Great Leadership With Jacob Morgan

Management #187

The #1 podcast to make you a great leader. Learn from the world's top CEOs, best-selling authors, and thinkers. Each week you will get access to leadership insights and real-life strategies that you can apply in your career and organization. Jacob is a 5x best-selling author, speaker, & professionally trained futurist who has worked with and advised the world's top organizations. His mission and passion is to create great leaders, engaged employees, and future-ready organizations. If you're serious about your leadership development then this podcast is for you!

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Recent Reviews
  • Nuismer
    A great podcast and host/team!
    The Great Leadership Team are naturals in the podcasting realm, not to mention conducting great interviewing in the realm of leadership!! Thank you :)
  • Brooke Craven
    Awesome Podcast
    The Future of Work Podcast highlights all different ways to get stuff done and maximize your time management. This is a can't miss podcast with awesome advice from expert guests!
  • Dr564
    Always a meaningful listen
    Love these concise but lesson-packed episodes. It’s great to hear from the top leaders of many industries to see what common lessons string throughout different sectors. Loved his episode with Matt Higgins!
  • Michael D. Watkins
    Wonderful interview!
    Jacob and I had a really wonderful conversation. He’s a skilled interviewer. But he also has a point of view and is willing to challenge judiciously, which makes it much more interesting and fun. I recommend him without hesitation.
  • Hal Elrod
    This show exceeded my expectations
    Having been a guest on over 500 podcasts, this was one of my favorite interviews! Not only were the questions thoughtful, but Jacob asked me about topics that I don’t normally get to talk about. I highly recommend following this show!
  • Liz Elting
    An Incredible Resource for Insight and Advice on Effective Leadership
    It was an absolute joy to join Jacob on his podcast. I loved our conversation that uncovered not only how to effectively lead, but also how to fully own your work and empower your team to reach their fullest potential. His podcast contains a wealth of knowledge from which anyone from a seasoned CEO to a budding entrepreneur can find value. If you’re looking to sharpen your leadership skills, I can't recommend Great Leadership With Jacob Morgan enough.
  • motivated human 2.5
    Great show
    Jacob does a great job interviewing the most interesting guests!
  • Lia Garvin
    Love this show!
    Awesome guests, so many amazing insights, love this show!
  • I don't want a nickname173529
    New format isn’t good
    I’ve been listening since 2016. Used to be totally free. No ads. The he changed the format. New intro song and some other tweaks. He added ads to the podcast. I wasn’t mad about that. Most pods have ads. The most recent change to the pod still has ads but also cuts the last 15 minutes off and he wants you to pay to hear the rest. Honestly I’d be ok if there were another set of ads and I can listen to the last 15 minutes. But I’m not going to get the subscription. I like the content and the show. That’s why I’ve been listening for so long. I remember when the show had the dogs in the background more often or the show was actually in a coffee shop. My favorite episode was with Marshell Goldsmith. I hope the format changes and I can get the last 15 minutes back. If not, I’ll unsubscribe.
  • Adarcus
    Can’t miss this show!!! 🤗
    Jacob Morgan does an incredible job of finding the best and brightest to bring actionable advice and tangible tips to each listener! Thanks so much for putting out such a spectacular show, Jacob, keep up the phenomenal work!
  • EJN4
    So valuable AND loving the recent 5-8 minutes podcasts
    Full disclosure: I am a huge fan of Jacob Morgan's book "The Future Leader" and started listening to his podcasts after reading the book. His is one of a select number of podcasts that I regularly listen to and share links and information on our internal SharePoint site. This morning during my continuous learning/energy break walk I listened to the 7/4/22 "The Secrets of Superbosses and How You Can Become One! with Sydney Finkelstein and loved it! Plus, recently I have found Jacob's short (5-8 minutes or so) podcasts valuable, e.g., 7/6/22 "Four Ways to Elevate Yourself." I appreciate Jacob, his great work, and creating such valuable podcasts! Ed Nottingham
  • Amy Reddy
    Insights for the future!
    Jacob Morgan has canvased the best and brightest CEOs and brings best practices to leaders in digestible and actionable ways. Jacob Morgan is one of my top go-to leadership gurus!
  • LauraMG1912
    Insightful and Engaging
    I enjoy being able to listen, learn and share the insights Jacob has to offer during each of his podcasts. Definitely get a ROI of my time!
