The Daily DC

by CNN

CNN's Political Director David Chalian lives, breathes, and sleeps politics, so who better to help make sense of the ever-shifting political landscape? Join David and his colleagues as they ask tough questions, provide insight and analysis, and help you separate the political signal from the noise.

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Recent Reviews
  • CaityC
    Why does CNN keep starting & stopping podcasts?
    Seems like a very silly strategy. I really liked this one. Had hoped for this pod, with this interviewer (less fakey TV voice than some of the others), with maybe the addition of 5 closing mins with Harry a few times per week. I can’t even remember the name of your new one.
  • Bluechap
    Great show
    The episodes are pretty short, but I enjoy the topics. I would like to hear more news behind the scenes as well as discussion and meanings of polls.
  • Jlcod
    The DC Daily
    Love Harry Enten and enjoyed the history lesson
  • William Dye
    Fake news
    Trump 2020
  • Action heights
    Concise and informative
    Glad that journalists are doing the hard work
  • gabfanatico
    Great Show!
    Worrisome episode about trump team! .. Blow the whistle about this Please! Thanks for your hard work!
  • ✍🏽️
    An utter joke of a “news” network.
  • CindyG18
    COViD 19
    Facts matter! Opening states before a decline in COViD-19 cases, is sentencing the elderly, those with immunity issues and the poor to a death sentence. People matter more than profit!
  • Carlie RoxAnn
    Great podcast
    Love this podcast!
  • Shankair N.
    Politics guy
    Love the show! David is so good at explaining things and the guests provide spot on analysis. Keep it up!
  • Marilyn Marin
    About 01/20 Episode
    Would like to have heard more about the NSA and CIA withholding pertinent information regarding Ukraine from Congress out of fear for Trump. This is deeply disturbing.
  • Pink Sweater Emoji
    Informative but sensationalist
    The episode on 1/8/20: After all CNN’s talk of Facts First and the care they take to not spread harmful information, David Chalian quickly ended the episode by repeating a conspiracy theory that was never mentioned before. Based on their own reporting, repeating lies even to debunk them often leads more people to believe them. Disappointing final note for the episode. It’s nice to have something to listen to each day that is specifically about Washington. But sometimes the reporters seem to play into stereotypical narratives without examining their own biases. One day they’re implying Pelosi is being petty, the next day they’ll imply she had no choice, etc. The way they represent each politician flip flops not necessarily with the facts but with the way they present them.
  • Thetechshack
    I was pleasantly surprised in the great info on the Truo impeachment and the fact that you didn’t say he was great or terrible but presented facts and some opinions. I will continue listening. Thank you.
  • curhxhdishdhx
    Good Content Bad Ads
    The content is good but the ad breaks are long and abundant. Three long ads in a 15 minute podcast is too much. At least put them all together and not spread throughout.
  • mountainmarley0720
    Welcome to Animal Farm
    It is SO refreshing to have a podcast like this. When its hard to listen to the news, I can always listen to this and not experience a drastic elevation in my blood pressure. Also, totally got the Animal Farm reference today lol!!
  • Not afarid to tell the truth
    Fake news
    Fake news
  • uhoh7
    Low Brow
    Might be good as a sleep aid. If you want the obvious repeated slowly without seasoning, this is the place.
  • jaymarcnorthamerica
    Refuse Subpoena question
    At what point is confinement considered a punishment for ignoring a subpoena? We may not want the threat of jail time becoming an issue in a more fair and standard political activity. Is Bolton worried at all? Thanks for all your excellent work! I feel I understand a bit more.
  • Happy tot
  • Blue Ginger the K
    Top Shelf
    These reporters do a great job breaking this impeachment mess down and explaining what is important and why. I wish Molly Ball was a guest every day. So smart. Thanks for this, folks.
  • Hapa3d
    Keeps me up to date in 20 mins or less!
    Love how I can keep myself informed without having to commit to an hour long podcast. Interesting perspectives from the variety of guests.
  • bkcooker
    Not unbiased
    David Chalian is my friend and CNN colleague. He is also the most astute, thoughtful, informed, intelligent and dispassionate political mind of our time. If you want to wrap your ahead around this manic, historical moment, subscribe and listen. David, you’re the best!!!
  • Pz.1C
  • AnnaEmmet
    Love it but what happened to daily?
    This is one of my favorite podcasts and a treasured part of my morning routine. However, lately it’s been only a couple of time a week and not daily. I miss it!! I especially miss the Friday episodes that were longer and had some great interviews. Please become daily again!
  • pete2442
    Real news
    Gives both side of the story, Not like Fox fake news
  • Theotherchrisreed
    Had to stop listening
    The content isn’t bad, but often the swallowing and mouth noises are too much to listen to. Some editing could probably help with that.
  • stacykaw
    Where did you go David?
    I love the end of the day format to recap all the chaos that is happening in DC. Where did you go??
  • Joh Q
    Fake News!
    Fake News
  • Alyx363
    Daily Favorite
    Just a good daily news jolt.
  • NannyHead
    Not factual and one sided
    Not good journalism here. Just a bunch of propaganda for fake left opinions and lies.
  • PenName69
    Fake news
    Very fake news
  • rebka
    Helpful and informative recap
    Enjoyable recap of daily goings on in DC
  • Ali Reza
    Love it
    Short and informative
  • JennyJenkinsNewYork
    David Chalian: likeable, sensible, well-informed host
    I don't watch CNN but always check in on this podcast in the afternoon, for an up-to-date overview and analysis of what's going on in Washington. David Chalian seems like a friend at this point -- trustworthy and straightforward -- and doesn't have the annoying unprofessional habits of other podcast hosts (ironic tone, uptick at the end of sentences).
  • Totony 0607
    Coincise and focused
    I like this podcast. It is short and very conicise.
  • KStno9999
    Great Daily Commentary
    Nice, short, informative
  • BaltimoreTom
    My Daily Go To
    Just like eating breakfast and showering. A must have podcast. Not just for political junkies.
  • rjfw08
    Too Late In The Day
    Good content however it comes too late in the day. For this to be valuable it needs to be available for 7 am - that way people can listen on their way to work. By the time 11:30 Ives head all the news and just delete this from my podcast lineup.
  • Dineypants
    Perfect daily bite
    Can't take the hour long discussions these days. But David Chalian's voice on things is the distillation that I need - and all I need. Love it. Chalian for President.
  • Gmonahan
    Don't miss this
    Listening to several political podcasts and this is one of the best.
  • LydiaFern
    Great summary of the latest stories out of Washington
    I get multiple news alerts on my phone daily but don't have time to read all the latest stories. This podcast is a nice, concise summary of recent developments and it comes out in time to listen during lunch!
  • crods99
    bite size daily political insights
    This makes daily politics interesting and comes in digestible pieces. It has opinion, but based on real knowledge. A great format.
  • Cal Cuilater
    Concise and insightful
    Very enjoyable and revealing podcast from someone who has a bit more knowledge of the relationships politicians have with the media, I would recommend it to any political junkie
  • Eli114
    Great insights
    Love the new Friday interview format
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