FroKnowsPhoto Photography Podcasts


Welcome to the FroKnowsPhoto Podcast where we discuss all things Photography. From Nikon to Canon Cameras and all the lenses and accessories for your camera bag. If you are into photography looking to pick up tips, tricks, reviews and our personal views than this is the podcast for you. Please subscribe for the latest episodes.

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Recent Reviews
  • Eradik
    Episodes have been hit or miss lately
    It’s difficult to get through when Stephen isn’t around and it’s a solo episode. But overall lately it’s just not been as good as it used to be. Hoping for a rework because it used to be a must listen every Friday.
  • Seneschal
    The problem with this podcast is…
    The problem with this podcast is I don’t know if it should be in the Photography or Comedy playlist. So I added it to both. This is a highly entertaining podcast that just happens to be about photography. Keep up the great work fellas.
  • disneyfotoshooter
    Simply the best.
    RAWTalk Podcast Review – Because Who Needs Subtlety? If you’ve ever thought, “Man, I wish someone would yell photography advice at me while throwing in wildly unfiltered opinions and the occasional rant about Apple products,” then congratulations—you’ve found your new favorite podcast. RAWTalk, hosted by the one and only Jared Polin (a.k.a. FroKnowsFoto), is an experience. And by “experience,” I mean it’s like having your photography-obsessed friend crash on your couch and talk your ear off—except this friend actually knows what they’re talking about. Let’s be real: photography podcasts can be yawn-inducing. But RAWTalk? It’s fast, fun, and full of the kind of brutally honest takes that make you question your own gear choices. Want to hear why your brand-new camera is actually trash compared to last year’s model? Jared’s got you. Need to know why megapixels don’t matter until they do? He’s on it. Wondering why Sony, Canon, or Nikon is definitely better than the other two? Buckle up. Beyond the sarcasm, gear talk, and occasional rants, RAWTalk is genuinely educational. Jared and his team dive into real-world photography tips, industry news, and behind-the-scenes insights that actually make you a better photographer (or at least help you pretend you are). Plus, the production value is top-notch—because who else would go this hard on a podcast about cameras? Is it opinionated? Oh, absolutely. Is it sometimes a bit much? Sure. But is it also one of the most entertaining and informative photography podcasts out there? 100%. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just picked up your first camera, RAWTalk delivers the perfect mix of knowledge, entertainment, and FroKnowsFoto flair—because photography should be fun, and so should the podcasts about it. Final verdict? Subscribe. Just don’t take it personally when Jared roasts your camera choice.
  • Charliipresley
    Stephen & Todd
    Stephen is cool. Todd as an absolute legend and gem of a guy (RIP Todd). Jared is one of the most out of touch, talentless, d0uche bags in the industry. He is an absolute clown that lives in a fantasy world. A world where it’s cool to wear tight “I shoot RAW” shirts and he is good at taking pictures AND he’s the most fit guy in the world. Looser. Also Jared is what everyone hates today. He’s not a real photographer anymore he’s a YouTube that gets free gear and sells awful presets. Nerd.
  • 3rdRatePhoto
    Stephen is the Best!!!
    Great way to start the weekend. Look forward to it every Friday. Stephen is awesome and it’s great of him to let his friend Jared come on the podcast and be a host. It’s not often you get to listen to a GLOBAL INFLUENCER share knowledge about the best lunch spots in Philly. If you love podcasts about muscles, food, purple shirts, and a little photo stuff mixed in, definitely check it out. Thanks guys. Can’t wait for the next episode! #stephenneeds25percent
  • Dootytin
    Best photography podcast
    Jared and Stephen bring you the best photography content. They give unbiased reviews on gear with experience photographing in the real world not just reading specs. It’s funny, interesting and unfiltered.
  • Michael guard
    I love it
    I started listening around week 41, I went back to the beginning and listened all the way through! Great information shared and banter back and forth. Will continue to listen for the info and up to date announcements!
  • rgwest
    You’ll love it- or you won’t.
