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Lboogie727272AwesomeI crochet. I do not knit. Despite these facts, I have listened to almost every single episode…that is how awesome Brenda is. Thanks from a non-knitter sib 💜
JampdxAdore this podcastThis podcast brings joy to my day. Brenda’s calming voice, intelligence, wit and honesty are so delightful. It is about knitting, but also crafting in general, life, challenges and more. Thank you Brenda for allowing us to be part of your life and giving sharing your thoughts on life and yes of course, knitting!
Rbk106A welcome voice of an old friend in my earI have been a listener since this podcast began. So many circumstances of my life have changed over the long years, but I am always a knitter. I have been so happy that Brenda relaunched the podcast, and I find it as engaging and inspiring as I did in the beginning.
SummerKnitsCozy and WonderfulYay, I finally have a knitting friend! I love knitting so much, and having a queer-friendly knitting podcast is JUST what I am missing in my life. Thank you for sharing your wonderful, quirky authenticity. I’ve really started knitting again in earnest thanks to you! ❤️
Beckie529Nice podcastI’m so glad this podcast came into my suggestions. Very nice voice and she sticks to the topic. Made me laugh several times.
jhaagfnpLovely story tellingBrenda has a wonderful talent for storytelling. She is very eloquent with her words, you can envision exactly what she is describing. She has a voice made for “radio”. I love listening every time a new episode comes out!
joanieNEWhine, complain and make yourself a victim…Oh my gosh! I can’t stand when people constantly complain and talk about how “life’s not fair”. No kidding, it’s not fair and life is not designed to be easy for you or anyone! But, it can be good and it can be joyful and it is what you make of it for yourself and others. Knitting should be inclusive as we should be. But to expound on how unfair things are makes it sound as though you are a victim of life and circumstances. So.. if anyone out there is interested in a knitting podcast that is NOT about life’s unfairness or political in anyway, look to another podcaster because this one IS judgemental and pilitical!
jsfongSo happy to find Cast On (again)!I recently picked up knitting after a 7 year hiatus and naturally wanted to add a few knitting podcasts to my library. Hearing Brenda’s voice was like hearing from a little g lost friend when I needed it most!
ammadonnaGood podcastOne of my favorite knitting podcasts, but, oh my goodness. Must we bring politics into such an enjoyable activity?
hextatOne of the first podcasts I ever listened to!So glad to re-discover this fine person is still podcasting! Like encountering a long lost friend. I initially was drawn in by her overseas life discoveries which I could relate to to some degree, and found her to be just the right voice in my ear. I still smile at the sheep bleating in the intro music. Keep on with your wonderfulness, Ms. Dayne. You are loved.
Hilary0Entertaining and InformativeYup, it’s all here. Brenda shares information and knowledge about making, designing, and knitting. And she’s entertaining because she is clever, smart, curious, and has an interesting sense of humor. And snark when appropriate.
YorkishLove You, Lady Dayne!Such an entertaining podcast! Brenda’s voice, her topics, her contributors, all combine for a podcast that I look forward to more than any other. She is a true professional.
GritKnitzOnce in a blue moonDon’t bother subscribing to this. It’s once every three or four months. Obviously she is not interested in podcasting.
T-Bird1965Thrilled to hear Brenda again!!!I had stopped listening to podcasts after Brenda stop doing her show years ago. Imagine the thrill when another knitting friend told me that she heard Brenda was back. For some reason all other podcasts just pale in comparison to hers. It is so well done, the music is so lovely, the continent is so directly on point to our love of knitting, and her voice is so soothing and melodic. It is just a joy to listen to Brenda every single time. And I cannot be any happier. I listen to her first episode from October 2020 as I was sitting on the porch today snapping beans to get ready for Thanksgiving tomorrow. One of the things I will be thankful for is that I have this podcast to listen to again.
jd in CaliforniaYou’re Back!!!!!How did I miss that?! Where have I been for the last year?!?! I had thought iTunes was R O N G when it said there were new episodes and just in time to knit on my latest project. I binged the first few episodes knitting away while the hubs was at a B O R I N G movie. Brenda 2.0 is just as wonderful as Brenda 1.0. I would say that Cast on is the best knitting podcast ever (which it is) but it is so much more. It’s about living fully, richly, creatively and authentically. I missed you and am so delighted that you’re back.
