Leading Saints Podcast


Leading Saints is a nonprofit organization with a mission to help Latter-day Saints (LDS, Mormon) be better prepared to lead.

Here are 4 ways Leading Saints accomplishes the above mission statement:

1. Connect Latter-day Saint Leaders

2. Enhance Leadership Ability

3. Present Leadership Scholarship & Research

4. Celebrate Divine Guidance

Podcast Host:

Kurt Francom is the founder and executive director of Leading Saints, a nonprofit organization helping Latter-day Saints be better prepared to lead. He manages the day-to-day efforts of Leading Saints and is the host of the podcast by the same name. Leading Saints has reached individuals internationally and has received over 2 million downloads. Kurt currently lives in Utah with his lovely wife Alanna. They are blessed to have three children. He enjoys drawing caricatures, playing basketball, reading, and watching college football. Kurt has served as a full-time missionary (California Sacramento), as a bishop, 1st counselor in a stake presidency, and elders quorum president.

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Recent Reviews
  • kaylita20
    New listener hope to be a devoted listener
    As with many of us I’ve gone from a level 1 member to a level 4 (or wherever the numbers) I heard this explained in one of your podcasts and it’s resinated with me. Being level 4 takes a whole new approach in faith and belief and podcasts and communities like this have been a great way for me to find a lot those difficult things to make more sense and give a better perspective.
  • Leroy1958
    Excellent, practical
    These discussions offer insight to the practical aspects (opportunities and challenges) of membership in faith-based communities. I’m seldom disappointed.
  • dnbdbs
    Great podcast!
    Love the all of the knowledge the different guest have to share.
  • Kicker165
    Hands on
    So applicable to real life! I often find myself taking notes and love how the guests are just normal people with real life experiences.
  • latekate3
    New Follower
    I loved the interview with Kurt Brown! I think I may have shared that episode at least a dozen times with friends and family, and have started praying that more leaders, especially Bishops and Mission Leaders, will serve with the compassion Kurt Brown talked about. I know manuals are important, but I love the emphasis on “the spirit of the law” and focusing on love & acceptance. I will definitely listen to this episode repeatedly and look forward to exploring Leading Saints!
  • MollyBerry
    Leading Saints…astray.
    Counter to gospel doctrine.
  • MJGOAT1996
    Great content
    I’ve only listened to about 10 of these, but they have really helped me to learn more about how others are drawing closer to the Savior. Makes me feel connected to other Christians and other members of this church. Thank you! I also love it because it it helps those who have had doubts realize that they are normal and have a place. Grateful for this resource
  • Jason Coombs
    So Powerful!
    Leading Saints podcast continues to be a warehouse of profound topics and sage advice for me with each calling I receive. Thank you
  • Credibility specialist
    Credibility Specialist
    I took some time today to listen to your show!! Leading Saints Podcast, is a fantastic podcast with great info, advice, and perspectives. You won't regret listening to and learning from the podcast.
    Nelson - Use your Billions to Bless not Bully
    Let’s use Ensign Peak to provide real help in the world. Less Mormon Castles and Attorneys - More meals, shelter, medicine, and education for anyone who needs it.
  • sofia carson rules
    Powerful Content
    So much great content to inform leaders and those that will become leaders. Takes on difficult topics with great sensitivity. I am so inspired by the work that this organization and podcast do and love listening.
  • PeterSNelson
    Always excellent
    I always get much insight and experience from Kurt and his guests. I highly recommend Leading Saints!
  • Baboonrush
    So practical and helpful
    I sincerely love the work and help that this podcast provides. It’s practical for the modern day application of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in a leadership capacity. Thank you!
  • goodstuffalways
    Becoming like Christ
    Uplifting content and insight into how other saints are trying to become like Christ.
  • A_Booj
    Wonderful content
    Leading Saints provides real-world perspective on important issues facing LDS leaders. I always appreciate and learn by hearing from actual leaders who share their insights and experiences. A great resource!
  • jfjsndnc
    Love this podcast
    I have appreciated so many of these interviews! Thank you for the l uplifting and thoughtful content.
  • ColoradoGirl1
    Christ Focused and Thought Provoking
