

Audio home of The Jimquisition, featuring its lovely little podcast, Podquisition - starring Jim Sterling, Laura Kate, and Conrad Zimmerman!

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Recent Reviews
  • huckleberry79
    Proud at last
    This podcast makes me proud to be a gamer. I love Stephanie, Laura, and Conrad so much. My heroes!
  • Coolman12253
    Listened since 2015
    Amazing podcast, love you guys!
  • WantABetterStream
    One of my favorite podcasts
    I really enjoy the irreverent but engaging discussions on this show.
  • Cassowarying
    A non-hype delicious crude podcast
    Every videogame podcast out of the corporate media, and many independent ones too, involve huge amounts of dickriding: fawning over Ubisoft and ABK without so much as even acknowledging the exploitation which regularly occurs at those companies. The folks here actually understand the human cost of making games, and never dickride a company’s marketing department for fear of not getting a preview copy of a game. They simply say it how it is. Thank god for them! Bonus points for heaps of body fluid jokes too.
  • Cwoowc
    It’s ok
    Used to listen every week. But since Gavin left and Conrad took over, I’ve slowly stopped listening. I just don’t like most of the games Conrad plays/talks about, and the entire dynamic has gone in a much more negative direction.
  • SadisticHippie
    Love this show! Been listening for almost the entire time!
    One of the few podcasts that have made me come back every week!
  • Chris As Well
    Podcast Analysis
    My dissection of a typical episode of the greatest video games podcast: Part 1: Steph, Laura, and Conrad talk for 10-20 minutes about a topic that interests them this week in a desperate but futile attempt to avoid talking about video games. Part 2: Laura brings up the topic of video games and the cast talk about what they’ve been playing recently, offering reviews both positive and critical about games old and new. Part 3: After a robust conversation about what makes video games fun, the cast start looking at current video game news and become incredibly depressed. Part 4: Plugs.
  • Daronlif
    Gone Downhill
    I still love Laura and Stephanie to death, but Conrad joining the show has taken the tone in a more mean spirited direction than I’m a fan of. Yes, gaming news is worse than its ever been, but there has to be a balance instead of a negativity vortex. Gavin provided some balance and calm, Conrad brought neither and it’s to the detriment of the show. Instead of listening to the podcast I’ll catch Laura and Stephanie on YouTube.
  • BenBrad
    Great podcast!
    A really fun time! I’d give this 6 stars but I’m tired of all the talk about Capitalism. WHEN WILL THEY GET TO FEUDALISM!?
  • seshiro
    A favorite!
    Great podcast, but for some reason they interrupt it with video game discussions?
  • DanniTiger
    Down To Earth
    This podcast is great! If you are looking for something that stays on-topic of video games 110% of the time, it isn’t for you. There is a focus on video game discussion and the state of the industry, but the hosts rightfully don’t ignore the absurd world we are all living through. 10/10.
  • Cfdhbhy
    My Favorite Podcast
    Love these folks, please support their work any way you can. 👍🏻
  • Wings80
    Too much self promoting ebeging
    And the one guy talks all the time and interrupts Jim and Conrad all the time. You can skip the last 10 minutes of every podcast since all they do is promote their sites and ebeging.
  • Bryce Ebert
    Find a different podcast for Gaming.
    This podcast spends less than half of its air time actually talking about games. It has become more of a bemoaning session on the state of the world. I had to stop listening because it is actively making me angry and depressed.
  • kinjiru
    Depends on what you’re looking for
    I listen to the podcast because I’ve found that I tend to agree with Jim’s opinion on games, on more than a few occasions I’ve bought and enjoyed a game that I would have ignored or been completely unaware of if not for Jim. However, I don’t really care about the non-gaming discourse which I feel like is taking more and more time to get through. I get that this is their podcast and if that’s the direction they want to take it it’s completely up to them. To put it simply I don’t care about NPR’s opinion on video games in the same way that I don’t care about podquisition’s opinion on politics. So if you’re like me, you can just skip at least the first ten minutes of every podcast, sometimes up to the first twenty to thirty minutes.
  • John Couchman
    From gaming to politics
    Used to be much more about consumer awareness, gaming industry news, and gaming as entertainment. For some time now it’s become more about zealous discussions on politics and social issues. These are not bad things, but they’re also not what attracted me to the podcast in the first place. Might have been enjoyable if not for the aggressive stance the hosts tend to take.
