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salviaivlasSmug hugThis show is many things. Stupid, humble, cocky, brilliant and inclusive. An organized mess of the primate experience. Many wonderful things, but not smug.
EmilyjoyphotosLong time listenerLong time listener first time caller. Cmon guys why the T Swift slander? It’s giving misogyny.
KelseaBallFun listensReally enjoy the chemistry between the co-hosts. Borderline developing a parasocial relationship just from how much fun I have listening to them interact. My favorite subjects are philosophy and psychology, but it’s the first time I’ve found a podcast that doesn’t just come from an analytical point of view, but through a fun conversation between genuine friends who just so happen to be experts on the subjects.
Dennis Finn reviewsVery excellentVery Bad Wizards is fantastic. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry (you won’t cry), you’ll wish they put out episodes daily. Maybe not daily, but Dave and Tamler are fun, funny, entertaining, smart, and I always learn some good stuff. How they get away with some of the edgy (razor sharp edge edgy) content and discussions while managing to keep their professorships is a true mystery. VBW rules!
olafson59The AmbulatorsIt’s remarkable how many of the Deadwood cast also appeared in NYPD Blue. Milch, it seems, was very loyal. IMHO, the best TV series ever. Although Northern Exposure was pretty good as well 😎
JacksonBeigeOh you twoHonest
John C84Only podcast I listen toI love these guys. This has become the only podcast I listen to in the past year. I highly recommend the Patreon $2 and up to get “The Ambulators” episodes about the HBO show, Deadwood.
Holyfear84Very good but …I really like this show, the interplay of psychology, philosophy, modern science, timeless classics and pop culture makes VBW an all time favorite. As a pastor and Christian missionary of 20 years I especially appreciate the way the hosts handle questions of religion and spirituality. I’ve learned a lot and been provoked to deeper thought. So why the but? Why four stars only? Interstellar gets two stars! Are you kidding!! Are you out your mind!!? Like I can understand how interstellar may not be 5 star material but, by Jove man, a 2 star evaluation of this particular picture puts into question your qualifications in evaluating anything!! And it’s KaramaZov not “karamaTSov” … it’s a russian surname that is made up two roots “Kara” meaning fate or doom and “Mazov” meaning one who smears. Has nothing to do with Matsa bread or barmitzpahs! Leave the TS out of Dostoyevsky! But other than these two fatal flaws the show, the hosts, the topics … priceless!
Petticoat DespotGreat showMakes me laugh. Makes me think. Two of my favorite things.
August ConsumerUnbearableUnbearable American academics used to having a captive audience.
hyunaisredBest podcast EVERMy favorite podcast I’ve found! Currently trying to catch up on the decade of episodes I’ve missed. Dave and Tamler are simultaneously funny and informative, with the perfect mix of clashing opinions that allows the listener to be entertained and engaged. I feel like these two professors have become my best friends even though we’ve never met. Keep it up guys!!
Fortran64thewetYikesLove these two and their banter and their terrific analysis of academic and literary texts. Moved to rate by the cringey superficial analysis of the political landscape. Docked zero stars for the distasteful discussion but please guys if you’re going to lampoon and criticize politicians for their flaws start with the worst politician in US history.
Vlada GrayConsistently fun and informativeLove the show - been listening for many years!
Coren David WilliamOld Boy’s The Odyssey, you idiotsIt’s The Odyssey, you idiots
s0nkyBest podcast everInsightful and hilarious
Nndl“Calm the f—k down Camus”Serious subjects handled without self-seriousness. The way the hosts handle the material and each other is refreshing and at least as instructive as the material itself.
PinkPhishDoorsGood stuff[Upgrading back up to 5 stars because last few episodes have been great and podcast is now ad-free, which I appreciate] Original 4 star review: Dave and Tamler are great to listen to but they seem to be putting less effort into the show and choosing low hanging fruit to cover. I would rather hear more episodes that are in depth discussions, instead of surface level readings of books or movies. I also feel that the podcast has become shorter over time. Longer and more in depth discussions would be an improvement.
really trying to be a fanTop Pod, Now ad-free!Long time listener, first time review (sorry). Especially stoked on this show now that it’s 100% listener supported
Cle punk fanLove these foolsBeen listening for years, one of the few pods I listen to that makes me laugh out loud in public.
rsoNNNNNThe GOATBeen listening to these guys for almost 5 years now. Thanks for many laughs and insights. You two have helped me through some very hard times!
7522997266Objectification and sexualization of womxnFelt creepy, broey vibes as they so comfortably sexualized women. Especially from two “thinkers” who tout a moral compass.
JLBbbFavorite podcastSuper refreshing to hear discussions of science and philosophy delivered with such incisive levity and wit.