    Jared Polin of Fro Knows Photo fame has a podcast entitled RawTalk. Released every Friday, this podcast is a bit like Seinfeld- it’s not really about anything in particular. Don’t download this expecting photography talk- sure, it may come up- but this is The Jared Show. With cohost Stephen Eckert, the pair remind one of Howard Stern (Jared) and Robin Quivers (Stephen)- a duo entering an unscripted hour of chat, debate, jokes, and whatever else enters their minds. Jared leads the conversations with Stephen responding to his ideas, baiting him into rants, calming him when he’s in the midst a rant, and providing an audience extension for Jared. So what do we know about these two guys? Jared owns the FroKnowsPhoto/Rawtalk business and shares the income with Stephen in a 87.8% to 12.2 % splint. Jared went to France recently; Stephen missed episode 2. Jared loves cameras and has favored Nikon, then Sony, and presently Canon. He’s mad at Fuji. And he hates Pentax; Stephen’s going on maternity leave soon. Jared owns 5 buildings; Steven has a lawnmower. Jared has a 161” screen at his house to watch movies; Steven’s lawnmower is a really nice one. Steven (12.2%) creates Lightroom presets and Jared (87.8%) names them. Jared has a Tesla because it’s the best of the best with honors, sir. I suspect that Stephen drives his lawnmower around. And what’s a podcast like: Here’s a brief list of episode 60’s topics: You should tip hookers Jared started a new school in 3rd grade and learned cursive Jared got a 950 on his SATs Mr Beastburger spent $3M on a video Jared likes random names There’s a camera giveaway coming soon This week’s Ranty McRanterson: Jared thinks the new Mission Impossible movie is mindless dribble Cruise, Schwarzenegger, and Ford are really old to be in action movies Soft pretzels are the only reason to go to a baseball card show Jared had eye surgery in 1986 for his 20/80 vision YouGuysMedia was his first business venture His work appeared in Fuzz magazine; he’s written 3 poems “If you turn a fan into a friend you’ll have a customer for life” If it sounds random, you understand RawTalk. It really is the Jared Polin Show, and you’ll love it or you won’t. Personally, it’s my favorite part of Fridays and I never miss an episode. Give it a shot.
  • Drum-Bum-420
    The Second-Hand Shop Of Podcasts
    Each episode is like shopping at a second-hand store. You have to skip through a lot of useless crap before you get to the actual posted topic. Even then, they don’t always stay on topic long before drifting off to more useless ramblings and rants and label it as “RAW Talk”, (cue eye roll). And this is all after the annoying Voicemail intro. Overall the show’s not terrible but not near as good as I was hoping. They do have some interesting/funny moments, but it’s definitely in the “take it or leave it” category for me.
  • Cassi81
    not a fan
    Seems like two frat boys who just wanted to get paid to talk about nothing, they barely even mentioned the topic of the podcast episode and just seemed mean in how they talk about other people.
  • pyrocix
    Great Entertainment!
    I love the no holds barred conversation about a field I'm invested in. Sometimes it's raunchy, sometimes it's loud, and sometimes it's just straight forward facts and discussion. Jared and Steven do not disappoint.
  • dlburke
    It’s jumped the shark.
    Should really stay out of the political talk. Now that I’ve learned he backs defunding the police I’m done. It’s also Ghey.
  • BillyBob Rockafeller
    Big ego, no substance
    Big case of "main character syndrome", the way he talks about women is cringe. He can't stand not being the center of attention, was never a working pro photographer but wants to be recognized as such. Everything about this podcast is awful.
    Entertaining and informative
    Jared and Steven offer an unusual form of entertainment, mixing Jared’s recurrent rants on almost anything (I guess mankind would be a fair statement) with interesting considerations about photography at large, from new hardware products to the impact of generative AI. Steven’s calm and competent attitude is the perfect balance to Jared’s extremely opinionated views on everything, creating a nice and entertaining mix.
  • J3emt
    My favorite pod cast
    I love RawTalk but it could be slightly better if Steven got 12.5%! Five stars all day!
  • slrsofl
    Voicemail and then you never know!
    Great banter. Great perspective! Always an hour that's worth it!
  • Digital Darrell
    My first and last visit
    They talked about everything except the published topic for well over half the show, interspersed with near constant profanity and juvenile sex humor. No thanks.
  • Jim_G_4
    Great Podcast
    Funny, informative, and entertaining. Great listen every week. SEE YA!!
  • JrayH31
    It’s just great!
    It’s just a really awesome podcast!
  • somestreetphotos
    Stephen is the best, Jordan is alright.
