Women Taking the Lead

Careers #144

The Women Taking the Lead podcast is a resource for women leaders, allies, and organizations looking to promote more women into senior leadership. Episode formats include specific leadership challenges, "on-air" coaching with women leaders, and interviews with internal talent and organizational development leaders. Women Taking the Lead inspires women to overcome self-doubt and lead with confidence, integrity and a sense of humor.

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Recent Reviews
  • Boddiingsytikgd
    Women changing the world!
    It can feel lonely as female start up owner and this podcast has helped me feel a sense of community, and you really learn so much. Fantastic discussions with game changing guests, really easy to digest advice and insight - highly recommend
  • stephanie-PrincessTrucker.?
    First time listener
    I had been looking for a podcast that involved empowering women and women entrepreneurs Listened to a podcast with Stacy about an evaluation ESL ? It helps explore the different ways people communicate and deal with stress and it was mentioned that there are tools available to Be at different levels in different situations and how to recognize the level and possibilities of changing to a different level. I’m going to continue listening and learning Thank You Jodi
  • mvelasco07
    A must-listen!
    No matter the subject, you’re guaranteed to gain something from every episode - can’t recommend Women Taking the Lead enough. 🙌
  • KayEmmGee7
    My fav podcast
    I recently stumbled upon this podcast, and now I am hooked! Jodi and guests have amazing insight and advice - sometimes being the simplest of things that we often forget in the hustle and bustle of life and being in leadership!
  • Kel237611
    Love this podcast!
    Lots of great information! I always get an idea or two that I can use. I especially like the on-air coaching calls.
  • Your np
    Great podcast made just for women
    As a new listener to this podcast, I love, love it, and I mean I listen to so many podcast with a variety of topics but among the women based podcast, this is great.
  • NB7707
    Sense of Community
    It can be lonely being a female executive. You can feel isolated and like your experiences are personal. I felt your guest’s challenge as an executive in a new role in my soul. I can’t wait to learn more and feel the sense of community in future episodes I listen to. I’m also sharing them with my team and others in the organization to continue helping to grow others and prepare them for the next step in their career.
  • KLF2022
    Always a warm place to land
    As someone who has been actively “taking the lead” over the last 4 years, I have consistently leaned on the the information found in Jodi’s podcasts. They are chock filled with advice, sound facts and the direction I seek in becoming a better leader. I found inspiration in Jodi’s early episodes to step up and take a stronger hold of my career direction back in 2019- and I’ve been a a loyal listener ever since. Her warm & thoughtful delivery makes you feel like she’s taking directly to you. Wonderful job Jodi- I can’t wait to continue to listen to you grow!
  • Cwalsh12
    Wow, I just started listening to this podcast and I can’t wait to listen to more. This podcast is relatable, informative, and inspiring! To be a female leader is such a unique way of life and we need to continue to use that energy for the better.
  • The Hobo Named Bob
    Must Listen!
    Jodi's insights and stories are truly motivational. Her show is all around incredible and you definitely need to give it a listen!
  • EricaBushwell
    Awesome podcast!
    Jodi, host of the Women Takign the Lead podcast, highlights all aspects of careers and more in this can’t miss podcast! The host and expert guests offer insightful advice and information that is helpful to anyone that listens!
  • Michael Davis, Speaking CPR
    Lives Up To Her Promise
    Jodi provides terrific insights into relevant leadership skills. Better yet, you can immediately implement her ideas. This podcast will help women become more confident, influential and impactful leaders.
  • Sekenny
    Inspiring and honest!
    This podcast really takes a look at what it means to be a woman in business or in corporate and the common struggles and pitfalls women have to deal with and how you can overcome anything by leaning into who you are and what your values are based off of.
  • Dawgs Rock!
    Amy Irvine Planning Your Future
    Great show Jodi filled with awesome advice for plannig our future dealing with all the changes from COVID 19. Love the virtual Happy Hour to share ideas., challenges and successes. Thanks Pattie Grimm
  • MEthyme
    Just what I need to hear
    Every time I listen to one of Jodi’s episodes, it seems that it is just what I need to hear that moment. Truly authentic conversations with amazing women of all ages and talents, sharing their challenges and accomplishments. Jodi’s warmth and desire to support shines through! Congrats on 5 years! @terridecoster.coach
  • allison in maine
    A little dab of inspiration!
    I’ve been listening to this podcast for about 18 months now and I love it! Jodi is so warm and open and tackles topics that are relevant to women everywhere. Interesting guests, and I love the episodes that are about Jodi opening up about her own challenges. She shows us that she’s not afraid to be vulnerable.
  • Katie Joy B.
    Women Who Wow!
