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Lady_LupineAds & music…I read “I” by Jack Olsen, and watched “The Happy Face Killer: Mind of A Monster” and so I thought listening to this podcast from the perspective of Keith Jesperson’s daughter would round out my foray into this case, however it leaves a bit much to be desired. They’re trying too hard to set a mood with their choice of music and it’s overkill. It’s over-dramatization of serious and tragic events. In short, it adds nothing. Understandably there will be overlap of facts in true crime cases and “truths” from different sources, but I found that this podcast leaves out material details, leaving holes in the story. The story itself would be difficult to follow without at least some basic understanding of the case due to the choppy, circular telling of the story which is constantly interrupted by music and 15 ads per episode. I’m truly curious about the lives of Jesperson’s family, however I don’t feel this was done well.
darlingdaeif the s1 sound engineer had no enemiesthen i have passed to the great beyond. stop trying to create “soundscapes” with sound wails and long whiney notes. it is not cool or edgy, its actually literally nausea inducing. i challenge you to a duel, you monster. i like the storytelling otherwise. -3 stars for making me want to bash my head into the wall.
Polarwear2So.Many.AdsI listen to A LOT of podcasts and I subscribe to a few, but like to try a podcast before subscribing. I can’t even track the story line because of all the ads…. Sorry!
rvdxpressAds or Storytelling?If you’re looking for a podcast based on listening to ads interspersed with some storytelling, this is it right here. I get people need to make some money for their effort, but good grief, they really went overkill.
Kristie788The real life Dexter 🙄Ok the narrator of the trailer is a bit ridiculous. The Idaho massacre is nothing like Dexter and saying this seems exploitative to draw folks in. Also, it’s advertised as the second season when there’s already been 2 seasons, so that’s confusing. I’ll give it a listen but hopefully this podcast is not becoming overly dramatized or exploitative.
BubbaSnipedGreat story, terrible audioThe story is great and I am really enjoying it. But for a product the is 100% audio based, you would think they’d know how to/hire someone to mix it properly?? My volume in the car would be on half or less, listening to someone speak, and then BOOM ear-piercing monotone music that rattles my car. And it wasn’t just once or twice, it happens EVERY EPISODE. There are parts where people are talking while the monotone music is blowing out my eardrums and I skip what they say rather than hear the nonsense. I almost didn’t finish the season because I was getting so annoyed by how often I have to mess with the volume dial. Idk how things like this happen. It’s a podcast! 100% audio-based media! Audio can’t be an issue for the audience!
Warner trailInteresting but couldn’t finishEach episode is about 45-55 minutes. But in reality it’s about 15 minutes of actual content. The rest is melodramatic crappy music every time someone finishes speaking. Then 3-4min of ads every 8-10 min. Melissa had another podcast Life After Happy Face and I was really looking forward to that one. The first episode was well set up and riveting. Looks like this one took precedence. Had she stuck with the first podcast and that format I think it could have really took off. Instead I can’t even bother to finish the episodes.
JmmercerSo many adsI enjoy the podcast. I can even look past the music choices. I can’t get past all the ads. 4-5 ads one after another is just too much. I understand that podcasters need to fund their endeavors but they should also be conscious of their audience experience. It seems like this has not been taken into consideration at all and it’s really unfortunate.
AbbyZ123456789Way too many iHeart podcast adsBad music! And… It’s insane how many ads. I get you can fast forward, but such a waste of time and an annoyance that detracts from story. All of their podcasts are like this. Their advertisers should be upset everyone fast forwards and doesn’t even hear their ads because the amount is ridiculous. You’d think they’d want to stop getting such terrible reviews for this!
LibbyLoveGreenWow!I can’t believe how much I related to her experiences with her father. Mine were so similar, in nearly every way except that my dad isn’t a serial killer, or if he is he hasn’t been caught. Thanks for this- I’ve never heard things quite said this way. It made a lot of sense to me.
Chele rnEnjoying the showIf I have to hear the jingle for Carol Fisher’s pod cast every 4 minutes I am going to have to stop listening. OMG! Please stop!
