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LeakyTipJesusWappelDang, just like that Wappel is no longer on the show. Spent a lot of years listening to him grow on the radio. He was part of a lot of good bits and a lot of laughs. Not sure why they had to get rid of him? but he will surely be missed the show won’t be the same without you homie
long beach jesusMehThe show is not what it used to be, im sorry but Ashley isnt for radio, Wappel might be okay at whatever he does but his bit is not funny anymore, Nick and Josh used to be the best but nick doesnt care and is so hypocritical and judgemental while Josh has so much anxiety it gives me anxiety. Dana seems to be the only authentic one. Been listening for 15 years and ill continue to listen but its not what it used to be. Oh well, brotherhood.
JohnRambo44No Morning Show Comes CloseI’ve travelled all over the country with the military and there isn’t a morning show in the country that compares. Been listening since high school!
CallmewesAds…I’ll pay extra to NOT to use standard heating, show overall is amazing. Love you guys!
Springyarcher52Great showThis is a great morning show and it's absolutely stupid how people are hating on the show and Ashley. I've been listening to this since I was 8 and me and my dad would listen to 93x all the time and still do now that where in Texas. It's just horrible that people have to insult the he show and Ashley. If you don't like the show then don't listen. If I didn't know any better I would think that someone was forcing them to listen.
BushmanianBest morning show everThis is easily the best morning show around, and I don’t really like morning shows in general…I bought a $400 car years ago and the radio was stuck on 93x, so I came across the HAMS by a default indecision, and it’s the best thing that ever happened to my mornings!! Nick might be the most hilarious person on earth, Josh is the perfect complement to Nick, and Wappel, Dana, Ashley, Randy, Brad, and the rest of the gang-well, you’ll fall in love with the whole dang thing too!!
A Pair of ChoppersNick is awefulEvery fake story has to be turned personal. His fake laughter erupts at the most awkward times and his sports takes are the absolute worst…moron. Replace him and the show would be funny.
shadow-MorphyA very huge fan and some motivation support buddy right here!Hello! I can not believe I’m am actually saying this but I hate that a bunch of people are hating on Ashley, like it’s gets me very irritated they hate on someone which they don’t really know about, now all of us had great lives and some of us are still trying to live through the trauma and also trying to rebuild are lives through just scraps, I like saying this good little ol’ good saying. “Never judge and hate on someone you don’t have enough information about, as it it better to stand back and watch what’s happening before you judge the person” but that is enough with me talking about the haters! But honestly I like your guy’s show, me and my dad used to listen to it a lot but we kinda let life take control but I try to make room to listen to the Podcast and if you ever need emotional support buddy, don’t worry I’m here! Sense I have been emotionally broken many times and trying to recreate my life through scraps, so I work find for a support buddy!
Glizzy gliz glizJust betterIt is so good don’t know why people hate on Ashley
Drew0125UnbearableAshley makes the show unlistenable. Which is too bad. Nick and Josh are OG’s. Here’s what makes her so bad. She has something to say about every topic. The other person on the show people hate on is Dana. Here’s the thing with Dana. If he doesn’t have something to say about the current topic he doesn’t say anything. Either way he’s miles better than Ashley. She doesn’t need to insert herself into every conversation. She’s brutal on the radio.
dogmom56431Great show!I don’t know why everyone bashes Ashley so much, I think she’s great! My husband introduced me to this show when we started dating and I think now I listen more than he does 😂
Shut up, Brittany.Oh c’monLeave the music in ya pansies.
Kiana KarahalisFunny and lightheartedI’ll admit I don’t listen that often, in fact only when I’m grocery shopping but I do look forward to listening to these hilarious guys from Minnesota
MagicmuffThey are are moving complaints 😂I looked a month ago and there was so many comments saying to get Ashley off the show and now they are just gone… instead of deleting the negative comments maybe listen to what the listeners want. Until Ashley leaves I just hit the fast forward button during every podcast as soon as I hear her start to talk, you miss some of the show but at least I don’t hear her anymore!!!
MajesticMermaid3000Every day lister hereI don’t have a sheesus name yet but I’d love one! I don’t understand people’s dislike for Dana. I think he adds a different personality to the show and he is himself which is refreshing. Wappel is my favorite. He is so pure and funny. Nick and Josh well of course they make the show and it wouldn’t be the same without their dynamic. Ashley has a horrible work ethic and I wish she appreciated her job more but I love how she bring a naive approach to the show. Dad fights is always fun to listen to. And I love randy and jenelles laughter. When randy gets going it’s hilarious. Brad is great too.
Gobbledygook1Wappel is super funnyHe is just so awkward and is sometimes so random but sometimes just nonexistent until he just randomly chimes in.
J4ck34Consistently great.I love this show. Josh and Nick have amazing chemistry, and constantly make each other better. Wappel is so awkwardly funny and it’s fun to hear him get wound up when he gets passionate about whatever random things he enjoys. Dana and Ashley catch a lot of disrespect from listening audiences based on their very niche personalities. Even the supporting characters are great (Janel, Randy, etc.). This show is something special, and I hope it sticks around for a very long time.
