The Simple Sophisticate - Intelligent Living Paired with Signature Style


The simple sophisticate is someone who prefers quality over quantity, sensible living over mindless consumption, personal style instead of trendy fashions, has an insatiable curiosity for life’s endless questions and a desire to live a truly fulfilling life rather than being led around by the nose. Inspired by her lifestyle blog The Simply Luxurious Life, Shannon Ables (the original Simple Sophisticate) shares with listeners tips on how to live a refined life on an everyday income, a life of true contentment. Founded on the principle of the art of living a life of quality over quantity, episodes explore topics ranging from creating an everyday life you love living, strengthening mindfulness practices, preparing seasonally delicious meals, building a capsule wardrobe, traveling the world (Francophiles and Anglophiles tune in as Paris as well as the English countryside are favorite destinations), and living life to the fullest without breaking the bank because living well is really quite simple.

*illustration by artist Sarah Löcker exclusively commissioned for the show

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Recent Reviews
  • Shalma M.
    A very lovely concept
    This is a lovely show and concept. I do have a suggestion to the host. As a fellow nasal girlie, blowing your nose does wonders for the voice. Some episodes are far more impacted than others, and I have a lot of empathy that it’s something difficult to regulate. Slowing down talking also does wonders for the host’s general cadence. Overall, it is wonderful to hear someone take pleasure in life’s beauty and joys! Thank you for the beautiful podcast, and I hope it’s OK to give these (unrequested) tips.
  • ffstl
    Great in concept, terrible in execution.
    Clearly states that her definition of simple does not mean slow, but repeats the same information so many times you would think she views her listeners as being incompetent. I can find my own way of being sophisticated without wasting endless hours listening to this.
  • clm68
    Cosplaying at its finest
    Ms. Abel’s used to drop French words, now she’s identifying as British. It’s more than noticeable, especially on the blog, when she drops the latest English expression she’s read. Oodles, chuffed, whilst. Even her beloved ‘cuppa’ which confused the actual English woman she recently interviewed. It’s hard to listen to thoughts on contentment and peace from someone who is clearly not content with her real life. The blog used to be so good. I loved the weekly podcasts. Now they are unbearable.
  • Dianedc2016
    Alexandra Stoddard
    Shannon, This was a wonderful podcast! I loved every moment …. Thank you!
  • Clmsummers
    Everyday Luxury
    I just read an article about Quiet Luxury and thought that’s nothing new. Shannon has been sharing with us for years about choosing quality over quantity, timeless style and a mindset of contentment. Love the blog and suggest everyone subscribe to the podcast.
  • obacker19
    Humbling, inspiring and energizing! 👏
    Regardless of where you are in your journey towards crafting a life that aligns your head, hands, and heart - this is a must listen! From honest, self-reflective notes that we’re all often thinking about in the background - to the everyday obstacles that challenge us to live with the simple elements of class that we’re all striving for, Shannon’s episodes are critical threads that pull you forward along the way. Highly recommend listening and subscribing!
  • Loislew
    Elevate Your Everyday
    I have been listening to Shannon’s podcast for years, and reading her blog since she started writing it. The thing I appreciate most about her is her authenticity. In a world full of distractions, naysayers, and lowered standards, she continues to be a beacon to those of us who desire to self-actualize. Cooking and eating well, living a healthy and fulfilling life—Shannon is doing it. I love how she adds beauty to her world, one step at a time. Merci.
  • Logan E. S
    5 Stars all the way around 🌟
    From the podcast to the blog everything Shannon shares is exquisite! The Simple Sophisticate has changed my perspective on life and encouraged me to live everyday to it’s absolute fullest, making everyday a simple luxury!
  • MKM&D
    Bonne chance!!
    Thank you for sharing your motivation to learn French and your journey to do so.Your passion and vulnerability are refreshing for this French teacher during a particularly challenging school year. The Alliance Française is a great choice for language lessons and has a special place in my heart. ❤️ Merci d’avoir partagé!!