    Stephen really makes this podcast. His great technical insights delivered in an understandable way separates this show from others. His cohost, Jerald I think is his name, is just alright. I’m really glad Stephen is there to reign him him because if I were Stephen and Jarard was my cohost I don’t know that I could keep him on my show. Stephen definitely deserves all the Lambos and success but at this rate, Jaren will never make it passed the 12.5% earnings Stephen has graciously given him. Also side note, Stephen is jacked but I hear Ja-Reed has really small arms. Love this show!
  • firegoat73
    I’d give more stars if I could.
    I look forward to the podcast every week! It’s kind of like listening to a photography themed Howard Stern show. Jared is neurotic and Steven (Stephen?) tries to keep Jared on topic. Steven definitely deserves his 12.5%.
  • Danmack34
    Hey Steven guess what
    Why would I leave a awesome review when #DanDoesntListen
  • Dr_Broker_Shull
    Can’t wait for every Friday!
    Well, well, well, if it isn't the podcast that makes my ears perk up like a dog hearing the word "treat". That's right, I'm talking about Jared Polin and Stephen Eckert's RAWtalk, the photography podcast that's equal parts informative and entertaining. First off, let's talk about the banter between these two. It's like listening to a stand-up comedy routine, but instead of jokes, they're dishing out photography insights. The way they play off each other is a sight to behold (or, rather, a sound to behold), and they make it easy to forget that you're actually learning something while you're chuckling away. But make no mistake, the photography insights on this podcast are no laughing matter. From gear reviews to industry news to tips and tricks for getting the perfect shot, these guys know their stuff. And they don't just regurgitate the same old tired advice you've heard a million times before. No, they offer up fresh perspectives and unique takes on the art of photography. What's also great about RAWtalk is that it's not just for professional photographers. Hobbyists and amateurs alike can benefit from the knowledge dropped on this podcast. And with new episodes dropping regularly, there's always something new to learn and discover. So, in conclusion, if you're looking for a photography podcast that's both informative and hilarious, RAWtalk is the one for you. Jared and Stephen's banter is second to none, and their insights into the world of photography are truly top-notch. Give it a listen and see for yourself why it's the talk of the town (or, rather, the RAWtalk of the town). -Eric Shull, Seattle, WA
  • Civvy fan
    Anti-Asian racism
    The anti-Asian racism jokes turned me off. I was formerly a big fan but the consistent racism against your audience isn’t a great look. No wonder his subscriber base doesn’t grow, he is making racist jokes about 7% of the US population + more internationally. He’s ironically making fun of Japanese people while reviewing Japanese products and taking Japanese money for review trips etc. Disappointing and frankly not very smart.
  • Zman2596
    Love the Fro!
    I am a big Fro fan and watch all his videos. My favorite part of the podcast is getting to hear his opinion and thoughts about a variety of things. I like how it’s not 100% camera stuff only. Also, it’s kind of nice to hear Steven have a thought and sometimes a counter point to Jared, just because that’s not seen on his videos. I’ll keep listening for sure!!
  • lenrod1
    Love all your material. I have been listening for years. You keep things real and the humor is great. I have learn so much watching and listening to you. It was you review of a D5600 that started my hobby into photography. I just started selling real estate and hope to use my photo knowledge to take my own photos. Thanks for your hard work in you production of material. Enjoy France and look forward to see some of the pics from your trip!
  • The Dumpster Baby
    I’ve been listening to your podcast and watching your YouTube channel since late 2016. I’ve learned so much from your channel and the video courses. Listening to Raw Talk is always the highlight of my week, especially when I have to travel for work… so much so, I’m going back and listening to all the old ones that I missed. The back and forth between you and Stephen never fails to make me laugh. He deserves his 12%! You two are amazing, keep up the good work.
  • n4bpp
    Focus points
    Please consider doing a program on using focus points
  • Nat Turner92
    Big Ego No photo
    All he does is talk about a bunch of crap not related to photography. Mostly him and more of him and every once in awhile some photography. Lots of calling people fat or talking about things that trigger him. He calls himself a pro but doesn’t do jobs?? Pro YouTuber ha ha. No pro I know has a body under 30,000 shutter clicks lol.
  • Cx8790
    Bob Ross wants his look back
    Spend more time talking about great he thinks he is than about photography.