    This podcast is amazing!! I started listening to is about a year ago and it quickly became one of my favorites. I think one of the reasons I was drawn to it was the different way that Kurt and so many of his guests think. There are so many new ideas about leadership and the way people see god, and themselves, and others, and how we can break away from doing things because it’s the culture and turn towards doing things because we love god and our fellowmen and want to build Zion. I’ve implemented various ideas I’ve heard in the podcast when I saw they filled a need in leadership positions and also just in my own life with friends and family when I haven’t been in leadership positions and it was so fun to try them out and give people and myself new experiences. Most importantly, Christ is always at the center of the podcast which I really think is what makes the conversations so powerful to me!
  • Tyler Keate
    Connecting to Christ
    Kurt, I love your podcast and find it so insightful and helpful for me. My wife has been sending me her favorites for the past few years. As a new bishop I have an unquenchable thirst for knowledge, guidance, and direction. I share many of these podcasts with my bishopric and we have wonderful discussions about how to connect people to Christ. Thank you for your love for our Savior and desire to help as many of your brothers and sisters receive the blessings of the gospel of Jesus Christ
  • Big Cougar
    The Misunderstanding of Repentance
    I was so impressed with this podcast with Kurt and David Durfey that I listened to it six times. Always while driving and never able to write anything down. I printed it out and have been schooled by the doctrine Bro. Durfey masterfully and succinctly explains. I recommend this to any leader or member who wants to understand how true repentance is based in the atonement of Jesus Christ.
  • Risefromthedust
    I really enjoy this podcast and I’m grateful to have found it. My favorite episode so far was The Misunderstanding of Repentance. So good!
  • 1246getitright
    John Hilton
    My favorite episode was about fence laws.
  • danny rules!!!!!!!!
    John Hilton III
    Really enjoyed the episode with John Hilton about fence laws. Very insightful
  • Grateful Brother
    Thank you Weston
    Thank you Kurt and thank you Weston Robinson for an excellent discussion about ways to increase empathy and growth in the Elders Quorum. The best part of the interview was Weston’s experience of working through the challenges of pornography use, and seeking to be humble and transparent with his Bishop even when he was misunderstood. I’m currently in an Elders Quorum Presidency and I’m working daily on my own recovery from compulsive, addictive behaviors in this area. Unlike Weston, my experience has been a true addiction. All I can say is the Lord truly works with the “weak and simple” and imperfect, to bring about his purposes. As I continue on my own path of growth and recovery, my empathy and love for the Brothers in our EQ has only grown. Thank you Weston for sharing your experience and being a true Latter-Day Warrior for Jesus Christ.
  • T.Jay2
    Kurt thank you for the episode of Repentance. That really helped me understand about timing and forgiveness and the role of the Holy Ghost in repentance. Such rich and powerful principles and doctrines.
  • Lynne McKinley
    Love love this podcast
    Leading Saints is my lifeline during this difficult time in America. I turn from the chaos of the news to Kurt’s calm and thoughtful approach to leading and caring for others. I have listened to almost every episode and several episodes 2-3 times. I wish there was a new podcast every day. Thank you!!!
  • Jenna B Riggs
    Safe space
    I appreciate the thoughtful questions and perspectives Leading Saints takes into consideration. I find this a safe space to evaluate programs, practices and beliefs within the LDS church while avoiding a critical stance. I believe it is important to consistently explore how we are emphasizing the teachings of Christ over culture and programs to truly lift others in our leadership. I find that Leading Saints is a helpful platform to explore ways to do that. Thanks for all your good work!
  • Mike Ball
    Best podcast for LDS leaders and members!
    Thank you so much for this awesome podcast! The content, Christ centered leadership principles, and great interviews are invaluable.
  • RRIICCHH22111122
    Great stuff Kurt
    Kurt brings a wide variety of perspectives to the podcast… there are always nuggets that can be mined out of every episode.
  • catherinemartin512
    Just Wow!