Brad StulbergLove this podcastGreat show. It’s serious and absurd and informative and entertaining and also a bit degenerative—which is to say it’s perfect.
ThisJus10A great showI need a supercut of the debates w/ Christina Hoff Sommers and any instance of Paul Bloom
Hey that's pretty coolRepugnantThese two are my favorites.
nudetomatosmilesSideways Art, Yes.See above.
Real Doctor 14Best PodcastLove the format and discussions. Enjoy how they AVOID culture war nonsense. Podcast has expanded my reading and interest a great deal.
The bossjanCynical and Tone-deaf“We’ve made enough of that” when it comes to Hamas October 7th attacks. Please tell that to the families of children still kidnapped in Gaza right now. Easy to criticize Israel’s approach to a genocidal group without offering any real long term alternative to dealing with Hamas other than actively disarming them.
Unbiased BroWorthwhile topics and commentaryI have been an avid listener for some time. Highly recommend their stimulating topics and analyses. I donate to their patreon for extra access— the brothers Karamazov series and extra content is excellent.
pataphysicianIt began with Beanie & CecilThe logical endpoint, or midpoint… or vanishing point of my existence.
DL incognitoTop tierGreat podcast but the music is cringy I just had to say that
Nononoyes173);!;8A real gemTwo academics who never lost touch of being first and foremost human. They laugh, and curse, fight, share insights, and cover a range of material from Borges to the Big Lebowski. Something for everyone that loves learning. They have a crudeness kept steady by a refreshing humility made possible by their genuine differences sure — but also their real friendship. Highest recommendation
Nickname CreaterGood StuffWonderful discussions and, honestly, some pretty decent beats!
Father SerotoninBasedThe kind of half-misogynists you can get behind
g0b0tThink-y, Funny, and You Can Dance to ItInteresting insights into topics high, low, and middle brow and fun takes on current culture and events. Plus, tasty beats. Bonus material? Worth it.
timrnolanAmusing and thoughtful discussionsThe hosts clearly enjoy taking on topics from pop-culture to philosophy through amusing banter
BooklucyThank youI’m a cardiac nurse who paid my way through nursing school by working in bookstores, and spent as much time as possible reading philosophy or poetry or Cormac McCarthy (RIP). There’s not a lot of intelligent banter at work, unless it’s terrible nursing humor…this makes me feel less alone in the world. My only request is more please.
Consoiracy JimBad wizards? Or, bad podcasters?The subjects these men cover is often wide-ranging and interesting, but they ramble too much and talk about things off-topic, especially at the beginning of the show. It’s like two friends sitting on the couch Saturday afternoon who eventually find their way onto one topic of discussion for awhile. Basically, you often have to skip parts of the podcast to get past them chit chatting. They also curse sometimes when it doesn’t seem warranted by anything.
AnthonywienerInspiringProof that you don’t need to be all that intelligent to be a professor. Fun show.
mhaydenbfinallyjust enough woke
pahjrqGreat showAmazing content but the guy with the higher pitched voice (David I think) needs to chill with the forced/fake laughs every 60 seconds.
Greg White LAEnjoying catching up on this showI like the film episodes quite a bit. Could do without the chatter at the top of episodes and wish they wouldn’t interrupt their guests as much, but an enjoyable and intellectually satisfying show.
VigiliusHaufniensisOut of touchIn general, I am frustrated by the dismissive attitude these hosts demonstrate towards graduate student concerns. The Yoel episode is particularly irritating. There is no evidence that he did not get the job because of his statements and yet they spend the episode pretending there is. Yoel expressed concerns. The students expressed concerns. The university hired the candidate they liked best. This episode sounds like moral panic.
sashzei10/10I love the balance of colloquial and intellectual exchanges and interpretations. Listening to this podcast feels like the most authentic practicing of philosophy, and I finish every episode with new curiosities and countless opportunities for self-reflection.
554228GreatSmart and funny.
Steve yeomanVBW 4evaTwo gents have some thoughts When will they get to my thoughts Look a butterfly
AmyE8686Intellectual WizardryAs a dedicated listener of five years (and a supporter on Patreon), I have been entranced by Tamler and Dave’s profound exploration of the human psyche, which seamlessly intertwines philosophy and psychology in a way that would make Agent Cooper proud and probably piss off Seth Bullock. They have kept my attention for 5 years straight and I even pay extra to listen to them on Patreon. My favorite podcast, easily, of all time…Thank you, Wizards, for your untamed energy and wicked audacity. Raise your goblets, my fellow seekers of intellectual delight, and join me in a resounding cheer: "To the masters of mental mischief and the unruly architects of thought, Tamler and Dave, long may they reign
Benjamin SicilianoGoodFive stars
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