This Is Actually Happening

by Wondery
All Genres #131True Crime #32

What if you were trafficked into a cult...or were mauled by a grizzly bear...or were stabbed 27 times by a serial killer - what would you do? This is Actually Happening brings you extraordinary true stories of life-changing events told by the people who lived them. From a man who woke up in the morgue to a woman stranded in a Mexican desert fighting to survive, these stories will have you on the edge of your seat waiting to hear what happens next.
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Recent Reviews
  • mysterymach
    WOW. but....with an edit.
    This is an absolutely riveting podcast. I have loved every episode I have listened to, and I will definitely listen to them all. EDIT- its now 2024 and MY GOD how many minutes of commercials do i have to sit through now? Literally at least five minutes before the story starts. ANd more throughout! And HUGE sponsors like Audible and Air BnB. Having had a podcast of my own without sponsorship, I get that its important, but Jesus dude. It makes it very difficult to listen so i am simply not going to anymore. Do you REALLY need that many ads?
  • nancyccross
    Some Beautiful Stories
    My favorites are people who are speaking of their experiences in their clear and simple voices, expressing real human emotion. Nothing fancy and no self promotion. Thank you people for sharing in that way.
  • Kristie788
    Loving the 82 Percent series!
    Such a beautiful look into the different ways people can live and love! This is so important and needed right now. I love all the diverse topics this show covers and the unique voice of each storyteller because it’s a real person just sharing their story! I think some reviewers are expecting refinement but that’s not what this show is. It’s more about people just sharing their raw lived experiences.
  • tinalk2703
    Woke and hollow
    Earlier episodes are entertaining. Recent episodes are woke, trite, and hollow. Disappointing.
  • hannnnnnnnahhh
    I wish it would go back to an event or something that happened, not just someone’s life trauma
    Lately, example the last 82 percent #2 episode, was just a mix up of random life trauma and complaints.(also her trying to sound super smart and being arrogant for an hour straight) I miss the “this is actually happening” stories.
  • JD4_510
    I use to be a supporter
    This podcast used to be captivating with genuine, profound, and emotionally resonant episodes. Over time it seems to have deteriorated, shifting towards a predominant theme of self-pity and an overemphasis on mental health struggles. It's become less engaging, leading me to frequently skip episodes. It also appears to be aligned with a narrative that reinforces a certain agenda and the victim mentality. The quality has noticeably decreased, with the recent content feeling peculiar and not quite fitting in. I truly miss the pre-2020 episodes and hope the podcaster really hears the listeners on this issue.
  • NikkiCeeee
    The 82 percent 🤢
    This series is glorifying the destruction of the nuclear family. In the polyamory episode, the narrator is in denial about growing up in an abusive household (hence why her parents were always concerned about CPS) and now wants to target young children by teaching them about sex. Absolutely disgusting! The 82 percent series is enabling the mentally ill instead of helping them. 👎
  • Nikky Kelley
    Love but
    don’t do episodes like the 82% It’s a bummer
  • Houston Holiday
    Ingrid who escaped the violence of South America
    And found refuge in the USA, refers to us Americans as “colonists” and accuses a man who helps her following an accident as “mocking her” and suggests that his touching her waist after the accident made her feel uncomfortable as if he did anything other than help her. Stopped listening. Her lack of gratitude and hostility towards those in the USA who have helped her was stunning.
  • crandarella
    Episode 319 is Pathetic
    I have never reviewed a podcast before, but I was so disappointed with the content of 319… here I am. Episode 319 is about a mother who becomes homeless. The majority of the episode is her recounting the experience. There is only one time where she takes any responsibility for ending up homeless “or I guess I did it to myself.” That is a direct quote and even in that quote she uses deflecting language. She talks about how she thought her situation was so unfair, she thought her friends and family were rude and unkind for not helping her when she was unstable and refusing treatment. She describes the help & treatment she did receive in negative ways. Eventually she is diagnosed with post traumatic and bipolar and is on medication for them. But she never actually acknowledges that she is the only person responsible for her choices. I live in a city with the largest homeless shelter in the country and a massive population of unhoused individuals. After listening to episode 319 it makes me wary of helping unhoused people - if they share this woman’s viewpoint that the world is unfair rather than their choices lead them to being homeless and they are solely responsible… it doesn’t matter how much help is provided. Without self accountability and responsibility there won’t be real change.
