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WhiplashZamboniManDepends on the hostsEpisodes without Justin +10 Episodes with Justin -500
[O]bfuscatorGood science but not very well presentedI want so badly to like this podcast, but the female host is obnoxious (criticizing Allie Ward, REALLY??), uses weird voices, and interrupts a lot. Presenter tip: Sarcasm often doesn’t land well. The chatty banter could work, but I would strongly prefer the material shared in the style of Science Friday. I’ve never heard Ira Flatow sounds unprofessional or rude. (And he uses “comprise” correctly.)
Jon KellingGreat diversity of content and love the long lengthOne of the best science news podcasts around!
Latho717Greenhouse Gases in the skyJustin-you nailed it. Thanks for the cautionary song. “Ghost Riders in the Sky” is my favorite song of all time. I ain’t even mad. You done good. La and the Gang
FrzzzllTechnical problem?This podcast has been a refreshing mix of interesting content and playful non-toxic silliness for decades. I love it! It is obvious that the three hosts have a genuine enthusiasm for the fascinating science stories they are reporting and also have an underlying fondness and respect for each other. That said, this week’s episode 887 isn’t working on iTunes, I had to enjoy it elsewhere.
MKULTRA83Long time listenerWow, I just rediscovered this podcast. I used to listen a long time ago. And it’s nice to hear that it’s basically the same. Good show. But could be better. My advice, 20% less Justin (volume and speaking) 10% more Blair, and 10% more objectivity. IMHO. Then this would be a great show. No offense Justin, love you, sure we’d get along, but thinking about the over all quality of the show
Mike's fatherTop-notch science communicators!Good selection of topics and solid discussion on the science behind them. Great work!
Mantis79Is this for real?Seems that these people are smoking something, they’re unorganized, not prepared, they sound like high school kids! What a horrible podcast compare to TWIV and TWIM ;( I don’t believe it.
Mw7171Can’t stand the hostsThe hosts grate on me like no other podcast does. The content that they are discussing is quite interesting, but the delivery of that content takes too long with stupid jokes and fake excitement. So many better science podcasts out there. Unsubscribe.
AvailableNickname527368Horrible deliveryI’ve tried this podcasts quite a few times because the content is interesting. Today was my last try, now unsubscribing. I just can’t get past the HORRIBLE delivery. The fake exuberance, high pitched gleeful voices and the tone as if talking to a 3 year old is just intolerable.
ExelixiiUsefulGreat way to keep up on new journal articles and leading scientific discoveries
NotSure_Sooo Science you say...Wow, the continuous sprial into politically correct "Science" is really disappointing to watch... I use to love this show for bringing intersting facts and new science into my life.. For far to long I've watched it embrace and parrot the views of politics without ever really looking into the science they use to peddle their views. No more I say!!!! I'm out....
mokmfUnmedicated ADHDJustin really drags down the shows by not preparing and presenting news he hasn’t looked into beforehand, talking over the other hosts to ask pointless questions or give quips.
treet007Excellent “Out of the Litterbox” Thinking ShowAlthough the weekly podcast is very long (2+ hours), it is a complete coverage on various scientific fields. I also appreciate their opinions on the scientific studies or topic, even if I do not agree, since such discussions make me think in 360-degree fashion. Thank you for an interesting and challenging show (in a good way) :)
trouser rollerToo Annoying to Listen toCan’t stand being talked to as if I’m an imbecile on such serious topics. Format is terrible.
Artie_DWit, informative, awesome show!I've been listening Kirsten and Justin since late 2006 and pretty much haven't missed a single show. They are one of mine source to get sciency goodness-:) on a weekly basis and I love to be able to contribute and share science news I find with other listeners. Keep up guys, you've been doing AWESOME job!! PS. To MAGA people who believe the hosts are political and not fair to Trump - he is a traitor and none of his actions as president were to build a better America. He was squeezed to his presidency with a good chuck of Russian help to dismantle America. I’ glad it’s history by now.
KregaDeth85SupportI used to be able to agree and support the science of this channel. But some of the things that are agreed with on this show are very unscientific. The political opinions expressed on this channel are not science and seem to ignore the typical scientific path of finding evidence to support these opinions. Hating trump isn’t scientific. Blindly hating everything he does is not scientific. Please look up the bills he has passed. Do some real research then form your opinion. The opinions expressed here are the opinions of CNN. Not science. Still 5 stars. Great show . Very well made. Minus political opinions.
Lovely ListnerShorteru should make ur podcasts shorter cause tons of people r not going to listen for 2 hours
TaBAscO$AMAZINGI don’t understand everything there are saying cus I guess u could say I’m young but I love this show and learning about science over a huge span of topics and because of them I know so much more about our world and definitely inspired me to do and complete so many new and great things
Knoxville_JimLost Their WaySadly, this “science” podcast has turned into a political bully pulpit and they’ve lost their way. I miss the early days of true science reporting. After submitting this review, I’m deleting this podcast stream from my library. Political pandering is intolerable, liberal or conservative.
