The Corbett Report Podcast


The Corbett Report is a weekly half-hour podcast dealing with issues that matter from 9/11 Truth to the rise of the police state to the central banking hoax and the global warming swindle.

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Recent Reviews
  • mayapapaya425
    open source
    James Corbett is common sense real investigative journalism open source good sarcastic sense of humor thank you for doj b what you do!
  • nxavis
    Red pills everywhere!
    Essential for anyone with a skeptical mind who is interested in what’s really behind the political events of our time. Stay away if you want partisanship—we don’t play that game here.
  • They're killing us
    Transparent Thought Provoking Honest Journalism
    The negative reviews here are from the likes of those who are closed minded and clinging to false narratives easily debunked or are in the business to discredit facts and truths. I say this because… James Corbett has been reporting on the issues that impact our world and us individually for many years. He’s respected in the investigative journalism community. He always provides the links to his sources so we can see it for ourselves. Corbett has also produced several excellent documentaries, many that show the history we’ve been told is often not how it went down. Pretty much all of his content is free, none of which can be found on YT. His website is The Corbett report dot com. He doesn’t put a spin on things. He does state his opinions & it’s easy to discern his op from facts. Listen for yourself & checkout his sources. A true skeptic has an open mind.
  • Climbtosafety
    One of the Best
    This is one of the best podcasts out there!
  • JJW488
    Well researched and professionally presented drivel. Might as well be speculating about the “Man in the High Castle” history as the stuff presented here are theories that are pure fiction.
  • Consoiracy Jim
    Excellent Show
    This is possibly the best news and information podcast there is. Some episodes are too long or could be broken up into shorter shows, but it’s still an excellent show.
  • DC5237
    Brilliant podcast
    Thank you so much for providing us with informative information. You’re a very well spoken man and I appreciate you and all the work that you put into your Podcast. Sending you my very best from Pennsylvania USA.
  • Welcome2primetime
    Right wing nut…
    While some of his podcasts are well done, most are just insane ramblings of a right wing nut
  • Spiral 9
    Best of Best
    This guy is a solid source for sources. I will always support!
  • Patrick McCrary
    Great content
    Very happy with the thought out narrative style and attention to detail
  • johnburstleton
    The most fact finding program I’ve ever found.
  • Coffee N Smokes
    Thank you
    The episodes about that day in September were my red pill. Since then I have listened faithfully and began my own research of the USA in the 20th century. It was a hard pill to swallow. Thank you for the truth. It’s priceless. Cf
  • Trucker10220
    Great podcast
    Nice to have a true journalist covering these topics.
  • LuckyLucy88
    So sad that I just found this podcast - I got lots of catching up to do. So far I have found it to be one of the most informative, well researched and delivered podcast. Enjoy that it is less all that distractive hype and drama out there in MSM and other podcasts - keep it up! Thank you!
  • spaceboy3009
    Quite insightful! Very interesting, informative cast. Check it out.
  • Expert Novice
    you need to listen to this
    the most important decision you'll make in your entire life is to click play on this right now. not even joking. check his citations - theyre bulletproof.
  • Ghhfcbhdbjb
    Another conspiracy theorist
    Just the usual jumble of right-wing QANON, anti-science, anti-government stuff.
  • Cali-Max
    The most reliable journalism
    The Corbett report is the most reliable information center that I have found in my years searching. Meticulously researched and gone over with a Fine comb for inaccuracies this channel/podcast/website offers you reality. Simple as that
  • LastOfArcadia
    The Best
    Corbett is one of the best investigative journalists of his generation. Everything he reports is meticulously researched, sourced and thoughtfully presented. History will smile favorably upon him (posthumously of course). If you want to know what is really going on, along with the solutions, this is the place to start. -LoA-
  • George Achey
    Best Journalism on planet Earth
    The main reason I love James Corbett is that he can back up just about every word he says. He’s hard to argue with even with the most normiest of normies. The way he speaks is captivating and he’s extremely articulate. As serious as these topics are, he also manages to sprinkle in a bit of humor on occasion as well. He’s the journalist we need but do not deserve. He’s the most important journalist of our time and I hope people start to realize that soon.
