Sasquatch Chronicles


People are seeing something in the woods and there are too many reports for this to be ignored. Join us every Sunday night as we discuss recent Sasquatch sightings, encounters and talk to Bigfoot eye witnesses. Listen as we speak with researchers, witnesses and investigators to unravel the mystery of Bigfoot. Every week we will also bring you the latest Bigfoot news and information.Additional episodes and exclusive content can be found on our website Become a Member today and receive access to additional exclusive shows posted weekly, our full back catalog of episodes, the ability to comment on Episodes and Blog entries, and access to our Forums. For the latest news, please visit our Blog. We can also be found on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and YouTube.

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Recent Reviews
  • paVEme/nt
    MAGA Sasquatch
    There’s one thing I’ve learned while listening to this show, multiple…multiple episodes. The only people who see or hear Sasquatch, are God-fearing conservatives. I guess it goes to show they are the most gullible people out there 🤷‍♀️and now claiming Darwin came up with a cockamamie theory and no one asked follow up questions? Then again this is a podcast on Bigfoot. 😂😂🤡🤡😂😂
  • Jilly McFee
    Your guests and your interviewing techniques are excellent. ✌️
  • A Bigfoot believer
    Five stars
    Your episodes are amazing and no other podcasts come even close to how good yours are! No matter how many people say negative things about your show, your content is great and you should never stop being yourself! I don’t pay attention to the negativity and neither should you. Just because these haters are hating, that doesn’t mean you have to listen to them. Even If you make content not everybody likes, you should still do what you love to do, in this case it is making podcasts! I think your podcast is the ruler of podcasts and that you should keep creating no matter what people say.
  • Mbrohms
    My favorite podcast
    Wes does a great job of letting people tell their stories and asks all the right questions at the right times. I have some favorite episodes I listen to over and over. The stories are wild! (Episode 729 is one of them) I hope Wes will keep this podcast going for a long time.
  • slowfoot whiskey jim
    Still The BEST
    Wes, your instincts have always been right on the money. Haters are gonna hate. I really don’t know what all the hate’s about. You started this whole “craze”and countless others have tried to copy or mimic your show. Your show is still the best - once you stepped out of the shadow of your co-hosts and started doing your own thing the show transformed into the blockbuster it is today. You crested the format and style everyone else is trying to copy. Don’t change anything because of the complainer - you do you and you’ll keep “killing” it. Best wishes.
  • Jimbo o o
    Wes the only host that even comes close to you ,……your brother. Eas come back to the show.
  • MP.Money
    Great show I’ve listened to it for a long time and i have tried other Sasquatch podcasts But none of them are any were near had good has this one Thank you so much Wes You just do it Right.😀
  • Mikey Likes Podcasts
    5 stars
    Simply the BEST. Wes is 5 stars
  • TennMan2323
    Love it!
    Keep it up Wes. Great Pod!
  • LatinaGirl44
    Boycotting all brainwashed MAGA!!
  • shodaddy2
    Awesome show
    I’ve followed SC from the beginning over 10 years ago, and Wes keeps getting better
    Bigfoot morphing into Q
    The host knows these stories are getting lame and his podcast can’t be sustained so he’s morphing into a MAGA format. Good on Wes for knowing where the money is :) (Wes is Rogan wannabe, hope it works out for him)
  • Sixgunjustice84
    A once great show.
    Was once upon a time a wonderful podcast about Bigfoot encounters with some great guests. It’s unfortunately devolved into a podcast that spends the first 20 minutes of an episode talking about Chinese drones and unnatural fog. Sadly Sasquatch Chronicles has run its course.
  • Tav 13
    Keep the focus on Sasquatch
    No need to become another Rogan by spreading misinformation and conspiracy theories. Used to like this show before all the fake political stories.
  • krluz
    Awesome show!
    Active listening and critical thinking at its best. Wes has a good head on his shoulders when it comes to having people give their accounts. The questions asked are great. This is a good place to get engaged with on these strange topics.
  • cccccccccccccccccvccccccccc
    A blind man walked into a bar then into a table, then into a wall, then into the bartender
  • KIrkDouglasSD
    One of the better ones, until recently.
    Let me start by saying that I genuinely have enjoyed this podcast for years, and I think overall Wes does a very good job. That does not change what I don’t like about it. 1) the show has become increasingly political, not in an in-your-face way, but subtly. I get enough right wing garbage thrown at me on YouTube and I consider podcasts an escape so I don’t need it here (on a non-political podcast btw). Stay on topic, and create a different show if you want to muse over military stories or push conspiracies and pro Trump ideas. 2) the show is starting to get sloppy. Week over week. It seems episodes are getting shorter even if you subscribe. The stories are bottom of the barrel and releases are inconsistent. I cut my membership off because of these two things, it’s nothing personal, I’ve just grown tired of these aspects and think the show would be better served by staying on topic.
