Sound Bites A Nutrition Podcast

Nutrition #116

Hosted by award-winning Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, Melissa Joy Dobbins, the Guilt-Free RD - "because food shouldn't make you feel bad!" Join Melissa’s conversations with a variety of experts on topics ranging from fad diets to farming and gain credible information to help you make your own, well-informed food decisions based on facts, not fear. For more information visit

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Recent Reviews
  • GEMs2023
    Space bites
    This was such an interesting and fun podcast!! I really enjoyed it Melissa.
  • Judy hates adds
    RD on the go!
    This podcast is a keeper. A hidden gem for dietitians needing CEUs but also for anyone interested in current topics in nutrition that is based in fact and science.
  • Sarwb5
    Love this podcast!
    I’m a clinical dietitian and found this podcast when looking for more ceus. I love listening to it and have learned a lot!
  • LisaMFO
    Should be required listening for all RDs
    Evidence based RD dialogue with credentialed food and nutrition experts. This podcast is a treasure trove of medical nutrition therapy research.
  • bruhs
    Deep dive!
    I’ve listened to episodes here and there…and they’re all great and packed with useful information that is relatable. Keep doing what you’re doing because nutrition comms is your calling!
  • It failed.
    Sell out
    Food industry apologist come here to misinform us about nutrition. I’m sorry but there’s no justification for having a sugar industry representative on a nutrition podcast.
  • JenaMWood
    Favorite podcast!
    Melissa is an excellent host and her show offers a wide variety of nutrition and health topics and presenters. I find myself either learning something new entirely or unique ways to describe nutrition topics to my clients every episode. Perfect for healthcare professionals, students and consumers alike!
  • Meow Queen~ <3
    Processed foods?!
    Why would you interview Pepsico partners? They are totally biased. The male interviewee refused to say anything negative about processed foods. Huh?
  • Izzyrubygirl
    Interval Weight Loss
    So fabulous!! More please…Finally nutrition information that acknowledges human biology. Thank you!!
    Amazing Podcast!!!
    Melissa is an amazing host with insightful advice and information helpful to anyone that listens! 5/5! Highly recommend
  • Kate loves cupcakes
    Too corporate
    There’s some good information, but the podcast feels saturated with nutritionists who are there just to boost the product the work for (blueberries or eggs for example). I’d rather hear from unbiased sources
  • EricaBushwell
    Awesome podcast!
    Melissa, host of the Sound Bites A Nutrition Podcast, highlights all aspects of nutrition, wellness and more in this can’t miss podcast! The host and expert guests offer insightful advice and information that is helpful to anyone that listens!
  • Marilyn RDN,CDCES
    Podcast worth listening to!!!
    Melissa always has on HOT topics that are current and what an RD needs to know! Her interviews are objective and she gives insight, is relatable, realistic, and walks through how to apply information all with a calming voice. The guest selection is amazing and covers a wide array of topics. Enjoy!!
  • MelissaG353
    Helpful and fun podcast
    Melissa shares great nutrition and health info, keeping us all up-to-date.
  • Marisa J2
    Loving this!!!
    I'm so glad I found this podcast. Melissa has great and easy to follow advice! This is a must listen!
  • katiesell3
    Great podcast!
    Love the topics covered! Excellent and thorough discussions🙌🏼
  • Francine Fox
    Brain Health, Concussions, and Omega 3’s
    Extremely interesting, informative podcast. The host and the guest were excellent. I learned a lot about Omega 3 fatty acids and brain health. One of the best nutrition podcasts I’ve ever heard.
  • Satisfied Customrr
    So many topics are covered, and I love the diversity of information. I appreciate that Melissa is upfront about sponsored episodes and, in this world of social influencers and self-dubbed experts, I appreciate her emphasis on science and academia.. The podcast has a "newsy" tone versus that of a sales pitch or one of self-promotion. Melissa delivers the real deal. While every episode may not appeal to everyone, enjoy the picnic of information that "Sound Bites*" delivers.
