Personality Hacker Podcast


Make better decisions based on how your mind works. Personality Hacker teaches you the coding language of your mind and how to use it to create great relationships - a fulfilling career and happiness.

Are you born with your personality, or does it develop over time? What is intuition? What's the fastest way to use your natural gifts to improve overall happiness? Join Joel Mark Witt and Antonia Dodge as they discuss small changes in your personality and relationships that have big impact.

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Recent Reviews
  • Hamster McNick
    Personality traits vs type
    Well, Antonia finally got me! Lol. I couldn’t leave her feeling demoralized. I have been listening to y’all for years and years faithfully. I was, as you guys say, bit by the bug probably 5 years ago now and as my driver of exploration (ENFP) I couldn’t get enough information fast enough. I took a silly test online and felt understood like never before. I feverishly began searching for more information and as a lover of podcasts, found you guys! I have been listening ever since. I have learned so much from you guys. It never gets old. I will listen to the car model over and over again, because as memory being my inferior, repetition is my friend for solidifying things. I have been “preaching” type ever since. I have used it to hack my brother in law (ISTJ) and we are so close because of it. I have taught a series on it, using the car model of course, at my office of 15 people to help us all communicate better and understand one another. This is the most underrated and phenomenal tool and you both have a way of articulating and putting language to it that just makes sense to me. I nod my head and often find myself audibly agreeing with you in the car as I listen. Please, oh please, never stop doing this podcast! I wish they were 2 hours long, and that’s really saying something for an ENFP! And this is not Joel with a fake account, I am a real person saying thank you so much for the work you do, the passion you have, and the consistency that it takes to accomplish what you do! It matters and makes a difference! Thank you!! - Heather
  • fjurhkkvr
    Antonia has to be happy
    I really do enjoy the podcast. I’ve been listening for years now and I appreciate the thought that Antonia puts into the knowledge and language she gives in each episode. I also enjoy how Joel will stop to make sure that people from all different walks of life and on different levels of their personality journey understand what is being discussed. The variety of topics that are covered while staying true to the “car model” keeps me coming back each week! Keep up the great work.
  • jordanjapo
    Please be more concise
    Every episode, you spend half of it explaining the car model. Just have an introductory episode you link to for people who are new. I promise we’re not forgetting it every time, and I promise it’s not that complex to learn.
  • RayRayNTJ
    Best in depth information
    I have been listening to this podcast since 2015 and continue to look forward to the next one. Along the way, I have gone back and re-listened to several from prior years again and can see my own personal growth reflected back in the nuance slices I pick up the second or third time over the past 5 years. I appreciate the content, depth, and the communication styles of both Antonia and Joel. I have been working on personal development for years in different ways but plugging into this podcast has helped me build my own skills while also getting much better at recognizing and appreciating other types and perspectives. It is so much more than MBTI.
  • journey before destination
    Fabulous insight!
    Antonia and Joel, you do such great work and my family and I have benefited so much from your unique and balanced approach to understanding how we operate as individual humans! As an INFP woman married to an ISTP man for 25 years, I especially enjoyed your recent episode on loving yourself as an ISTP. I wish we had this information decades ago! I see where I can give my husband a lot more grace with his 3yo Fe being so uncertain for him, but also seeing ways I can encourage and support him in balancing his unique function stack, which is SO different than mine. The INFJ episode was really helpful for our INFJ daughter as well! I’m really looking forward to hearing the INFP episode in this series 😊 I love how you honor each other in your personal types! All the best to you and all that you influence in the world🥰
  • suprlkrfan
    Give this podcast all the awards!!
