Out There


Out There is a podcast that explores big questions through intimate stories in the great outdoors.

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Recent Reviews
  • jorjastone
    The “My Dad’s Depression” episode is a beautiful story. 🙏🏼
  • longdistancegaze
    An advertisement for border patrol? Really?
  • C Go 1
    She sounds great when being interviewed, but for this podcast…
    The host doesn’t use her normal speaking voice; she takes deep breaths and has a tone of voice that is on the sad spectrum. It’s such a shame, because she’s got a great speaking voice when she’s just having a conversation.
  • Gregory Longstride
    Wide-Ranging, Compelling, and Relaxing
    Host Willow Belden has pieced together a stunning and diverse show in Out There. I am an avid outdoors person and I feel like many other outdoorsy podcasts that get stuck in one lane, or manage to seem unconsolidated when they try and touch different areas of outdoor pursuits, sports, stories, or phenomena. Out There has surprised me from bringing stories of ultra runners, mountain bikers, backpackers, and climbers together in one space while keeping a clear tone that is soothing and heartfelt. I never thought I’d consider ultra running or hunting until finding Out There while on the PCT in 2022. Cannot recommend enough!
  • Jaimie Butterfly
    Great Stories
    I love the unique perspectives of people’s experiences in the outside world! One of my favorite podcasts.
  • Found freedom
    Peaceful … much needed
    So glad to find this podcast that popped up in my feed. Calming outdoors-life stories about resilience and hopes and capabilities. I’m in a season of transition and uncertainty, and listening to Out There has opened up some fun, new thinking – I’ve already started looking at campers! Well, why not! And researching some hiking trails that fit my preferences (and I’m having fun thinking about that: what do I prefer, what works for me?). So not only has this been a calming find, but it’s been nudging me toward some buried interests I haven’t been tapping into. Didn’t see that coming!
  • arcangel626
    Best model of inclusivity for the outdoors
    As a woman raised by strong women and raising one of my own, I wish I had found this podcast earlier! Even for me--raised camping, doing time in the Army, working in the field as a scientist--taking to the back country means I must overcome the instinctive first response of fear from my lizard brain. Many of the women I know must further overcome the barriers created when well-meaning family and friends undermine a potential outdoors adventure by expressing those fears and doubts. This podcast addresses these subjects beautifully. Thank you, Willow!
  • jthorndike
    Delightful, sometimes inspiring
    I love this podcast. I stumbled across it, but it’s become a favorite. It’s almost always a delight —interesting pretty much much consistently and often inspiring. Worth the time. So happy I found it.
  • MattFPerry
    Fresh perspectives
    As a token white male in the outdoors I too appreciate fresh perspectives in storytelling. I have really enjoyed the broadening stories and points of view from Willow and her contributors. Thank you!
  • Vanpediem
    Gets Me Out There!
    I enjoy the original outdoor content with a positive vibe. Inspires me to spend more time out there. Thanks Willow for your heart felt presentation.
  • Dash driver
    Great podcast! Well worth your time!
    Thanks for this podcast! The best one for outdoor adventures!
  • so do do 112233
    Couldn’t even make it through the ads for the first 10 minutes
  • Blythe Lewis
    Always what I need
    This podcast always makes me feel calmer and takes the stress out of a busy day. The stories here are engrossing and thought-provoking, making me think about the outdoors in a new way, but they also just feel good to listen to in my down time; while cleaning my apartment, while on the subway, while winding down, and while dreaming about the next time I’m going outdoors.
  • Kab1202
    This podcasts provides interesting listens about intriguing people and big questions. Love to listen during my hikes
  • Goekesmi
    A listen I look forward to.
    Long form stories about the getting outside, produced in the style of an NPR show. The editing is tight and the stories are interesting. Haven’t skipped an episode yet.
  • trb wharever
    Just wonderful
    Love everything about this podcast!!!
  • Trendy4u
    Selfless Acts
    Great episode. I have always found trail magic fascinating. I enjoyed hearing from an actual trail angel.
  • Sfrogers
    A welcome voice & fresh perspective
    Willow and her band of reporters are a welcome voice, fresh perspective and entertaining dinnertime companion. Every podcast paints an image of a person, a location, a challenge, an adventure that I can either relate to or, want to know better. You won’t be disappointed in this podcast and you might even come away with a more positive view of humankind.
  • peterfrederick
    Per aspera ad astra
    I’m a avid backpacker. Here are some stories to fire my love of the outdoors. Some are of people doing through-hikes beyond my ability and some are of people just finding themselves in nature. This, I can identify with. Check this podcast out and see if you don’t get motivated to get outside and sweat yourself to new heights.