ClutchdangerAlmost the perfect showI’ve been listening for about 10 years now and I’ve pretty much always loved it however, it seems Ashley is just on the show for attention and doesn’t add anything to the show. It’s great to have a female on the show but Ashley isn’t the one. She definitely brings the show down a notch. Better than trista but it’s clear she’s doing just enough to not get fired. It’s been a struggle to find a good replacement for Ali. Nick Josh Dana And Wapple are fantastic though
Bing CrisbyHave to dump AshleyLongtime listener, love the takes from Josh and nick, wappel is great to laugh at and Dana is a nerd but is fine. Ashley needs to go. Her lack of intelligence is actually quite impressive. If anything, her air time needs to be reduced greatly. Not a word during sports would be a start.
Cattleshower101Love the showDaily listener on iHeart radio every morning from Texas and listen to the podcast on the route home. Screw the other reviews - Nick, Josh, Wappel, Ashley, Dana are a great dynamic. I’ve texted in and Josh put me on to great some great hair metal albums. Wish the music bits could stay in the podcast. Nick and Josh talking rock music could be a podcast itself. #texasjesus
SpecialK23801Best morning show out thereI love this show. Whoever keeps making new accounts just to come here and bash Ashley needs to get a life. You’re obviously obsessed with her and just mad that you don’t stand a chance. Lol.
Mustangryan302No more Ashley please!!The Podcast guy removes music for licensing reasons. It would be great if he could just remove Every word she says!! She bring nothing to the show at all I don’t get it!
ddxvbhCan’t tolerate Ashley anymoreThe constant attention-whoring, stupid excuses, inability to show up on time… it’s all annoying. Worst of all is how she makes Nick and Josh look like total pushover dorks for not being able to fire someone who is clearly incompetent and really just not cut out to be on a radio show
sassyjmkNo more AshleyLove the show but Ashley is annoying and unreliable.
Rob AndingBest there isBest damned show on the radio. Love Cubby and Nick.
Do noy purchase NordAshley almost ruins itAshleys contribution is negativity, unthoughtful shallow opinions, arrogance and an almost unlistenable voice. Thank goodness Nick will check her now and then.
ananannddnnGreat show, needs less AshleyBeen listening to the show for over 10 years, the show would be great without Ashley. She doesn’t add anything to the show like the guys do not to mention her work ethic seems to be terrible
pomcastliferA perfect break from anything serious3 TRUTHS AND A LIE Josh is actually one of the top 10 comedians in the country Nick is the backbone of the show and has the best laugh in the county Dana has been a great addition to the show and brings an authentic and relatable “nerd” point of view Ashley is always on time, never skips a day, and is enjoyable to listen to..
Otsego SteakUsed to Love ItBeen listening a long time, every day, but lately I think it’s Ashley that has been pushing me away. Why? Idk, chimes in too much, doesn’t add anything, seems to be gimmicky.
DccoolBrotherhood!Longtime listener here. I love the new format all in one part not split into 3. These guys are doing great overcoming the challenges of broadcasting in these difficult times. Keep up the good work! Dana is a great addition.
Wencl5Ashley is terribleAshley shows up late all the time. Acts like “the hip young person” who can use or explain new terminology young people use. Which is incredibly annoying and inaccurate most times. It’s like she’s become a daughter to nick and josh and they’re too afraid to let her go. Which incredibly weird considering all of the terrible sex questions they ask her and make her sound like she’s a know it all. It was fine when she’d chime in every 10 minutes but her input throws off the rhythm of the show. She’s too childish and I think nick josh and Dana are natural comedians. I like the beginning of the show where they sit and jaw jack and the main reason I listen is for the sports. The stupid news is disgusting, inappropriate, and terrible vibes. Randy and Brad are perfect special guest. The show needs work. Getting rid Ashley would improve the show dramatically.
Alecfoldcraft13Great podcast, except Ashley.Ashley constantly talking over people and laughing super loud and fake into the mic is awful. Nick and Josh are the best and I love wappels songs.
concerned jesusHams - Having Ashley Mess(up) ShowAshley doesn’t need to chyme in on literally every single topic. I’ve been listening for over 10 years and Lately Ashley has been talking just as much as nick and Josh. Don’t get me wrong she’s funny at times. Taking time away from Josh, Nick, Dana, Randy, Brad, she needs to have less mic time.
flmbmllnGreat showWish nick was not so hard on the Packer Fans,
bren79leeKickin’ Morning ShowI love this morning show! My day is not complete if I have not listened to HAMS! I listen to the podcasts and I laugh during each recording.
