Read-Aloud Revival ®


Sarah Mackenzie helps your family fall in love with books, and helps *you* fall in love with homeschooling.

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Recent Reviews
  • Brooke56431
    A+++++ podcast
    I’m a long time listener. Have also read Sarah’s books. Sarah is the real deal. She is the most inspirational, genuine, and relatable podcaster I’ve ever listened to. She puts words to what my heart longs for. I’m SO thankful I stumbled upon Read Aloud Revival when my kids were just babies. Her words gave me confidence to homeschool the way I dreamed of. THANK YOU SARAH!
  • Mrs_herrera
    Worth every minute of your precious time!
    This podcast is a blessing. Thankful for the inspiring conversations and information shared here.
  • Miranda Kaz
    A Ray of Sunshine!
    Sarah is a ray of sunshine! I always leave her podcast feeling uplifted and inspired. This podcast has provided so many top-notch book recommendations for our homeschool AND introduced us to the amazing Barbara Cooney. We are now OBSESSED. We are cooky for Cooney over here. Thanks, Sarah!
  • Jjdaniels
    Love this podcast!
    Sarah is down to earth and speaks to reality…no fluff! I appreciate her insight and experience!
  • rufocused
    So encouraging!
    So encouraging!
  • Maiya Pickford
    I have recommended this podcast to so many friends!
    I cannot say enough fantastic things about this podcast! I have been listening to Sarah inspire me and make me giggle since well before I was even a mama (but knew I wanted children, and knew I wanted to homeschool someday). Now, years later, I’m still a faithful listener and reading aloud to my own beautiful girls. Some of their absolute favorite stories have been recommendations I got from this podcast and other resources Sarah and RAR provide (Ahem, Snow Horses is a must every December 🤩). THANK YOU for all you have done through the years! Looking forward to many more! …now off to reading a good book I go… 📚
  • CreativelyClassical
    All the best encouragement and Books
    I absolutely love this podcast for the book recommendations but what has been an even bigger blessing is the encouragement Sarah gives out ‘from the trenches’. I love hearing about how to not only talk to my kids about books but encourage their love, and also mine, for words and stories. Hearing from authors and illustrators is so much fun and brings each story to life just a bit more.
  • Homenhappy
    RAR podcasts saved my homeschool!
    During a hard year just surviving homeschooling four kids while managing a baby and toddler, I found RAR podcasts—a lifeline of humor, godly wisdom and relatability. Your encouragement helped me find peace in the daily moments and rekindle the desire to continue on in this godly calling. Thanks Sarah and RAR; I LOVE reading aloud to my family!!
  • mdube724
    Favorite homeschooling podcast
    Hands down, the Read Aloud Revival is my absolutely favorite podcast for homeschooling. If you’re looking for encouragement, inspiration, tried and true tips and “tricks,” and the very best book recommendations, this is it!
  • Fitness fun
    Life Changing!
    I am unable to recall what/who led me to Sarah and RAR but I am SO grateful! I am not a reader. Reading has never been a priority. Reading was to learn. Not anymore! I foresee us joining the RAR premium family soon! Thank you for sharing your passion and creating a wonderful program for families everywhere. You are changing lives for the better!
  • fluffkin5
    I recommend this podcast to everyone!
    I began listening to Sarah McKenzie years ago, when I was still home schooling our children. Now, as a lover of books and a grandma, I still so enjoy her infectious joy and unbridled enthusiasm for reading! I wish all the librarians in the world knew about this podcast:) The very ending, where the kids share their favorite books, is very special.
  • amyjcaster
    Life changing
    Sarah’s podcast and books lit me on fire for homeschooling. Pairing mothering unique kiddos with a desire that they know they are loved as well as loving good books, Sarah hits such a beautiful part of my heart, giving me hope and dear encouragement during these early motherhood years. Cannot recommend enough!
  • Mrsalexwillems
    Highly recommended for homeschoolers!
    This podcast has completely changed the way I approach and conduct my homeschool. It was been an amazing place for support and encouragement. I highly recommend to anyone homeschooling or thinking of homeschooling. Especially if you have multiple children.
  • alicet13
    Enjoyable, Helpful Tips
    I first found Sarah Mackenzie through her Teaching From Rest book (which I think needs to be reread annually). I have been so moved by Read Aloud Revival and always love hearing the helpful tips/ideas for fresh inspiration!
  • Jrk524
    If you listen to nothing else as a mom, listen to this
    I am so thankful for the Read Aloud Revival Podcast -- it is my top recommendation for moms in general and especially for homeschool moms. Sarah's joy and bubbly personality encourages me and I love how down-to-earth she is. I have learned so much about the benefits of reading aloud with my kids and the tips I have heard here have affected my parenting more than anything I've consumed thus far in my parenting journey outside of the Bible.
  • CCoop521
    Homeschool Mamas, You need this podcast!
