iaconetti, the notorious crier from ABC’s Bachelorette and Bachelor in Paradise, will be covering everything relationships and breaking down the new season of the Bachelorette. They will include interviews with celebrities, past Bachelor and Bachelorette contestants, and interactions from their most loyal fans.

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Recent Reviews
  • Keep'in it Real
    Entertaining podcast!
    Always thoughtful, but they will keep it real and step out and speak their truth even if it not popular with the franchise. Also they don’t try to stretch out the podcast needlessly. Love them as people and love the podcast.
  • BethanyDae
    Trying to make money off of ads but don’t care about quality content for audience
    I’ve basically stopped listening. This podcast is now all ads and very little substance. It’s like they don’t care about their audience anymore and are just coasting and trying to do the least amount possible and still get paid via ad money. I’m done with them.
  • Cmarlei1
    Love you two- too many commercials
    The show has changed too much. Go back to more you and less ads.
  • EllieLP1
    The OG's
    Bob PLEASE stop talking over your guests and adding your own long stories.
  • GOOman1
    Take a drink every time Ben talks about Lauren
    Ben, dude. You know every time you talk about Lauren it is going to be click bait. So why do it??? You’re married now. Let it go.
  • Cameron12355
    Starting to get annoying…
    I have been a loyal listener from the beginning but I’m really starting to stop listening to the podcast because I’m tired of skipping through a third of the podcast episode because of the flooding of ads!! I understand having an ad every now and then but why am I having to skip 10 minutes of a 30 minute episode to get past all these ads?!? Seriously starting to lose listeners
  • Jj jelled
    Are you okay? It often sounds like you’re about to choke- or maybe you have a dry mouth? Keep some water nearby.
  • CharDVar
    Please make some changes for the listeners!
    Too many ads. Ben talks about Lauren too much. Ashley gets off on tangets that are a little weird and have nothing to do with what we are listening for. Lauren did not discount the relationship with Ben, she just pointed out that it clearly wasn't meant to be. You'd know if you had listened. You guys both say a lot of incorrect things from not watching the show carefully. Maybe you're just halfway listening and watching, idk, but seems there's little effort to be accurate. Bleh, this podcast went downhill. I do however think Ben and Ashley are good people individually just not a fan anymore of what use to be a great podcast.
  • jkesslerrn
    Straight forward !
    Ben gets the answers out ! Gives listeners what they want. “Why do you do it Kaitlyn” was bomb! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
  • MsHenry2012
    Be married and stop talking about your ex
    I have never heard anyone talk about this ex so much in my life. Ben, honor your wife and stop saying Lauren’s name every chance you get. Don’t comment on a podcast that you didn’t even listen to yourself. Take the high road and move on with your life. How would you fell if Jess was constantly speaking about an ex in public? It’s just weird at this point.
  • Csrcunmex
    Too many Ads
    Turned off by so many of the same advertisements.
  • Tinsmi9
    I have a question. Why did Kaitlyn except a ring from Jason and continue to talk about wanting to be engaged to him for several years and then once he popped the question is when things started changing? Just curious if she wasn’t in love with him after Sean. I love your guises podcast and I love your guises relationship friendship. I love how Ben has great questions and has love for everybody.
  • kazi2022
    Dean and Caelynn were hilarious!
    Caelynn and Dean on Rachel’s traveling podcast were great guests! You should have the three of them back on together.
  • Ereichs
    The Great Debate
    Ben… please teach Ashley how to pronounce Minneapolis 😳
  • La La Jo Jo
    Please use pro mics
    Like the podcast and it could be better if the sound quality of the microphones were better. Ben and the OG group need to invest in good quality mics to make it easier to listen to.
  • JossAC23
    What’s going on…
    This show is all over the place. Honestly it should be rebranded or something. I just can’t stand listening any more to the entire show plus have to fast forward to all the adds. Furthermore, too many alternate shows like the OGs, all over the place. There is no continuity or organization. You never know what is coming. Small interviews with half of the time filled with adds. About Trista and Bob, I am more contemporaneous with them so in a way enjoy listening to the but geez… why do the always have to repeat each other. Phrases like “love it”, “oh my gosh” etc. one of the them say it any the other follows. Really annoying! I know Trista is very bubbly and expressive but there is so much that does not feel genuine.
  • jannrandall
    Go away Amy!