  • jbiodoelvd
    Listen every week
    I love this podcast and Shannon’s voice and words. It’s very calming and inspiring and I usually listen every week. My only wish is that she is a few more guests to offer perspectives on simply luxurious living
  • futtbutt
    VERY obvious information
    This 7 step miracle book she talks about, sounds exactly like The Secret. Then it’s funny how she’s like, now when she talks about manifest destiny, she’s not talking about manifest destiny as we know it in the contemporary trending cultural zeitgeist, no, but rather…MANIFESTING your DESTINY 😶. Um…ok. Also get rid of your fear and go for it bc the universe will help you!!! Take no caution, you’ll be good. Um…lol, no you won’t. This is like dumb very very reused cult psychology. Just jump off the cliff and the universe will provide!!! I’ll stick with Pema Chodron and Tara Brach and learning to know my fear and sit with it this work through it. This calm intelligent sounding woman is saying nothing new, and SLOWLY, so you know she’s onto something. First episode review, and hey if it helps good, but I’m pretty sure you don’t need to read this book she’s reviewing, you can probably get the same spiel from the goop websites uplifting quotes, lol, and uh if you want to go deeper and do real work not put your life in the hands of the universe (good luck), please check out Tara Brach and her podcast, then maybe move on to Pema.
  • podcast escape traveler
    The Magic of following your dreams
    The Interview with David Jimenez on moving to Paris and creating a special life thru design and decor was very inspiring .. you could hear the magic as Shannon interviewed him and we all got lost in his story of working hard and believing in yourself and following your dreams .. after listening to Shannon’s podcast nightly ( some over and over) I realized She had followed her dream of Creating a new life and is reaching out to help others follow theirs.. a great relaxing way to end each day.. soft voice-soft music and inspiring content !
  • Alisa Joy C.
    Favorite podcast
    This review is long overdue. I’ve discovered Shannon’s podcast a few years ago and have been a huge fan. I’m inspired by her content and look forward to each episode. Hers is the only podcast I consistently listen to. Thank you, thank you.
  • jennbgray
    Practical contentment
    I love the mix of wisdom and practical ways to apply little luxuries at home! Shannon has a very soothing voice, and her contentment is contagious. ❤️
  • Holly Godhi
    Could not stand her!
    I didn’t last 10 minutes. She needs to listen to herself.
  • Amber Palmer Payne
    In love!
    I absolutely love listening to and learning from your episodes. I downloaded one of your books on audible and will be listening to that as well. Thank you for all the excellent work you put into your show!
  • Kristiel1974
    Loyal Listener
    This podcast is wonderful! Shannon has taught me how to be content and enjoy quality over quantity. I love her timeless style.
  • MC1920
    Such calm and joy!
    I usually listen to news or true crime podcasts. But I needed a mental health break from all the seriousness of this world in its current state 😅😅 I’m so glad I found this podcast! It’s easy to listen to and inspires my to simplify. If you’re looking for a little bit of calm right now, give this a listen.
  • Health phoenix
    Enjoyable, despite…
    I do enjoy several aspects of this podcast. The content is often interesting and fun. However I must agree with other reviewers that Shannon Ables has no grasp of French pronunciation, despite her travels and time in France. There were too many cringe-worthy moments of horribly pronounced French words in the most recent podcast about celebrating le 14 juillet to even mention. Miss Ables should pursue her love of all things French by either hiring a private tutor or taking a French course somewhere. She would benefit, as would her listeners. In the meantime, if in English she could stop pronouncing pictures as “pitchers” and escape as “exscape” that would certainly help to elevate the tone of the podcast.
  • Norwich42
    waited to rate until I listened to six or so
    pronunciation is important; actual familiarity with culture, habits also important.
  • RevNicole
    A wonderful companion to a better life!
    Love this podcast and Shannon’s blog. She shares great resources and gives you a chance to think about how you are living! Check it out and enjoy her reflections and inspiring ideas!
  • Minnesota Luxurious Living
    A bright star in my day!
    Shannon Ables is producing content that brightens every day for me! Her podcast is so intelligently put together that I feel “lifted up” after each airing and like I want to raise the bar on my own life! Listening to Shannon is like sharing some time with a real friend, a friend who you not only admire but also someone who wants the best for you. I find that when I take her suggestions of books, movies, or life experiences, I am always glad I did. For anyone who is looking to enjoy simple sophistication in all of life, look no further!
  • Altadena Book Lady
    The Simple Sophisticate
    I ran across Shannon’s podcast about a year ago, and now am delightedly making my way through the archives. I haven’t ever heard her say that she was trained as a broadcaster, but I really appreciate her “radio voice:” skilled delivery and very pleasant listening. Now that I get how much she is a “lifelong learner,” I’m sure that is no accident and that she worked hard to train herself in that skill set. Beyond that, I love the mix of philosophy, food, style and lifestyle, always delivered in an accessible way instead of feeling elite or esoteric. At first I could not have imagined myself signing on as a “top tier member” of her blog, but then I realized that she consistently produces really quality content that is worth paying for. Thank you, Shannon! —Betsy Kahn, Altadena, California
  • bkinney06
    Inspiring and nourishing
    Hello Shannon! Listening to your podcast (I’m a late comer) has been a nourishing, inspiring and curiosity sparking part of my day that I look forward to every week. I find myself taking notes from almost every episode! I found your podcast at just the right moment in my life, when I was ready to hear much of what you have to say, I’ve been perpetually pleasantly surprised as the episodes I hear dovetail so well with places in my life that I might be feeling stuck or need some inspiration to improve. Thank you!