    I love listening to Antonia and Joel talk about all things related to personality and personal growth. Their self-love series has been top-tier, and I’m enjoying each episode. Their programs have been life-changing for me, as well. I’m so grateful that you two have found your calling! Keep up the amazing work! Would you guys consider doing a live podcast in Los Angeles or San Diego? I’d love to be on that third mic to ask a quick question someday. :)
  • Kypris333
    Fabulous content for many years
    After listening to the self-love for ENFJ podcast, I was struck that, even though I haven't listened to this show for quite a while, the content has only improved in quality. You guys totally nailed it for ENFJS, what our struggles are, how we can grow, and how we can learn to take better care of ourselves. I will definitely be applying a lot of things I heard here, and probably listening to this episode more than once! My partner, who is an INTP, had similar comments to say about listening to his own self-love podcast. Keep doing what you're doing, it's amazing. Thank you so much. 💕
    Phenomenal podcast
    It’s probably almost impossible to not learn something valuable from this podcast. Full of interesting ideas and helpful, honest insights. I 100% recommend this podcast. The way they discuss and apply MBTI theory has been tremendously impactful in the way I relate to the people around me. I found this when some family tensions were high and it gave me the perspective I needed. Now my whole family understands themselves and each other more.
  • missyisbored
    Fantastic personality podcast that doesn’t uses terminology that is easy for people to understand.
  • Exodock
    Sharp, smart, analytical but with heart
    If you like quick witted, genuinely brilliant conversation and real depth, this podcast is for you - a rich vein of transformational insights can be easily accessed here. This is like being at a party and the conversation is so good, it keeps you up all night by accident. Antonia and Joel are real luminaries!
  • Teagle B Tina
    Learn, Grow, Heal, Feel Good
    Truly heartfelt and thoughtful advice/information with the mbti personality model perspective. I love how clear and concise the information is given. There is no fanfare, no feeling of inauthenticity…just straightforward, helpful life advice given from two people who really seem to live what they speak, which is kind of rare. A necessary listen 💗
  • Becca426
    A Godsend for my Personal Growth
    I just can’t say enough good things about Antonia and Joel and all that they do through Personality Hacker. For a while, they were just some faces and names in an occasional marketing email I got after taking an online personality type test. Then, a few months ago, I saw they had a podcast and I looked up an episode on my own type, INFP. It was really informative, and so interesting that I looked for another. Then all kinds of other episode titles caught my eye, and with each one I listened to, my appreciation for their knowledge and insight and my thirst for personal development grew. Since 2020, I have been going through the most difficult years of my life and I initially thought learning about my type and preferred cognitive functions was a pleasant distraction, but it’s begun to not only change the way I see myself (an area where I honestly hadn’t believed I had much to learn), but also the way I view every single person I come into contact with and even humanity as a whole. It’s become about so much more than just one model or ideology. Every new topic and aspect of personal development that they cover brings revelation and inspiration, delivered in such a down-to-earth and relatable way. I am finding myself with more grace, compassion, and understanding for the people in my life and for myself. Best of all, they’ve helped me to see a way through my current nightmares and the renewed desire to make my life the absolute best that it can be. I joined their weekly Zoom discussion (Personality Quest Club) to interact with like minds and it’s the highlight of my week. The rest of the time, their voices via this podcast are my constant companion while driving, running errands and doing housework and I’m so grateful for the changes they’ve begun to help me make in my life. Joel and Antonia, thank you for everything you do. I don’t believe in fate but if I did, I’d be convinced I was meant to find Personality Hacker.
  • greafm
    Hi , i am an enfp coming from an episode where antonia said write a review i will read it I promise, thanks for you two guys and thanks cuz you guys gave me a big respect for my self .
