Cantina Cast: Star Wars Podcast


The Cantina Cast is all about thought provoking Star Wars discussion. From the character dissection series, to scene and quote analysis; we cover the Sequels, Prequels, and the Originals. Not to mention, Star Wars novels, comics, and video games.

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Recent Reviews
  • L0thos
    Best Star Wars podcast out there
    This is easily the best Star Wars podcast I’ve listened to!! They cover EVERYTHING in depth and know all the nooks and crannies of Star Wars lore, excluding nothing. Movies. Shows. Books. Comics. Collectibles. Absolutely everything. And if you’re not a die hard fan, they explain backstories and history of some of the characters that pop up in shows that you may not be familiar with. They put it all in context. I hope they continue to do this as long as new content is being released.
  • From A Certain Point Askew
    Great content, great perspectives!
    I love the different perspectives that the hosts and guests bring. I’ve just scratched the surface with this show but looking forward to more especially all the High Republic eps!
  • Cantina cast review
    Seth stalcup
    I love this podcast so much! It’s by far my favorite podcast I listen to! I love the positive outlook on star wars you guys put out. Each week I can’t wait for another episode to drop so can listen to it on my afternoon walks. Keep up the great content and have a great day!
  • Doctor Who221B
    Some of the best Star Wars talk around
    This is one of the best podcasts for Star Wars. I have listened for years now. I started back when it was just Mike hosting, so I have been here for a while. I appreciate the guys and how deep the delve into all things Star Wars while staying positive - but respectful criticism when it’s needed. I personally do not have anyone to talk the wars with, outside of my wife - who only watches for me haha. So I appreciate these guys being that outlet for me. Keep up the good work, and you’ll always have a listen and 5 stars from me.
  • Darth UpInYa
    Great Show, Detailed Breakdowns!
    This show makes sure to break down each episode of the shows and makes sure to discuss each others opinions on the episodes. Positive vibes are also a bonus, especially in a world of so many negative takes on Star Wars! That alone makes this podcast a must listen! Keep up the great work, it’s much appreciated!
  • Casonbacca
    A Top Tier Star Wars Podcast
    These guys breakdown everything Star Wars related (and when I mean everything I do mean everything) in a wonderful fashion, supplying us with great content to consume between shows. They have great chemistry, unique opinions and perspectives, and are super kind to their fan base. Basically everything you would want from a podcast! 5 stars, give them a listen and remember, the Force will be with you, always
  • RyanCShowers
    The best Star Wars podcast!
    By far the greatest podcast about Star Wars out there. Albert and Jonesy are awesome!
  • Ski Side Jedi
    A community and a podcast
    Cantina Cast offers the best Stat Wars content around. They cover movies, TV, animation, books and collectibles. The best part is the community. Albert and Jonesy always respond to any comments, questions or ideas you may have. This is backed up by a great community on Discord. I've been listening since just after The Force Awakens came out. At that time I was just into the movies. Because the Cantina Cast breaks things down so well, I watch all the animation, Disney Plus Shows and have read a few novels now. I enjoy Star Wars so much more after I found Cantina Cast. Great Patreon options too! Shout out to Lauren for great content on Star Wats novels. Cantina Cast offers a positive community if you are new to Star Wars or have been a fan sine '77.
  • Grammy unicorn
    Loved this episode. I also hope we get a romance between Ezra and Sabine. Star Wars needs some love.
  • legocat3000
    The BEST
    This podcast is my favorite podcast of all time! Love all the thought provoking star wars talk! -Legocat3000
  • Lucid_Truth
    The Podcast with the Higher Ground
    Dear Cantina Cast, Where do you get off? Great thought provoking Star Wars talk and interesting speculation? Who do you think you are? By now, you may have guessed I'm speaking ironically and have nothing but good things to say about what you do. Cantina Cast, do not change a thing. Signed, Lucid Truth. Dictated but not read. Do you not like sand? This Podcast has zero sand. You can try other Star Wars podcast out there, but you’ll be missing the target more than a Storm Trooper with a blaster. Stop looking and make the jump to hyperspace with Albert and Jonesy. Seriously though, these guys know Star Wars, every episode they’ll make you think, speculate, and laugh. They have some great chemistry and have terrific insights. If you’re looking for a refreshing Star Wars community this is it.
