The Truth

Fiction #71

THE TRUTH makes movies for your ears. They're short stories that are sometimes dark, sometimes funny, and always intriguing. Every story is different, but they all take you to unexpected places using only sound. If you're new, some good starting places are: Silvia's Blood, That's Democracy, Moon Graffiti, Tape Delay, or whatever's most recent. Listening with headphones is encouraged! We're a proud member of Radiotopia from PRX.

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  • Shimmy Moore
    When are you guys coming back?
    Podcasts are nothing without these story’s! I miss you guys so much I check monthly hoping I’ll get lucky and yall will release something! There are so meany people that would pay to listen to these story’s!! I hope all is well and I pray to hear your stories again!!! MISS YOU GUYSSS
  • Keepah6
    I love The Truth and I’m so sad that they had to stop making it. Such a good show
  • vecna is my bestie
    I’m crying myself to sleep every night now.
    Hi…so I have been obsessed with the truth for about two years. My dad introduced the show to me, and I’m sure glad he did (THANK YOU DAD) Ok, let me get one thing straight… this is such a good podcast. Although they are done making episodes, I will still re-listen over and over till the day I die. This podcast is a friend and an enemy to me. I’ve laughed, cried, raged, and nearly peed my pants because I was either scared or laughing my butt off. I truly feel as if I’m there in the story, I have personal issues with some of the characters. Sometimes I actually want to punch the car radio, and me and my dad yell at the speaker because we are so invested in the plot.😂 radiotopia😇 THE TRUTH👹
  • E Fogie
    Terrible ads
    The ads are hyper-dramatized, fear-mongering, right-wing propaganda. Not worth listening through to get to the stories.
  • Socks & sandles
    Good listen
    The production is great and the stories are well written. Great show.
  • Womb_Raider_
    Hands down the best audio drama podcast I’ve ever listened to!
    I’m going to miss your stories.
  • Specialperson333
    You can’t leave us!!!
    Quickly became my absolute favorite way to distract my brain @ work. Im a landscaper so I spend 12-14 hrs a day with headphones on, usually mowing lawns, in my own little world & I completely lose myself in this podcast. There’s nothing like it, artfully acted but actually DIFFERENT actors/ actresses & the story’s are riveting….. MOST of them leave me wanting more! The stories are so good if any of the writers had full length books I would happily purchase! ❤️❤️ 12 years?!! TWELVE years!! This has become my fav podcast since I found it a cpl months ago & I have been devouring all the back eps. I’m shooketh that you will be no more. So if it is a money thing, how much do we need to raise to keep this show on??! We can start a go fund me…! I’m gonna rally some peeps on the socials or discord or forums or whatever…. We need to help raise the funds to give back to the pod that has given so darn much. Love you guys, will miss you guys & gals, this is a sad sad day. Thanks for all you’ve done & this better not be goodbye…. Let’s call it a TBD!
  • Kittydew
    Amazing! Heartbroken that this may be the end.
    I stumbled upon The Truth as a recommendation from another podcast I was listening to. I love audio drama podcasts and listen to a lot of them. I have never come across something quite like The Truth before. I won’t say I like every story equally, but I have never listened to one (and I’ve listened to the entire back catalog) that I disliked. They are all different and yet all so fascinating! Unfortunately, I’ve binged through 10 years worth, up until the last one where Jonathan Mitchell announced that they have stopped making it. Although he seems hopeful that they will be returning in some other form or doing some other related projects, I’m honestly heartbroken. Still, even though it may have come to an end, there’s 10 years worth of amazing stories to listen to folks! I cannot recommend this podcast enough. If I had one small criticism, it would be that sometimes some of the stories don’t have an ending that satisfies me. Some occasionally feel a little more like a thought experiment and just kind of taper off, as opposed to coming to a conclusion. But even those I also find enjoyable, intriguing, disturbing, funny, sad… it’s truly an amazing show and I encourage everyone to listen!
  • 25FMH20
    Movies for your Ears
    This is my first time leaving a podcast review but I was really bummed out to hear this may be the last episode they make. The quality of all the stories and the sound is amazing. It truly is movies for your ears (I kind of think of it as a podcast version of Netflix’s show Black Mirror). I hope you all stay on or make a comeback soon!
  • MadelineBartlett
    Don’t leave!
    I’m not one to type reviews, but I truly love this podcast I wait every week, check every day, even when I know it’s not going to be there! I feel like I’ve gotten to know you as a person and when I start having anxiety attacks in public I just turn on this podcast and listen to the beautifully written and well performed stories. I understand that things are hard now and I hope that you can bounce back from this, and we as a truth family can continue to listen, love, and connect with these stories. Sincerely, a Truther
  • Apple_DMG
    Listen to Pariah!
    I wish Pariah on The Truth wasn’t over, but it was so satisfying. A thriller/mystery set in the Hudson Valley
  • skelekatie
    So sad
    I have been listening since 2012… I think, I can’t really pinpoint but it’s one of the first podcasts I’ve ever listened to back when podcasts were still a relatively new thing. Roadtrips and boring work days won’t be the same without it. Original review: Of all the radio drama style podcasts I have listened to (and even actual old radio shows) this is the best by far. Great stories. Great production. Love it!