  • JulieD3
    Host is too political
    Guests are great and Wes does a nice job of interviewing. But can’t stand listening to his political nonsense. People come here for Bigfoot. They can go to fox for that right wing hysteria.
  • CindieM
    Best Sasquatch Pod!!!
    Wes is so good when he is speaking with his guests, especially those who have been traumatized by their experience(s). Keep up the good work for those who might not have support from the non-believers! Thanks Wes & Happy New Year!
  • Lelliott62
    Exceptional Show
    This latest episode really struck a cord with me. You could hear the raw emotion from the guests. If you weren’t a believer before this, this episode might just change your mind. Wes, great job. You have the best experiencers on your show.
  • Volsfan9585
    Bigfoot podcast
    Best Bigfoot encounter show out there really enjoying listening to your podcast
  • lavarnway11
    More Sasquatch
    More Sasquatch and less social commentary. Our political and social views can often alienate others. I don’t want to hear commentary on how much Wes hates our government and democrats. Especially the dumb comment about why drones aren’t flying over red states and only blue states. Because states are anti gun. lol. So dumb. So the same cities you complain about murders are the same cities who are anti gun? Come on dude. I know as soon as I leave Portland or Seattle I’m definitely in a red state. Trust me. People in Oregon, Washington, New Hampshire, New York and California like our guns.
  • Dr. Wolffenstein
    #1 Bigfoot Encounter Show
    First show I started listening to on bigfoot and have listen to this show now for years. I have yet to find another bigfoot show that compares to the layout and how well this show is produced. Wes does a terrific job as a host. He listens to his members and fans, and really tries to make them happy with the content making micro changes and trying new ideas. He is receptive to change and changing it back if it doesn’t work well. Wes’s layout of a short intro, straight to the meat and potatoes of an encounter, waiting only until the end to bring up questions and comments, so as not to take you, the listener, out of the riveting stories being told, really works to keep you enraptured in the story line. And it allows the guest to really dive back into reliving the experience, with all the memories and emotions coming back to them. Many encounters you hear the anxiety and fears in their voices. I realize other podcasts have similar layouts and have decent shows but maybe I’m biased since this was the first I started listening too and compare all others to this show, but Wes does it best. He has a non combative approach in talking with his guest and although I’m sure he would humbly disagree, I think he is great with his word choices and how he asks sensitive questions in a disarming way or a way that’s not trying to be disrespectful. He is quick to apologize and handles himself well in debating opposing arguments. He has gathered a loyal group of fans I’ve seen on the blogs/messenger boards and comes across as not only a great host but a guy you’d want to kick back and have a beer with and play some pool. I’ve listened for years mooching off the free content and just recently became a full member to his website to access the plethora of episodes only to members and that is really only because no other bigfoot encounter podcast/show does it as well as Wes! Further he has good music intros, during change overs or at the end of episodes which I’ve fallen asleep listening to more times than I can remember. Keep doing what your doing Wes! Sasquatch Chronicles is the #1 bigfoot encounter listening show that all others are compared to and they are a distant #2.
  • Smiling eyes 23
    Keep it up Wes!
    The best episode is easily 1046. There is so much details in his words, you can hear the fear in his voice. It is not hard to see that this will never leave his thoughts. I am glad I will probably not see a Sasquatch or Dogman. Thank you for this show Wes it means a lot to me. No matter what, never stop this podcast.
  • reluctantteenstepdad
    Kinda kooky
    Wes can be a total goofball, i wish he would be slightly more skeptical and actually ask good questions. Regardless, there are good stories every dozen or so shows, so I still tune in. Worth a try
  • Searching ease
    Drip, drip, drip, ……….
  • youtherealmvp
    Great show
    Great show, haters gunna hate Wes. Keep going bro.
  • 🪻-Gianna-🪻
    I Love this podcast geez these people are so brave I love monsters like Loch Ness monster and BIGFOOT!!!!!!😁😁😁😁😁😁❤️❤️❤️🤩🤩so if you like monster and stuff like that I highly suggest to listen to this podcast thanks!