  • Cgonza18
    Excellent Podcast
    I enjoy learning trough all the fabulous CEO interviews in Jacob Podcast .
  • waer0402
    Great podcast
    I just found Jacob. He has great research and concepts in taking care of and leading employees. Thanks for the content!
  • am043
    5 - Stars!
    Just getting started listening to Jacob’s series! Short sweet and to the point. Can’t wait to keep listening!
  • ReenaWatts
    4 tips to embrace mistakes
    Love the daddy story about burritos and letting him enjoy his mistakes Do not eliminate mistakes Keep moving and laugh at yourself Cool you and your wife can both work at home and share laughs One mistake I’ve made is undercharging for my offerings after talking to other agencies I got a better understanding and pivoted Host of the Better Call Daddy Show Reena Friedman Watts
  • ChrisCaster
    Future of leadership!
    Future of work is the future of leadership! A must watch for anyone navigating the new work order. Thanks Jacob for the insights!!
  • Momentum2022
    Meaning and Purpose
    An African proverb/prayer loosely translated says “Let me grow up so I can have people to tend after” Leadership is and will always be a big part of my life, I love evolving into the greatest version of myself and to see people also wanting to get better. Thank you Mr Morgan.
  • Wolfpack2000
    Research and strategies for leadership development and employee experience
  • gp_w00d
    Solid, actionable information from Jacob
    Consistently great content on leadership and management. If you're looking to improve and grow, I'd 100% recommend Jacob's podcast.
  • CLD516
    Jacob asks great questions while speaking with thought leaders on the future of work. Well worth a listen.
  • Neuralinknonye
    The Future of Work is Now
    Have you been looking for a podcast that will help you link your work life insights with your LinkedIn connections to help you grow a more meaningful network? Jacob Morgan is on a bold mission to transform the future of work through connection and transparency. This podcast has an effective mix of long and short listening options and interviews with less well known leaders. This intentional curation makes for highly impactful conversations based on vulnerability and the truth about what we can do to be happier leaders at work and at home. Most of his podcasts also have a related LinkedIn newsletter, which helps me keep up with his content in written format. I loved the article with Glenn Fogel so much, I posted comments and it helped me engage with similar minds outside of my field who are also interested in changing the future of work. Highly recommended.
  • JoshuaRGraner
    Excellent, actionable advice
    Jacob has a way of taking things from high-level to eye-level regarding management, leadership and business. I appreciate his practical and actionable advice.
  • Rp2chil
    Great daily content on current subjects
    I am recent follower and really like Jacob’s work. He has great guests he interviews. He also has great content in his LI page. I get his email newsletter and always learn something new.
  • kristen195
    Great business podcast
    This podcast does a great job of keeping me informed about the latest happenings in the future of work space!
  • Robbie2323
    Exactly how a podcast should be done
    Great guests. Good, solid information. Clear and to the point. Highly recommend.
  • Lynnsc08
    Great straightforward information
    The Future of Work podcast is full of great information presented in a very straightforward and informative manner.
  • rescue1one
    Refreshingly Great!
    Jacob Morgan’s insights and thought leadership is what we need right now. In this age of massive inequality, uncertainty and COVID-19, Jacob is lighting the way forward with a compelling research driven approach. Outstanding podcast!
  • MaryannBreece
    Leadership Comes from Anyone
    Insightful and thought provoking. We have been taught that sharing at work leads to one person getting all the credit. If more people share the credit when it goes well, more people will share their ideas. More non leaders need to take the plunge and lead by example.
  • Maggs at work
    Keeps getting better
    I started listening March 2020 right when the pandemic began. You are getting better and better speakers and the content is really interesting. Love hearing from articulate and thoughtful CEOs about their experiences and recommendations.
  • howardtnyc
    Enlightening and Entertaining
    Jacob’s episodes are always enlightening and entertaining as well. I would 100% recommend this to leaders and aspiring ones as well.
  • KK at DGPRM
    Superb Host and Interviews That are so Relevant
    I always learn 2 to 3 things each week or am reminded of the essential tactics of effective leadership! Well Done Jacob Morgan!
  • @Tdara
    Superbly done
    I have been on some insightful podcasts done with Fareed Zakaria but did manage to learn few new things from a management perspective on this one. Keep up the excellent work Jacob.