  • raerae1998
    Thanks goodness for people like James!
    This is the fruits of free speech! I am grateful there are people out there willing to take the time and share these things with the world..things that many people try hard to suppress.
  • kierstenkoool
    Please god world no
    Please for the love that is good American please use critical thinking skills, common sense, well established sources of investigative journalism. This isn’t it There isnt a massive Qanon conspiracy that thousands upon thousands of people are in on. Correlation does not equal causation. Jesus Christ America. I know I know. Fans of this show will says “that’s what THEY want you to say think”. Which is my favorite part of these bunk theories, you literally can’t unprove them given your logic. ”You would think the New World Order would've eliminated this widely-known bearer of all their secrets, but no, for some reason they see fit to let him continue.”
  • KXYLE360
    Informative and fact-based
    I would recommend this podcast for anyone seeking accurate information about how the systems of the modern world function. A lot of independent journalists covering similar topics begin veering toward speculative conjecture, whereas James provides verifiable sources to support his perspective. Highly engaging for anyone who enjoys history and questioning the main stream narrative.
  • ramerman
    Trust but verify
    While James us a masterful constructor if narratives, the best thing about the Corbett Report is the it’s open-source journalism - James always links his sources so you can verify his narrative for yourself. You can trust James because you can easily verify.
  • ResistTheNWO
    Restoring faith in journalism
    What a reporter ought to be: earnest, open-minded, curious, and asking all the pertinent questions. His only agenda is discovering the truth. We need more like him.
  • black_chris_kyle
    James Corbett is the GOAT
    Everything he says is backed up. His work ethic is unmatched in terms of the amount of quality, well researched content he releases here and on YouTube. If you’re even the slightest bit open minded, this podcast is for you. It’s also a great way to redpill your friends on taboo subjects because he is so eloquent and informed.
  • Ione70
    Distinguished and respectable.
    Love Corbett! No BS whatsoever on this podcast.
  • Unfairvictim
    Thank you
    Thank you for giving a truthful perspective on vaccines. There is a ton of info out there on damages done by these vaccines if you go looking. An ID is the most ridiculous overstep on our individual rights and would be a sign that civilization is done as are our God given rights
  • PichJ
    The decline epitomized
    This individual once again proves why the west is in decline, the cult of the individual is destroying the world. Rights come with responsibility and people like James just seem to think they can do whatever they please, whenever they please. I also cannot fathom his anti vaccine nonsense, imagine thinking a vaccine tracking database for people is bad. He sounds smart, but in reality it is just his rhetoric that convinces people he is “right”. I have looked into his “sources” and they are nonsense. This man is dangerous.
  • bemorelikeme
    Edward R. Murrow of Our Time
    James Corbett is the Edward R. Murrow of our time.
  • jmac333333
    Invaluable Research in these times
    These episodes are reliably well researched, referenced, and communicated. Unparalleled investigative journalism into the secretive happens behind the mainstream narrative. A must-listen for anyone with a head on their shoulders. Thank you James!
  • Deandra Day
    Give him a listen
    👺👀😵👅 🔜🧟‍♂️🔫
  • Blake Stevens, BlakeRugby,
    Best Podcast of All
    Most detailed, most balanced, most researched, most interesting podcast. Love this podcast. Keep it up.
  • Truth Be Told 22
    A Must Listen To Podcast
    James does a superb job presenting a well-researched, informative and insightfull podcast mixed with some occasional humor.
  • Profit Prophet
    🦊 🦊
    The world needs more people like Corbett.
  • EEhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhy
    Reporting outside the propaganda
    Once my eyes were fully open and I realized that mainstream is nothing but a full propaganda machine, with absolutely zero reputability in disseminating information (and zero reason to consume), I struggled to find ways to learn about current events. That is, until I got off of google. Once the censors were removed, Corbett was consistently shown sharing information that clearly resides outside the agenda of control (or controlled opposition). If you’re looking for calm, reasoned, intelligent reporting on truth; this is one of, if not the, best independent reporting. You are doing great work James Corbett. Keep on.