  • marksiwel
    A treasure trove of twilight zone /black mirror like short stories
    The stories are great , voice actors are great , the production is great . Never a bad episode
  • Kona_Built
    We’re all going to miss you guys… until next time
    I found you guys around 2017 and ever since you’ve been one of the podcasts I jump every time I see a new episode released. I’m truly going to miss all of your great stories and I really hope you guys find a way to come back to us
  • lovelyfools
    The black mirror of podcasts
    I so appreciate your storytelling and audio-cinematic experiences. Each story is intriguing, smart, and beautifully entertaining. This show is like the podcast version of Black Mirror, pitting humanity against the wildest circumstances. I hope you return soon and will miss your episodes!
  • Shesahottie
    Phenom…so sad to see it go…
    Wonderful show for so many years. So different than reading or watching. I remember images like they are my own memories! Thank you all for bringing art back to the radio waves.
  • farmboi
    Very Creative
    I’m not even sure how I found this podcast, but it has become one of my favorites! I love the creativity and sound quality!
  • mar13d
    The podcast I would take with me to a desert Island
    If I could only take three things with me to a desert island, one would be The TRUTH. The most unique, creative, well crafted podcast in all the land. Thank you!
  • beautiful143
    I really enjoy this show!
    I listen to The Truth while I’m at work. It is very entertaining and reminds me of the Twilight Zone in many ways. And I love these there are so many episodes!!
  • Bhoelle1809
    Eh. It’s okay. Gets worse over time.
    Maybe it gets better, but halfway through the second year and I’m getting really tired of the massive amount of sappy, feel good episodes. Very few are in any way similar to the twilight zone (which, to be fair, isn’t something the show pretends to be, but it is a major reason I started listening after hearing it described this way on Reddit). I would just like more twisty, dark, or just plain mysterious and funny episodes. Few to zero need to make me “feel good.” It just seems like the creators want this to be an “after-school special” podcast. Which would be okay, but it’s not marketed like that. That’s not what I’m here for. I want mystery, and frights, and intriguing situations that are as bizarre as they are creative. I want the twilight zone. I want Ray Bradbury. I don’t want some high schoolers dealing with the death of their friend, or getting The Talk from their friend’s dad, even if that is a great episode. That’s Democracy was the first episode I listened to and it was amazing! I absolutely loved it and thought it would be the beginning of my new favorite podcast. But no episode since has even slightly lived up to it. I’ll listen to the whole show because they are really well made and many times the stories are fantastic. Even the boring after school specials have something to enjoy. But it’s not what I thought it would be. So if you’re like me and looking for an original, creative, imaginative, mysterious anthology show in the vein of twilight zone, this ain’t it. That’s not to say you won’t enjoy it, but manage your expectations. I wish I had. Update: I’m now in the 2019 episodes. This will be an exaggeration but it really seems like they only had two or three original episodes in the 2018 year. It was filled with four- and five-part stories, compilations that included old episodes, and entire episodes of different shows. Every major podcast does this to an extent, but the sheer volume of other shows the Truth uses as filler is ridiculous. It doesn’t help that the one or two original episodes they produced were awful. This show is really good at taking an elevator pitch and turning it into the worst slog version of a “story” I could imagine. It’s truly awful at times. Like, “What if a ghost inhabits the body of her still-living best friend? But all they do is complain about how intrusive shes being while eating lunch one day.” Or, “What if everything you tweeted came true? But the REAL story is about how infidelity can destroy relationships.” 🤮 Come on. You guys have such good ideas - when you actually HAVE any ideas at all - but you make the worst stories from them.
  • shimmy gimmie moore
    Literally the best podcast ever
    I’m a huge podcast. Fan was very very picky. I have been wanting the truth since it got me into listening to podcasts. I’m on my route right now and I swear every single time I see a new episode of The Truth come out I’m literally smiling driving for hours just enjoy it. I would legit a good hundred dollars just 40 episodes right now. Really wish you guys made more episodes that we can watch. There is good as these.
  • sadieomgc
    All-time best fiction podcast
    The Truth is my go-to for fiction listens. The quality of the writing, acting and production is always outstanding, and it’s always a fun surprise to see where Jonathan Mitchell and his contributors will take you with each story. There’s always a new vibe, an interesting perspective, a laugh-out-loud or chilling moment (often at the same time), an insight to be grateful for. And the endings, while not always twists, definitely bring you somewhere unexpected each time. I’ve been listening for over a decade and hope for at least a decade more!
  • Dave White
    The podcasts are very well acted and produced. However, I get very frustrated listening because there never seems to be a satisfactory conclusion. They just finish and many questions are never answered. This didn’t happen as much at the beginning, a few years ago. I’ll try one more but if it leaves me hanging…….again……I’m out.
  • lidia___011
    Cheesy, cringe, boring
    Cheesy, cringe, boring
  • Basimah75
    Audio with vision. For real!!!