  • JenniferBalesteri
    What if you have already hit rock bottom
    PS, I’ve been on Suboxone for 20 years now…. It got me out of my cycle
  • Noraleigh66!
    Rambling babble
    In all fairness, I was only able to get through less than half of one episode. I found it to be the worst storytelling ever! The person was rambling and the story was jumbled up and was monotonous. One minute the storyteller is talking about being molested as a child and the next he jumps to his mother being into voodoo. I would suggest the moth radio hour which is excellent storytelling and done in a much more coherent, enjoyable style.
  • Annabelle81206
    Going downhill
    The earlier episodes are good.. now there’s so many ads and the stories are chaotic.. very unstable and selfish seeming people. They are running out of stories obviously also so over the point blank episodes , basically an ad
  • basketcait
    So many ads
    I really enjoy this show but the pre-show, 2-3 midroll, and post-show ads are outrageous.
  • RastaMami15
    Great Show
    I’ve listened to almost every episode & wish I could thank everyone who shared their story. I’ve laughed, cried & been so touched by these real life stories. Thank you again❤️
  • WeTheHuman.
    A Hefty Dose of Empathy
    In today’s day in age, where we are more divided as a people than ever before, this podcast should be prescribed to everyone. The hardships endured behind every stranger’s face are brought to light, in hopes that through this shared human experience called life, we all can extend a heavier dose of empathy to one another. I recommend this to every family member, friend, coworker, and frankly anyone who will listen. The world would be a better place if we all sought to understand and offer grace to each other a bit more. This podcast has done that for me and has reshaped my view on life. It has allowed me to reflect on how I treat others in every scenario and emphasizes how one small act of kindness can quite literally change someone’s life. I will never stop recommending it. Thank you to everyone whose shared their stories so bravely. It has impacted me deeply.
  • Pro Podcast listener
    Game changer
    If your feeling too happy in your life , subscribe for some sever depression. It will make you feel better about your life. Props to this guy for turning other peoples trauma into $$$$
  • Tbmeade
    Over a minute of ads
    I have wondery plus and just listened to over a minute of ads. Cmon I don’t need you to advertise other wondery shows, advertising for them just makes me annoyed.
  • MaverickAbundance
    Life is a Movie Episode
    Right after I listened to this episode. I went onto Netflix and watched both Frank and Cindy shows. So amazing, so real and you deserve an award G.
  • nycgirl1985
    Repeat Episodes?
    Great podcast, but the most recent episode #316 is a replay.
  • Davy4657
    Best podcast ever
    I don’t recall how I stumbled to this podcast but I’m a huge fan. The stories are riveting.
  • graciet23
    People that have left 1 star reviews…
    have not throughly thought through the message behind these stories and certainly don’t live in the shoes of the people sharing their stories. No one is forcing you to listen and if you’re basing your rating off of ONE episode, you are clearly missing out. This podcast has been a great way to realize that everyone has a very unique life experience. Don’t even bother reading the one star reviews, because those people don’t know what they’re talking about, period.
  • Anastasia Beaverhausen01
    Maybe skip a few episodes
    I’ve found this podcast to just be okay but the last story about Amy and her childhood was just too much. She’s unstable and crying every other sentence. If you’re not emotionally stable enough to get through any of your story without crying, maybe it would be better spoken in therapy. I’m sorry you’re still struggling. Amy-you were a very cruel person regardless of your circumstances. Do you blame them for not accepting your forgiveness? You say you’re not a victim but parts of this podcast state otherwise. This episode can be skipped. It was just too much pity me.