    My son and I discovered Kurt Francom while listening to an episode of All In last year. We found his take on things so unique and inspiring we headed straight over to check out Leading Saints. It’s become one of our favorites, fast. I continued listening pretty regularly and when I was called as YW President at the end of 2021 I couldn’t help but listen with new ears and the backlog of content aided immensely as I found my footing in the call. I constantly share podcasts I love with friends and family, reference episodes, but never have I ever left a review before. After listening to the April 12th episode, The LGBTQ Journey Through the Bishops Office with Tyler Lefevor and Samuel Skidmore I knew that had to change. My desire to understand and the ability to connect with my LGBTQ+ brothers and sister has increased greatly. In my current circle I’m unaware of anyone who is on this particular journey, yet listening to Sam and Tyler’s story and their research findings helped me to realize, regardless of circumstances, my time is now to better educate myself and become a better ally. Thank you Kurt for navigating these topics with authenticity and love. Different perspectives and life choices should never be met with negative conflict or fear and it’s so refreshing to have leadership pointers and honest dialogue on how we can all better understand and love everyone, as the Lord has commanded us to do. Thanks for creating a positive online space within a space that isn't always stellar.
  • Boat bloke
    Great content!
    I’ve been an active listener for a year and part timer before that, and love the content produce by this podcast. Personal development and helping others to develop as leaders is deeply rooted in being a true follower of Jesus Christ, and I love how this podcast supports that.
  • apodcastmama
    So helpful to hear from other leaders
    I thought everyone already knew about this podcast but talked to someone recently who hadn’t heard about it and realized I hadn’t reviewed it so I needed to help spread the word. So appreciate leaders who come on and share their wrestles and even say things like “I don’t know” and Kurt’s desire to ask questions and help us learn together. I often think of the contrast between the commands to ask, seek, knock but doubt not. I feel that Kurt does this week-faith building conversations where questions are welcome and it feels like we’re on the same team-learning together.
  • Kriskeeneyme
    Regular members
    Like the show, but it would be a lot better if you occasionally had guests who are “regular members”. You know, the ones without the perfect LDS pedigree, without the super high-up callings; ones that wouldn’t spend the bulk of the “interview” tooting their own horns, talking instead about how the gospel works in their imperfections. I was super excited to see the topic was “Love” in a recent episode, but then was massively disappointed when the guest just talked about himself and the perfect ways he does things. Zero doctrinal discussion of Love (which arguably is the most important principal undergirding of all other principles and doctrines). Just my take; an east coast normal sinner who works and grinds each day to try to do better in the gospel. Thank you.
  • lukedance7
    Podcast Episode Request
    I absolutely love this podcast. It has strengthened my faith in incredible ways. It has also increased my vision of where we can go as a church and the potential we have as a unified people to do good. Something I experience almost weekly in church is listening to sacrament meeting talks that begin with “When the bishopric member asked me to speak, it was the last thing I wanted to do and I tried to figure out how I could be out of town this weekend,” and “the bishopric member asked me to speak for 10 minutes but I bargained with him to only speak for 4.” I would love to hear some thoughts (even from maybe a member of the 70) on why we should break this habit and some tips on how to write a 10-15 minute talk. When someone starts their talk with either of these statements or both, what it actually communicates to me is that these members don’t want to share their experiences they’ve had with Christ and they don’t want to take part in strengthening the body of the saints even if that is not what they mean to communicate. Many hearts are aching that need a hope filled message from fellow members that they can relate to. There are members who come to church with a hunger to connect and hear the word of God. We need to realize that giving a talk is not about us, but about giving each other what we come to church for. We need to actually mourn with each other, we need to actually comfort each other and we need to actually stand as witnesses of God to each other and not be ashamed or shy of doing so and I believe giving talks in church is an excellent opportunity to do so. Thank you for reading this.
  • Audiman7
    Such useful information
    I stumbled across the Leading Saints newsletter years ago when I was primary president. I have found the information so use in my every day life that is should be re-titled Being a Saint (or at least trying).
  • 35tennisplayer
  • PeteNava
    The Gospel Library lessons have been inspiring!
    The lessons on using the Gospel Library app have been fun, useful and inspiring! And instructive! Thank you!
  • Oogs the man
    Revelation and Reality
    I cannot express accurately how insightful and enriching these podcasts are in my life. They help me think and ponder so much on how to be better in my callings, as a mother of a young and rising generation, as a wife, as a community connector and builder. What a precious gem! My study and how I listen and how I ask questions (in general and teaching) have evolved and strengthened my testimony and love of my Savior, Jesus Christ, and a desire to help others feel His love and come to know Him.