  • Good Vibes Only 369
    I believe
    I believe in Bigfoot/sasquatch. I own a book that has many true encounters and photos of Bigfoot. I’ve heard too many podcasts as well where people are almost in tears talking about their encounters. These creatures exist and are very smart to hide from humans. I believe they are an animal that is very rare and only a few people get to see these creatures. I love this channel. Found out about it from “The Confessionals.”
  • !!!Bigfoot!!!
    I BELIEVE in Bigfoot!!! This is the best podcast I have ever listened to!!!
  • mrs mc gonagall's sister
    Love the music
    Keep on keeping on w/the show. I love to tell others about your work. And they pass the info on to others. The monster is in all states. How very frightening! Everyone seems to have guns and fractured love over going into the country’s state parks. Will the Ranchers want to be there? Thanks for your information on this subject, It is entertaining yet we’r all going nowhere fast. I think it’s important to have a better path forward.
  • JayFR49
    I’m a believer
    Even though I’ve never encountered a BF. These stories have convinced me they exist. This is the best podcast!!
  • FoeSapp
    Longtime Listener
    I look forward to every Sunday afternoon because of this show. My kids and I listen to it on our way home from church. Wes is the man!
  • vonstrudes
    Best show
    Favorite show ever. Been listening for 11 years now!
  • Teamrckt4evr
    Sell out
    Show was a lot better when will and Shannon were on it. Considering Wes and Woody lied and they never had an encounter kind of turned me off on this podcast.
  • Zzcrotch
    From first to last
    Used to be so good. Not sure Wes’s heart is in it anymore. I know it’s entertainment and you can’t expect every character to be believable but it’s gotten comically bad. Just another Bigfoot podcast
  • hjones78
    Episode 856 Alaskan Killer
    I am so disappointed in your line of questioning when it comes to the Native Americans being politically motivated in denying further testing. Thank god your speaker had an honest answer for such an ignorant question. You living in the PNW you should know the history and why the Natives would respond in this manner. Some things just don’t change. How disappointing! #firstnations
  • None123457619
    Last guest
    Episode 1089 guest absolutely was the worst ever. She just went on and on and on about nonsense
  • Str8Gookin4Sasquatch
    On to the next!
    Great show as usual....
  • MikeBreedlove
    The truth
    Being obsessed with podcasts & cryptic’s I’ve listened to most out there . MAU is the best podcast out there . It’s not a Sasquatch or dogman only show, callers call in with their stories, Derek talks about the possibility of natural or other worldly options . Give it one show…. You’ll thank yourself . It’s the best podcast available . I only wish I could give it ten stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️🤙
  • heavyd9058
    Haven’t listened yet
    Found through the confessional’s and just love the content had come check out the channel
  • StephieStrange
    Wes is best!
    This show opened my mind to what is possible. Wes is such a caring host and never misses. He asks great questions and your mind will be expanded by listening. Great podcast to listen to on long drives, while doing house work and errands or to get your mind somewhere better on dark days. Always a hit! Never misses!
  • AssociatingbyPinner***yuk
    Just personal experience & personal interpretation.
    TY Mr. Wes! I appreciate your compassion & patience with each witness. I also enjoy the conversations about interpreting what was seen/witnessed. The guests seem to appreciate the conversations as well. Good job!
  • GEFtheMongoose
    No more Brent Thomas!
    Please do not have Brent Thomas as your guest host again. All he did for that hours just talk talk talk talk talk talk talk. Just a bunch of filler.
  • alpacamybags2day
    A gem of a show!
    Astonishing stories presented in an intriguing format. The host, Wes, has an analytical and respectful approach. Great stuff!
  • Billy goat9871234
    Five 💫
    Wes has the best content ! I don’t think I could have really believed the existence of Sasquatch until I started listing to the show. Well done and thanks
  • Missionary Larry
    Interview the kids
    Unique show and encounter Would love to hear the kids version
  • Still looking83
    Best Sasquatch show PERIOD.
    Wes your the absolute best host for any type of show. You make the show about the people and let them tell there encounters. I’ll listen forever. Thank you for all you do and keep up the GREAT Work! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • LuckyWolfie777
    Best Podcast
    No boring lengthy intros that go on forever, no fake creepy voices, and the content isn’t constantly interrupted by obnoxious advertisements that ruin the flow of the show. The personal eyewitness accounts as told by various people are pretty interesting to listen to. Would I ever step foot in those national parks where those sightings happened? Absolutely not! This is how you do a podcast. ✌️
  • kathyitis
    1061 San Angelo is an old town.
    I used to live in San Angelo TX. His story is true. There about 5 places that’s haunted. Three of them I’ve been in. Thanks for all you do. Kathy from Florida.
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