  • Mary Gladstone
    WOW! It’s seems I’ve been listening to your podcast for about 7years. The previous review I was in a better place. Not long after writing this I experienced burnout. Over my career I worked ER, Rehab, cath lab & ICU which took an expensive toll for sure on my physical mental & financial health. That upon multiple life stressors at once: Divorce, daughter moving unexpectedly, Dad getting Parkinson’s, Mom had a stroke followed by cancer. I then had a panic attack due to allostatic overload. Long story short I surrendered my nursing license the same month my Mother died. Some battles you just don’t have the energy to fight. I’d love to hear your thoughts on burnout, how it’s often misdiagnosed as depression, psychosis & multiple other false diagnosis. How personalities can avoid and/or cope with burnout according to type. How burnout & trauma affect cognitive abilities per type. How to manage stress and avoid certain personalities who prey upon the vulnerabilities of others. My Dad used to say “be careful who you let into your life”, unfortunately he didn’t teach me that they don’t come with labels and even though may seem kind they may not be. How can personalities with feeler preferences identify the con artists of the world? Love the book! UPDATE: What’s the best way to find your ideal match in a relationship? How would you evaluate whether you and/or the other person is their healthiest version? ....tired of getting it wrong. After a few major life changes I started looking into personality characteristics. I’ve taken the Myers Briggs 4 different times in my life & always get the same result INFP. I’ve come to peace with the fact that I’m a “feeler”. Your podcast has given further insight into why I do the things I do. Ive been living in my “safe” 10yr old zone for years. I’ve gotten better at channeling my 3yr old, and being more of my authentic, adventure seeking natural self. I can’t thank you enough 😊. Keep doing what you do! Mary Gladstone INFP has a built in creative drive to make things work given the freedom to do so. Thoughts on scheduling: Kids: 1) Make your bed, brush your teeth & get dressed 2) Practice, practice makes better 3) Consistency creates security in kids & adults 4) Allowing kids to figure it out while guiding them creates a sense of independence 5) Setting an alarm 6) Make your lunch/snacks the night before 7) Honesty about schedule you desire 8) Prepare clothes & materials the night before 9) Find the shortest route 10) Leave early if possible 11) Recognize the decrease in stress with having some things scheduled 12) Seek employers who genuinely care about your desired schedule & will work with you 13) Laying a somewhat scheduled foundation for kids (especially creative types) will help them when they get older. 14) Schedules provide a sense of security, safety & predictability 15) Know yourself, if you have an adventurous/creative side have days/times where you can do those things as well otherwise you’ll go Bonkers 16) Give yourself a treat for doing what may not come natural 17) recognize your sense of accomplishment 18) Job shop until you find what works for you-remember you’re the one they want. If they don’t see it that way someone else will 19) If your life situation changes be open & honest with employers about what you need. 20) Last never least just keep on rolling, eventually something’s gotta give 😛 Mary Gladstone INFP
  • Movie lover 4255
    Valuable insights await
    If you want to unlock the next level in life these people are your key
  • joel and antonia where are you
    the best podcast of all times
    i’ve been listening since 2015. the hackers have taught me worlds about enneagram & MBTI and beyond. I listened to the entire Story of Personality Hacker episode, and loved it, and yes I am a TRUE BELIEVER… it was great to learn about their early days and initial experiences w internet marketing.. especially now that i’m launching my own podcast & courses, and Joel & Antonia were the first to introduce me to info products. If you’re reading this, Antonia & Joel- Thank you for your gift of a podcast. I will be a lifelong listener & I hope to come to one of your events.
  • uberoberc
    My favorite podcast. INFJ
    I love this podcast. I wait every week for the next episode to come out. It has brought a lot to my life. The best way i can describe it is it somehow finds a way to stimulate my mind and my soul at the same time. It brings intelligent unique analytic perspective without losing the humanity of what makes all of us unique and individual. Its very hard to keep the nuance and not paint broad strokes with mbti. Joel and Antonia balances it beautifully. The level of quality of each podcast episode is impressive. You can tell this is a labor of love. My story. MBTI has been close to my heart for a few years now. I have always struggled with severe anxiety. I would go hungry because I would be so scared to talk to the cashier. I became very isolated and depressed. I went to a bunch of therapists and psychiatrists. Nothing really helped. I then found this life coach that told me “i dont think you have an anxiety disorder. I think you are just a highly sensitive introvert”. She was a huge mbti geek and infp and she really made me feel understood for the first time. Apparently my issue was constantly trying to be someone i wasnt and living in deep intense shame for it. I learned this concept that love and honesty were stronger than fear. That thought helped me come out of my shell and authentically connect and love others. Myer Briggs really helped me get closer to my true authentic self. It helped me get closer to finding my tribe and throw out the people that were never going to appreciate the kind of strengths i bring. I now have a few close friends that are basically family and im in grad school trying to get my counseling degree. I wouldnt imagine any of this being possible before. Antonia and Mark’s podcast is one of those small puzzle pieces for greater self development and finding your authentic truth. Happy 500 episode anniversary! It took me a couple of days to listen to your last podcast. I had to listen in segments as i did chores. Thank you guys for bringing us all this podcast.
