The Modern Art Notes Podcast


The Modern Art Notes Podcast is a weekly, hour-long interview program featuring artists, historians, authors, curators and conservators. Pulitzer Prize-winning art critic Sebastian Smee called The MAN Podcast “one of the great archives of the art of our time.” When the US chapter of the International Association of Art Critics gave host Tyler Green one of its inaugural awards for criticism in 2014, it included a special citation for The MAN Podcast.

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Recent Reviews
  • jamieiacoli
    Please Improve Sound
    I really enjoy the content, but the sounds quality makes this an unpleasant listen. In the episode I have on now, the person being interviewed has severe vocal fry (which could possibly be an easy fix) but their audio is such poor quality they keep cutting out. How can you publish a podcast with this level of audio? Pretty disappointing.
  • AllisonLala
    Engaging and distinct
    Engaging, necessary, long form conversations between studied host and his diverse list of intriguing guests, delivered in a relaxed but focused interview that brings one to understand intention and deeper meaning. Thank you.
  • mfkart
    Great topics and conversations
    Consistently interesting and insightful conversations that get you thinking about broader topics in the art world
  • Mae TvM
    Great show, poor audio
    The content of the show is great. I just wish the audio was better. The host is either a low talker and/or has a mediocre sound system/mic. Often, I can hear the guests clearly but not him.
  • Slimebody
    I wish there were more podcasts like this
    This is easily the best weekly art podcast. As a host Green is a bit dry but his interviews are exceptionally focused, well-researched, and probing.
  • urlyturtle
    Dyani White Hawk conversation
    Wonderful to hear Dyani White Hawk speak of her journey and processes. Favorite: the moment of deeper and broader truth as she realizes the slow, painstaking quill work and the grad school schedule exist in separate time fields and cultures, and where to go from this juncture. Thank you Tyler Green for great questions and dialog.
  • webby20090310
    If you love art....
    If you find that art gives you the lift you need to be more connected to the world and those around us…. this podcast is a place to nurture your yourself and learn even more about what other artists are doing to help us reach that deeper connection…. Love it. Take it for what it is…. We are all nerds at something - if we are lucky!
  • Frandal
    Exceptional art historical and contemporary discussions
    Tyler Green does a superb job of engaging artists, curators and other arts professionals about their work and its address in the art historical cannon. Tyler’s erudite and encyclopedia knowledge explores the subject matter, drawing out his interviewees into wonderful anecdotes and deeper layers of meaning and connection. Bravo to Tyler for keeping his podcast ongoing throughout 10 years and counting. Thank you for your commitment to open-source resources, too!
  • ja_32_NY
    Fantastic Current Art Shows and Art History
    Intelligent, interesting and informative. Tyler Green does an exceptional job of engaging the guests. In depth discussions of art and artists. Really love the art history aspect of this podcast. Where host and guest take a deep dive into works and provide historical context. High recommend!
  • Gman 7
    Could be perfect
    Intelligent, varied, with depth and a host who truly interviews and doesn’t spend time offering lots of his own opinions, unlike some other art podcasts. My only issue is that the host’s voice is so low, esp at the end of phrases and sentences, that you can’t hear him. It’s a little maddening if you’re really actively listening. If the host would speak up or better balance the volume btn himself and the guests, this podcast would be perfect.
  • katja z
    Art history continuing education
    This erudite and engaging podcast offers “continuing education” for art enthusiasts. I learn and “see” more listening to Tyler’s insightful dialogues with artists, critics, historians.
  • AndrewRom
    Art world
    This podcast gives a great opening into the art world through every angle. Very educational and informative! Thank you!
  • gracekate
    So smart and well-researched. Tyler allows the guest to talk at length which works because they are so smart and accomplished. I highly recommend this podcast.
  • RanuMukherjee
    Great conversations and insight
    This podcast is one if my favorite studio companions - wonderful conversations and insight
  • B.Y. Jelly
    Found my favorite artists
    I’ve only been a listener for a few months but this podcast helped me discover some of my new favorite artists. Really good stuff.
  • mfernandagg
    Terrific educational experience!
    The best contemporary art podcast. Thank you!