    Just listened to the Golden Divorce episode and found the producer Amy Sugarmans comments about her own mother to be so awful! What king of a person says what she said about the geriatric DM’s and I quote “My mother at 76 yrs old would be a great catch for a 91 year old man”. She should be fired from Iheart for that hurtful comment alone. It doesn’t matter if 70+ men want to date 50 year old women, as one, I can tell I’ve been interested in 26+ men since I turned 40 and the feelings are mutual. Get off of your overinflated ego horse Amy and apologize for your comments to Bachelor Nation and your own mother. You are horrible. Snfs.
  • cappy1966
    Enough with the ads
    I used to love this pod. Nowadays it seems like there are more ads than content. Also - very strong vibe that Ben has no desire to be podcasting and it’s a chore for him.
  • Neeley1123
    Too many ads!
    Love the pod, but the ads are too much.
  • Lanns5
    Golden Bachelor
    I wasn’t impressed with Gerry. Something about his eyes- not trustworthy. IMO.
  • Oreocookiedog
    Gerry and Theresa
    It was a money grab. Why did no one say that!
  • Iam61yo
    Too many ads
    Agree too many ads! I can recite them! Just awful. I multitask so it is difficult to constantly fast forward every 10 minutes! I could care less about the diaper stash and watching it “grow”. Otherwise guests are good but do not like Golden Hour. Too much of Kathy and Susan! Like maybe once a month! They are everywhere.
  • Arm mama
    Stop with the Maria bating
    I love Ashley but for the love of God, stop trying to get guests, most recently Daisy, to say mean or disparaging things about Maria. We get it! Your friend is Sydney, but your commentary feels so slanted and as a podcaster, I would you would try to be neutral.
  • challenge fan 28
    Love Ben!
    Really sad but this podcast is now what it used to be anymore. I’ll come back when the Bach season gets started again to give it another try.
  • Bethany2022
    New podcasts need thier own feed
    I have loved this show for years - my problem is, why do they keep adding other shows into the same feed? First it was almost famous OGs, now Susie’s show??? I like all of these people but I don’t want to listen to them regularly. It’s frustrating to see a new episode and then be consistently disappointed when it’s not Ben and Ashley. I think it’s a great idea to introduce new shows on the pod, especially from a marketing standpoint, but move them to a separate feed after the initial intro! Until then I guess I’ll keep skipping half the episodes that I didn’t want to be subscribed to… On another note I genuinely enjoy the podcast, when it’s Ben and Ashley.
  • KSG2011
    No more repeated guests
    Can we stop having Susie Evans and the Golden Bachelor women every other week??! Enough is enough!! There are plenty of other people that can be in place of them - I’m SURE of it!!
  • zwhit599
    There’s hope!
    Used to be a big fan of this pod because Ben and Ashley are all-stars. Then, Bob and Trista started hosting a side pod? Bob literally doesn’t watch the show but is interviewing people and has done zero research. It’s annoying to listen to him try to relate or talk about what’s happening, he’s very off. ALSO, I have become disappointed in the number of ads and extremely short pods. BUT FINALLY THERE’S HOPE! Susie Evans is a queen and has excellent interviewing skills. I can’t wait to listen to her new segments. Incredible. And getting Carissa Stanton? Hyped.
  • Bach addict
    I like Ben and Ashley
    I haven’t listened in a while because of the HUGE number of ads, but the most recent episode seemed to have a lot less. I enjoyed it. Keep up this percentage and you may rate 5 stars.
  • moonixa
    Ashley is irritating
    She comes off condescending
  • kelly7859753
    Good content but sooooooooo many ads!
    Good content but sooooooooo many ads!
  • someone whom is not boring
    Ashley has got to be the most annoying person in history. Her voice makes me want to drive off a cliff.
  • britakrig
    One big ad
    I used to listen every week and I loved it! Now I can’t handle it because the episodes are so short and LITERALLY half or more ads. I know that there has to be ads but this is out of control. Every once in a while I come back and try to listen but I end up Turning it off because it’s TOO much and a waste of time sadly ;(
  • acp25a
    Not even a Maria fan but Ashley’s bias is awful
    Been listening to you guys since you first started the podcast, but Ashley I needs to remember why she has this podcast. Hold your friends accountable and try and be a little less biased. Unfollowed.
  • gina1030
    Loss at words - disappointing
    I’m not gonna give you a bad rating cause I love you guys, but the WTA episode was just terrible. Ashley wasn’t sympathetic at all and still defending her friend Sydney. I was really upset with you guys bashing this episode. Yes it was the Maria episode but she had all the right to defend herself & it shows class in the person that she is.