  • cooperanne
    I've learned so much from this podcast! And their book is a must!
    Really appreciate Antonia and Joel! If you are considering their book or any of their webinar or coaching series events, I highly recommend! I'm expanding my understanding of various types a lot through these episodes diving into sub-types---so fascinating! Would love a list of celebrities or characters who represent each of the types and specific sub-type presentations. I realize that's a big project! Some of these are a bit hard to wrap my head around-especially the harmonizing INTJ!
  • Michael P 1
    Fantastic content
    Very insightful podcast. The content is intriguing overall. I give it a 4 because Antonia and Joel can ramble and the podcasts seem to be getting longer with less information that you can actually apply… everything before this was my review from a long time ago (maybe 7 years ago?) . Antonia , since you’re reading I want you to know you and Joel have stoped rambling so looks like my review inspired action ! 5 stars ! ENTP career podcast was great ! I’m still tuning in here and there. Thank you for keeping it up !
  • JESLO01311
    LOVE this podcast! Incredibly informative and educational. Everyone could benefit from MBTI training in the workplace, and their personal relationships, etc. This is a hidden tool/skill set that is the key to communication and life.
  • Nyla718
    Insightful. Actionable. Relatable.
    This podcast is transformative in its ability to transcend the complexity of personality type to practical applications in everyday life. Joel and Antonia are insightful, yet relatable! I highly recommend giving this show a listen!
  • CC-1R
    I just listened to the episode concerning ENFJ personality types and careers and the point made about certain “flavors” needing more creative outlets if they have more structured jobs resonates with me. I’ve been in academia for over 10 years but I’ve always had side jobs that allowed more flexibility and creativity in my life. I assumed I was just picking these side jobs by chance, but never realized how intentional my selections were. I’ve been working only one job due to a recent career change that affords more stability and less physical stress. However, I find myself longing for creative outlets in my life. So I’ve started reading, writing, designing, cooking, etc as I figure out what hobbies to pursue to satisfy that need. I didn’t understand the urge, since I’ve waited a long time for a job like this but now it makes a lot of sense. Excited to learn more!
  • JCK56453
    Ideas galore!
    Love this podcast! Lots of fun ideas bounced around.
  • SpiderFerg
    Highly Recommend
    Personality hacker is, by far, the most accessible and best personality type content out there! They are experts in the field, well-connected within the field, and share what they know openly. Highly recommend. A note, it can be difficult to know where to start if you don’t already know what you are looking for. Joel and Antonia are ENxP’s and this podcast feels very much that way, which they admit in the podcast. That means the content is great, but often not very organized. To clarify, each individual episode is very well done and organized other than occasional tangents. On the macro scale, episodes are not often tied together and there isn’t an easy progression to follow. You have to just guess what episode will be helpful and guess and check. Read this with a grain of salt. I am an ENTJ and my standards for organization are quite high. Antonia, I know you read these. Fantastic work! If it weren’t for this podcast I would have floundered when I rediscovered personality type several years ago and gone back to what I knew before without the directed growth that I’ve been able to achieve. Thank you for what you are doing!
  • Estelle Rae
    I cried when I listened to the ENFP episode from 2015. I have been feeling so trapped being pulled every which way to make others happy and every decision either feels like a bad decision, or is a bad decision to everyone else (even though I feel good about it). I love that you both gave me something I can actually DO to help me make better decisions for MYSELF.
  • Rayshell rayshell
    Great podcast
    Thank you! I learned so much about my enfp personality
  • danav82
    Thank you
    As an INTJ woman, your episode offering INTJ advice deeply resonated and helped me understand myself more than many years of therapy. Much appreciated.
  • AmericaPV
    Love this guys!!
    I came upon these two randomly via YouTube, and immediately fell in love with their work. What a contribution to the world do yourself a favor and follow them!!
  • Emily6240246
    Two thumbs up
    Thank you for the content!