  • frogouille
    Articulate and lucid - not to mention real journalism
  • gdwags
    Fearless and insightful. Top notch!
  • star miner 2
    Always a learning experience
    The Corbett Report never disappoints. Corbett tirelessly researches all subjects in the podcasts. These podcasts are real treasures of knowledge. Corbett’s podcasts are thought provoking a smorgasbord of information. His reports are the pinnacle of podcasts
  • Joesgot4
    Simply the best most informative podcast on the planet
    The Corbett Report is miles ahead of anything else! I’ve been listening for about a year and just can’t get enough of these podcasts and I’m never disappointed! It’s like a Christmas present when I notice that I have a new episode of the Corbett Report! When James Corbett talks about a subject it’s not conspiracy theories it’s well thought out facts and simple logic. When go back and listen to old episodes that are new to me I read the topic and sometimes I think this will not interest me but I’m proven wrong every time! He just has a way of fleshing out the truth and making it super interesting! He deserves a best podcast ever award! Keep them coming James!
  • Distal Dispatch Paperboy
    A calm, collected, courteous, and cosmopolitan host.
    The Corbett Report is accurate, actionable, and prolific. Treat yourself to a topic you know nothing of, and tune in to a random episode. See if you benefit from this report by taking in information you have not already ingested. I have been around long enough to remember Rush Limbaugh on my AM dial. I am fortunate enough to have left the USMC with all my limbs. The perspective I have gained with age is not wisdom, it is informed intuition. And if there is anything I have learned it is that reality is painful. Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, does not go away. Somehow reality is decidedly less painful with The Corbett Report. Engage.
  • Jakey Diz
    Ever feel like you're being lied to?
    The Corbett Report presents verifiable history delivered in a consistent format by a seemingly well-balanced (i.e. calm, collected, sane...) podcaster. The Corbett Report is a breath of fresh air for those truth seakers who may, from time to time, grow weary of the unhinged yet highly entertaining conspiracy podcasters out there on the internet. With all the research and preparation that goes into these podcasts, James Corbett will be the first to tell you that listening/watching should only be a jumping off point. He also provides links to the resources and materials he used so that you can drive deeper by doing your own research! Keep bringing it James
  • Jarrettv96
    James Corbett and Asscociates are amazing
    This guy truly understands what it means to open your mind and consider all possibilities. I love listening to him and I consider him and Richard Grove, who both correspond, to be two of the most influential alternative history teachers and thinkers. Alternative history shouldn’t be the catch phrase this guys deserves, though, it should be true history.
  • charles bronsons stache
    most intellectual con pod
    very intriguing and professionally produced. this guy gets it. just wish episodes were longer and more frequent.
    Delightful discourse and bodacious banter!
  • MoikK
    The best of its kind / one of a kind
    The Corbett Report is absolutely my favorite source of news, analysis of current events, historical documentary and more. James Corbett's research and sources are shared with the listener through show notes and his clarity and presentation of information is nonpareil. Simply one of the most enriching sources of media around.
  • thekoven66
    the Corbett
    nobody does it better.
  • Budrocket1
    Logically Compromised
    I was interested until you started referencing Alex Jones. You know, the guy who believes in the following: Hillary Clinton is a practicing witch...Sandy Hook was "faked"...Shape-shifting Lizard People...Government controlled "weather weapons" that cause tornados...Hillary Clinton gave birth to alien babies...Michelle Obama killed Joan Rivers. I'm merely scratching the surface of the psychotic insanity this man vomits on a daily basis. Anyone who seriously references InfoWars to buttress their political opinion does not deserve to be treated as an adult.
  • PrimalPood
    Wish there were more!
    I wish he would release episodes more frequently. I love his speaking style and how he cuts soundbytes in. This is one of the most educational podcasts out there in terms of how the world around us really works and who really runs it. Worth the subscription.
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