  • stoptalkinglaura
    Laura talks too much
    Its called Jimquisition for a reason, so let jim talk more please.
  • Kru167
    Great fun
    Always full of interesting topics and side discussions, a perfect podcast to listen to during long drives or cleaning days
  • BoredHorrorFan10035
    Ooh, it’s political!
    Listened to this podcast for years, the gang started to be more open about their leftist views and I love it even more!
  • clayofthe757
    Used to be Five Star
    In the beginning the Podquisition was mostly about games with some breaks for discussion about Gavin’s music. It was cool. Jim aimed his usual snark at the usual characters in video game production. Laura was my favorite trans person in the whole world who rarely had a foul word for anyone or anything. And Gavin was mostly idle until it was exactly his time to speak. Some time ago politics began to creep into their conversations. It wasn’t subtle. But it was rare and brief, and mostly initiated by Jim. But it got progressively more frequent, vehement, and winding. Rather than listening every week, as I had since the beginning of the program, I became selective about it. If Jim started into a monologue about some political this or that at the start (it seems to mostly come right out of the gate with him) I would just skip the episode. By December 2019 I stopped previewing the start of the episodes. It was tiresome. I stopped listening. Took a couple months off. Have listened to each episode, at least in part, in March and April of 2020. It has not gotten better.
  • Faith_and_Valor
    More than a feeling.
    I already know if the games I like are perfect or just great. These goofers carry on all around the topic of games for a fun hour.
  • Elitist Snob
    Politics, yes! Eat the rich and all that
    I started watching and listening to Jim Sterling this year after his Sekiro video on difficulty was suggested to me by the algorithm. I found his style, playfulness and careful use of a figurative sledgehammer on subjects. Hearing politics during a video game podcast is refreshing. I tried listening to other game podcasts and most are superficial in that they just describe a game and their personal experience with it and that’s it. Most are bland, robotic and safe podcasts.
  • Epoi
    Why did it take me three weeks on youtube to hear you have a podcast, man? You’re too humble. It’s kind of irritating, frankly.
  • Nicholas Wong
    Politically opinionated cheerleaders who play games
    I watch every one of Jim’s YouTube videos and liked Laura’s appearances on TBs podcasts and her work with adult game reviews, so it’s not like I don’t like these folks and their work. But listening to a single political viewpoint with no discourse, just jokes and hyperbole, is frankly not interesting. I’d love to hear these folks speak with people who have a discerning opinion. As it stands, this is like listening to the opposite viewpoint of Fox and Friends, which I also don’t enjoy. I’m not saying less politics and I’m not saying stick to games, I’m saying it’s boring with no one to challenge the populist opinion. Oh I mean, isn’t Boris Johnson FAT? He must have eaten a Brexit. So funny. I’m so glad there’s no nuance or descending opinions.
  • Nalexander523
    Long time listener, son!
    So long Gaven. We’ll miss you, and can’t wait til you guest here!
  • MyLittleWein
    Super chill and funny!
    Been listening for years - love the banter between these guys and I always find myself looking forward to the next episode!
  • (whats going on?)
    Essential for any gamer, parent, or industry opera
    Anybody interested in the game industry as a player, parent, or developer, NEEDS to listen to the issues and topics brought up here.
  • Resident Elmo
    I can't take any more Luara...
  • Silverclaw Nightshadow
    Pretty Good
    Podcast is quality, but if you want a real laugh read all the contradictory reviews.
  • K. Haggard
    Bipolar, like me 🙂
    5 stars for Jim and Conrad’s Spin-off Doctors, 3.5 stars for the main podcast. Laura is cool, but more like someone’s cool mom (Pokémon Go, anyone?) than someone who is suited to be the pillar of a vg news podcast, which she ends up being most of the time. When Jim doesn’t have a singular topic to focus on (like a movie review or a Jimquisition) things get a little muddled. I subscribe to Jim’s YouTube, but Spin-off Doctors is what keeps me subbed (and listening to—I don’t skip podquisition) to this. Maybe try to change things up a bit, I don’t know. I’m just a nobody.