  • Marklebutt
    Pretty good!
    Just taking a break from the current episode that I am listening to to give 5 stars. I want to say that the story teller is having a hard time, and is very emotional- I feel bad for the person, but the story seems to be about a recklessness with relationships, a lack of empathy and understanding for other people, and an expectation of acceptance and forgiveness. I had a hard childhood myself. And I looked for forgiveness. Those people who we try to find solace in do not owe us anything. In fact they often have their own problems. I hope we all find true peace- but it’s not going to be found with the attitude that you are owed it, or that you can have it now. Hang in there, My heart goes out to you story teller.
  • vc@0
    Terrible Episoded 314
    This girl and her life is beyond pitiful and boring- over this podcast and trying to find a good episode.
  • AK Ajijic
    What is you loves someone else’s life
    Most episodes are good but this guy….what is is rambling on about??? He makes no sense. His dime store psychobabble was unbearable.
  • SheSheOak
    Love this podcast. But episode 296 is fake
    I recently discovered this podcast and I am hooked! It is fantastic and I am working my way through all of the episodes. Most of the episodes are riveting. But episode 296 is totally contrived, phony and just fake. It was the episode of an anonymous and annoying narrator in which she talks about an unknown entity is stalking her. Even when she talks about her background, there is no real emotion and just plain make believe storytelling. I could barely listen to it.
  • HMPeanut
    Most recent episode needs re-editing
    The most recent episode wasn’t edited well:( It jumps around and repeats itself. Otherwise, great podcast!
  • Cenewport
    Amazing storytelling of real life
    I’ve been listening for years. Every story is impactful, different, unpredictable, genuine and memorable. The recent episode (#308) of Whit (the host) telling his own story of a recent incident is insightful and truly moving and a beautiful reflection of all of the stories told here by others. Highly recommend!!
  • lavenderbutterflies
    99.9 %
    I do not remember how I came across this podcast, but when I did I was all in. I especially took to the episodes of personal experience to Black Americans experiences. This is where I came to know the author - Kiese Laymon. I was hooked. The stories that Whit selects to tell are vast yet so relatable. I was so sorry to hear of his recent health troubles. Although I have no doubt that he will recover from it and it will drive him to receive more stories that we all can benefit from. Thank you Whit and be well!
  • Nat vamp
    I honestly am so happy I found this show! It’s amazing how you can actually connect with everyone’s stories. To whit, I wish you a speedy recovery and appreciate what you bring with this outstanding podcast!
  • Grown town
    A beautiful exploration of humanity
    I wasn’t sure I would like this, but I’m definitely addicted to this podcast. I love hearing people tell their stories about events that transformed their understanding of themselves, the world, and humanity. I’ve been through a lot of trauma in my life so these stories make me feel less alone. 💜
  • dahmsmom
    Thank you 🙏🏻
    For sharing your story among the others you have related. So glad you are recovering ❤️‍🩹
  • Fangirl22Michigan
    So much hope
    Each episode is inspiring and also hard to listen to because of the trauma. But, here we are. And here we are for each other…to hear our stories. Wow and thank you.
  • Loli-pip
    Thanks for sharing your story, hope you’re feeling better! Love this podcast it is helpful hearing people’s stories and wisdoms! Look forward everyweek!
  • calilylil
    Usually Good … But 306 Jan 30
    Insufferable. A bunch of nothing. Sounds completely out of touch with the real world. It seems like he’s reading. Acting as though it’s off the top of his head. Self-important. Insincere. Is he interviewing for his own podcast? I dislike this episode so much. Did anyone listen to it? Sounds like the diary of a 14 year old girl.