  • sanwichguyjay
    Fantastic Show
    Always enjoy the deep dives from Albert and Jonesy on all the Star Wars content but especially the books and comics. Hard to find that kind of dedication in the podcasting community. May the Force be with you , Qui-Gon Jay
  • Ruralfarmboy
    Deep Dives into All Manner of Star Wars !
    Albert ‘n Jonsey travel the Galaxy of Star Wars Stories told in film novels comics an’ now television streamin’ shows ! They give their thoughts ‘n give listeners a thing to think on too ! They been in my playlist fer a long spell ... If they’re in my playlist ? Recommended to get in yers ! Ruralfarmboy
  • Obious
    Go to show for Star Wars news and reviews
    I listen to many shows while I travel and when I run out shows by these guys I get kind of sad. Just a quality show. Albert and Jonesy do the show in a fun brotherly kind of way with fact and opinion in equal form. Comedy and laughs abound and their take on my favorite universe. It is one I look forward to every time I’m on a plane or doing a long drive. I feel apart of their show and they feel like life long friends. Expertly produced and delivered each week. Highly recommend!
  • Dubliner27
    High Republic
    Great, in-depth review. A couple of points...on the discussion of number of Jedi... I seem to remember in the Attack of the Clones novel that there are 10,000 and only 200 available for Geonosis. As Kenobi confronted Anakin on Mustafar, he says “my allegiance is to the senate, to democracy.” This is a bit different than High Republic language... so the Jedi go through something as you discussed and they come out rigid, biased, and with hubris...the latter stated by Luke. Also, they sprinkle Yoda in and he is on a sabbatical... he wasn’t present during the debate to join the battle... interesting... my head cannon wonders if the decision is in his thought process by the time we get to the prequels...
  • I am wakan
    This Is The Way
    Thanks Albert, Jonesy and Mike for the awesome podcast. I always enjoy hearing your in-depth analysis of all things Star Wars. Your podcast has helped me cruise through my day at work and recently goes hand in hand with watching The Mandalorian. Now when I watch an episode I think what will the guys say about this one; especially when we lost the Razor Crest which Albert predicted perfectly. RIP. With all the craziness going on in the world I truely appreciate you guys helping me stay sane, sharing all your knowledge and taking all of us off to a galaxy far far away. Mandie-
  • The Good Mando
    The Bad, Ugly and Little Good
    Mando Monday’s is the best way to get the Monday blues! Little good is ever discussed as the host Mike mostly focuses on the bad, ugly and whatever seems to confuse him. If you want to continue to like Star Wars, this is not the podcast for you! The regular show deserves at least a 4 on average.
  • The Hen 88
    Great podcast
    You to have a great podcast new listener been listening for about 2 weeks I like how you break down the @themandalorian cause some stuff I don’t catch at first cause I’m so stoked up and excited when a new episode comes out thank you guys Leland
  • Tflu44
    Best Star Wars Pod In the Galaxy
    This podcast is so much fun and informitive. The depth of the Star Wars universe is so much deeper than I ever knew until I started listening. I love how they don't just talk about story line after story line but insted get in depth with their break down of the vast Universe and the Lore within while they discuss whats been going on in all forms of media. Albert and Jonesy have taken the baton handed to them from Mike and really ran with it expanding on the great concept which he started.
  • Willmack23
    Great All-Around Star Wars Content
    Been listening since The Force Awaken reaction episodes, the show has continued to grow and improve immensely despite a lot of behind the scene changes. Looking forward to what the future holds for both Star Wars and the Cantina Cast. PS I always plug y’all when someone is looking for a Star Wars podcast on reddit, I expect a royalties check in the mail soon :) - willmack23 on Discord
  • Kay Brianna
    Getting me through 2020!