kuaikuaiYou can’t go home againBrenda Dayne has not been in a coma for six years, so it’s understandable that her interests and activities have changed. If you are into sewing and putting together a wardrobe as well as knitting, you’ll be in clover. The one short-coming is that although Brenda was aware in the past that her audience spanned from novice to expert knitter, now she seems to assume everyone is up to speed. As a result, while I’d love to learn more about sewing, these sections are alternately incomprehensible or mind-numbingly boring. While I wish Brenda the best in her new endeavors, if you download an episode hoping for the old Cast On magic that made you wish to pick up your pointy sticks, you’ll be disappointed
Jo in WisconsinMade my day!I’m feeling like Im hearing from a long lost friend. Your’s was the very first podcast I ever listened to. I would download them on CD’s and listen on my 66 mi commute to work at a children’s hospital. Then I started a new job with a shorter commute which was a very stressful job. I started over listening to all your podcasts because your voice and conversations really calmed and settled me. I did this everyday for 6 months. You made a huge difference for me. Im still knitting and still a nurse and am so thrilled to be Ave more episodes to listen to!!
SophlikesThe BestThank you, Brenda. I love your show. I would listen to you talk about anything! (But it really is a delight to have such lovely, funny, and thoughtful programming geared towards knitting and making.)
oryxrunMuttonHeadYo Chica, Bet on you! Liked you b4...came back for more!!
jenystaimanExquisite.I am a proud patron of Cast On and it is totally worth it! Here are a few reasons I love listening to Brenda’s show. 1. She’s really funny! I especially love that she revels in the humor of her embarrassing moments. I laugh out loud a lot while listening to her. :) 2. She’s a geek’s geek. It doesn’t matter what she’s geeking out about and whether I engage in that activity myself. Her geekery itself transcends the activity, and it’s captivating. 3. She’s a great storyteller. As she will tell you, her podcast is not just about knitting and other fiber arts. It’s about family & friends, life challenges, triumphs and passions. And plenty of other cool things. 4. As many other reviewer‘s have noted, she has a beautiful and soothing voice, lovely and intoxicating to listen to. Thank you for this great podcast, Brenda!
AmandaLWDIS*tears of joy*This was the first podcast I ever subscribed to all the way back in 2006. Today, I just had the deep urge to listen to the soothing voice of Brenda Dayne, only to discover that SHE’S BACK! The same music, the same soothing voice, I could just cry tears of joy 🖤🖤🖤
tigers68she’s back!I have missed Brenda, her stories, music, and voice. I have been a listener from early on and am so happy to hear cast on again. Great stories and great music. Totally endearing.
Cheeky RedheadI missed this podcast!Welcome back Brenda! For anyone new to the podcast you really need to listen to Brenda talk about knitting and the life that surrounds it. It’s relaxing and motivational.
hlnmoNew LoveJust found this podcast and I was instantly in love. Beautifully crafted.
r0syredMust listenBrenda could talk about anything and I would listen. Her voice is calming and she has a way of making me feel like I’m spending time with a dear friend. That she happens to speak about my favorite topic, knitting, is just icing on the cake!
meadowlarkknitHello Again!It’s wonderful to have you back, Brenda! I’ve even re-listened to a few of your long ago episodes today, and loved them all over again. Thank you!
knitodayBrenda is back! This is wonderfulMany years ago I learned about this great podcast from another podcast. At the time I liked “Cast On” so much that I went back and listened to each episode from the very first one. I was sad to learn later that Brenda stopped podcasting. Here I am again, listening to Knitmore Girls and hearing that Brenda Dayne is back. It’s just as good as it was in the past. Brenda’s voice is so pleasant. She is interesting and very well spoken. It’s a podcast of substance. Give it a listen. You’ll stay with Brenda.
LuckyLindeyGreat to have her back!I’d forgotten how much i missed Brenda, and suddenly there she was again, like the balm for my soul that I didn’t realize I needed during this awful year. Yes, she’s political. Like many of us, she’s not one of the privileged straight white people who has the luxury of pretending politics aren’t important.
LCKDeniseShe’s back - thank goodness!I learned to knit the same year Brenda began Cast On and was thrilled to find it that same year. Brenda’s sanity and calm voice is so welcome in this difficult time. Welcome back Brenda. You were missed.
JeannefilSo glad you are back.You were missed!
HLS6Hooray!Cast On is back! And it’s wonderful, as always. This is a beautifully-produced podcast, and Brenda’s voice is clear and lovely. Just perfect.
auntlyhSplendid storytellingI missed that Cast On was coming back until there were a few new episodes. It wasn’t difficult to catch up. Hearing Brenda’s splendid storytelling again is like reuniting with a dear, long absent friend.
name for review is takenNoSo political in the first minute or two. I don’t belong here.