  • J. Barshop
    Grateful listener 🙏
    Melissa hosts an array of world-class guests, but what makes these interviews special is her ability to extract those bits of gold listeners are looking for. Sound Bites is more than just a nutrition podcast - its a must listen for anyone interested in exploring their own physical and emotional evolution. Thanks so much for having a positive impact on thousands of lives, Melissa and keep up the incredible work! 🙌
  • LiveBest
    Founder, LiveBest
    Well, you’ve done it again! Brought some cutting edge science to me. As a registered dietitian I remind people that nutrition is a science. That means it evolves and changes as new research is conducted, This podcast is a perfect example. The more we learn about DNA, and specifically, our own DNA, the more we will be able to apply that to nutrition recommendations. Thanks, Melissa and Courtney! Clearly NutriSystem is more than a meal!
  • JLBaugh
    Thank you for this nutrition science podcast. Very professional and informative. Great list of guests. Sometimes the show challenges my critical thinking too.
  • houselifestyles
    Making Dietitians Proud
    It’s so refreshing to know that information provided through these podcasts are evidence based... these topics provide an amazing balance to information thrown at us through the media! Love the interviews and variety of listening options!!
  • Anne Elizabeth RD
    Sound Information and Science
    Melissa has set the bar to providing sound science to the public with having a variety of guests sharing their expertise. I appreciate the different topics she shares in all of her episodes.
  • Marissa m a r i e
    This show is so addicting!! I’m just starting school to become a RD and it’s making me so excited to start my career(even though I’m about 5 years out). I would love to hear an episode with current Nutrition students who are in their internships and their experiences.
  • AshleyMCordova
    Easy to Listen
    This is a wonderful podcast and it is so easy to listen to. There’s so much information on varied topics and there’s always a great guest speaker.
  • CaraF13
    Eye Opening Wealth about Health!
    This podcast provides a wealth of eye opening insights about overall health and where our food comes from. I thoroughly enjoyed the episode : Tomorrow's Table that broke into the many misconceptions about GMOs. Thank you!
  • ShawSimpleSwaps
    Love the content!
    As a listener and guest on the show, I find so much value in the content Melissa shares. Not only is it evidence based, but so realistic! I love the value Melissa brings through her guests on the show!
  • feiverRD
    Learning as a RD
    It’s always a challenge to know everything about every different area of nutrition! I love how I’m always learning and I am grateful for what I’m able to take away from these and provide to my clients!!!
  • Marcia Pell
    Wonderful walking partner!
    I can’t thank you enough for inspiration and education I received from you and ALL your guests. I love your style and you make it so easy to learn while I take my walks. Thank you Melissa!
  • NevaRDLD
    This podcast was outstanding! Jayson Lusk is so articulate and informed on issues related to modern agriculture and explains it in a way that instills confidence and understanding. If you are confused/concerned or just want to learn more about the role that modern ag and the food industry play in providing food for our country, this is a great way to learn more. Melissa Dobbins is very skilled at drawing out her guests to provide the most insightful and interesting information.
  • Amy Bragagnini
    Media and public speaking
    Melissa is my “go to” dietitian in so many ways. I had the opportunity to take part in her media training course...which helped me become much more poised and confident in front of the camera. Most recently she offered impeccable guidance while I was preparing my first big conference speaking role. I am so grateful for her willingness to share her knowledge!
  • Gisele_Oliveira
    This podcast really helps on giving tips that makes us healthier. Hopefully, more episodes to come. Congrats and more power.
  • CJsMudkip
    Sound Bites RD
    Melissa's podcasts are informative and include today's top food and nutrition experts talking about compelling topics. You'll find reliable evidence-based information in each episode.
  • Sarah-Jane Bedwell
    Info you can trust
    If you are looking for information about food and nutrition that you can trust, this podcast is for you! The latest evidence-based info, entertaining host and guests, and answers to your food and nutrition questions can all be found here!
