High Intensity Health with Mike Mutzel, MS


High Intensity Health features breakthrough health tips and hacks from respected authorities in the Fitness, Nutrition and Functional Medicine fields. Our expert guests have shared insider information that has helped thousands of Moms, Dads, Executives, Health Care Professionals and High-Performing Athletes optimize their metabolism, belly fat, gut bacteria, immune system,both physical and mental performance and overall health. No matter where you sit on the health and nutrition spectrum, you’ll benefit from our cutting-edge discussions, 2-days per week.

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Recent Reviews
  • Merlin2/14
    Hi Mike, Thanks for your short and to the point topics. I appreciate you! Peace, Steven in Houston
  • A cultured kiddo
    Actionable steps for a healthier life!
    Love listening and always given doable steps for a better life.
  • No sweets
    Always educating
    Every podcast I learn something that I can reflect on and make small course corrections in my health. Mike asks a lot of big and small questions.
  • WyvWyv
    Cherry picking and bias.
    Really comes off as pushing a personal agenda.
  • Bias policeman
    Meat biased.
    This guy seems determined to justify eating meat and animal products, cherry picking studies and ignoring any information that doesn’t confirm his bias that eating meat is a good thing. Look elsewhere for unbiased health information.
  • Force
    Unfollowing show
    I genuinely found some of his takes interesting. Until this most recent episode regarding Philip ovadia. A cardio thoracic surgeon doesn’t have the same training as a cardiologist. His takes on saturated fat and cholesterol as well as Mikes are just dangerous. This isn’t some new reframing of cardiovascular disease and metabolic syndrome being the only driver, there is unlimited data showcasing the dangers of excess saturated fat. Hopefully more people wake up and realize a cardiovascular surgeon with sausage and bacon on the cover of his book shouldn’t be taken seriously.
  • husbandsgirlfriend
    Episode on Feb 15 is the best!
    Connects all the dots! Thanks Mike!
  • Am B P
    Fiber episode
    I’m curious Mikes take or if there is any studies on a carnivore diet while treating colon cancer. Modern doctors have cancer patients go vegan
  • Peter Ahl
    Haas some good points but …
    Often these guests lose credibility when they constantly bash traditional medicine….- also when the guests talk like valley girls and fill the talk with “like”….
  • AlohaArlene
    Very informative!
    I love how Mike shares his knowledge and make it relatable our every day life.
  • pssix
    Refined carbs and triglycerides episode
    Very informative, but I want to know WHY refined carbs boost triglycerides (if I missed it please forgive me). I always want to know WHY and Mike seems to leave that part out sometimes. Otherwise, a very educational podcast. Paul Six Colville, WA
  • Verushkita
    Extremely fast talking
    While the content is very interesting, Mike is talking too fast. He should think that not everyone is prepared to listen and understand such fast verbalizarían of reading material. Can’t continue listening. It’s a real shame that the reader is not trained to read for non professional audiences. Sorry I had to pour out my frustration while listening to the podcast.
  • Here for the chuckles
    Great Pod
    Very informative and life changing.
  • Mommykate
    I struggled with this podcast. I wanted to like it, but the host doesn’t come across and truly knowing what he’s quoting or talking about. In fact, he slurs and stumbles over words which makes him sound like he’s making this up. While I believe that he believes what he’s saying, I’m sure he has some bias that he caters to. When talking about “mainstream media” it’s clear he has a conservative mindset and frames everything as a conspiracy against the “knowledge” he holds. Like I said, I wanted to like it, I listened to a few episodes, but ultimately it’s fully of ads for products, rapidly quoted disconnected studies, and unclear advice.
  • trailrunner64
    blood work cheat sheet
    tried to get the blood work cheat sheet - never came when I submitted the form
  • butiban
    This is absolutely my fav podcast
    This guy is a master and I really learned and applied a lot of the tools and tips shared. Everything is cutting edge info thats making me a healthier super human. Grateful for your existence Mike
  • Hankabank
    I’ve been a fan for years
    Mike is honestly just a scientist- he reads studies I don’t know about and analyzes. So good, so helpful and I love hearing his take.
  • Biltred
    Top notch
    Mike provides useful, scientific, down to earth advise that empowers you to live your best life!
  • asua00000
    Excellent content. keep up the good work Mike
    The data coming out about the health of kids is alarming to say the least. Thank you for keeping the content relevant, straightforward, and applicable for parents and simpleton bio-hackers.
  • Fluffhead2022
    Great Content
    Great show. But please speak more slowly. Other than that, thanks for the info!
  • ketoforlife1972
    Change your thinking
    That was an epic rant I never write reviews I’ve been listening to you for over a year and a half now and I’ve never bothered to write one thing to say I listen. That rant about changing your thinking and looking at it from a different point of view was amazing thank you keep it up. Screw anyone that can’t look in the mirror.
  • BP Writer
    This Podcast Is A Must
    Mike Mutzel breaks down published health data and scientific studies into easily understandable content on numerous high performance health and wellness topics. Loved Breakfast Eating May Curb Nighttime Cravings podcast! Consistently good takeaways in this podcast!
  • LostBattalion
    Really enjoy the podcast
    There are a lot of fitness podcasts to chose from but this is a good balance of healthy living and lifting.