  • Linda from PA
    Always intriguing. Keeps my interest. Yet gentle and heart warming.
    The stories are vibrant. The music integrates well. I have been listening for YEARS. You should too.
  • dad of dragons
    Always makes me smile
    Such a good podcast! Willows stories and interviews always give me a sense of calmness almost like the feeling I have when Im in the wilderness.
  • MidtownGary
    Blown Away!
    I met Willow in a dinner line at the 2022 Tour de Wyoming. In answering the usual chit-chat questions, she said she produced a podcast out of Laramie, Wyoming. Out of curiosity, I had to listen to an episode. I must say it exceeded my expectations in all ways. Why? Let’s face it, any wannabe with a microphone can make a podcast, so my expectations weren’t super high. But the production quality, the music, the narration, the storyline, the moral of the story were all outstanding. Willow is a skilled, insightful storyteller, who holds your attention, creates drama, and makes you think. Can’t wait to catch up on the other “Out There” episodes.
  • Prsopect Farms
    High value, intelligent and long-running pod. Best of its kind. Thank you!
  • flyingstar_2002
    High Hopes
    I was really looking forward to the episode with Alex Honnold’s mom. Unfortunately the part where you continued to press her about how most elite climbers die seemed very unnecessary. She continued to tell you she was aware of the risks.
  • CCG!
    Great show! Just wish…
    Love some of these episodes! The host is very thoughtful, but I wish she sounded more upbeat (I think of Eeyore sometimes when she sounds ho-hum), and avoided the deep gasps for emphasis. Just sayin’ :-)
  • LeenyRose
    Harriet episode
    This episode is incredibly compelling and thought provoking. The incorporation of personal details made it all the more evocative. It had me misty-eyed by the end ☺️
  • Swashfrog
    So Much Potential
    So many of these episodes seem self-important and very, very earnest. Proselytic and righteous that tends toward the ridiculous. Drama. This kind of storytelling would have me planning a pre-dawn escape to the trail and a hasty pace to gain separation. True, some folks will revel in this social drama; I’d rather get out there.
  • DJ Doug Sandler
    Nice guys
    Congrats on the success of your podcast. From one podcast host to another. I was pulled in by your Nice Guys Finish First episode. That’s the name my book, Nice Guys Finish First, hope to have you tune into my podcast too The Nice Guys on Business.
  • MegPross
    Just what we need more of
    Well told stories that get us outside, make us think, and make us happier. Out There is my much needed respite from work and stress. Keep up the great work Willow!
  • Patrice La Vigne
    Love Willow’s Style!
    I really like how Willow creates a conversation out of her interviews, weaving music and commentary so it is not just ask a question & give an answer. It’s storytelling at its best!
  • zachclimber15207
    Excellent story telling
    Loving these stories!!! New favorite podcast
  • NotTheManDan
    Best of both worlds
    I love stories about adventures in the outdoors and I love stories about personal growth and transformation. This is a fusion of both!
  • TTales
    Out There
    For the most part, it has been enjoyable listening to “Out There” regarding stories of adventure and nature. Although the episode “Passing” initially attempted to incorporate some semblance of nature, this episode ends up being more social blather—something I seek to leave behind when I search out interesting podcasts. Barbara looks for opportunities to be offended and works hard to twist a simple trail greeting into a full-fledged personal attack. Barbara, you seek to hike alone and I personally hope I never meet you—on a trail or elsewhere. From now on, I will find other podcasts with less social issues and more adventures.
  • Underqaterlife
    A breath of fresh air!
    This podcast does a fantastic job of sharing and telling truly moving, captivating, and relevant stories about people and their inspiring outdoor experiences.
  • Dallaire's Disciple
    Artists and Nature and good listening
    Sound quality great. Variety great. Content - astounding!!! Thanks Willow
  • AS5280
    Out Of The Shadows
    This was a beautiful narrative that we rarely hear... Trans Positive stories! Thank you for sharing Erin’s story, it was beautiful and touching!