  • Lara lee 70
    Makes my heart smile
    Shannon’s podcast is not only informative and encouraging; her voice and positive outlook always bright a uplift to my day and a smile to my heart. I always savor getting to listen to an episode on my commute home from work. Thank you Shannon for sharing your wisdom and bringing a burst of serenity to my day.
  • Amy Pabst
    Super Fan
    I have listened every one of Shannon’s cozy and comforting podcasts. The “Petite Plaisir” at the end of the episode is one of my favorite parts. Your pure positivity in the most recent episode is exactly how I wanted to start my New Year. Thank for your inspiration! I do believe this year can all come together.
  • jenavacloud
    The Simple Sophisticate
    Shannon’s calm, thoughtful, and beautiful voice make listening a pleasure, not to mention the content of this podcast will absolutely delight you! Everything from lifestyle to living your personal best life, all with fun and sophistication. Shannon feels like a friend who covers her trips to England and France as well as bringing those memories back home, and how we can all employ the finest, yet simplest things in life. Plus a million other things! This is hands-down my favorite podcast. Shannon has truly elevated my life. Thank you, Shannon.
  • Pl@ntpwrd
    Worth the Binge
    I discovered your podcast after my position was eliminated during the pandemic. I binged listened to all the seasons/episodes starting from the beginning & just recently listened to the new episodes added. Your voice cadence & range of topics got me thru the lows & I continued to listen to episodes during commutes after securing a new position several months later & now while working from home permanently. I’ve learned a lot & love your musical interludes. Keep up the great work!
  • AceMod
    First time listener
    I discovered your podcast today and I am half way through your most recent episode. I can already tell your podcast is going to be my favorite of all my favorites. Thank you for taking the time to create such thoughtful content. I am looking forward to discovering all the gems you have put together for us.
  • dulcielynn
    Encourages a deeper, more intentional life!
    You articulate your points well and speak clearly. There is nothing wrong with your voice, our voices are a part of what makes us each a unique being. No change necessary. Love the pod!
  • Janet Nicole
    Discovered a hidden treasure
    I have recently discovered Shannon Ables and the beautiful and gentle world she has created inviting all those looking for a quiet, nurturing yet exciting and stimulating environment to visit, no…contentedly immerse in. Podcasts, books, newsletters, cooking shows, videos, book reviews, etc. all exude Shannon’s joie de vivre! Merci, Shannon!
  • JTBoulanger
    Let’s Travel to Paris
    This podcast interview was simply excellent: informative, practical and charming. I look forward to experiencing Paris Perfect or London Perfect apartment rentals the next time I travel there.
  • AK Ajijic
    Nice advise but too drawn out. I don’t know what she looks like but very nasal, I may have to do either the shape of her mouth but could be a surgery that is needed. Good for bedtime. Non stressful. Way too many comercials.
  • NikFloridaUSA
    Not a fan of the political commentary or Liberal topics. Unfortunately, I wanted to like this podcast, but just couldn't. Trying to avoid the News & this just brings it up. Just disappointed. I must have misunderstood the purpose of this podcast. French pronunciation could also use improvement. Sounds like she is going through something personally & bringing everyone through it with her.
  • marymichele68
    Everyday Elevation
    I stumbled upon The Simply Luxurious Life a few months ago and was instantly hooked! Shannon shares great insights that I never knew I needed, but always make my day a little better. She’s a shining example of how, with just a little intention, you can elevate your everyday to something extraordinary without breaking the bank. Bonus points for including all her tips in the show notes so we can follow up on all her suggestions. Cheers!🥂 Mary Michele Wine Women & Style podcast
  • odbehqo
    C'est Magnifique
    I found this podcast at the perfect time as I dive deeper into personal growth and self-expression. I love how each episode is distinct but all touch on meaningful topics related to well-being. I appreciate the show notes as I can review them quickly while/after listening to an episode (it’s my go-to during exercise). Thank you Shannon for the work you put in for all your fellow Francophiles!
  • Cool Ali B
    Great show
  • vichahouse1
    This is a great podcast
    Kudos! I loved listening!!!