KF2ndRevealing and EmotionalThis podcast is opposite of the formulaic. Victim, daughter and horrible murderer! In its chapters I was given insights. I’m especially touched by the voices of all! Their emotional journeys were moving. I recommend this for listeners that key into crime dramas and narratives.
Kayla17468KT345688754We are NOT our parents. None of us, not one. If someone blames you for your dad’s sins (especially since you were a child) then they don’t deserve to know you. Then they are not worth your time or energy and that’s ok. It is 100% ok to cut yourself off from those kinds of people. It’s actually healthy.
BMas84Story good, Music horribleAlmost not able to listen because the music they’ve cut in is soo terrible. Enough folks have commented on how terrible the music is. Y’all really need to re-edit the podcast to cut the current music out. I won’t recommend this because of the poor choice in music.
r1golden234Killing me confused on APRIL 27 ; 2023 ??????Season 3?
if we could walk across the waterCouldn’t Do It Get To The PoinyEchoing what others are saying, the drawn out production is exhausting. There’s at best 12-15min of content cut together between long musical breaks. Just tell the story. Lost me by episode 3. Seems like a money grab to host advertising
helloyodaMusic Choice Bad. Ads, Ads and more Ads… Otherwise Good.I know, this is a broken record, but please do future shows a favor and include some decent music. The music in this show is agonizing. So many ads and so little content. Be a good producer. Do better.
SusudweebGreat story telling.You don’t need movies when you have true stories like this. I never ever listen to anything other then need and self help podcasts. This was my first time listening to something like this. Strong work.
HelpmydogsarenutsHost is great, commercials are unbearableI’d give the host and story 5 stars but the constant ads that distract from the already short episodes makes it a frustrating listen
Shasta614Great Story…Terrible ProductionSeason 1: The music and LONG ads take away from the family interviews. It’s frustrating and heartbreaking to hear the ex wife and daughter talk about this traumatic experience in between the music. The episodes could honestly be 10 minutes long.
Hissa91Well written, music stinksI love podcasts like these but man, the music really makes me want to turn it off. It’s so bad and really takes away from the great reporting and interviews.
AylaViewSo emotionalEpisode 6 has me bawling. I’m a big true crime podcast fan- and none have ever hit me so hard. This podcast is really well produced, and Melissa and her family offer such important insight. Not to mention giving voice to the victims of the crime.
TammypalaOMGI’m almost finished with your first podcast. I think it’s amazing that you’re able to be so honest, and shed light on the family’s of serial killers. You’re not a monster. You’re a brave, and beautiful human. You’re doing wonderful things with your life to help others. God is with you every step 💙
Ali974Great story but too time consumingThis is a great true crime story and I loved hearing it told directly from Melissa. However, there are too many episodes, too many ads in each ep and the music was annoying bc it sucked up too much time. It would’ve been better w less of all the above.
SophdotamazeDecent podcastWhat happened to the promised episode re. DNA and confirmation that Becky Babcock is DD ‘s child? Repetitive adds were annoying to the point of distraction.
Specialperson333Good story, too much music.Good story, very interesting topic, but a 30 minute podcast has actually maybe 15 of story, the rest is unnecessary musical preludes & interludes. There’s a musical break it seems after every paragraph a person says…. that accompanied with the large number of ads, there’s maybe 10 minutes of actual story being told. I get it, you need sponsors but it needs to be listenable for us otherwise the sponsors won’t have anyone to advertise to. Frustrating. Especially when the premise for the story is so intriguing.
Karp1701Too many adds.All adds, no story.
jabbles4GreatGreat podcast it was really well done . I find her brother pretty interesting he so convinced his sister is innocent which I can understand that it seems he is blinded which is funny because he says it about many other people . He also says he know everything about the case but hasn’t read letters and other things, kinda feel bad for the guy but nothing he argues for her innocence makes any sense to me
centralORToo long.Got boring eventually. Too long.
hhbug21♥️Loved the way this story was told. Love this podcast please make more!