    Jodi and her stellar guests shine the brightest of lights on what it means to be a female in our current culture! Bold, insightful, and engaging are just a few of the words I’d use to describe the time you’ll spend with them. Thanks for putting out such a superb show Jodi - keep up the great work!
  • Carla Jo Howard
    Spot on coaching, Variety, and Fun!!
    I found Jodi’s podcast a few months ago, and I’m hooked!!! She has a fun and positive vibe combined with excellent coaching advice. One of things I like best about this podcast is the variety. I’ve enjoyed checking out the interviews, on air coaching calls, and the 100% Jodi options in the back list. If I had to pick my favorite format, it would have to be the online coaching calls! It’s amazing to see how these highly successful women struggle with the same things I do every day! :-) If you are looking for a fantastic podcast focused on women leadership and entrepreneurship, give this one a listen!
  • gilaa78
    Great find!
    Jodi's such a gem. She's so clearly enthusiastic about her work and finds wonderful guests to discuss all aspects of leadership. It's so fun to explore how we're all leaders in our own lives--or can be! Thanks Jodi for the thoughful conversations.
  • prospeaker25
    Helpful and fun!
    I love Jodi's interview style and her helpful tips. She's able to distill a lot of information to create actionable steps and easy solutions. Jodi is also funny and fun to listen to. Highly recommend this podcast!
  • Brooke Craven
    Awesome Podcast!!
    Jodi Flynn, host of the Women Taking the Lead podcast, highlights all aspects of women entrepreneurship, businesses and more in this can’t miss podcast. The host and expert guests offer insightful information and advice that is helpful to anyone that listens!
  • J. Barshop
    Awesome show, highly recommend!
    Jodi and her guests share actionable and inspiring lessons on how to become a more thoughtful, well-rounded entrepreneur and leader. Highly recommend listening and subscribing to Women Taking the Lead if you want the knowledge AND mindsets to grow into the leader you know you’re capable of becoming (and and live your best life as a result)!
  • MannionSandra
    Thought Provoking
    I stumbled upon Jodie’s podcast one day and was immediately taken in. Her ability to dive into emotional dialogue, which helps woman around the world in various aspects of their lives, is fascinating. Thank you for the variation of interviews provided. I use my time productively, listening to Jodi, on my weekly drives home as I’m stuck in traffic. I no longer get road rage, I simply accept that’s it part of my choice at this time in my life.
  • BetsyF
    This podcast inspires me to keep going with my business!
  • Elena Lipson
    Love it!
    Jody brings awesome energy and has some great guests and tips for women to lead and become entrepreneurs.
  • MelHereford
    Authentic voice and clear actions!
    I love Jodi's authentic connection with us, her audience. Her interviews are always full of actionable steps I can take to be a better person and be better at my work, which I love as a Type A woman. I feel more productive with every episode!
  • robertbingalls
    Jodi is Awesome!
    Crazy actionable information. Thanks!
  • Elizabeth Moss
    Girl with a Gallery
    Just hearing Jodi's voice makes me smile and gives me a dose of empowerment. Mostly because it is so validating to hear about the losing moments and self doubt of individuals who are very accomplished and constantly working hard to acheive their goals. I think to be an entrepreneur you have to set your own goals and those are often scarry and force you out of your comfort zone. Taking the Lead humanizes our experiences. Turns out there is a whole community of like-minded women AND MEN out there that have acheived a lot but not without their own inner struggles and mistakes along the way. I was interviewed by Jodi and the experience made me focus on my current vision for my business. Thank you Ms. Flynn you're the bomb!
  • Mr. Tide Turner
    Great Insights Gleamed From Podcast even for Guys!
    I first heard Jodi being interviewed on another podcast and I had to find her podcast! Quickly, I heard the energy she brings and her guests provide valuable content and insights for anyone to help them in the entreprenuerial journey. This podcast while is titled for Women is very helpful for the guys. Don't be afraid guys, hit the subscribe button, you will not be disappointed!
  • ErikBison
    Highly Recommend!
    Women Taking the Lead shares inspiring and actionable lessons to help you succeed in business and life. Highly recommend listening if you want the knowledge AND mindsets to achieve all of your professional and personal goals in life!
  • Degeneratenews.com
    To many 100% episodes
    Used to love this podcast now if I see a 100% episode I just skip it lol always have had interesting guests in the past
  • Krystal Covington
    Inspiring show with a powerful premise
    I've learned so much from listening to the stories featured on "Women Taking the Lead." These women are not kinky inspiring, but providing actionable advice for success.
  • CarolynDe
    Inspirational, Aspirational AND Motivational!