  • Lokane81
    Nothing Short of Life-Changing
    I discovered Personality Hacker a little over a year ago, and to say this podcast is life-changing is honestly an understatement. During the past year, I have discovered my true personality type, attended a couples’ mapping retreat, and attended a type-specific mentoring course. I am even in the midst of personality profiler training, and I feel so empowered, energized, and inspired by everything I have learned about the people I care about—and most of all, myself. Joel and Antonia are the real deal, guys. Having met them in person a few times now, I can tell you their passion, creativity, and generosity comes from a deep place of authenticity and purpose. Personality Hacker is my favorite podcast—by far!
  • SAGoodwin
    Intelligent and encouraging partners in personal growth
    This podcast gets better and better with time. It is a high quality, comprehensive resource for personal understanding and growth. Joel and Antonia’s work adds rigor to the science behind Myers-Briggs and beyond by giving vocabulary to concepts that can be challenging to articulate. They explain their ideas clearly, staying rooted in core principles of the methodology. Their own growth over the years lends credibility to their approach. It is my experience that the podcast is entirely useful on its own, but it is even better as a supplement to the programs on their website. Personal growth is always an individual undertaking…and I welcome Joel and Antonia as a solid and encouraging presence along the way.
  • c2y9r71hQ
    Always spot on
    Really helps me understand myself and gives me insights into my most important relationships.
  • Apoemcalledyou
    Highlight of my week/day
    Hello! I found you guys a year and a half ago when I was in a dark place in life, I got ENFJ, and I started ti work on myself based on your advice podcast, like wth let’s do it. And it’s been really insightful for my own self development, things I didn’t think by myself. I’m here after a year doubting my personality type once again, to xNTJ, and a friend said he seems me as xNFP, regardless, I want to say thank you, I enjoy listening to your self growth talk and I’ve taken you guys as mentors in my path, cuz I think I could learn a thing or two from you guys every week. I always try to introduce my people to your test and see if anyone else gets the kick I got back then, cuz I really enjoy this podcast, I’m summary, I want to say thank you!
  • mplma3
    Great content!
    There isn't a lot of high quality, MBTI focused content out there. Joel and Antonia are thoughtful, kind and patient. Their work is well researched and often grounded in personal experience. 5 stars from an INTJ :)
  • vikletlewis
    “Why Am I Like This!?”
    I can’t put into words how much Personality Hacker means to me, but I will try for the sake of this review. I discovered this podcast at a very hard time in my life. My mental health was low, my self esteem was even lower. I was going to therapy which was helping, but I needed more than an hour a week to really dig in and observe the patterns in my mind, because I found myself constantly thinking “Why am I like this!?” I turned to Myers Briggs Personality tests looking for the answer to my question and stumbled upon the Personality Hacker podcast about my type and I was instantly hooked. Joel & Antonia said some things in that podcast that were really eye opening and gave my language around why I was the way I was. So then I bought their book, which said even more eye opening things (like some deep thoughts I had never even been able to articulate, but as soon as I read them I knew were true for me!) Then I went back and listened to the podcast about my husband’s type, my mom’s, my friends and before I knew it I was devouring hours of content not only about Myer’s Briggs, but so many other models that helped me grow and learn about myself. Now four years later I have grown so much and am continuing to grow and I have Joel & Antonia to thank for that. I don’t know who I would be without them and their podcast and mission to help everyone be the best version of themself. Thank you Antonia & Joel!! TL;DR yourself a favor and listen to this podcast and go to their website! Use their resources as maps to learn about yourself, because your personal growth is a journey and you are the captain of that ship.
  • Ali Wilder
    Thank you
    The podcast with the Gary Williams interview was such a joy to listen to! As an INFJ who mistyped as an INTJ, I related to almost everything he said and that podcast. It’s so inspiring! Thank you for all you do, Antonia and Joel. Your impact is further reaching than you can ever conceive! You’re the best!