GrandmatutuYep!Welcome home! Sigh. So glad you’re back.
Jclark34Preach to me that wooly goodnessListening to Brenda is like going to church. She makes me feel warm and happy as I laugh and cry along with someone who feels like a dear friend. I came to this podcast right at the close, and fell so heavily in love that I have been giving myself permission to listen to episodes only when I need them most! Thanks for all your time and effort, Brenda! Your time on the air was utterly magical, as are you. Update: Brenda is back and I have shed the fattest, happiest tears of joy. My level of love for this stranger on the internet is perverse. WELCOME BACK, BRENDA!!!
AudraNashA must listed for all textile artists!I am not a knitter (yet?!!) - I am a hand-weaver and just so enjoy this podcast.
KBM54The knitting world needs this podcast!This podcast is a much needed balm during these crazy, unsettling times. Lots of great knitting talk and the best music from the beautiful soul that is Brenda Dayne. I’m so happy she’s back!
yarnoverboardCast OnI really missed Brenda’s knitting podcasts. Delighted she has started again, and can’t wait to see what’s in store!
cellymcfaeHappy ReturnI’ve so missed this podcast and didn’t realize how much until Brenda started up again. Thank you so much. 💖
srosen419Holy crap, you're back!!I was so sad when I found out you were ending the podcast. But you're back! =) Cast On was the first knitting podcast I stumbled upon when I first started knitting 10-ish years ago. So excited to chill with the new content!
GelarehtWelcome backI am so glad she is back , beautiful voice, great show
nshibuNo comparisonThe best is back! What other podcast combines knitty goodness with intelligent commentary, warm wit, and a superbly curated playlist? You’ve been missed, Brenda Dayne—happy to be patron.
HufflepuffknitsYAAAASI’m incredibly excited that Brenda’s back into knitting podcasting. It brings me back to my early days in knitting at my parents’ house, and now I have a little one of my own. Wow! Her voice, storytelling, and structure of her podcast transports you into a knitting universe with yarn and warm fuzzy feelings. Thank you for this gift, Brenda 💕
tahoe bikeBrenda Dayne. Cast onI’m am so surprised and happy to see Cast On is back!!!!this is a high spot in a terrible year!!!
MargeCoAbsolutely thrilled she’s BAAAACK!!!I had given up ever finding a knitting Podcast as good as Cast on. Getting the email that Brenda was coming back was the best news, in what admittedly has been a tough year. Thanks so so much for Podcasting again. Looking forward to your every release!
ssssssbbbbbbbbbb421I am so happy your back you where missedI love all the info you give about knitting, dying, and history of the craft or Wallis. It’s a very well researched pod cast. Thanks for all the work you but in I really enjoy it. I am living in the Middle East but you take me home when I hear your voice I am from Oregon .
SamsaraPNWSo Happy!!!I literally choked up when I heard the music start. I’ve missed Brenda’s voice so very much these last few years, and the rebooted podcast is like having a visit from an old friend whom you haven’t seen in some time. She hasn’t lost her touch, and her unique brand of warmth and sharing is most welcome in these times. I always learn something new, hear a song I hadn’t heard before, or learn about a book, technique, or idea that I might not have encountered otherwise. If you love crafting, podcasts, and voice like liquid hot chocolate, give her a listen. Welcome back, Brenda!
bjoyMOST EXCELLENT!!!This is a smart, funny, and well produced show. Brenda Dayne is amazing!! Her voice is soothing, and she is very real. I listened in the ‘old days’ and am so happy she is back. Take a listen if you love knitting, I think you will love it too.
*Deja*As soothing and inspiring as your favorite yarn storeI loved listening to Cast On before it ended in 2015, and I might have cried (I definitely cried) during the final episode. Imagine my delight (and tears) when I learned she was bringing it back! Listening to CastOn let’s me feel the joys of knitting when I can’t (walking) or shouldn’t (driving). And listening to her when I can knit is a doubled joy.
Liz_WallaceSo, so goodI literally cried my way through Brenda Dayne’s new episode of Cast On. She’s so very good at what she does! Entertaining, knowledgeable, soothing, funny-Brenda is so very good at this podcast thing! And she was doing it LONG before podcasting was a thing! I was transported back to simpler times when my kids were little and our worries seemed small and there was no pandemic! Her knitting and dying knowlege is inspiring and her music selections area up are soulful and beautiful, and her interviews are top notch. I knitted and listened, and tears rolled. I’m so glad Cast On is back!
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