  • obacker19
    Must listen! 🔥
    Regardless of your perspective regarding peak performance and health optimization - Mike is a can’t miss resource and guide! He curates conversations - and topics - with a depth, breadth and energy that only someone truly committed to unpacking the nuance of living life to its fullest can. Highly recommend listening and subscribing!
  • PaulineRevere
    Articulation: constructive critique
    An individual providing health and wellness information, including, but not limited to, scientific data and academic research studies should be able to and comfortable with pronouncing the words that are part of scientific vernacular. This podcaster slurs his speech with words that are vital and frequently-included in scientific study—e.g. “statistically-significant” (there is a ‘G’ in the word significant). There were several others, but this one (“significant”) seems to be both the most prevalent, and also the most butchered. Slow down, please enunciate/avoid slurring your speech, don’t ‘cold read’ what you plan to quote and critically-review prior podcasts to assess areas of improvement (and adjust your technique accordingly). If the hope is to provide quality information to a captive audience, bludgeoning the listener’s auditory nerve will not achieve that goal. I really wanted to gather the information from the podcast (as a time-saver) and opted to read the entire study to avoid the off-putting lack of articulation from the podcaster. I’ll check back in a few months to see if any changes have been made. 🤞🏻
  • Nursebettiee
    Mike stays informed.
    Mike stays on top of current and emerging research and always is ready to break apart published data to make key take aways easy to digest.
  • The hanimal
    Really appreciate the topics, guest speakers, and research that Mike presents here!
  • Orshi McNaughton
    Such intelligent discussions…
    I always learn something new
  • EricWitmer
    Let’s go!
    Such a good show. So impactful and forward. Definitely give it a listen.
  • hemingwayhalfdozen
    Great podcast!
    Can’t wait to hear more!
  • dextrue
    Smart guy . Does his research really well unlike a lot of muscle heads out there who also got their own podcasts who just keeps talking about themselves and their products without real content
  • pelican jedi
    solid perspective for a healthier world
    i dig the podcast…excellent flow w/interviewed guests (when you have a guest)…and you’re logically strong w/fulcrum topics. i’d love a deep dive on keto mindset for endurance athletes.
  • Diehard football fan
    My Go To for latest
    Great podcast. Fair, balanced. Great relevant info. Thank you😊
  • Rae @rawhealthfitness
    Great information
    All Exercise Students,personal trainers, and coaches should add and listen to this podcast! As a recent Ex Science students it’s resfreshimg a lot of my memory and remind me why I did a focus on Health science. Health is wealth and exercise is medicine!
  • Bobby zx146
    Evidence-based information
    Always very well researched evidence-based information. Thank you
  • prov16:16
    One of my favorite podcasts
    I have learned so much from this podcast. Absolute best health information!
  • lynnrichrich
    I love the content of your show. Really excellent content. But....PLEASE talk slower🙏🏼. I just can't keep up when you talk sooooo fast. Your interviews are conducted at a nice cadence, It’s when you monologue that you go ninety miles a minute . Get a metronome or something. That change would help attract more older people. You see where I’m coming from. Did I mention how much I like your show?
  • WhnItsLuv94
    Not a Doctor
    I get it, Mike is not a Doctor……which is actually refreshing. He brings different points of view based on scientific studies and his personal experience in his field. He brings up questions the medical field does not. Until the doctors,CDC, FDA start communicating the necessity for healthy diet and exercise I will co to use to listen to this pod cast along with many others and form my own opinion. Wake up people and realize your health is in your own hands and the governments!
  • penis22222
    Great info!
    Always current & accurate information provided very frequently!
  • rubycinnamon
    Thank you!
    Thank you Mike. I appreciate your insight and knowledge regarding current health research. Please don’t stop sharing! You are a life line for many of us.
  • Luke2190
    Short and sweet
    Short powerhouses of information.
  • 23A890
    5 Stars!
    Great topics and knowledge!
  • Stem-fan 53
    Super Content and presentation
    Mike does a fabulous job with getting across the message logically and with total honesty and no hidden agenda
  • Kieuty Hoang
    Thank you so much
  • Rebbyreb99
    Raw honestly
    You are definitely one of my top favorites Mike. You are kind but do not hold back. Thank you for that. The times we live in now doesn’t allow sugar coating the obvious
  • amazingalaska
    Excellent resource!
    Keep it up, Mike. This is an excellent podcast, sharing all the relevant information regarding comprehensive health and wellness in an easily to digest format. Sharing with my people here in Alaska!!!
  • Ghammer25
    Great info!
    Good information with a science bent. Open minded, seeking solutions.
  • Tachi Kathy
    I’m going to get the Tiny Habits book.
  • Allie Sarachene
    Great info. Speech rate too fast!!!
    Great podcast! Only distraction is rate of speech makes it hard to keep up with. Find myself having to rewind often. Please slow it down. Thanks.
  • findingbritty
    Great Information
    I’ve been following Mike on Instagram for almost a year now and I just recently decided to throw on his podcast. Let’s just say it’s been 3 days and I’ve almost listened to every episode. I can even express how much I enjoy this podcast and how educational and informative it is. Thank you Mike!
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