John86213I’ve listened to every single episode since Nov 2008Started out as a causal listener in 2003, became an addicted podcast listener in 2008. I’m currently 6 months behind in my saved podcast episodes and it saddens me to say that I don’t think I’m gonna keep listening. “Nick” was the nucleus of the show. The cultural critic, the cynic, the “Lewis Black” with excellent storytelling skills. Josh was and still is the quick-witted cherry on top. Listening to “Nick’s” slow transformation from “Average Blue-Collar Joe” cynic to an “okay boomer” pink-haired, ____-studies major has been tough to listen to. The show’s policy of staying away from political discussion is key to its appeal. But I’m not sure “Nick” understands that politics has moved beyond tax policy. It was the most bizarre and sad shift. It’s like one day “Nick” is astutely pointing out some absurdity and the next day it sounds like he’s being forced to read from a script. I think his “roommate” is to blame.
tom "old style" heilemannI like turtlesLove this show. I live in Arizona and they give me more news on what’s going on here in my beloved Arizona than I get from the local AZ news. Nick’s 20+ year old movie reviews are on pointe and by far the best in the county, Josh is like your most lovable friend and is super humble, Dana is quick witted and funny, Wappel is a pimp…..he’s got more action and babes than I have, Ashley….well Ashley…..bless your heart, Randy Shaver gives us white guys some cred with that rump that would make a rap guy write a number 14 song in the billboards, and Brad is the best thing to come out of Clara City since they paved highway 2 to the north. Pours Chocolate Milk Over Cereal Jesus
Bucky0046Best morning show everI listen to 93X HAMS every day in my car to and from work. So funny! These guys are great! -Bearded Corrections Officer Jesus
Brendan72486Best Crew YetI’ve been listening since February 2013 and have listened to every “episode” (usually streaming) since then. I switched from KQRS at the encouragement of my parents (in their 50s) at the time. I’ve liked every iteration of the show. With Nick, Josh, Ali, Ross and Wappel through the Trista/Ashley transition etc. But I find the current mix so perfect. Nick makes me laugh with his sarcasm and I gimmick infringe on him in real life on occasion :) I love when he calls people “Dave” and “Donny”sarcastically. Josh is the guy that makes each of us go, “yeah, we’re all parents and have a hectic life...but we can still laugh.” He clearly puts a ton of effort into the show and it definitely shows. Dana has been an amazing addition. I met him about 3 years ago at his old station and had no clue who he was...I think he was offended. Now, I think he’s the best thing to happen to twin cities radio in a long time. He connects with us 30 somethings that reminisce, adds a youthful touch but also has a knack for delivery with a little quirk to make you laugh. I’ve met Wappel at too many appearances to count. He “definitely just plays a pothead on air.” He’s coming into his own and I hope to see him on the show forever when the big dogs get a contract with some nationally broadcasted setup. Ashley adds just the right amount of female influence most days. Sometimes I don’t know if the falling asleep and stuff is just a bit but it makes me laugh more than someone just reading traffic. Lee doing what you do. Awesome that you are back in studio! Overall, there’s only so many hours in the day and I spend 5:40 to 9:00 with these guys every day. My friends and I even joke (we all listen) that they are our morning friends. Keep up the great work team. Brotherhood.
Angry GnomeAlways good for a laugh.I have been listening to Josh and Nick for over 20 years. Great combo. Will continue to listen until the bitter end.
Dozierpolanco2No other show comes close!This show is amazing and makes me happy every morning!
Epd23Highlight of the weekThis show has been the best part of my week for years. The addition of Dana and his headbands has been a huge plus as the chemistry has only gotten better on the show. No one likes to admit it but Wappel is the mastermind behind the show and that’s hardly acknowledged. Ashley provides some pretty dark humor as well but she loses points for voluntarily living in Wisconsin. BROTHERHOOD!
xmastreefarmerheyzeusBrotherhoodNick and Josh could be on Sirius if they would have been syndicated years ago for all the listeners to know their background and friendship. For the brotherhood it’s our little special secret we get to enjoy as Minnesotans. Haven’t missed an episode in many years. Dana - killing it so far, welcome to the brotherhood.
Premo011AwesomeGreat start to the morning!
STEELSPARTAN210Brother Hood 2021 !Podcaster listener for about 4 years now. Love the show but I truly believe Trista would have been a better addition than Ashley. Ross will be missed but don't bring the show down more with Ashley's mic time of her just agreeing or forced laughing to Nick's jokes.
mydan4I don’t understand the hateI’m a truck driver and listen to a couple different morning show podcasts every day and this show is one of the best. Things have changed during the pandemic which I think has made it a little harder for Ashley to contribute but before all the mess I thought she was doing great and is perfectly fine now. If you want to hear something to complain about try listening to Duji on Rovers morning glory out of Cleveland. Somehow this lady has been in radio for over 20 years and is on a nationally syndicated show. The show itself is good but that lady is horrible. You all should be happy that you still have a quality, local morning show. Most companies cancel and fire their local talent and force a syndicated show down your throat. I’ve even seen shows that were number one in their market area canceled and out of town shows were brought in.
Wondering_The_AZ_DesertListen from AZI listen to a few different morning show podcasts, I like 'talk radio' but not political talk, so morning show podcasts fit the bill. HAMS is by far my favorite.
TODDWLARSONPodcasting everyday in Punta GordaLove the show and happy to be a part of the brotherhood!! Punta Gorda Jesus
John Deere tractor for KabotaI love this podcast it’s the best!!I listen almost every night!
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