UserUserUserUser4Season 2I’m four episodes into season 2 and am finding it hard to continue. Diane’s brother is completely delusional and the fact that he’s been given this platform to espouse his ridiculous conspiracy theories makes me want to barf. I thoroughly enjoyed season one and I find Melissa to be an excellent host, but the ad breaks are far far too long and the audio is uneven at times throughout season 2. I may come back and update from my original 3 stars if I finish this season. I’m hoping for more content relating to the actual evidence of Diane’s crime as opposed to her brother’s fantasy of her innocence.
dedebingThe ads are excessiveSadly, this is great content but starting in episode 4 or 5 the ads go for 4 minutes at a time every 10 minutes. I’m not exaggerating. I’ll avoid this producer in the future.
Johnny Soggy SocksHoly S#¡+The story is compelling and it is well told. What makes this podcast a 2 Star is the crazy, crazy, crazy amount of ads.
SwanieChickenSo. Many. Ads.Great story. Very well done. Crazy amount of repetitive ads.
Krazzi64Great contentThe story is very deep and done well. The amount of ads is way over the top.
chanelltROMG!2 episodes in on season 1 and I can’t even believe what I’m hearing. My heart goes out to her and family. Im totally on the edge of my seat and speechless.
PatedechouxGood story bad productionVery bad music and produced really over dramatically. The story is interesting but the rest of the production is overbearing
ozma of ozAds ads adsThis podcast has too many ads…it’s unbelievable. The story needed massive editing and should have been told in 2 episodes. Super disappointed:(
allen.michael.mToo many adsSo many ad breaks, and so many ads in each break
Chris JalmersonRuined by adsGood content absolutely obliterated by ads. 2 minutes of ads every 5 minutes detracts from any joy the podcast may bring.
Jim0004GreatnessLove you 2
Jess3810UnbelievableAs some one who has grown up in Oregon and currently lives in Umatilla county this podcast hits close to home.
208MomoLove!!!I love the in depth!!! I love the music!!! 💚💚💚💚💚
FinalFiveWanabeeWell done-mega commercialsWell produced podcast but a LOT of commercials. I understand that these podcasts cost money to produce but not so much that you need this many commercials in a 30 min episodes. Still- worth a listen.
Brookie's iTunesThe episodes are all messed up..And some in the middle are missing. Spotify has them, but there are two of this podcast to follow and you have to find the one with the missing episodes. They are important episodes. So… it loses a star just bc if that. But, def worth a listen and an intriguing, while sad and disturbing, case.
Earlkashmeresuper turned offman i’m gonna keep it brief. i was on the fence at first, but by leroy & don episodes i was convinced this podcast is overproduced & and stretched way out further than needed. may give the second season a try, but the first season went from good to awful in no time. it got a single star cuz i couldn’t send it without one.
monadlovethe music is way too loudI reallllly wanted to listen to this but had to give up after 2 episodes in to season 1 because the music is SO loud and CONSTANT. A score is supposed to be used to emphasize and heighten emotion. It’s just supposed to be omnipresent and so loud and distracting it’s almost like you’re listening to an avant- grade spoken word album instead of a podcast. As a person recovering from a concussion, it became way too much to handle. Podcasts should really make a background-noise-free version available for those with concussions, TBIs, or auditory sensory issues.
KackiDone well with great care and empathyI am listening to season 2 and I’m impressed how well done. The point isn’t to prove/disprove guilt or innocence but to tell Becky’s story. The podcast yet is FAIRLY objective by including various viewpoints from different angles which I appreciate. Diane Down’s brother is a needed voice in this story but he just makes me feel bad that he’s just another victim of her manipulation. My only complaint is way too many commercials for a 30+ min episodes which unfortunately can undo the effort they put into not sensationalizing the story...but I fully support that creators should be paid for the work we consume and ads are the currency.
CGC2170MusicI really like the subject matter, like, a lot, and the host. But enough with the background music as well as the too frequent musical interludes. Distracting and annoying.
MayMac30Insane storyThis story has always been so sad and intriguing at the same time. I do like how this podcast is structured and the host does an amazing job! There’s no sarcasm or banter, and she covers the material really well. I will say though, it’s painful listening to Diane’s pathetic brother. I had to quit listening to some episodes because I lost interest listening to him. He literally has a rehearsed response and excuse for every single thing. Truly, he comes across like he’s in love with his sister in some sort of disturbing way. I understand we need his back story to understand Diane, but he’s just painful to listen to. Overall, a good podcast covering a sad case.
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