The Cleansed: A Post-Apocalyptic Saga


Equal parts "Mad Max" and "The Stand," this post apocalyptic saga is set in a world 15 years after the collapse of the world as we know it. A brother and sister grow up in rural Maine and unwittingly embark on a adventure to save the City from the religious zealots and ruthless military fight for control over the fallen world. An epic serialized audio drama adventure with 30+ actors, cinematic sound design and original music. Winner of Mark Time Award for sci-fi audio and finalist in Romania's Grand Prix Nova award.
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Recent Reviews
  • Your_fav_josue
    Inaccurate, boring, childish.
    This screams of “teen read” What drives me crazy is that the apocalyptic event happened 15 years ago to the time of the podcast but even adults refer to tech or stuff as if generations have passed by. Like 100 years or so, “big bang” assuming they mean nuclear. As if those adults wouldn’t have told the children growing up what it was. All in all it’s poorly written imo, will continue to listen as I’m no quitter but rating won’t change.
  • Cealcrest
    Terrible Acting, Music
    A few actors are just okay, but the rest are obviously reading their lines. The music is totally dorky and doesn’t fit the vibe at all. The plot is difficult to follow.
  • My name is Dave peeps
    Horrible acting
    This is probably some of the worst acting I’ve ever heard. It’s such a shame when there’s actually a decent premise for a show. And you get a group of absolutely terrible actors. You really can’t call them actors. I think it’s the worst acting I’ve ever heard in my life. Who is it , Luke ? Who’s explaining his nightmare… I’m so grateful I don’t own a gun … I would have blown my head off just to get that part over. I can’t tell if I want to keep listening to this train wreck or if I would rather go stand in front of a train as it wrecks. I’m not sure which one would be worse. I cannot speak poorly enough about this cast. Luke, you are as specially horrendous . “Take the beautiful air of life “ haha . It’s playing in my ear right now. I can’t stop. It’s like driving by a terrible car wreck. You just can’t look away. Please all of you …. Quit . Jon , wow I can’t get over how bad this is. The worst acting I’ve heard in 5 years And I listen to podcasts daily. Lots of fiction. So bad. The writing is also terrible. I’m sorry for all the work that went into this terrorist attack.
  • atlas21dyl
    Waste of time
    I’m shocked Apple even let this podcast on the platform. It’s trash.
  • mjb0411
    Guess no more episodes should let fans know
  • Once4
    It’s just……boring.
    Made it through episode 6, but I can’t do it anymore. Storylines are convoluted, and uninteresting. The production actually isn’t as bad as some of the other podcasts that Realm pukes out (The Sheridan Tapes is an audial nightmare), but it definitely couldn’t salvage this yawner. Lastly, shame on all you rascals who tee up the fake 4 and 5 star reviews. You’re part of the problem.
  • Rogue zombie1
    John John John John John
  • user19764
    This is one most poorly written and acted podcast I ever done dear heard
  • kismet523
    I gave up after a few episodes
    The voice acting is not very good especially for the two “children”. As someone else mentioned a number of leads but very little character development so difficult to follow. I know it was a lot of work to put this together, but the writing is a bit cringe worthy at times.
  • Ozymandias1
    Good, but complex
    This story has multiple main characters and groups with many intersecting threads—but a lack of deep character development makes it difficult to keep up with who those characters are and how they relate, keeping this enjoyable tale from being great.
  • Mel636
    Would give 3.5 stars if option
    I didn’t hate it, but I did have a hard time getting into it and staying focused. That said I’ve blown through it in two days while working. Storylines are messy and should have been their own seasons or at least episodes until the stories wove together. The acting is a bit rough. This is more an audio drama then most of the pods I listen to and it was really hard to care about the characters when the actors didn’t really seem to. I found parts intriguing- I would have liked to know more about Amos and Lucian each before their meeting and heard more about how the cult came to be. The prologue was probably my favorite part of the whole show (adding Stephen king as a character taking over the airwaves was an especially nice touch). Given this was a 2015 jam I would put this at 3.5. If this was a newer realm production I would have given it a 1 compared to their other shows.
  • Killerace3
    Save your time
    This is like a tumbler or teen apocalypse show peppered with adds for equally as bad and cringeworthy shows.