  • Adamfinger79
    Best podcast I’ve heard in a while
    Stephen is definitely Jarred’s “Fred”. The back and forth banter, off topic conversation and mini meltdowns make this show amazing. It reminds me of listening to Stern back in the day with Photography tips thrown in. I’d listen daily if it happened. Thank you, keep up the great work. PS. Stephen deserves more than 12%
  • amanda knoner
    No doubt he knows his photography stuff…but every episode I’ve tuned into he just talks crap about other people and puts them down. Sounds extremely entitled and condescending. Absolutely not the positive mindset I’m looking for in a podcast. Also…kindness matters 👍🏻
  • Fiori Films
    Very Fun & Good Info
    This show is a must!! I started with the podcast but found it even better to watch it on YouTube. These guys are great. Good source of all current photo news and more!! Update 02-02-23 I'm happy this show is back on the air! I like how raw they are and how they talk about topics. It's just like hanging out with friends.
  • CherokeePhoto
    Great Show
    As a Nikon Z6 shooter, I’m having trouble focusing during the show… ;) They bounce around topics a lot, but I still tune in because, much like my Nikon; the podcast produces the best images of two guys talking about a subject I love, and keeping me entertained along the way. Cheers fellas!
  • JLively86
    Non Photographer Fan
    I found Fro when I had dreams of being a photographer - that dream has dwindled, but I still listen! Love the non-photography talk, especially business-related conversations (and discussions about jeans, too!)
  • Twitterisbetter
    Raw Talk, Real Talk
    Enjoy the real conversation between two humans with the photo news mixed in.
  • S. Smith 5
    Great Podcast
    Love listening to these guys on Friday mornings going home from work. Awesome content on here and on YouTube!
  • Grots Life
    Fun podcast to listen to. Jared and Steven are all about taking technically perfect yet soulless photos using the latest cutting edge gear. Listen for the banter between them but don’t let them bully you into removing the humanity from your photography.
  • Rod319
    Weekly listener
    This podcast has quickly become one of my favorites. Jared and Stephen have great chemistry and it comes across in their discussion and banter. I have watched FroKnowsPhoto for years on YouTube and have improved my photography due to Jared’s blunt honesty.
  • Peter Rudee
    Great Show Back Then and Great Now
    Raw Talk on youtube was great, quality and energy were great. Having them do the audio again without the video is still great, I really appreciate the back n forth with Jared and Steven. I like happy Jared and postive Steven and the realness of the things that goes on in your head when you're packing for a shoot/trip. Thank you for all the content.
  • walkerhound17
    Thank you
    One of the best podcast out there. Never know what direction the show will go in, but that keeps you listening.
  • twolsten
    Great Podcast
    Always enjoy listening to the banter between Jared and Stephen. It has become part of my Friday morning routine. Only thing that would make it better is more Vanessa Joy!
  • Adventures of Gibby
    Great weekly recap with a Jared rant as bonus
    I love a good Jared rant, and Steven has the good sense to not get in the way and let him go. Combine that with an expanded look at all things on Photo News Fix, this is a great listen as I drive to the lake to photograph Bald Eagles. Five stars, would hashtag again.
  • slev270
    Incredible ball licker
    That’s all I wanted to say.
  • agrphoto
    Real & RAW
    Big fan of the Fro and Stephen. Been following the Fro off and on for 10+ years and the content is the best it’s ever been right now. As a pro-photog, I enjoy the levity of their conversations, photo related and not. And very much look forward to their wide reaching tangents that mostly seem to logically circle back. Obviously their knowledge around gear is top-notch, but I enjoy listening to the BTS style commentary of what it’s like to be a pro shooter in todays world. Any and all up and coming photographers should have this podcast and the YouTube channel on their weekly rotation. Big thanks guys!
  • bkingphoto
    Excellent Podcast
    This is my top podcast to listen to. I enjoyed it so much, that I went back and played them all.
  • TheRLM
    If I had friends...
    If I had friends, these podcast are what I imagine we would sound like!! Thanks Jared! Thanks Stephen! I look forward to listening every week.
  • Lalapeloozah
    It Just Gets Better
    I continue to feel like Jared and Stephen are the ideal opposites pairing. Yin and Yang. Great stuff. Jared ranting is awesome. Its refreshing to hear what a person actually thinks.
  • PabloD123
    Fun and entertaining
    Everything I need in a podcast. Raw talk is great but nothing beats the daily fro imho.
  • Steph North Range Hunter
    Friday ritual
    My new Friday morning ritual is grabbing a cup of coffee and listening to Rawtalk. Great to learn about the people behind the YT channel as opposed to talking heads. Keep it up Stephen and Jared love the podcast.
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