  • nicemank
    The Most Profound and Harrowing Podcast
    Wow. Thank you, Whit, for your remarkable program. Thank you to every guest for sharing their experiences. There’s no way to summarize remarkable stories that you have worked so tirelessly to facilitate. Whit, thank you so much for sharing yours. I’m so glad you are still here. (I will leave it at that to avoid spoiling anything about you most recent episode.) With this latest episode (yours) You have truly reached a new level, and I’m personally so humbled, moved, and inspired. Genuinely, thank you. Whether it were to be the final episode, or the next step toward hundreds more for years to come, what you have shared with the world is a true gift. I wish you, your family, and your team all the best no matter where life takes you.🤍
  • Aolgoogle
    Wow, these stories are amazing
    Love it!
  • EMystic27
    Always a go-to
    I am a long time listener. The story-telling from the perspective of those who experience “it” is so wholesome and real and raw. The hosts are fantastic. Sounds is always great. I can’t recommend enough.
  • AnaRod69
    Whits Story
    Wow I’ve always loved the show but I loved the raw vulnerable turn the host had to make in order to put his story out there. I’m so glad you’re back!
  • LibraForJustice
    What if you couldn’t wake up
    I am so relieved 😅 that you are ok. I was on pins and needles over here. Your story in a word is perfect. Your talent for articulating each moment is a true gift from God. It really hit home for me when you described your realization of how much you mean to your family, friends, co-workers, and listeners. Thank you for producing the deepest and most honest podcast that I know of. I pray that I will someday experience true authenticity too. You are a beautiful and talented soul.
  • dpaskgribble
    A change in perspective
    From a listener standpoint, this show is well produced and edited and easy to follow- which is so nice as an avid podcast listener. I believe this podcast has helped me grasp a world view that I wouldn’t have had the chance to experience. It’s helped me understand the many different paths we all take in this life and how powerful the human spirit is in overcoming the hardest of times. Especially as someone who has had a more sheltered life I have found this podcast to be particularly important for me. I really appreciate this show for my change in perspective but must also warm on “binge listening”. The stories are often sbout traumatic events (which they show clearly states) and so sometimes if I’m listening for hours I feel a little shift in headspace. Thank you to all the story tellers and host for putting these amazing stories out into the world. I’ve learned so much 💕
  • night_skye
    Thank you, Whit
    So glad that you’re okay, Whit! So appreciate your open heart, bravery, and wisdom in sharing what just happened to you.
  • Anjellix
    Cannot wait for the next episode!!!!
    Awesome podcast. Mind blowing, eye opening and keeps me on the edge of my seat. And to think that these are all true stories 🤯 Whit thank you soooo much for creating this podcast!! You guys do a great job putting the episodes together. You help me get through my days and something I look forward to every week.
  • Alllballl
    Experiences told by the people who experienced them, first hand. It’s obvious that Whit has a skill for story telling, but we didn’t know it ourselves until his own episode. The connections he made and how this podcast has become part of his own story is incredible. One of the few podcasts that thoughtfully serves its platform, makes us ask questions about the human condition and nearly leaves me in tears every week. Thank you.
  • tabbytoes1204
    Very good and genuine
    Thank you for allowing people to tell their stories. This is a unique and meaningful podcast. Especially your own story Wit. Keep it going!
  • toni-roma
    Updated review
    Much love. Happy everyone is healthy.
  • Cw_ak
    Luv it! Highly recommend!!!
    Thanks for making such a great podcast I very much look forward to each new episode. These have to be some of the rawest and real stories I’ve heard, I luv that the story teller is allowed to tell there story uninterrupted and without any opinions, I feel it makes it more believable when the host doesn’t always ask questions and just lets the person say what they need to say with no judgement… thanks again for making such a GREAT POD! 💖💯 keep up the good work
  • Unsolved mystery lover
    Great show
    I love this podcast , can’t wait every week for a new episode .
  • clsullie
    306 made me want to claw my eyes out
    Hit or miss. The guy in 306 is a self important choad. I couldn’t complete. Whit should really screen folks better.
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