Laremo2Best Science podcast bar noneI've been listening to this podcast weekly since the early 2000's. Dr. Kiki, Justin and Blair cover a wide variety of topics and bring in guests for in depth discussions. Never a dull moment. Love you guys!!
C.I..⭐️🌟⭐️🌟⭐️Thank you guys! Awesome show, really informative, fantastic delivery, presentation and communication!
Cary. DS.My absolute favorite! All three of you are amazing, thank you for keeping me up to date with the latest in science news!
cornrobieJustin enough saidTwo smart women and then there’s Justin.
all things considered 24/7Alberta RoseBlair, Kiki, and Justin are exceptional. Love Kiki
gostaksFavorite podcast for over a decadeI started listening to TWIS as an elementary schooler and I’ve had the privilege to follow this awesome show as it’s evolved and grown! TWIS is a wonderful and accessible way to keep up with science news.
daniorerioSkip itTwo hours is entirely too long for a podcast. Episode length should ideally be between 30-60 minutes. The man’s voice is super annoying and the production is terrible. They sound like they’re talking from inside a can. Also, the structure is loose, rambling, and contains way too many things. It’s 2019, y’all. There’s way more podcasts out there. If I subscribe, I am giving you over 150 hours of my time a year. That’s nearly a working month. Please edit your show and tighten things up to be more respectful of your listeners’ time.
JdheoebehahNot worth the timeI wanted to be able to like this as a weekly review of things I may have missed, but the terrible audio quality makes it very hard to listen to for extended time. The host that sounds like he’s intoxicated all the time is tremendously annoying. They seem to like to pound on similar topics every week, and excessive social/political commentary in a “science” program.
Martin EllinghamSame old, same oldOccasionally produces new science. Global Warming is this podcast’s sermon. Every week you get another sermon on global warming. They preach about those who do not accept the scientific method of proving theories. The people that look for a science podcast accept the scientific method. They are not delivering hard new science.
dlelderThe original science podcastThese guys were podcasting before podcasting was cool, and haven’t missed a beat! They bring an hour+ of sciency goodness every week. They sometimes have interviews with special guests and respond to their fans (TWIS minions). Their three person team has debate, brings different perspectives, and keeps it real.
EandH1989The male cohost is TERRIBLE.One, 2 hours is too much for a weekly podcast. I don’t listen as often as I’d like because of this. 90 minutes would be much easier to grasp but 60 would be ideal. But what TRULY takes the stars off is the dude. Holy mother of all things science is he terrible. His voice is grating, he mansplains and over talks the female cohosts, he thinks he’s hilarious and you can sense the irritation in the other hosts voices. Can him and I’d give this another star for sure. He is just AWFUL. 🤢 it’s like 2 hours of drunk uncle from SNL.
PI is the bestFind out why Blarr hates PandasHave listened for years and love each episode, learning and laughing and hearing interviews with people that make me feel I need to go back to school... but I was on my phone so....
HdudivbxhbkceanilSvGood info, but hosts are annoyingI enjoyed the information in this podcast, but the sing song baby talk of the hosts made it unbearable to listen to. I replaced it with the podcasts from Science Magazine and Scientific American.
PatMcVickerEver heard of ETHICS?I can’t believe that you joke about monkeys being tested for stress. Are you kidding me? We throw them in a cage, deny them everything natural to their lives, and then we INCREASE their stress levels? And you morons are laughing and joking about it? The Nazies did some great science and had no problem separating ethics from the work that they did, too. You are following in their footsteps. Please mature and grow up and come to the realization that when you are dealing with living things, there is an ethical cost to the science.
LuchoMVery good science podcastMost reviews are 12 years old? Wow! Here is a fresh one. This is a very good and entertaining podcast, thanks to Dr. Kirsten "Kiki" Sanford, whom I have been following since her early days doing food science shows in her white lab coat and her nerdy glasses. Her team adds much and in a very positive way to the topics that are presented every week. Their interviews with interesting researchers and educators are very good, also. I listen to the podcast on my phone, a portion at a time, not the whole hour and a half, but they also have a YouTube channel. Keep it up!
Merman6969Passionate about science!A wonderful mix of perspective meet in this amazing podcast! It’s great and the cast really ties it together, wonderful segments and always some good fun!
jimyoumansGreat show- grounded in reality and funIt's a great show I listen every week, Gives me all the latest science news with a twist of fun and comedy. See -I used the word "twist" which is like TWIS- their acronym!
