

On Birthful, working doula and former journalist Adriana Lozada talks pregnancy, birth and postpartum with top experts and new parents. Every episode distills the overload of pregnancy information down to the most relevant and useful stuff. Adriana Lozada is a mom, author, speaker, birth doula, postpartum educator, and healthy-sleep consultant. Visit Please note: Adriana has years of experience but she's not a doctor, and does not expect anyone to treat the show like medical advice. Please always consult with your care provider. This show does not dispense medical advice.

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Recent Reviews
  • Peace__77
    My favorite birth podcast
    I started listening to this podcast and a handful of others when I got pregnant. I have learned SO much and still have a bunch of episodes in my queue to listen too. This podcast is my favorite. I love how inclusive it is and how it tackles birth justice issues. Adriana brings such great guests and discusses topics in a way that is so empowering. I also love the variety of birth stories. Highly, highly recommend this podcast.
  • mariap514
    Interesting topics, too many ads
    I’m early in my pregnancy journey and just started listening to this podcast, which came highly recommended. I appreciate the topics and info, but am offput by the amount of ads- nearly five minutes of ads before the intro, and then another heap of minutes long ads around a third of the way through. It feels like one more way to take advantage of women coming here for advice and solutions. I understand ads are a natural part of podcasting, but I’d encourage this team to rethink the quantity & distribution.
  • idbbaysn
    Helpful podcast
    I listened to few episodes before my wife and I had our second child and they were interesting and informative. Little did I know that our midwife wouldn’t make it in time for the birth and even just the few episodes I listened to were very helpful in staying calm. My wife and son did an amazing job and it was a great birth and a very special experience for my wife and I to share. Would highly recommend.
  • Beefymoose
    Best birthy podcast!
    Adriana is a masterful interviewer, podcaster, and educator. She knows how to get to the heart of what matters. She provides a huge array of helpful episodes. A must listen if you’re a birth pro or an expecting family!
  • Blessed Homeschool Mom
    No, just no.
    I turned it off at, “tell us how you identify”, “my pronouns are she/her”, “birth person” … you mean, woman.
  • Misssmiley212
    Love This Podcast
    As a doula I’m always looking for inclusive resources for me and my clients! Thank you for using gender inclusive language! ❤️
  • emmawoodard
    Do better
    “Inclusive language” excludes women.
  • dranjalidc
    Postpartum doula, yes please!!
    Adriana’s podcast is THE podcast for when it comes to birth doula and postpartum. You will learn more about pregnancy, while feeling supported and understood.
  • Photogmagob
    Too woke
    I can’t with the “if you’re a person giving birth”, you mean woman? “Tell us how your identify?”. As someone giving birth very soon at the hospital I was looking forward to this weeks episode based off of the title but I couldn’t get more that 13mins in. I don’t care if the person delivering my baby is blue, I just want them qualified to do their job well.
  • Midwife_Melissa
    So much AMAZING information!
    If you or your partner are pregnant, trying to get pregnant, or postpartum, I could not recommend this podcast more!! It is such a fantastic resource filled with inspiration and insight! Our clients love it!!
  • Bloomington Customer
    Gorgeous voice; gorgeous spirit
    I’m so appreciative of Adriana! She’s amazing and gracious, caring and vital to the conversation of birth.
  • technique over topics
    Terrific resource
    There is so much I’m still learning now, 5 months into my pregnancy. The podcast connects listeners to untapped resources with an eye toward time, money, and energy-saving resources with the steady insight and warmth of a professional. Reviewers that rate the show poorly seem put out by the host’s use of inclusive language. I do wish inclusion could be taken less as a personal attack on those more identity-sensitive reviewers and seen as the practice of care most understand it to be.
  • marieffffff
    Stop erasing women !!!
    Another podcast sacrificing women on the altar of “wokeness .” I do not care how many people say “birth person”, I will never accept that phrase and I will teach my children to NEVER listen to these lies. Only women give birth !! There is no such thing as a “birthing person.” How do you have a pregnancy podcast and you don’t even understand basic biology? One episode the guest used the example of being a woman as something which cannot be changed (and she was absolutely right) and the host corrected her ! She made her say that being a woman isn’t “fixed.” You cannot change your sex. You can get surgery, you can take hormones, you can dress differently, but you are only playing dress up. When is this charade going to end?