  • GirlfromNashville
    I really miss Ashley and Ben doing the weekly Bachelor Headlines. What happened to that?! Also, the episodes seem to keep getting shorter and shorter with more ads than podcast. Also, too much of the OG’s - I don’t like or listen to any of those episodes. 😔
  • GNasty418
    Enjoy the podcast but
    I understand that Ashley is trying really hard to be unbiased b/c of her personal relationship with Sydney which is super admirable. Ben has not stopped talking about how Maria didn’t do anything wrong all season, including the “yell all”. I don’t know how you could say that with her constantly interrupting and bull dozing Jess who was clearly just upset and trying to explain her feelings. Everyone can have their opinions about who they like and don’t and why but Ben defending her is exhausting.
  • SAM (B)
    Love Ben but….
    So over this podcast.. Ashley has become too negative and a bummer... Chill on the maria criticism
  • findingmytribe
    I really enjoy Ben and Ashley and Bob and Trista. Both shows have great interviews and great banter between hosts.
  • gogreen6997
    Love the OG
    Love the podcast and I really enjoy the OG episodes. I have been a bachelor/bachelorette watcher since the beginning. I love hearing Trista and Bob and how they view things since I consider them as original stars. I enjoy Ben and Ashley also and love being let in on their lives too. The only reason I didn't give 5 stars is there are WAY too many ads.
  • Sle44
    I will always support
    Ben and Ashley’s dynamic is so endearing. I appreciate their perspectives and how they can respectfully debate their opinions. Ben and Ashley, thanks for being so real and giving us this amazing content, please keep it up!
  • Heather27394
    Bachelor game night
    Is there any way, since Ashley appears to get sinus issues during pregnancy, that Ben could be the one reading the headline stories on those types of episodes? This is radio after all. Some attention should be paid to how enjoyable their voices are to listen to.
  • SaraParne
    No, the ads
    One-third of each episode is ads. Worse, they’re all the same ads, multiple times per episode. I can’t.
  • boyd36
    The amount of time devoted to ads is overwhelming. The repeated diaper ads are sending me.😵‍💫
  • AnnaKatherine2
    Love this show although I’d like to hear more from Ashley and a bit less from Ben. You are right that Joey needs to share more of his background so we could know him better. And you are both being way too easy on Maria. With that many women uncomfortable with her, she is a huge red flag. And she is way too seductive in personality and dress. I love Daisy, both Kelsey’s, and Jenn for him.
  • kikibogy
    Ashley zero stars sorry Ben
    I am sorry for Ashley she got manipulated by this so called friend. Obviously Sydney is immature Ashley wannabe and is probably obsessed in becoming Ashley I. The problem is she got it wrong we don’t love Ashley for her drama but for realness …. Until now. Ashley needs to wake up and realize Sydney is obsessed fan not a friend and only reason Lea parrots Sydney is to get into Ashley I circles and become famous. Sorry Ashley you are victim of fame chasers ( fake friends) go back to being you please. Apologize and move on
  • Bean Barzo
    Oh Ashley!
    Your going to have a hard time defending Sydney now. Can’t wait to listen.
  • stevenscold
    Your judgment
    Sorry guys. Listened for years but am now done. I understand Ashley trying to defend her friend but Sydney continues to confound, infuriate and imagine. Her TikTok about personality disorders shows she has not learned a thing. Nor have you, Ashley. Your judgment is clouded here and that brings into question your comments on past and future conversations. You’ve thrown away a very good podcast. Maybe consider honestly addressing this in a future show, if you are able to do it honestly.
  • MovieWatcherNYC23
    Pretty much a Pampers podcast.
    Enough. w/. the. diaper. blowouts! 50%+ of advertising minutes is insane, especially when it’s the same few over and over again. Can Ashley not afford to buy her diapers? I liked this podcast and it’s one thing to FF through more Ads, but another to be forced to listen to bitter Chris Harrison hosting an episode. Doesn’t he have his own flop podcast to play with without making us avoid yours?
  • XOXOM2324
    Love Ashley I & Ben <3
    I’ve been listening to this podcast forever, even when i’m not watching the Bachelor. I love the Almost Good Advice episodes. Ashley and Ben’s friendship is so endearing and this fact that this partnership has lasted as long as it has speaks to both of their skills as hosts!
  • BAF94
    Verbal abUSE?!
    I’m sorry but can you please acknowledge Sydney telling Joey that Maria verbally abused her? Calling someone dumb is the softest form of verbal abuse I’ve ever heard. Ashley - PLEASE check yourself. Thank you Ben for being unbiased. You can defend your friend, but don’t be delusional. Of course there’s editing that appears to be against Sydney, but I fully believe she is abusing the word abuse
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