  • go and listen
    New stuff to listen to.....please
    This is a lovely podcast I discovered it while working from home and I’d like to hear new material it’s a new year new material please
  • Danielle Morgan from Oklahoma
    A timeless treasure!
    I’ve been listening for years and kept meaning to leave a review earlier, because this podcast deserves high praise. I’ve listened to many podcasts, but this is one that has always remained in my library over the years. I look forward to playing this podcast usually while I’m gardening, doing the dishes, or cooking and can always count on Shannon to brighten my day and freshen my perspective. She has a simple, elegant style that has rendered this content timeless.
  • Messica
    Not improving with age
    This used to be a fun, girly lifestyle podcast (why are there so few of those?) but more and more the host does these long, boring faux spiritual self help topics with very little in the way of actionable advice. If you’re new to this podcast, the old episodes are much better, so start from #1.
  • Kathyren01
    Both informative and soothing!
    I love the podcast! I had been picking and choosing episodes for several months before I decided to jump in and listen from Season 1 and work my way to the end. I was fascinated with France as a young girl and, using my sister’s French-English dictionary, tried to teach myself French at the young age of 9. Life moved on, priorities shifted into raising kids, and I have now been brought back to that dream. I am a reader, planner, list maker, and try to keep a growth mindset. I love the book and movie suggestions, as well as the introductions to French customs and ideas that have been off my radar. The podcast is refreshing, and I take notes frequently! Thanks, Shannon!
  • Chris8650
    Changing the way I live life
    I am cooking and buying flowers and also books, wonderful, entertaining books and all just for me alone. I’m in a new life stage and finding Shannon and the simply luxurious life has brought renewed pleasure in simply living. Even if it’s lighting a new candle. Thank you.
  • Junior Sodi
    Enchanting episodes
    Shannon's insightful episodes and unapologetically tasteful recommendations make every topic discussed in this show a journey through the everything chic, yet realistic. Listening to the show makes me feel as if I were talking to a friend while shopping for a fabulous designer bag.
  • australyeah
    Subtly Life-Changing
    I stumbled upon Episode 148: The Hygge Phenomenon a little over 4 years ago while at my desk at work, after searching for an episode on the subject to inspire me. I found more inspiration than I could have ever imagined. I was fresh out of undergrad, in my early 20s and adjusting to the suddenly slow pace of life. I struggled to adapt from going out with lots of close friends 5 nights a week to trying to meet new people in the adult world and living alone for the first time. After binging every single episode of The Simple Sophisticate, I found myself truly enjoying my life and all aspects of the every day. This podcast was the spark that helped me find myself in post-college life. As an extrovert, I still find myself making lots of friendships but I also have learned to RELISH the days I have alone. Four years later, I still devour every episode and honestly have Shannon to thank for the inspiration that changed my outlook on life and how I live it. -Sydney
  • CR_1081
    Wish there was more in the new season
    I have been a follower and listener for many years and love this podcast. Shannon seems to be gearing towards more cooking videos now instead of podcasts and doesn’t do as many podcasts as she used to. Love starting my Monday’s tuning in. I much prefer her podcasts over the cooking videos.
  • Lacey567
    Shannon is so sweet and funny
    I love listening to Shannon. She is sweet and will feel like she is a good and interesting friend! The content is strong too. You will learn something interesting from each podcast. It’s both inspirational and practical. I love her book and movie recommendations too! They’re always spot on.
  • Andy what??
    Awesome podcast! Can’t stop listening
  • phdmom2
    Awful French!
    I started listening to this podcast because I love the French language and culture. I tried really hard (really, really hard!) to get beyond this woman's atrocious pronunciation (butchering) of the French language but just couldn't. I am not a language snob. In fact, I am American and I taught French in an immersion program for years so I know it can be hard to learn. But--if you are going to create a podcast based on the francophile lifestyle and present yourself as an expert, at the very least you should understand the basics like adjective agreement and how to say "plaisir"--why are you adding an "h" sound to an otherwise beautifully sounding word? And Inès de la Fressange's name is pronounced "deh" not "day." Ugh!
  • LadyBBH
    Overall, love!
    I’ve been listening to this podcast for the better part of a year now. My favorite episodes are about tangible things, like travel, style and decor. I also love the idea of her petit plaisirs at the end of episodes, and have gotten some truly wonderful recipe and book recommendations this way! I’m deducting one star because some of the episodes are a bit repetitive, and her pronunciation grates on me sometimes. I’m sorry Shannon but your French accent is terrible!
Disclaimer: The podcast and artwork on this page are property of the podcast owner, and not endorsed by