  • AniBerry33
    Fantastic and inclusive!!
    Adriana creates an amazing safe space for every parent, parent to be, or anyone who wants to learn about every aspect of childbirth, postpartum, and so so much more. The amount of pure information in these podcasts is insane, there is an episode for everyone! On social media I used to notice that birth was commonly portrayed in very similar ways that felt so ostracizing when my experience was completely different than what was being showed. Childbirth can be so different from person to person and it can be so easy to feel isolated and confused when going through something that people aren’t talking about. So the fact that she goes through so many different topics ended up answering the questions I had and quelling my fears during postpartum. She deserves so much more recognition!!
  • Lilyy =)
    Birth person?!
    I’m not a birth person. I’m a pregnant woman. I’m a mother. There’s better podcasts out there that don’t but into the woke agenda. Only WOMEN can have babies. No such thing as “birth person”!
  • Zarah Williams
    Some good info but overall meh
    There are some good informative episodes in here thanks to the guests Adriana has on the show but I wish she would let them talk more. She constantly interrupts to put in her two cents and it’s unnecessary. Also annoyed at the constant PC language like “body feeding” and “birthing people.”
  • sewage trash
    1/10 I spotted a f#ing karen
    Stupid stupid crap
  • JulieK1989
    Men can’t give birth
    Language is offensive to women and robs us of our unique gift to the world: Carrying children and giving birth.
  • 5ydd12
    Currently pregnant and came across this podcast a couple months ago. Very disappointed with the language being used that degrades mothers and robs us of our divine femininity and gifts. Breastfeeding is not “body feeding”. It is not “chestfeeding”. This is not feminism. It is anti- woman and anti science. Stop pretending differences in anatomy between sexes don’t exist. It’s offensive to women.
  • Ava10
    Pretends that men can give birth
    Participating in the mass prentending to spare peoples feelings. Reducing breastfeeding to “bodyfeeding” is absolutely ridiculous. This would be a great podcast if it wasn’t so offensive to women. Men can not have babies and pretending that they can is offensive. To act like men who are doing a caricature of women is normal as well as women pretending to be men is disturbing. If a biological woman who is gender dysphoric can actually tolerate pregnancy and breastfeeding, I have serious questions about the nature of their dysphoria. Birthing podcasts that do this are the worst. I can’t participate in the erasure of femininity.
  • Jules4679
    This Podcast!
    Adriana’s podcast was so helpful while I was going through my pregnancy and postpartum and wanting to learn everything I could about this huge life change I was going through. I recommend it to all new parents and people interested in learning more about birth and beyond! Inform your intuition!
  • mike847464
    Fantastic Podcast
    Adriana invites diverse voices for both thoughtful discussions of evidenced based research and stories and advice for navigating the emotional landscape of pregnancy and infant care. Her unique emotional intelligence and intellect are invaluable. Birthful really supported me in becoming a strong, confident and competent partner to my baby mama.
  • Sivan smores
    Best pregnancy and postpartum podcast
    Love this. Every episode is so well made, so interesting- even if it doesn’t concern you. The Birth stories are the most amazing to me. A must for every Woman TTC or already pregnant (no matter if first, second, third child!)
  • handmaidbirth
    Disappointing New Format
    This podcast used to be much better but the new format is half commercials and half just a few minutes of the most basic birth info you can find via a quick web search. Add in the new clunky PC language that’s so offensive to women that’s been obnoxiously inserted everywhere and it’s become disappointing. Oh, and an ad promoting abortion, the most unnecessary and riskiest of pregnancy if you believe human rights begin in utero and birth should involve live babies, you might be even more disappointed.
  • Ann Besson
    Great balance of knowledge and positive birth stories
    This podcast was my go to listen throughout my entire pregnancy with my first child. It helped me gather more tools and confidence to trust in my body and the birthing process. Hearing other positive birthing stories is wonderful too even if they didn’t go as ‘planned.’ It’s the number one podcast I recommend to other pregnant woman especially first time moms. Thank you for all that you do birthful team!
  • ww.hit.