  • Link4Nutrition/Link4Diabetes
    Both Sides of the Plate
    Melissa truly & genuinely cares about people & their health & overall well-being. As the Guilt-Free RD who feels "food shouldn't make you feel bad", she reflects this in her podcasts by interviewing individuals who promote Sound Science, Smart Nutrition, & Good Food. Thanks, Melissa, for your quest to educate listeners on how to live healthy, happy, lives through a positive relationship w/ food based on facts not fear.
  • Keri Gans
    Melissa Dobbin's podcast are full of realistic and science-based nutrition information that can be useful to everyone. As a registered dietitian myself, I advise all my patients who are looking to learn more about living a healthy lifestyle --- to definitely subscribe!!!!
  • Terrysan11
    Interesting Information
    Update 8/5/16: I have decided to unsubscribe because the host does the majority of the talking. I would prefer to hear what the guests have to say. They rarely get a chance to speak. ----- My primary recommendation is to let the guests talk more and the interviewer to talk much less.
  • Fun Infromative & Trustworthy!
    Registered Dietitian Nutritionist
    Whether you want to increase energy, eat mindfully, manage your weight, get dinner on the table in minutes or discover the truth about carbs, protein, fat and food additives; Melissa Joy Dobbins Sound Bites covers all your food and nutrition needs in a fun, informative, engaging way. Plus, as a seasoned nutrition expert you can trust her information is always scientifically accurate and easy to digest.
  • Ann Dunaway Teh
    The best evidence-based nutrition and health podcast
    Love Melissa's podcast! She is practical, relatable and realistic with her nutrition philosophy. I love her openness and honesty. She also has fantastic guests on who are always leading the way with evidence-based approaches to food and nutrition.
  • Health&WellnessTwinz
    Nutrition news I can use
    I just finished listening to my first Sound Bites podcast on GMOs and I'm thoroughly impressed. Melissa and her guest Greg Jaffe provided beneficial and non-bias information on a controversial topic. Well done!
  • Kasupr1
    Great Podcast
    I love the format of the show - interviewing different dietitians and nutrition professionals. There is a great variety of topics, from the controversial to the "less sexy", all with plenty of great practical takeaways. Perfect for my commute :)
  • sunshinestarr
    Good stuff
    I'm in love with anything to do with nutrition (and eating) and this is a great show! I love the interviews and I'll definitely be back for more.
  • Charminrd
    Keri Gahns
    Great podcast! Love to hear dietitians with the same message as mine. #allfoodsfit #nobadfoods
  • Slapshot Jay
    This podcast is what we need nowadays to be fit and healthy. This also inspires me to do podcast like this. Important details on how we can make food better for us and not to make us feel bad. This is a great show! - Podcast Professor Jaime
  • DoOverlife
    Great Concept
    Glad you decided to do a podcast. This niche has been waiting.
  • Sean Garmer
    Love It!
    Melissa knows what she's talking about, but the great thing about the podcast is she goes the extra mile and gives you the science behind the nutrition. So, you not only improve your health, but you learn about what makes certain foods healthy and why these diets are good.
  • Annette Hottenstein
    Registered Dietitian
    Melissa Joy Dobbins and Sound Bites is the GOLD STANDARD nutrition podcasts. As a registered dietitian (RD), Melissa probes about the science of nutrition with ease and in an approachable manner. Her guests are top notch researchers. This show definately goes beyond the fads so common with nutrition and really gets into the meat of the science and the big picture. I highly recommend this podcast.
  • hahlolz
    Excellent advice
    This is a refreshing podcast with common sense advice for people who want solid information about food and nutrition. Highly recommend!
  • Ryan Michler
    Becoming Healthy
    I currently on the path of better health. I've been trying to find a couple of valuable resources to help me in my journey. So glad I ran across this podcast. It is helping me become more fit!
  • Whole Being Inc
    thank you
    Though I have’t gone gluten free, I will be recommend this and will be listening for everyone who is trying to move more in that direction by choice as an insightful option on how to live gluten free.
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