  • OldEarthling
    @ tough crowd
    The episode, Tough crowd was truly amazing. 😆
  • mspassell
    1600 stars!!!!!
    I never know what to expect when I hit play on this thing. But I know it will be funny, strange, and ultimately heart warming. If you don’t think you like audio fiction for some reason I challenge you to try out The Truth. It will change your mind.
  • No Sprint
    Cringeworthy but Spectacular.
    This show delves into spaces that often make me uncomfortable. This is what I love about it! The boldness to talk about stuff listeners fear is not a common podcast trait. I'm new here but my favorites so far: "The Perfect Dad" and "The Dark End of the Mall." If you hear either of those you'll be sold.
  • Grjufimom
    The Mutiny Episode
    I found this so relatable and hilarious. I’ve been there.
  • MaverickAbundance
    Love Mall Santa!
    Thank You!!!
  • PodFan032021
    Enthralling & Transporting
    Great audio dramas. Always beautiful, surprising, well acted / produced - I ALWAYS make time for episodes of The Truth!!
  • TangoDuo
    Quality storytelling; great SFX
    I was recommended “Welcome to Kalanu” by a friend and now going to follow the rest!
  • Miz Luv
    Excellent Enjoyable.
    This is one of the longest-running and best audio dramas out there. I’ve been listening to ‘The Truth’ since the beginning, back when scripted podcasts were really hard to find, and the seriously good ones were exceedingly rare. It’s creative and thought-provoking and a fun listen. Over the years, they’ve settled on a format and style that works exceptionally well, but I also like the way they still periodically experiment with their content, and have subtly evolved the show. Worthwhile!
  • Fjffuddhgvvjjcvgdbg
    Love the show! Hate the ads
    This show is exactly what I been looking for but the sponser ads are annoyingly long and should be placed in only the begining and end for a smooth listening experience like many other immersive fiction podcasts do
  • loveandsqualor22
    One of the strangest, and most weirdly moving podcasts you’ll find.
    I was a really early adopter to podcasts and I remember, the glazed looks I received trying to describe to people what I was doing, instead of television. You certainly don’t get that now but it’s still no easier talking people into this one. I don’t care if you don’t like “fiction stuff” because it really isn’t it, it just tells your life better than you can.
  • SchweetPickles
    It’s fallen off
    The first few seasons were so good, but recently I just unfollowed because the stories are just not as compelling. Hoping it’ll pick back up soon.
  • FloSho4u
    Gorgeous storytelling. Some of the stories are funny, some are scary, some are romantic, and others are supernatural. There’s something for everyone here and I don’t think I’ve disliked even one story.
  • kassiespalr
    Best podcast of all times
    My only time I can remember of late reviewing anything. The truth is phenomenal. I love every episode. Some more than others but hey are all great. A must listen! My absolute favorite… LISTEN!!!!!!! You havvveee tooooo
  • cbjones
    My new favorite podcast
    I don't normally take the time to review podcasts, but I have to give a shout out to The Truth. It contains some of the best story telling in any medium. Fantastic stuff.
  • FireflyOnyx
    Strong Creative Work
    I have been listener for years! In each episode I feel the intentional exactitude, artistry and empathy for the—marginalized—human experience! A true gem.
  • ETX Monster
    Yet another podcast ruined by the creators politics. More propaganda perpetuated by the loud and blissfully ignorant.
  • Case-bob
    Used to be ok
    This podcast used to have a good one for every five or so, but lately? Uuuuuuhhhhhhhhggggg!
  • Katie7645
    LOVE THIS SHOW I am going slightly insane at all of the oprah podcast commercials 😅
  • Ritsuko_o
    A must listen
    This is my favorite podcast. The world building and sound effects of each episode is superb. The Truth grants me a little escape from my busy college life. 10/10
  • NaomiT.
    So creative
    I love this show. Great stories and brilliant sound design.
  • Georgiamama
    Truth is…..
    too too FAR too many “GD “s, “Jesus Christ” s and “god” It got old quickly. Felt dirty. Would’ve been so much better without them. Heads up - if you plan to keep your subscription. I can’t.
  • Magh10
    So grateful I stumbled upon this gem!
    I absolutely love these short stories! From the mini prologue to the outro music, they’re put together so well. Some are so touching I find myself replaying it just to feel it again, then there are stories that are most definitely cringeworthy lol Either way I feel like this podcast was created just for me ☺️
  • scarylilbug
    How does this not have more ratings
    I love this podcast it kinda or reminds me of night vale / Alice isn’t dead in a way. Worth a listen for some cool stories and conspiracies that no one really thinks of, also the hum should be made into its own podcast. In fact all the mini series in the truth are so unexpected and unique
  • meagggsfromcincy
    I’ve been listening to “The Truth” for about 5 years. I really has taken me away from where I was.. where it be working a wearhouse gig or on a Greyhound bus.. into a very engaging story. So thankful for the content that this team puts out for us.
  • .cw
    Consistently GREAT podcast
    Incredibly high production value with brilliantly told stories. I’ve been listening for years, and always get excited when I see a new episode posted, never been disappointed listening.
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