  • julyandavis
    Always enjoyable
    Another erudite podcast (with Amy Cutler). Always very professional and high caliber. Amy, pig racing is indeed a thing, and I have painted the poor creatures at the Mountain State Fair here in Asheville (NC).
  • Themoonlitnest
    My favorite art podcast
    I discovered Modern Art Notes over a year ago +rarely miss an episode. I really enjoy the way Tyler Green interviews his guests. I find his podcast to be at once soothing, inspiring + educational. The episode webpage has images of the works mentioned, so you can easily keep track of the topic + understand more. Thank you for providing this rich resource!
  • Rmpmcdermott
    Best art podcast around
    Tyler isn’t just one of the best art writers, but also a fantastic interviewer. I always leave the podcast wanting to explore the artists with which he speaks.
  • @thebrushandthecompass
    Thank you
    I get inspiration and specific knowledge that has enhanced my appreciation for art, museums, people and history. Thank you for the incredible level of the quality of your content :)
  • Emery Rouette
    Tyler Green is sure to say a least one thing per episode that makes me throw-up in my mouth. Recent examples include: “The geography was freighted” and “well, they’re going to have trouble attracting artists of significance after this.” (To conclude an interview where I was vibing with him more than usual 🥴)His frictionless professionalism and eerie even-temperedness, punctuated only by arrogant gaffes, leave me wondering if he’s a bot. However, the guests are often great and the content news to me. He should consider adding a cohost. I nominate Dr. Kelli Morgan. Actually give her the show GIVE HER EVERYTHING
  • PhocaRock
    Artists today, art history. The beauty, the injustices, revealed.
    ‪Fascinating and educational! Tyler Green's choices of which art people to focus on is spot on. The one with Lava Thomas is a perfect example! Many of these podcasts shine a direct spotlight on injustices of all sorts, and blatent abuses of power, all through the lens of art.‬
  • APassionProject
    Best Art Podcast Out There
    I’ve listened to about 400 of the 450 of The Modern Art Notes Podcast. Tyler Green the host always comes well informed and asks genuinely very good questions.
  • Skyheller
    Perfectly pitched
    This podcast is a gem for anyone seeking to deepen their knowledge of modern art; although it assumes a reasonable amount of background knowledge, it also manages to make itself understandable to those outside the formal art world.
  • Jim Two Shoes
    the guests are often really interesting but the interviewer is repeatedly underwhelming.
  • Chadd Scott
    Next level art podcast
    When your passion and understanding of art goes beyond an introductory level, this is a great podcast to advance to and deepen your knowledge.
  • afripix
    Food for thought
    Like bread -- The M.A.N. podcast is an essential staple.
  • TamalinSoleil
    Incredible interviews of artists and arts professionals
    This podcast is a beautiful wealth of knowledge. It brings us into the personal space of contemporary artists’ studios, and paints the picture of where we are now within the context of art history.
  • sarahfburns
    A Treasure
    Consistent, thoughtful interviews of contemporary artists and curators. This podcast has introduced me to many artists and has expanded my understanding of others. I love going to see a show after Tyler has had a discussion about it with a curator. It adds such a great extra layer to the experience.
  • forbidden veggies
    Art and art history
    One of the best podcasts on art. Not supported directly, in house, by a museum. Stunning information.
  • MxDxVx
    Excellent art talk
    Consistently excellent conversations with artists and curators! Dives deep. If you love art you must listen to this fantastic podcast.
  • Lynda in LA
    Art history, studio visits and museum docent tours all wrapped into one show
    I so look forward to the Modern Art Notes podcasts and if I can I explore the episode page while I am listening. The MAN podcast a mix of art history, studio visits and museum docent tours all wrapped into one show. As a painter I’ve discovered new exhibits to visit and artists to look and find it perfect for listening while I’m in my studio. It’s a fun hour or so since the host, Tyler Green, asks fascinating questions to the guests and brings so much knowledge and insight into each episode.
  • Crista Cloutier
    Smart and Interesting
    There's so much to choose from here! This podcast is for art geeks like me who don't care if it's contemporary or historical, just give us the goods. And Modern Art Podcast delivers.