  • KidRisky
    A Tedious Grind
    This used to be entertaining when they talked about things like video games. Now, it’s a tedious grind to get through their poorly-reasoned positions about everything in the world besides games. This might still be bearable if Sterling weren’t such a deeply repulsive character. He pretends not to understand opposing arguments and deliberately mischaracterizes them with a sneer. His dishonesty and his venomous nature make me rethink any positions I hold when I hear them emerge from his oleaginous mouth. The other two hosts seem like OK people.
  • slimboy-k
    Less Freaky Constantina
    So, is Boston’s Favorite Son going to be in this feed? Like Movie Bois? Or is it supposed to be on its own? Can’t find it anywhere...
  • I Figs
    The True Triforce
    Effervescent, tingly, and sticky if it gets on your hands —this podcast is the sweet soda that you need to spill on your pants.
  • Danger Beans
    Thank God for Jim!
    Good podcast. Great titles!
  • jURIO1
    Have they ever even met?
    Been listening since day 1 and from what I can gather these three have never even met. Love that!
  • GonzoWombat
    Thank GOD for Jim.
    All praise to Jim.....and Conrad. The Movie Boys brings many, many smiles. Keep up the good fight, Jim. Thanks for all the hard work. “Fistshark” gets many kudos as well.
  • Death_tickles
    Sassy fu#%s
    Love you guys! Keep it up!
  • Danicadanicadanica
    Love it!I
    It's my favorite podcast ever!
  • ACK32
    I like it
    Not only is this a fantastic gaming podcast, you also get a subscription to movie boys!
  • JoveroIV
    I love the movie boys. They are my favorite movie boys.
  • Jwwritemore
    I love them.
    Laura, Jim and Gav are like the friends I've always wanted. By listening to this podcast, I finally understand the industry that my brother works in. Thanks!
  • Sliver wolf cowboy batman
    Made me break out laughing at work
    This podcast is 10% Video Games, 30% Goofs, 60% Random Sh#%t both figural and literally
  • Thejem608
    Don't change. You guys are awesome.
    I love listening to you guys chat. The group has a great dynamic. On a personal note, you guys cheer me up. Your banter is great. It feels like I'm hanging out with my friends!! Don't change! -Jen
  • FromAutumnToSal
    Love the podcast
    They all make me laugh. They get loud sometimes to the point of it hurts my ears but I'm just quick to lower the volume
  • Nesesto
    I can. You can't.
    Oh, you don't want hear our opinion about refugees, Jim? No? But we're forced to sit through your Leftist monologue? Shut up. Welcome to The Podquisition where I, Jim Sterling, will let you know how I feel about our 45th President in a manner that could only be applaud by 5th graders. Stick to games, Jim. Your snarky, political remarks are not funny in the slightest. You clearly know NOTHING about politics outside of popular media "current" event. This podcast would get 5 stars if it was the Gavin Show.
  • Ta Da musica
    Group of Friends
    Honestly they jump around a lot when it comes to topics, they aren't very strict when it comes to talking solely about games. But, they have a great time just having a conversation and I love listening to them while I'm commuting. Long time sub for all three.
  • Nicettl
    Easy listening video game talk
    Love the calm, eloquent dynamic of Jim, Lara and Gavin. And Spin-Off Doctors has become one of my favorite sources for movie reviews and commentary. I love Jim Sterling. Thank God for Jim Sterling. Give my twitch a shoutout jim amiright twitch.tv/nicetl
  • ElGuapoMucho
    5 Star Podcast
    Jim, Laura, Gav and now Ian are 5 star golden gods who drive finisher cars.
  • wayward__
    Can be funny
    Not a good podcast for video game news, and the cast are only occasionally entertaining in any respect.
  • XXXDeathtoneXXX
    Thank God, for this podcast
    The chemistry between Jim, Laura, and Gavin is stupendous. Jim is one of the great (if not greatest) gaming personalities in today's industry and his love for cheesy c grade movies pulls on my heart strings. Laura is a proficient journalists in gaming and she's a big fan of Steven Universe. (She has a podcast dedicated to SU called Crystal ClodCast) Gavin is the more musical of the two.... He is the final piece that syncs the trio in a harmonizing whimsical manner. Making this the only podcast you need.
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