    I started listening in the spring when the world started to implode. Survival teaching from home was draining me and I would go for an hour long walk around my neighborhood every day after work and needed something to listen to and had been searching Stitcher for any podcasts that had done an episode taking a deep dive into the dyad that had made everyone’s heads explode a few months earlier and I was not disappointed! I’ve been working my way backwards and I’ve been a dedicated listener and viewer of the new episodes ever since! Thank you for getting me through some of the hardest months of my life guys! #MTFBWYA
  • SamuelRayGraham9293
    Skywalker saga
    I’ve been listening to the skywalker saga, I went 9,7,8,4,5,6, 1,2,3.. I know weird but I had reasoning. Anyways, I’m finishing 4 now and then starting 5... and I guess I expected more on 4 and the OT but we will see what’s to come. However, while listening to 4, have you guys never heard of Harmys OT Blu-ray? Theatrical cut with Blu-ray quality, its magnificent. No 97 crap, or Disney + edition. If you haven’t you should definitely check it out. Harmys 4, and 6 are unbeatable. I will say though that the special edition of empire is perfect mainly for the wampa and emperor scenes. Anyways, I sound very cynical but I’ve loved the show. Thank you!
  • HouseDunn1
    Thank you.
    Thank you Albert and Jonesey for always giving us some great content and making us feel like friends who can discuss all things Star Wars. May the force be with you, Always.
  • RogueFour
    Amazing SW cast!
    Can’t say enough positive things about two level headed adults having a thoughtful discussion about SW and its galaxy! Feels like you’re grabbing a beer in a quiet bar chatting about a mutual passion
  • _roddzilla
    Let the SW talk flow through you
    First-time podcast reviewer here. Albert, Jonesy, and Mike are a real treat to listen to. Their casual demeanor on “All Things Star Wars” is easy to listen to, while their in-depth analysis provides value every step of the way. It’s always fun to listen to podcasters who are having fun. I started listening after Star Wars Celebration 2019 and have followed them ever since. I’m hoping to meet the Cast in-person at SWCA 2022. Keep up the great work!
  • thbth tg g tgvtg ggvgvyvy
  • VikingCO
    Thanks guys for thoughtful discussion and perspectives. I can tell you guys are passionate about SW and respect the community. Thanks and keep em coming.
  • GudmestadRC3
    Into the deep.
    This is a great show. “Even better with Jonesy” “and I mean that in a add Jonesy way not a remove Mike way.” I really enjoy how this show goes deep into the their topics and takes what they are saying seriously. Easily one of my top 5 shows.
  • Archeeum
    Great Info, Great Podcast
    I came for the Star Wars news, I stayed for Mike Rondo. Keep it up!
  • Mr 123457
    Favorite Star Wars Podcast
    I have been listening to the Cantina Cast since the days of Mike and Joao. I enjoy the insightful breakdown of storylines and updates regarding the latest news involving the star wars universe. The show has evolved over the years as new hosts have stepped in. I am thankful that the show has continued to exist throughout these transitions. Here’s hoping that the Dark lord of podcasting, Albert, and Jonsey are able to return as a trio soon. Thanks for all you do, and may the force be with you.
  • Slickrick2481
    Not as great
    Not as great a show. They constantly change hosts and give people no explanation as to what is going on and where people are. Mike is a good guest, but the constant changes in ear glue media and this show are disappointing and the content just isn’t what it used to be, plus fans are constantly in the dark. No consistency and content that is covered is not what it used to be.
  • ObiWanMcObi
    Best Star Wars Podcast Out There
    These guys are great. You must listen to their character dissections and their unique psychological analysis of a few characters.
  • Mr. Train
    Awesome Podcast
    Very insightful and makes the work day go by smooth.
  • Garbadella66
    Mike Please Retire Already!
    Really enjoy Albert and Jonesy. Awesome chemistry (5 stars)! However, Mike needs to stay out of "sound" (1 star). I am sure he is awesome behind the scene, he just needs to keep it that way.
  • DudeWhoListens
    Makes my work day so enjoyable!
    You guys get me through some very long and tough work days. I love Star Wars and there’s something very relaxing to hear you guys just discuss Star Wars. Also, some very good observations and questions are brought up. Love this show and there’s plenty of great things in the back log of the show!