  • alameda8
    So much value!
    The guests are truly incredible. Each episode is like a mini mba program, a must listen!
  • htbhhjjnunnbdd
    Needs a lot of fine tuning
    I congratulate you for your efforts but please you need to work on YOUR executive presence, you sound like a kid on the radio, the questions to your guests are so reductive and not engaging. Step it up man .... I see your potential. I mean this in a truly constructive way.
  • PeteMckinley
    I love this podcast!
    So much great information and insights from the guests highly recommended.
  • innovateu
    How Well Do You Know Yourself?
    In the podcast on self awareness, Jacob speaks of how self assessment helps you make a connection prior to being able to understand others. Know your strengths and weaknesses to determine the investment that will make you stronger and how to locate areas where you can be of the most benefit. Self awareness helps you appreciate different perspectives. Listen to the podcast with an open mind to hear how your level of understanding influences your personal and business lifestyle.
  • esscomm
    Treasure trove
    Jacob really knows how to tap into the wisdom of his amazing guests. This show not some rambling conversation. It's worth your time, for sure!
  • Brook House Heron
    Poorly Done
    I just stopped listening to this 60 minute podcast after only 30 minutes because it is so empty, trite, and has offered nothing about the future of work post covid. No mention of world economic forum study showing 85 million jobs will be lost by 2025 BUT 97 million new jobs created, no reference to upskilling or reskilling, conversation adds to scare tactics talking about robot apocalypse, no discussion of what real automation will look like. I’m sorry Jacob but after Jeff talked about being in Nepal in 1983, you comment it was a good time for him to be off the internet and disconnected from his phone + reflect... these things didn’t exist in 1983 and he even told you that. Poorly done.
  • morriswj
    Insightful interview with Goodwill Industries CEO
    I’ve enjoyed several of Jacob’s podcast episodes. However, his recent interview with Steve Preston, president and CEO of Goodwill Industries is packed with insights about the changing workforce needs as a result of technology and the pandemic, leadership during crisis, and the need to focus on skills inventory vs. a college degree when hiring. I highly recommend taking some time to listen to this episode. Get your Pen and paper out and be ready to make some notes.
  • -o-?
    Actionable and real
    Quick insights that help you make the future of work within reach today
  • Jakub[SOP]
    A must-listen leadership podcast!
    Most leadership approach that used to work decades ago won’t work in the current set-up we have now so leader who has gone through then and now still has so much to learn - this podcast is one of the best guides in learning to test the waters, and jumping right in approaching leadership and mastering employee engagement. Interesting topics, and the host knows just the right questions to ask to hear the answer we’ve been looking for! Great variety of guests too!
  • klt1112
    Appreciation from a fellow futurist
    I love what Jacob is putting out into our world. These concepts, observations, thoughts, engaging questions and overall outlook is inspiring, exciting, optimistic and is shaping how we will exist years from now. Thank you for creating a dynamic view of the future.
  • ghanemzadeh
    Want to be ready for the future? Listen
    I'm an Executive coach to startup CEOs and leaders. I listen to the podcast so I can help my coachees to become leaders for future.
  • Johnrmcphee
    Memorable and Invaluable
    Jacob is leading us all into The Future Of Work! This is easy listening that’s also educational and accessible. Listen to, and read Jacob. You’ll be glad you did!
  • Coach D.R.
    Very Solid Podcast - Conversational and Content-rich!
    If you want to grow as a leader, or make an impact on future leaders, this is a podcast for you! It discusses the key aspects of mindset and skills, and while is has a leaning toward the future, it's really about both the present and the future. I enjoy the engaging delivery of important content.
  • Brokerknowledge
    Love this guy!
    Jacob has not just helped me understand the future of work, he has helped me close deals! Our social learning technology grew because of his message around working smarter!
  • VP, Customer Experience
    A leaders podcast
    This is a solid podcast with great guests. Highly recommend.
  • Joe Swislocki
    Recommended for everyone
    I’m truly impressed by Jacob’s vision for helping people learn and grow. The Future of Work podcast plays an integral part in my leadership maturity. I gain a new perspective and learning from each episode. My favorite episode is Humanocracy: How To Create Organizations As Amazing As The People Inside Them. Enjoy.
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