  • Gabybaby75
    Poorly written and performed
    The writing is one cliche after another and the acting makes it worse. I’ve tried to listen twice and can’t make it beyond episode 3.
  • Paprat1234567890
    Luke 🤬
    I HATE LUKE!! I hate the kid, I would have thrown him off a cliff, I hate him when he’s older, still annoying, still a loser, still needs to be thrown into the ocean, and I hate the kid who voiced Luke. That mom needs to send him straight to a mental hospital. I hate the guy who voiced Luke when he’s older too. Someone trip him while he’s walking near the road and hopefully 🙏🏼 a car will drive over his head.
  • ssnipes
    The struggle is real
    The voice acting isn’t great. Like school play level. It is taking me a really long time to get through this.
  • Audrey 🌚
    Couldn't get into it
    I've never listened to an audio drama/radio show/fictional podcast so maybe it's just not for me. But this is just confusing and hard to follow. The voice acting is mediocre. The plot doesn't make sense since the time the apocalypse people shouldnt have forgotten everything in less than 20 years. 2 stars because it had potential and it is t a total dumpster fire, just not for me.
  • MrKit5120
    I’m hooked
    Dark, atmospheric, complicated characters and great sound design.
  • audiomaxim
    Terrible. Cartoonish.
  • BizzyB95
    Would be a great show/movie
    This should seriously be a tv show or something would be great to see the visuals of the world in the state of the series and the factions people have separated into, kind of gives off a revolution vibe really digging it currently half way through season 2!!!
  • this is not possible
    I’ll keep listening for now.
    I’m currently in episode 6. The cartoon-ish politics is a bit much. I’m trying to enjoy it anyway. I’ll keep listening for now and see where it goes.
  • Kade Dunn
    Not great
    Voice acting is just silly. Sound effects are not great. Q code does much better
  • Chachina
    Why is this on Realm?
    I’m sorry, I love everything Realm outs out but this is awful. Doesn’t sound anything like the excellent content they usually make.
  • TangoDuo
    Love the genre!
    During times like it’s thinking about post-apoc may not be appealing to everyone, but I like the fun escapism and the Mad Max vibe.
  • Coeur de Parisienne
    What The ?!?
    The Premise should have made it work well. I looked over a few cringeworthy moments & dialogue; but as it progressed the voice of the slime ball was way too much. Wearing earbuds makes it even worse. I’m done. Maybe when there is nothing else to listen to I’ll return. But not now.
  • Tumblebeeeee
    Bad writing, worse actors
    I really honestly TRIED to listen to this, because the concept was interesting, but between Maria’s whining/screaming and the disjointed narrative with rough transitions… ugh. Give this one a pass
  • JWP's ITunes
    Huge plot holes and annoying characters
    I was going to stop listening every few episodes because of the huge plot holes and annoying characters but stayed with it. The story never explains what happened to all the people in only 15 years. The story never explains why the main characters left the safety of the refuge to fight in New York City. Also it is amazing that most of the characters have completely forgotten what pre-world distraction life was like after only 15 years. The military plays a significant part of the story but the author has virtually no understanding of how the military functions. For example the story has a destroyer staying at sea for 15 years which is impossible. It also has tanks on a destroyer which is also not possible. Not a well written story and the voice acting was poor. As a Mainer, I wanted to like the story because it is set in Maine, but just couldn’t.
  • Berto1991!
    Too religious
    It’s okay they made religion too important. Saul and Zek make the story very bland and I just wanted them to die the entire time.
  • atrainone80
    Ok. But cannot stand Maria
    The story is ok. I’ve listened to better, I’ve listened to worse. But I am barely making it through the rest of the story because i literally cannot stand the character Maria. Seriously, she is the worst character that I’ve ever had to listen to.
  • Cyn181
    Maria = Annoying
    I got as far as S2 E1, but the character of Maria was so annoying. The constant whining and screaming was just too much to me.