  • Kiminie
    Mr. Fabulous was FABULOUS😝. Thank You😢❤️
    As an aspiring backpacker and Black person of color who lives along and has informally day-hiked along the AT, I sincerely appreciate this episode. I really connect (even more these days) with media that are not afraid to talk about color and how it affects one’s life, decisions, ability, and prospects. That doesn’t treat us like we’re crazy or making it all up. That doesn’t treat us like we’re taking on the mantle of victim for convenience’s sake (yes, people actually say this🙄😡) and that also doesn’t victim-blame. This was refreshing and honestly, hearing you admit right up front that “White” described the typical hiker really took my breath away (that was way unexpected bc we’re used to everyone glossing over and ignoring things like that like it’s a bad thing to admit- it’s not) and gave me shocked pause right before I dug in. You saying that and being up front, no BS, gave me permission and invitation to enjoy. I can’t thank you enough. I needed this podcast today. ❤️ I’m planning to get the book and read with my kids and we were already planning a spring backpacking trip. I absolutely love his perspective and what he shared was invaluable. I learned so much and was reassured in a time where it can feel scary to venture out into public, let alone seclusion!, where you’re outnumbered and too often, can still be quite unwelcome.
    This podcast is excellent. This most recent episode was the best yet. Keep up this outstanding and important work, Willow!
  • jesnelson
    Makes you laug, cry and think
    After being introduced to this podcast by a friend, it has become a go-to. The story topics are wide-ranging but all have a similar feel. Some are heart warming, inspiring and make want to go concur the world! And others make me want to call, hug and love all of the people in my life immediately. If you love engaging story telling, it is a MUST listen!!
  • AtAvery5
    Informative. Real. Honest.
    Great information given through intimate stories shared by real people. The outdoors is my life line, has been since I was a young child, and Willow and the people she brings into this podcast have real connections with the natural world in a variety of ways. I love listening to their stories! Love the music that’s selected for each podcast, too.
  • TheTurboBass
    When I’m trapped inside
    I love this show. I spend my days in a office with irregular hours and a challenge to hike on the weekends. The personal stories presented on this show have hit home more than once, but I’ve gotten so much more insight to the human condition. Hearing people open up, allowing themselves to show some vulnerability is both real and inspiring. This podcast is a great way to live through others, while biding my time until I can get to the sierras again. Thank you!
  • taj03
    High Quality and Interesting
    Each story will bridge a connection to a treasured memory, a deep desire for the outdoors, a curiosity for adventure and fuel the wild spirit within. The storytellers are engaging and interesting, and tell relatable and well directed stories. The audio is well produced and high quality. Willow composes and organizes the program so that it flows smoothly, and the episodes are never too brief or overbearingly long- at approximately 30 minutes, they’re long enough to satisfy but not so long that they bore. This podcast is understated and deserves to be even more popular than it is.
  • PNWmamabear
    Thought provoking
    I love listening and most episodes are very thought provoking. Thank you for the stories that often expose me to ideas I hadn’t yet had. I particularly love the “seeing the forest for through trees” episode
  • KinBit
    My favorite podcast! Listening during the work day transports me away from my desk and into the wild - it makes me able to smell the fresh pine and see the path in front of me. I am so grateful to Willow for creaitng this amazing space. Thanks for inspiring me to keep adventuring and exploring our world.
  • Emma in NH
    Awesome Podcast
    I absolutely love this podcast. It brings me so much joy- great stories, diverse topics, excellent music, funny moments. Willow has a wonderful voice and narrative style. I especially appreciate how honest and reflective she and her guests are. It's unusual to find such a charmingly wholesome podcast, and listening to it helps me remember how much I need to get out in nature every day.
  • Myb dirtbag
    Most episodes is 25 minutes of someone complaining about their problems then they went into the woods.
  • !@!@!@!@!
    Great stories
    I was really liking your podcast until I saw the one about clueless white people. Why???? Why can’t we just talk about the outdoors? I like to listen to stories about the outdoors and I don’t care the color of the people telling them. Include all kinds of different storytellers. That would be great! But devoting an entire podcast to your guilt about being white is ridiculous.
  • Save 21
    Love it!
    Great insightful podcast. Entertains and thought provoking!
  • WITZEND2010
    Out There
    One of my favorite pod casts for any road trip or commute to work. I love how the creator captures the oral history aspects of storytelling personal outdoor adventures. The write in segment ‘Dear Nature’ allows the listeners to get advice on how to use and reflect on their own outdoor adventures to address personal challenges in a relatable way. This is a must follow outdoor adventure series artfully produced in the American storytelling tradition.
  • BlueMindNurse
    All Shows!
    Willow (et al), I love how your stories fuel my memories, my hopes, and my dreams of adventures past, present and future. Thank you for your writing, musical choices, story topics and great production. You are the ultimate hostess. I love being able to get “Out There” even when I’m in my car heading to work...thank you!
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