    I am so thankful I found Sarah Mackenzie and the Read Aloud Revival podcast! She brings encouragement, thoughtfulness and fresh new ideas to our homeschool every time we listen. Every time I think I need to add something to our day or feel as though we are falling behind, I hear Sarah’s voice reminding me of why we chose to homeschool and how simple our day can be! A must-listen for every homeschool mama!!
    Amazing content!
    Great podcast…! (In all honesty, this is my first episode… but so far, I’m loving it!). Now I have a ton of episodes to catch up on! Thanks!
  • Jillbooth
    Worth your time
    This is one of the few podcasts I feel is actually worth my time to listen too. As a homeschool mom to four kids, she continues to inspire me to keep reading to my boys. In a world where handing them a phone or playing video games is the easy way to deal with boys, she inspires me to not give up on reading to them. My boys are 14, 12, 9 and 4 and I read aloud to them and they love it. Thank you for inspiring me.
  • ghiyrcb
    Mama with a childlike heart
    I love having time to glean from your podcast. I find the information helpful and Sarah’s enthusiasm is contagious!!
  • Kim Mehl
    Best Ever!
    Before we joined Premium, we listened to the podcast. It has great interviews and we always enjoy the book recommendations! Sarah has a fun and peppy style, keeps me and my kids interested. Thanks Sarah and team for putting such a great show together!
  • DillyODilly
    I’m so happy I found this!
    We just started homeschool this year and right before we did, I found RAR. Not only did it help me with overnight feeds with my at the time newborn, it helped me relax and focus on what’s important for my school-aged daughter. Especially for a momma who tends to go a little too hardcore. Oh, and don’t skip out on their free resources! One of my favorite memories from this last year was going through a book guide they provided with my daughter on The Bear Snores On. We learned about color composition in books, but mostly enjoyed our time together reading and having popcorn and tea along with the animals in the story.
  • Kindred Collaborative
    Practical and encouraging
    I always love a podcast that cuts to the chase. I’m a busy momma of 4. Homeschooling 3, it’s helpful to have a place to go for practical encouragement and support. Where I don’t feel like I have to completely change everything I’m doing to be successful. Seems to always be just what I need to hear!
  • KatieSankey
    Love this podcast!
    This podcast has shaped how I read with my kids and has filled our library holds list with amazing books! Love Sarah, her passion, and her message!
  • Santa librarian
    Not just for homeschoolers!
    I listen to every episode and I’m not even a homeschooler. In fact, I’m a grandma of twelve, a former teacher, and a children’s librarian. I get some of my best read alouds for story times, ideas for children’s book clubs, and book recommendations for my own grandchildren from Sarah’s podcast. I’ve even found some of my own personal favorite reads from listening in. I’m a HUGE fan and recommend Read Aloud Revival podcast, the website, and Sarah’s books to all the homeschooling parents and others at the library. Sarah’s delightful sparkle is contagious and makes everyone who listens a little happier and a little better.
  • BrookieCheis
    Courage to homeschool
    What would I do without RAR? Sarah was one of the main people who gave me the courage to start homeschooling - and KEEP homeschooling. This podcast is an incredible blessing.
  • dhducheuxn
    Great Authors mentioned here!
    It’s so helpful to discover new authors and books my kids will love!
  • Celmerco
    A charming and inspiring show!
    I have thoroughly enjoyed every episode of RAR that I’ve listened to. Each interesting topic leaves me feeling both inspired and equipped to really make reading a part of my family culture. I’ll forever be grateful that I stumbled across this show!
  • MSRiley911
    We love RAR!
    I stumbled upon Read Aloud Revival almost 4 years ago. I immediately fell in love with the peace I found while listening to the podcast and ordered Sarah’s books. Christmas 2021 we signed up for premium and have been members since. My family looks forward to the time we spend listening to Sarah and her guests. The podcast has not only changed my homeschool and she’s changed my motherhood. Whenever I meet another homeschool mom I share the RAR magic. 🪄🪄🪄
  • LittleSprout2000
    Educational and entertaining
    Sarah is very engaging and inspirational. As an 18 year veteran homeschool mom, I am still learning ! Thank you Sarah!
  • KayChandler
    Thank you, Sarah!
    Every episode is full of goodness! We have found some of our favorite read alouds through this podcast, plus Sarah’s amazing booklists! Thank you for inspiring the homeschool community, sharing quality books/resources, and helping us all fall in love with reading.
  • Sa.brinaLynn
    Such an Encouragement!!
    I enjoy Sarah’s podcast so much because she is always encouraging to homeschool moms! I first was introduced to Sarah when I had 6 kids (the youngest two being 1 year old twins). It was like she knew exactly what I was experiencing. She was upbeat and real. Encouraging and informative. And always had a booklist to help me along. In ten years, all that has stayed the same. Here’s to 10 more!!
  • Jesicames
    Revived the read-aloud in me
    I love this podcast. I’ve been so inspired over the years to read aloud more to my kids. I’m so grateful I found this when I did. Over the years I’ve gathered ideas for our next read alouds, fallen more in love with my homeschool, and received so much guidance for helping my kids learn to be voracious readers. I’ve found my favorite read alouds by listening to this podcast. Give it a go!