    This podcast pleasantly surprised me and is now one of my favorites. Jodi's guests are really down to earth and for the most part talk about the journey and not just their destination of today. Jodi's interview style encourages realness and that's really apparent in the way her guests trust her to lead them through the interview. Although I haven't listened to all of them yet, I have listened to more than one a couple of times - once during a run and then a 2nd time to take notes ... yeah they're that good. If you're looking for some inspiration or aspiration - check out some of these women on WTL! OH ... and Jodi's book Accomplished changed my world. Grab it if you're looking to acknowledge your journey, understand the process you've been going through and get unstuck so that you can move forward ... this is the book for you!
  • BrieGF
    Great podcast!
    Thank you Jodi for creating content twice a week for women to forward themselves in pursuit of their purpose!
  • Alison Cardy
    Highly recommended
    Jodi is a fantastic host who pulls in excellent guests and also shares her own powerful perspective. Highly recommended!
  • FemmeEphemera
    Helpful, inspiring + fun!
    I've been a listener for several months now because I really dig the purpose-drenched content and conversation that Jodi is creating for women. Also, I recently got to be on the podcast - a treat for this sister Central Massachusetts native. Jodi is a total professional from start-to-finish both on and off the air.
  • b.rock_81
    Very cool
    I love the positivity, the mutual respect, Jodi asks insightful questions.
  • CaraF13
    Fantastic Show that's Real!
    What a fantastic show that delivers real content to uplift you and get you back on your feet! I loved listening to the episode with Teena Evert about the Importance of Priorities. She shared so many goldne nuggets that helped remind me how to play Big. For instance: "Show up in a way that's transperent, intentional and authentic. Get out of the bad neighborhood in your mind, how to repeatedly show your subconscious that you can do anything you set your mind to, structure of self care daily -going outside. Lead with courage and guts." I love the juicy questions Jodi asks her guests that trigger personal stories of my own. Thanks so much!
  • Teena Evert
    Relationship Success Coach
    Jodi is a gifted interviewer and I heart big time how she is able to elicit the relevant leadership stories and wisdom of her guests to inspire the audience to create success by making it a top priority through the process of mastering both our mindset and skillset. From listening to her show, I feel like she truly gets what women need to work through and embrace, in order to take the lead with grace, with grit, and with passion.
  • tifftorijon
    Love 'Women Taking the Lead"
    Women Taking the Lead offers the most engaging and relevant conversations for women and mostly by women. While the podcast is focused on helping women, most of what is discussed can be helpful for both men and women. It is one of my regular go to podcasts because of the quality information shared. And I love Jodi's energy!
  • LeeMceCar
    Great advice every show
    Jody is making a difference in her listener's days by bringing great women and their stories to light. If you're a woman in business this podcast is for you!
  • MotorhoneySF
    Woman need to listen!!
    What an inspiriging way to get tips, hear from the pros who have really pushed woman farther. This is something men and woman need to tune into!
  • Jen Hemphill
    Attention to detail
    Jodi is definitely one of those people who give the utmost attention to detail and the podcast episodes are no exception. It's a podcast that I look forward to listening to and know I'll get a lot of value out of it!
  • iPodcastEdit
    Fantastic Podcast!
    Even though I'm a man, I find the podcast interesting and it shows the progress in women taking on more leadership roles, which I think is essential. There are so many women that would thrive in leadership roles, and there have been many women who have influenced my life in a very positive way. The podcast is edited very well, and the show notes are helpful and wonderfully written! I look forward to more amazing content!
  • Marty from The Grow Maine Show
    Met Jodi in person
    Had the chance to meet Jodi in person at an entrepreneur's group. She is the real deal, helping others to attain the same success she has.
  • Marina VF
    Insightful, expertly carreid out, a great listen
    Jody has a way of making the guests feel both energetic and comfortable to share their message and expertise with PASSION. Which makes the podcast not only informative, but easy and fun to listen. Things that Jodi and her guests share - they resonate and leave a mark.
  • Risslawton
    Honor Every Woman's Truth
    Jodi is such a natural and gracious host. She really believes in building women up and helping them to succeed. It is super helpful to hear every woman's story. We all come from unique walks of life, but no matter our humble beginnings we can be successful. Jodi helps all women shine.
  • Tom Morkes
    great show
    My wife listens in regularly and I often join her. I have to say, Jodi is a great host and provides engaging insightful conversations with her guests.
  • WMAlways
    Amazing Podcast
    This podcast has such a wealth of information - the guests are so insightful and i have learnt so much. Jodi’s personality is very engaging - I love her. I’ve shared this podcast will all my friends - so many nuggets we can all learn from,
  • Lee Gaitan
    Inspiring and real!
    Jodi is such a sharp interviewer and has guests from all walks of life who share their experience of "taking the lead" in their lives. She consistently delivers a show that is inspiring and motivating, but also full of practical steps to help listeners take the lead in their own lives. Five stars for the host, her guests and the format!
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