    Hard to listen
    I feel like there’s a lot of good info but I can’t get past how unprofessional it is. A lot do the ads are duplicates, with Adriana saying she filmed two versions of the ads, one shorter one longer, and then it proceeds to play them back to back. I’m sure it’s an oversight but after it happened once I assumed it was a mistake and then I heard it 5x+ after. Also some of the guests are eating while they are recording… detracts from the info and makes it harder to focus. (Mainly listening to the ‘best of’ series via Spotify.)
  • ace11345
    Woke and not worth your time
  • Zaaraa954
    Full of ads
    Nice info but there are so many long advertisements, to the extent that I decided to not continue
  • soto2017
    Feeling obligated to be a subscription member..
    Very annoying how the newer, more useful episodes are only available to those who pay for them. But yet, she teases you w/ 10 minutes if you don’t😂🤔 I find it better when other podcasts have them as an option, and may mention them, but have them available on another platform when and IF you want to pay a monthly subscription.
  • Cllaaaiiiirrrrreeeeee
    Grateful first time mom-to-be
    Not due till April (first time mom) but I am so thankful for the information I am receiving on this podcast! I listened when we first started trying to get pregnant. Thanks to this podcast, I am going to have a birth center birth (at least that’s the plan lol!) and I am excited and happy with the practice. I didn’t even know that was an option before listening to this podcast. Thank you, Adriana for broadening my world and my intuition!!
  • ~JLCE
    Very educational!
    My husband and I want to start trying to get pregnant in two years. I previously had no education on pregnancy, childbirth, and early parenthood, so this podcast has been a great resource. I have a better understanding of my choices and will feel more empowered if my husband and I are so blessed. I recommend this podcast for anyone interested in learning about pregnancy and birth, especially natural births.
  • Shortstuff3533
    Very biased and one sided episodes, specifically the circumcision and infant sleep basic episodes. The host and guest just provided one sided opinion and belief without any evidence, fact.
  • Munchkin37
    Love it!!
    Great birth podcast especially for those interested in natural birth!
  • k8moris
    Informative and enjoyable
    Thank you for sharing such diverse information! I am obsessed!!
  • rose12334567
    Wow all the ads. And their such short episodes!
  • Kirizazu
    A little biased, though compassionately done
    I wanted a natural birth at home, and learned so many good things to work to make that happen. The info here for the most part (especially episodes with Wapio on not pushing, just letting body do work) is excellent. However, although I was a super fit healthy mama I ended up needing some help from an OB at the hospital I transferred to. I wish I had learned more about the positives that hospitals offer—I had an incredible happy experience at my hospital and an OB who was happy to let me try different positions and take my time. This podcast seems to be anti-hospital which can make people be afraid of them as I was. Don’t be. I ended up loving being there and taken care of by amazing nurses. Next time I’m going back to that hospital and though I hope to have a natural i medicated birth then, I won’t be upset if I don’t. Not all interventions are bad. Please do podcasts on that subject! When hospital help is appropriate as in my case and many others’. Lots of love !!
  • Bookworming it
    Great podcast
    Adriana you’re doing fabulous! I love your variety of topics and great guests you feature. Very informative!
  • JustAnotherLokiVariant
    My only complaint is that I would like it if you could add the timestamp when the actual episode starts
  • calijer
    Light switch “on”
    I’ve learned so much from Adriana and her guests. I’ve never been one who has always known that I want to be a mother. I’ve also never had the know how to support my friends as they moved through the pregnancy and parent portion of life. After recently having two losses, I turned here to get some answers and support. I’m so glad that I did and have since continued learning from the root mass of people surrounding this show. It has truly changed my life and my outlook on everything. Thanks for your work Adriana!
  • allisadventures
    More misses than hits for me
    Although many of the episode topics are of interest to me, I find that the host and guests don’t present the information all that well. I will say that the more recent episodes with legit guests are much better than the older episodes with guests who clearly don’t have experience talking about the subject at hand. I also find the host to be very distracting in that she has a hard time forming coherent sentences and getting her opinion across without rambling on. That being said, I don’t dislike this podcast, I just think you have to find the gems amongst the heap of duds.
  • ColinaLaBombarda
    I’m so thankful for this podcast!
    I cannot recommend this podcast enough, I was so fortunate to find it during my second trimester and listened to it every day for the rest of my pregnancy, and then re-listened to my favorite episodes as my due date got closer. I had the birth I wanted and I owe it to this podcast! It is full of information to help you make informed choices and to stand up for your newborn to make sure he or she gets the best start in life!