  • ChipWasHere
    Ok.. I'm here
  • Katiebrenn
    Best personal growth podcast
    I am not overstating it to say that Personality Hacker’s content has changed my life. I have been a dedicated listener for about four years now, and have learned so much. As an ISFP, their content has helped me to understand why I feel so awkward socially (thanks tertiary Ni) and how to get out of my head and into my strengths. It’s been life changing and more effective for my anxiety than any other therapy or pill has. Thank you so much Joel and Antonia
  • Deb G, INTJ
    Deb G, INTJ, mental health clinician
    You guys take the MBTI to the next level of understanding with your car model analogy/analogies so clever & articulate I love it! So useful to me as an INTJ both personally & professionally with my clients! I fully enjoy listening to your podcast it has a very smooth flow to it & I am able to hear all that is being said unlike some others! & of course as an INTJ I’ve listened to virtually all podcasts in what I’d call or make reference to as my need to gather all information (& on a regular basis mind you) before assessing processing & coming to a full perspectives based result & that is that you guys are awesome & incredible & I'm so so grateful for & to have found you!
  • liv'n the arts
    Life Changing
    I just listened to the podcast on my MB type and it was profound. Thank you for this weighty and thorough study.
  • Liz the ENFJ
    Personality Hackers has Changed My Life!
    I started listening to PH Podcast in 2018 and Joel and Antonia got me totally hooked on MBTI and Jungian cognitive functions. At first there were things that seemed esoteric and beyond my understanding, but once I went back to earlier Podcasts (which they reference), and bought their book (a steal!) it all came together. I typed as an ENFJ on 16Personalities, so I paid specific attention to that profile. Once so heard the interview with Denzel Mensah, ENFJ, I was sold. I felt so seen and understood. From there I started learning more about myself and others in my life. It has been a GAME CHANGER . I completed their Profiler training course in Nov 2021 and it was one of the best experiences in my life. I use the teachings in all aspects of my life- work, home and just about every relationship. Well worth your time. The insights are GOLD.
  • Mike steve2176
    thank you
    I have enjoyed this podcast tremendously. This has helped me get through COVID as a healthcare worker. It’s been such a bad two years. I had COVID also and was in the hospital. The insights here have helped me understand myself and others in my life so I can start to heal. I am so grateful I have Antonia and Joel to listen to and get me through this very difficult time in my life.
  • ENTJMom
    Another great listen
    It was great to hear this encouragement to not get discouraged when trying to find my best fit type. It was also good to hear about the value in the thrashing. I’m currently kind of angsty about finding my type. (And finding my husband and kids’ types.) It just broils and churns in my mind all day and a often even at night when I should be sleeping. I’ve come to see that getting obsessed is how I learn about things, but it doesn’t always feel good at the time, especially when I can’t gain clarity at regular intervals. True to form, I was up in the middle of the night last night thinking about this, and I had a realization that gave me some relief. You alluded to it a bit in this podcast. I just stopped to think about why I needed to know my four letter code. I realized part of the reason is I felt like unless I knew it, I didn’t know my self. Somehow, this whole process has made me feel like a stranger to myself. Like I am too opaque for my own self. Then, I suddenly realized that even if I don’t know my four letters, I still know myself, at least I know a lot of things about me. Obviously, I think there’s more to learn, otherwise I wouldn’t be trying to figure out type, but it was a relief to realize that just because I don’t have the letters, doesn’t mean I’m lost. It doesn’t mean I don’t have form, for lack of a better way to say it. Hopefully that makes sense. So, this podcast has helped me to be able to settle in a little bit to continuing to struggle through this, but I have to be honest, as soon as I have enough dollars saved up I’m probably just going to get a consultation. It’s a good thing it will take me a while, that way I won’t miss out on too much of the journey. But, I have come to see, in other areas of my life, that sometimes just biting the bullet at the beginning, and getting some help, allows you to move forward without wasting so much precious time energy and money in the long run, which can be so painful, especially when those resources are limited.
  • alorentz
    Absolutely blown away by these two!
    Okay. I’ve listened to hundreds many of different podcasts over the past few years… many of which I have loved. But I just have never felt the overwhelming urge to write a review and to tell others about a podcast like I have this one (and about the Personality Hacker website). My god, go to, take the free test there to figure out your personality type, and then search through the menu on the website or through the podcast episodes on Apple Podcast to find the entire podcast that talks about your personality type. I took the test and discovered, or was reminded, that I am an ENFP. I then listened to their podcast all about this personality type and don’t even know what to say. I was so profoundly blown away I almost feel stunned. It was so deeply insightful, validating, mesmerizing and empowering. I’m not one to be easily impressed by stuff like this, but am still shaking my head almost in disbelief. I am definitely going to get their course for the ENFP. I have read a ton of personal development stuff over the years and have never come across anything like this. I have taken the Myers-Briggs personality test before, but nothing resonated as strongly and clearly or was explained as well as these guys do it. If you want to take your life to a higher order of peace, purpose, harmony, power and happiness, this is simply a must!