  • Sue in betrayal trauma
    Love! My Favorite Podcast!
    I have listened to Kurt and his guests for several years and it has changed my life!! I live on the east coast and grew up here as well. I have learned a lot of general information about the church and how it works sort of behind the scenes. I love learning about how others do things and what works for them or what doesn’t. I seriously learn something from almost every episode! One time I listened to one about how an area seventy leads while I did some chores around the house. I never thought I’d learn anything, being a 30 something year old female and just a SS youth teacher… but wow! I learned so much! I stopped what I was doing and wrote some notes! Leading Saints has strengthened my faith and expanded my knowledge of the church! It has also led me to people I needed in my life, like other podcasts that have helped me tremendously!!! And even protein bars I didn’t know existed! 😁 Through the people interviewed and on the board of the podcast I have been led to others that I needed on my path as I try to get through my daily challenges! The dots connect back to Leading Saints. Kurt is so real and fresh, open and down to earth and not afraid to ask or say what is needed. I also enjoy the humble men and women who will come on and own their mistakes! What strength they have! And it helps to know we are all human and to hear their stories and how they have overcome what they did is empowering for others! I share Leading Saints with everyone I know often!!! And I talk about it a lot!!! I am so grateful for this podcast!!!! Thank you so much!!! Literally I just cannot say enough about how life changing and eye opening and mind expanding this podcast is!!!! Thank you, thank you!!!!
  • nxsns
    Highly Recommend
    I love how Kirt and his guests talk about church in a way that is thought provoking and intriguing. I love the different perspectives and insights that are shared. This podcast has changed my view on many things and strengthened my testimony in many ways. It’s great to have a podcast where leaders talk about the “real” side of the church and they calling and not just give the church answers.
  • NYUte.
    Heaven sent
    This podcast has helped me adjust my leadership style to be more in line with how if feel the Savior would have me lead. And as a consequence I’m able to have more confidence in my decision making.
  • JParmer
    Pure awesomeness!
    Amazing is all I have to say! I’ve learned so much from this podcast and I look forward to every episode. Kurt does such a great job and this podcast has truly blessed my life.
  • stanpianoman
    Great aid for Church leaders
    This podcast has been so helpful for me. Practical advice and help as we try to move the Lords work forward. I especially like the preparation to discuss hard topics and not shy away from them. Thank you so much!!
  • E. Corbridge
    Great interviews to inspire and expand one’s views
    This podcast is incredible! It’s the podcast you never knew you needed, but once you’ve listened, you don’t know how you did without it. The topics discussed are engaging and beautiful! The podcast will open your mind and heart. It will expand your very soul!! Thank you for all who contribute in anyway. My life has been so deeply enriched and changed!
  • Lyric Payne
    Today’s light the world idea is to thank a wise man or woman.I would like to thank you Kurt Frank him and also your guests on the episode from December 1st. I was truly enlightened and felt that much wisdom was shared. So thank you to all three of you for your devotion of time and sharing your experiences and wisdom with us!
  • camibunk
    Keith Erekson
    Really enjoyed what I learned! I had already started Keith’s book so it was great to hear him teach. I absolutely loved his testimony at the end. Is this not real?? I say unto you Yay! That is one of my favorite lines in the BofM. Thx again. Love this podcast.
  • QCPalmer
    Great Insights
    I so appreciate this podcast, Kurt, and the guests. It’s so helpful to take time to evaluate how I’m trying to lead in the Church and how I can improve.
  • Linzeelouboo
    A wonderful podcast
    I know this is about leadership in the church, but I find the principles taught can be apply to enhancing all aspects of your life! I have loved listening to this podcast and always get excited when a new episode is launched.
  • Mexican Home-Boy
    I love the podcast!
  • rjaddams
    A must for local Church leaders.
    So valuable, extremely uplifting…
  • jjyysus
    Heavenly Mother Fail
    I was disappointed in all the speculation passed off as logic and reason. Imposing the church structure on Heavenly parents? Sadly, it was a very limited way to treat such an expansive topic. I expected Kurt to do so much better than this.
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