  • MegPie1221
    Important resource
    This podcast was such an important resource for me during pregnancy and after. I didn’t feel so alone in my journey listening to others stories and learning about all things childbirth.
  • AlyssaLLee
    Recommend to all of my friends!
    This podcast is the first thing I recommend to every expectant Momma. During my pregnancy I had an hour commute each way so I definitely listened to over a hundred episodes. Each one is like reading a whole book on pregnancy, breastfeeding, etc. and helped me feel so prepared with very little effort. Plus so many good birth stories that exposed me to many different ways labor can go. I feel like I rarely hear about a good first birth, but rather a redemptive second or third birth. But thanks in part to this podcast I had a GREAT first birth. I felt like I got to learn from so many moms before me. Thanks for your work Adriana!
  • EmmalineRose
    Hooked on The Birthful Podcast
    I began listening to The Birthful Podcast about a year before my first pregnancy. It wasn't the right time for a pregnancy, but I was eagerly anticipating that day and wanted to be prepared for pregnancy and beyond. Through a simple search, I discovered Adriana's podcast and was blown away. The production quality was spectacular, the guests were expert, and Adriana's questions both painted the big picture and explored the practical nuts and bolts of each topic. Before listneing to The Birthful Podcast, I was overwhelmed by birth. How could I learn when I didn't even know the questions I should ask? But Birthful quickly gave me a framework for all things birth, and I discovered the topics I needed to explore on my own as I prepared for birth and motherhood. Birthful became my homebase and my springboard by raising important issues and providing the resources to begin delveing into those issues. I listend to Birthful all the way through my first pregnancy and postpartum. Fastforward a few years, I am in my second pregnancy, and today I listened to The Birthful Podcast for the first time in a long time. Again, I was blown away. The quality and relevancy of the podcast is still a shining five stars, and the joy and confidence it inspires is priceless. After thirty minutes I was again hooked (not to mention disappointed to think of all the good content I've missed during my break from the podcast!). Finding this podcast too good to simply let slip by, I just had to write a review. I hope you give it a listen and find it as spectacular and irrisitble as I have!
  • birthingconfident
    Remarkable Content
    As a birth doula and preparing for my own VBAC with baby #2, I have found the information on this podcast incredibly helpful. Adriana and all of her guests have helped me to gain a new perspective, while bringing in evidence based research, in a clear and concise way. She stays on topic and is so easy to listen to. I am SO grateful for your work and bringing this information to parents and birth workers, it is very empowering and needed.
  • katema0
    Misinformed and Biased
    There really needs to be a strong disclaimer at the beginning of each episode that the host and most often the guests are not medical professionals and everything they say is pure opinion, not fact.
  • Love this podcastttt!!!
    So Informative!
    I love this podcast; I listened to it for months without even being pregnant. I thought it was informative, and she is so kind. She has such a wide variety of topics and guests that she talks with. It really has changed my whole perspective of pregnancy and birth, and I am now feeling much more prepared for my own experience in a few months! I love her outlook on the whole thing, and she is very comforting to listen to.
  • sarahdcoxteamdoula
    Birth Doula and Childbirth Educator
    Hello! Thank you so much Adriana for a wonderful and thorough podcast. As a birth Doula and childbirth educator I always recommend this podcast to my clients and their partners.
  • KatLytal
    Biased and misinformed
    I was looking for a balanced and evidence based podcast to listen to on my commute while preparing for birth of my second child but have been overall disappointed by the quality and content. As a practicing pediatrician I have been particularly astounded by their opinion of physicians (that they call “providers”). In the most recent episode I listened to they incorrectly state that “some OBs have never even seen a normal vaginal delivery”(???!!!!????)—there aren’t (or shouldn’t be) any medical students who have not witnessed and assisted with many vaginal deliveries. I unfortunately wouldn’t recommend this podcast to anyone seeking well informed guidance to having a healthy and safe delivery.
  • RoPie1979
    Eye Opening & Empowering
    I delivered at 42 weeks and had a birth better than I could have hoped for—thanks to this podcast I understood that 42 weeks didn’t have to be a bad thing and that asking for an epidural at 9cm was not defeat. I learned so much from listening to these guests starting at 31 weeks and 15 weeks postpartum I am still listening. Thank you, Adriana!
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