  • ~ Violet ~
    Full S1 is a Teaser Ad
    Like We’re Alive, this is a post apocalyptic survival drama with full cast and naturalistic sound effects, but minus zombies. The writing seems all over the place ... not quite settling into any of the framing, character, or plot choices. Some of the actors are doing the best they can with the material, but lots of the dialog and character motivation is still a mess. The sound seems uneven between episodes, but also within episodes. Yes, at the time of this review just S1 and the first episodes of S2 & S3 are included here for free, with lots of prompts to sign up for a subscription service. There are also first episodes for a few other shows, all of which are behind the same paywall, and that may help you decide if you want to describe.
  • grrRight
    Love the story, can’t stand the constant mention of the rest of the story behind a paywall.
  • GoldwaveYT
    Gotta love when somebody takes everything away unless you pay and won’t shut up about how you can pay for it
  • PappyJoe2014
    love podcast
    Liked the podcast. But why cant I see S2 and S3?
  • queenprince
    Terrible show.
  • theoriginaljotun
    Why is this recommended on apple
    If you can’t even listen to it? Im all for podcasts finding ways to make money but if it’s only on stitcher premium then get it off of here
  • macksta13
    Why would you delete your episodes and promote new shows?
  • blanks
    No shows, just ads
    Stitcher removes all of the episodes. All that’s left is ads for their new shows.
  • DarKnyht
    Why is this recommended by Apple?
    This show appears to be now locked up behind a “premium” paywall. Stitcher is a plague on podcasting, bringing everything hated about cable, radio and unfortunately streaming services now to podcasting. Apple really needs to start delisting shows like this from recommend lists since they no longer post anything but sales pitches for Stitcher Premium.
  • Miss heada
    Where are all the episodes? Their not here. Their not on stitcher. I don’t start shows on s3 if I can’t binge s1&s2 first
  • Photoghoul
    Waste of time
    Stitcher and bad writing = about the worst case scenario for a podcast
  • Kitty_Blue
    Not real
    Looking for something binge-worthy and thought I’d check this out because the episode ranged from 2012 to present. Nice, long story arc for plot and character development, I thought. Nope! Just two episodes from 2012 and the rest were trailers and ads for other stories. Please, don’t waste my time.
  • Sandaker1
    Went on stitcher premium to check it out. The dialog between characters sounds like it was written by kids. The whole thing is a waste. And what I heard of the story. It was just horrible
  • BSchwartz18
    Boring and overused, stereotypical, & judgmental plots
  • Gunggles
    Nothing to it
    I listened to the first two episodes on here, stopped, and then came back a few months later to listen a bit more only to find out the rest isn’t even there. Doesn’t Matterhorn good a show may be, you won’t get any good reviews if you only have 2 episodes up.
  • trjmcr
    It was just bad. I’m just going to list it off because it’s easier: 1. The voice acting was bad. Too many times, characters are in a bind, but spend 5 minutes going back and forth “please tell me what we are doing??” “We don’t have time for you to know anything!! Just trust me” “I do trust you but please tell me”...and back to the start... 2. The wolves and the religious people...singing and wolf howling...loudly... 3. The whimpering and whining of the teenage characters. Somehow you grew up in the end of the world and you still act like and emo teen 4. The main characters are so one dimensional, you may as well just call them “bad guy” and “Ooo we tricked you! Bad guy” and “placeholder voice” 5. I think I got into the second season and just started hoping the “Bad guy” would just win and kill everyone. But I think there was a cloud of steam and those pesky kids got away thwarting the evil plans 6. I’m ok with filling in gaps in back story with my own imagination, but how did people from the US military turn into to tribals speaking broken English in less than 10 years? Just don’t listen. It’s aweful. I’m from Maine and really into end of the world stuff, and audio serials. But this was painful to listen to. The only reason I went as far as I did was I had a cross country drive. By season 2 I deleted it all went back to “We’re Alive”
  • you can call me papi
    where’s the rest
    pay to see audio drama
  • falconeerfan1
    A technical issue
    Look, I admittedly didn’t listen to it. But that’s mainly because there is a HUGE chunk of it missing. I’m making this review to let the creators know and hopefully fix it.
  • Ringtoneinator
    Episodes missing
    Well I was trying to listen to this but all the episodes were removed. Oh well.
  • neldks
    Lost episodes
    Where did the rest of the episodes go?
  • Petrano89
    The characters are all one dimensional and the story telling has as much depth as third grader’s recount of their summer vacation.
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