Treetop327Love it, educating and informativeKeeps me up to date and Kirsten keeps the goofing around at just the right level. Makes me smile while I learn at not too technical level about the latest. If I could change anything, it would be to tighten up the guest interviews, tighter interviewing to help the guest give the goods and leave more time for headlines and comments from the hosts.
Praise CheesesHooked for years...And I will probably be hooked for as long as those three keep it up.
Wildgrrl55Entertaining and informativeWonderfully educational , insightful and fun podcast. Every week I look forward to downloading this and listening to it in the car to and from work. The communicators in this show are really funny and entertaining whilst delivering informative new science news. Great work!
Mrs.AmerinoI heart TWISI love this podcast! It's one I really look forward to every week. I feel informed and entertained.
jellysanscanicyBeen TWISing for years...Time to write a review! TWIS I love you and listen to you every week. You always fill my brain with fascinating information and interesting facts about science! What would I do without you? Seriously, quit reading this review and go listen to This Week In Science! (I totally have the theme sing memorized btw.)
DavkaDeerGirlI really tried. Justin needs to go!I tried so hard to enjoy this podcast. I am an avid science fan and podcast listener who donated generously to her favorite projects, but this podcast is a hot mess. Justin is unbearably obnoxious. He sounds drunk constantly, interrupts the female hosts often, and has no idea how to talk clearly. The long silences in the show, the sloppy editing, it's all way too unprofessional. Also, hearing the female hosts allow this ignoramus constantly interrupt them with their nervous giggles is too much for me. Please, this show has potential. Get rid of Justin and have Blair try to talk like a grown up, please.
KloutkickerNever mind the bollocks, here’s some scienceI’ve been listening for years. Completely invaluable to my life as a person that does not work in the science field but is still interested in science. Keep it coming.
ZupieTWIS RocksHaving listened to this podcast from the beginning I appreciate very much the enthusiasm this group puts into each presentation. Basic knowledge of science is a vital underpinning of any progressive society. Science sadly is very much under appreciated in our society. The podcast has become more refined over the years but retains thankfully Justin’s quirky commentary that adds loving levity and lubricity to the flow of factoids. Blair blends very informative insights and adds an animal twist. Dr. Kiki has provided the momentum, perseverance and environment for accretion of knowledge into our social fabric. Science is a dynamically updated system of observation and application. This Podcast helps demystify and present to the layperson or science junky one of the most important subjects of our time. This group lovingly dedicates creative energy to enrich humanity and it’s very much appreciated!
SaraMegan03SaraMegan03On behalf of me AND my high school science kids (who love the random tidbits I get from this show), THANK YOU! This show is entertaining and informative. This show not only tells you about the newest advances in science, but there is a level of explanation in each "story" that is digestible and exciting. Perhaps everything in science is fun for me, but they way in which the team gets into the stories really brings them to life for me. I often find myself using what I've learned from TWIS to directly relate to something I'm teaching in the classroom! (I team chem, physics, bio, and environmental science) While telling stories, I like how the team will continue to say things like "I wonder if the researchers thought about XYZ", "the next step for me would be to look into ABC", or "the sample size was X so we have to keep in mind blank blank blank". I really appreciate the team keeping the stories into perspective like that. Additionally, I love the relationship between the hosts! You guys have great dynamics.
WelombiaI love it!I am a middle school science teacher, and I love this podcast. :)
MJDmelScience By Game Show HostsI listened to the first 30 minutes of the podcast hoping the sound effects made between the two women, would stop after they introduced headlines (e.g., "CRISPR alert!", "CRISPR alert!", "Bing!", "Bing!", "CRISPR alert!", "Bing!" (the " Bing!", "Bing!"s sounded more like something kids do at Star Wars movies). It did not. ne of them did her best to read with a sexy voice, but would end up tongue tired. The thing is, it was great when she simply read things normally because there was more substance here on one topic than on another top science podcast. The guy, for his part, tried to keep pace with the women -- reading about a marine science study like a cross between a game show host and cartoon character. It didn't work. He got so tongue tied that he finally couldn't even articulate acronyms. Maybe this is geared more towards kids or people who don't fancy themselves as being particularly interested in science, but beneath the antics the substance was very good. That's why I suffered through 30 minutes of it. If people affiliated with the podcast were to read this, I hope they'd consider that it's possible to do a great science podcast with humor rather than antics.
Love TWISGreatly enjoy!Week in, week out - love the show and its ability to discuss science topics at a good level that anyone can understand. What science coverage in popular media could be.
KTPettFun, sarcastic and caringThe hosts are fun, sarcastic and caring...aka Dr Kiki, Justin, and Blair. I look forward to each episode to get perspective on the week's stories. As someone late to the TWIS party, I also appreciate the moment when I learn the meaning of their inside jokes. Those poor pandas and squirrels never stood a chance.
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