  • finfan00013
    These are the Hosts you're looking for
    Albert and Jonesy have more chemistry then Han and Chewie. This is a great podcast that explore all your Star Wars needs from reviews of all forms of Star Wars Media, character dissections and just general Star Wars news. The best part is all point of views are welcome and discussion is welcomed from everyone on the Cantina Cast Discord Channel. If you love Star Wars give it a listen.
  • matthew_clarke
    Look no further for Star Wars coverage!
    I can always count on these guys for weekly news, theories, analysis, and lighthearted discussion. Thank you for making 1-2 hours of work each week endurable! Also, shout out to my guy Wedge Antilles
  • MPJ13
    Great Content w/Balanced Discussion
    I can’t say it enough. This crew gives us Star Wars news with no drama or inflated egos. They keep it clear and give great, detailed opinions on everything Star Wars. A nice refreshing listen for Star Wars fans.
  • jay-bee-arrr
    Fantastic Show!
    I previously wrote a positive review and was fortunate enough to hear you guys give me a shoutout and read my review. I wasn’t expecting it and was a fun surprise. Great coverage of SW celebration as expected. I loved the teaser trailer dissection as well as the show “Wisdom of the Force”. Since my last review I’ve pretty much listened to the entire back catalogue. As my favorite SW podcast I can only hope for you guys to start doing more shows per week. Keep up the good work!
  • Stephanie aka Aleena
    After much searching, this podcast is the best!
    I was looking for a great podcast to catch me up to my husband’s level of nerd. After testing out a lot of podcasts, this is the one that was the best. Pros: - sound quality is fantastic - content is relevant, interesting, and in depth - Albert and Jonesy work as a team so much better than many others I’ve listened to. Normally there’s a lot of talking over each other or awkward “who goes next” moments and other podcasts but these two seem to work on the same wave length. - they have a fantastic sense of humor - family friendly (can listen to it in the car with my kids) - updates weekly - they have great online presence and host a very funny community on Discord Cons: - nothing. I’m a complete fan-girl.
  • UtinniUtinni
    Great Analysis
    This podcast excels on its thorough analysis of Star Wars concepts. Albert and Jonesy have a great rapport that makes it an easy listen even when they take their deep dives. 5 Stars!
  • nickaquino
    Great show
    Great show. Always a good listen.
  • MonkeyMayne2000
    Just wanna say shoutout my Uncle Albert aka Johnny Depp. #wemadeit
  • JA Davis
    Love the comic book coverage!
    Love the new comic book coverage!
  • jackmove69
    Best of any Star Wars pod
    Love these guys, they know everything there is to know about Star Wars. They always have great insights and all of the up-to-moment news - my favorite part. Great listen!
  • Will of the force
    Stellar character dissection episodes!
    This podcast does a great job bringing updated Star Wars news and reactions to their listeners. However, In depth character dissection episodes is where this podcast excels! Both hosts work as a tandem in order to flesh out full character arcs while providing multilevel character insights and development. After listening to the dissection podcasts, I have gained new perspectives on long standing Star Wars characters. The hosts also do a fabulous job unlocking new depths of Star Wars character development in characters I originally thought were one dimensional. They really do their homework and always bring thought provoking angles to their character dissections. Fantastic job! Keep up the stellar work.
  • Bad Gamer Crowley
    Albert and Jonesy
    The two new hosts of the Cantina Cast are absolutely great. Now, don't get me wrong, Mike and the other guy were great in their own right. It's nice to hear a fresh persepective on all things Star Wars. Not only has this podcast stayed out of the mess that a lot of the Star Wars fandom and other Star Wars podcasts have stepped in, but Albert and Jonesy approach Star Wars in a way that is not only fresh, but highly entertaining. These guys make me laugh, think, and remember what it means to be a part of one of the greatest fandoms ever. Thanks to Mike, the podcast always sounds crisp, clear, and on a smooth mountain stream on a sunny Summer day. If you're not listening to these guys, you're Star Wars-ing wrong.
  • Cab512
    Best of the best
    The Cantina Cast is an incredible podcast hosted by some incredible people
  • Enearl Wooves
    Great Show!
    I miss Mike and Joa but the new guys aren’t afraid to read a comic or book and add the knowledge acquired to their dissections.
  • esponsJedi
    Love your podcast!!!
    Love your podcast!!
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