  • Aunamelissa
    Absolutely loving their MBTI series.
    The accuracy and usefulness has blown my mind! I feel so understood and have developed better understanding of myself and others.
  • kimharvey1
    incredibly intuitive, insightful and impactful
    Phenomenal insight and actionable feedback and advice. Best podcast of its type. More people need to tune in and we will all understand one another SO much better.
  • jennayylayy
    Roadmap to Self/Social Intelligence 👁‍🗨 Start Here! Highly Rec. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
    I embarked on this self development journey as a very unhealthy, people-pleasing ISFJ. Listening to Antonia & Joel helped give me language to understanding myself (ie: why I acted a certain way and patterns I was able to identify once pointed out, “oh, so that’s the wording for it!”). Their work truly gave me permission to be unapologetically myself, where I was never taught how to or too busy trying to gain others’ validation. Since binge-listening their podcast from March 2021 and following their personal journeys as well, it felt like sitting in on a discussion with two passionate, smart people who are able to put into words what are uncommonly communicated in social environments about self growth—which is unfortunate. It is a delight joining them as they tag-team ideas and venture into the depths of personality that are novel. I love this space they have created for themselves and for all to join. Their insights and knowledge add so much value, and shaped my “2nd adolescences” stage in life. It feels like my haven when I listen to them, where I give love to my being by learning my authentic self and as a bypass, am able to provide space for all types of people, simply by knowing how the brain works. The time I invest in these episodes has brought me confidence in myself and in social settings. There is a quiet and calming power in knowing oneself and understanding how people function 🔑 I’m loving the transitioning from MBTI to learning about the enneagram. It’s a whole new world of me I get to explore (self pres 4 here). As I am becoming more aware of my shadows and others’, while desiring to transcend my personality, I find myself distancing from others to protect from their unintentional harm (due to lack of self awareness) and also, finding people not relating to me. So, I feel it when Antiona said, there isn’t as much followings with the tougher episodes on self-work! To the hosts: I suggest perhaps trying a 2nd wave of what new things you’ve learned about MBTI or each 16 types! This could serve for new followers to go back to specific episodes if they want to learn more and a refresher/new info for the old timers. Then, sprinkling in transcendence work. It could be a 75:25, 80:20 or 90:10 ratio in one episode or a month’s worth. Either way, I know I will enjoy the work! please don’t stop what you’re doing— can’t until episode 500.. and more if it could happen :) looking forward to learning and growing with you both ❣️ xoxo, Jenny P.S. Hopefully this lifts your spirits, Antonia 🤗 Joel-thanks for always being mindful of the listeners’ perspective and wanting to be accurate with time ! Continue this spirit to episode 500 (this is also for me, selfishly hehe). Antonia-you’ve grown to be more mindful of the audience as well over the years 🥺 ... I can keep going lol so I will stop now 🤲🏻💌
  • inMfNj
    Thank you so much. So thoughtful and helpful. I love you guys.
  • Heather_was_here
    Ep 406
    INFJ and sexual 9 here. This is my favorite episode so far, and I’ve listened to most of them now. One of the things I’ve really learned in my personal growth journey the last two years through MBTI, enneagram, self-help books, and therapy is not to over-identify with labels. Weaknesses can almost always be leveraged into strengths. I think this episode laid that out really eloquently and I appreciate your responsible coverage of these topics. We all enjoy a relatable meme on the internet, but these systems are so under-utilized if we stop at finding our type. That is basically pathologizing oneself without acknowledging a treatment plan! Love your show. Keep up the great work!
  • tcpipx
    I simply enjoy the unbiased topics!
    My journey began with how to be a good critic… it was simply the best coverage of this delicate topic. They we’re able to dissect this sensitive conversation with laser precision! FYI: I’m still trying to understand the personality types - super interesting!
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