  • megodaniell
    Amazing Resource for Overwhelmed Homeschooling Mom
    Sarah has an uncanny ability to speak right to my overwhelmed heart and give just the right advice I didn't even know I needed to hear! Her podcast is a wealth of advice, resources, fun and fellowship. I am so happy she continues to pour her heart into it for us fellow homeschoolers!
  • AitchEmBee4
    Worth your time!
    Sarah makes it easy and accessible to enjoy good literature and the presence of your children. We’ve had so many giggles, questions and great discussions from the recommendations she gives. The podcast has also been such an encouragement to help me navigate the challenges of my struggling reader.
  • CJ Bookgirl
    My Homeschool Hero!
    When a momma asks me about homeschooling, the very first resource I point her toward is Sarah Mackenzie’s Read Aloud Revival podcast! Sarah has the best advice to keep life for busy mommas simple and totally doable!
  • PBnuffsaid
    Great Podcast even for non-homeschool parents
    I do not homeschool. However, I get lots of great info on books and reading from this podcast and Sarah’s website. Author interviews are great!
  • Sofkensjaiehkakxuaja
    Favorite encouraging podcast
    One of my favorite podcasts by far! There is always good advice about various parenting/homeschooling/reading topics and interesting guests. I have recommended this one to so many friends!📚
  • McCall L
    This Show is for Everyone!
    I’m not a homeschool mom but, with 5 kids ranging from 1 - 14, I’m always in need of fun read alouds and other mom-advice that this show is full of. Thank you Sarah and team!!!
  • Tarabear628
    Wonderful encouragement and advice
    I listened to RAR for years and enjoyed the discussion about reading and books, even when my kids were in school. But she was quietly and gradually shaping my ideas and when we knew it was time to start homeschooling, I felt I already knew what I wanted to do and needed to do and what we wanted it to look like. Great for those who homeschool and for those who don’t. Thanks so much for all you’ve done for my family, Sarah!
  • sdgygdr
    So encouraging
    Sarah and this project have validated and encouraged me in our homeschooling journey. Her cheerful presentation is a delight. I've learned a lot.
  • deny2follow
    Perfect for bookish people
    As a Mama of 4 avid readers, I am always looking for the best books for my people to read. I love that I can come to Sarah and the RAR team for recommendations that meet our needs! I also love the added encouragement for homeschool mamas. Truly one of my favorite podcasts!
  • jclayton613
    My Weekly Homeschool Mom Self-Care Routine
    Sarah’s podcasts have meant so much to me in my homeschool journey. They provide a needed outlet to me once a week when I just put away all the distractions and focus in on all the insight Sarah provides for the homeschool journey. On weeks where nothing is posted, I go back and re-listen to favorites. I enjoyed last week's top 10 review. I am currently listening to “Yes, You Should Read Laura Ingalls Wilder’s The Long Winter”. And we have and loved it!! We read it during our Texas blizzard a few years ago! It kept our hearts warm during our cycling blackouts! A memory I am sure we will always remember! Thank you, Sarah, for 10 years of inspiration!
  • Karli_W13
    A wonderful resource
    I have been listening to this podcast for 8 years and it has been a comfort to my mom-heart and a great encouragement in my homeschooling. I recommend this podcast all the time!
  • A grateful wife & mom
    Best homeschool encouragement/content around!
    Sarah has truly blessed our family! Being our 2nd year of homeschooling, I can confidently say that her podcasts, website, videos and RAR premium membership has helped me grow and flourish more than any other homeschool resource I’ve come across! I can’t recommend her content enough.
  • Seleste1240
    RAR isn’t just for homeschool families - it’s for any families who want to raise their kids to be curious, intelligent, and full of character. Sarah MacKenzie is transparent, relatable, and inspiring. Even if YOU aren’t a reader, Sarah will inspire you to pick up a book and read to your kids. She shows you how this doesn’t have to be a massive change in your life, and how just 15 minutes a day of reading aloud can help your family grow in all the best ways. Check out her podcast and her website and give it a listen!
  • KJV06
    Always helpful!
    I love Sarah’s down to earth advice — and who doesn’t love her contagious laugh?! Her podcasts are always helpful!
  • Ljkb
    I absolutely love listing to this podcast. She’s always funny & inspiring.
  • AydaKay
    Fun for all!
    I love the encouragement and education I receive from this podcast - I’ve moved to new ways of thinking about books and reading, even as an avid book reader myself! - and my kids love listening to the “Let the Kids Speak” portion of the show. Such a joy!
  • ashpullen13
    Love this podcast
    Sarah is so relatable and really feels like a big cheerleader for all of us mothers. I love learning more about the benefits of reading, book recommendations, and motherhood. Such a sweet podcast and I know I can listen with my kids around without fear of what May slip in.
  • christi_toms
    Dependable and Delightful
    I love that I can depend on Sarah and her team for awesome reading recommendations for both myself and my kids, as well as delightful encouragement on the homeschool journey :)
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