Disagree better

Management #109

How we handle conflict has an impact on the resilience of our vital relationships, the caliber of our decisions, the success of our careers, and our peace of mind. Mediator, conflict resolution teacher, and author Tammy Lenski, Ed.D., uses storytelling and science to help us transform our experience with conflict and inspire us to disagree better at work and at home. The podcast was formerly called The Space Between.

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Recent Reviews
  • hoov68
    Highly recommend
    Excellent podcast! Short and actionable ideas. Highly recommend
  • new hampshire transplant
    So glad I found this!
    Really good info and tips packed into short 5-7 minute segments that are very easy to listen to. So glad I found this!
  • burkinakaren
    Great wisdom here!
    Thanks so much for all your practical ideas on how to resolve conflicts and emotional challenges that come my way❤️
  • Victoriazzzzzzzz
    Great content
    Short episodes, to the point, and very helpful information on conflict resolution for personal life and work 💯
  • Canon Ball 45
    Excellent resource !
    This podcast is predicated on real cases by a professionally trained person. A very good resource for every day life!
  • williame23
    A terrific resource
    Just started mediating and these practical, easily digestible episodes are a great way to build vocabulary and reflect on my practice. Thank you!
  • Gardening Girl!
    A gem of a podcast
    I’ve been looking for a great, helpful podcast in conflict mediation and this one is a true gem. Short episodes and easy to listen to. No ads so far
  • moku357
    Soothing voice and words
    I like listening to Tammy Lenski’s podcast when I have an interpersonal issue - her voice and words are confident, clear, and encouraging. Even if the episode doesn’t speak to the exact issue I’m having, I come away feeling motivated to be my best self the next time I interact with someone.
  • Lrenn42
    Short, useful, meaningful
    Every episode leaves me with a nugget to try and an inspiring story to make it memorable. I’m really grateful for this podcast- it really makes a difference.
  • Babies first teacher
    Excellent show
    I really enjoy this podcast. It is one of my favorites. If i had one request I’d ask that some of the shows offer a few more anecdotal examples to really drive home the subject matter. Thank you for your hard work.
  • TCBeth
    Quick and helpful wisdom
    I love how Tammy gets to the point and offers actionable tips for improving our communication. She creates a friendly space for learning, and I appreciate her touches of humor. Wonderful resource if you want to sharpen your conflict resolution skills!
  • Kathrynj168
    Super - helpful tools abound!
    This morning I am listening on my commute (again!). Such tactical advice - I take notes on my phone and put the advice to use almost immediately with the teams I lead. Thank you!
  • Matthrow
    Great quick hit life recommendations
    This has been very helpful in short and to the point conflict management approaches you can use now.
  • Tay State of Mind
    Calm, Cool, Collected
    Wow! First off, let me say Tammy’s podcast is oddly soothing. She has a kind and steady voice and the podcast has no annoying intro music or interludes. I sometimes take a longer route to work so I can keep listening because I feel calmer and more confident when I do. I work in HR and conflict resolution is a big part of my job. Her tips on approaches, techniques and strategies are spot on and incredibly insightful and easy to apply. She doesn’t belabor the topics. She gets to point with real-life anecdotes and clear examples. I’ve used some of the tips at work AND in my personal life. I’m so happy I found this podcast.
  • Parcher83
    Helpful Tips, Tools and Information.
    This is a great podcast that's easy to listen to for anyone - but it's especially helpful for mediators as a easy way to add or refresh mediation tools. Thanks!
  • claire*calhoun
    Exquisite insight nuggets
    These podcast episodes are short enough to squeeze into a busy day, but don’t mistake brevity for triviality. Tammy Lenski draws on her extensive mediation experience to deliver little gems of practical advice. I love this thoughtful, articulate podcast.
  • sancho.k1979
    Very Helpful Podcast
    Thank you for putting this invaluable information out there for people like myself who struggle with dealing with conflict appropriately.
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