  • MasonJahr
    Great Learning Tool
    I’ve am fairly new to this podcast but I think I’ve learned more about art than I ever learned in college art classes. The podcast covers current exhibitions and expands your understanding of the work when you go to the exhibitions. The podcast makes you aware of current exhibitions that may not be in your immediate environment. There’s very frequently a connection to art history and current exhibitions. Also Tyler covers art history in general. The format of the conversations is intelligent. I have and will continue to recommend the podcast to others. My criticism is that Tyler drops the pitch of his voice frequently and he is sometimes difficult to hear.
  • pufhhyffgh
    A good companion
    These conversations are a great addition to my studio hours, enjoyable and revealing.
  • acaciamei
    I am a MA student studying Modern and Contemporary Art History. Tyler consistently releases content that is insightful and follows the pulse of contemporary art historical thought. I have been listening for several years and always find myself refreshing my feed to see if he has released a new episode. I recommend this podcast to anyone who wants to supplement their interest in the art world with thought provoking content and in-depth interviews with artists, researchers, and curators.
  • awesome77777777777777777
    I’m an art lover. BUT.
    Interviewees are SO pretentious sounding. I’ve tried to listen to several of these, and all I can think is how pretentious the people are. It’s what gives the art world a bad name. It’s a turn-off even for art lovers like me and will do nothing to help promote the value of art to anyone in the real world. Disappointing.
  • JudithLD
    Best art podcast out there
    I subscribe to several podcasts that focus on the visual arts, and this one is the best. Tyler Green is informed and, as a result, an expert interviewer. I live on the West Coast, and I appreciate that he covers artists and exhibits across the country. Sometimes I listen to a podcast twice because I want to make sure I didn't miss anything.
  • swinkblink
    Great for people looking to understand art
    This podcast is great to find out more about how artists think (and thru that better understand their artwork). Wonderful way to get inspiration if you have a long commute and to keep up with who’s important in the art world.
  • BlossomMerz
    Amazing interviewer!
    This podcast is a must thanks to Tyler’s amazing interviewing skills. He obviously knows what he’s talking about and asks intelligent questions, often prompting his incredible array of guests to think about their work in a different way.
  • bombsplicer
    Modern art notes podcast
    I really like this series. I’m going to listen to all of them over the next couple years. I don’t have a problem with the sound, but I listen on my phone with ear buds. Maybe the previous reviewer doesn’t. I expect I’ll be getting a good education here.
  • Ed Listening
    I use Modern Arts Notes Podcast as listening on long commutes & drives. So much insight with each episode.
  • EronRauch
    Increbile Insights Into Art Past and Present
    Sometimes art can feel like an overwhelmingly vast and forbiding cultural ocean, even for die-hard fans. Modern Art Notes is one of the best resources to bring both the deep past and far-flung future of art into a human scale. Tyler's curiosity and ernest love of art is infectious, as facinated and passionate about the nuances of 14th century Italian Rennaisance painter studios as he is about the conceptual manuevers of contemporary video art. It would hardly be uncommon to have both subjects paired in a episode. Also, I know some folks have complained about sound quality, but many of his guests are amongst the most known artists and curators spread across the world, and getting direct access to their voices and ideas is too much of a rare treat to fret about a bit of fuzzy recording from a 80-year old master artist who only has a land line or whatnot!
  • carolynzick
    Always insightful
    The Modern Art Notes podcast is an extraordinary ongoing installment of thoughtful and thorough examinations of artists, their work and the world they create. Host Tyler Green is not afraid to probe into the intention behind the work and frequently receives thought-provoking answers from the creators of such work. In an art world that is frequently more consumed with the superficial, Tyler continues to reach for the human and authentic elements that can make art so worthy of discussion.
  • 27slm
    Why this podcast is important
    this podcast is filled with pertinent information, wonderful interviews… Feels like I am in art school when I listen.
  • Abner Doubleday
    Top notch guests and interviews
    Just found this podcast and am catching up on past interviews. Tyler Green does an excellent job as an interviewer, connecting the dots with his questions and insights. Am consumed with regret that I let so many great museum shows pass me by...will be ordering catalogues to compensate, and pledge that now that I am in the loop with MAN I will visit more! Having sampled many podcasts, I can say that although the sound quality is a bit rough in spots, it is quite acceptable.
  • DJB1774
    By far the best
    Through, wide scope, researched and exceptionally well done. A feast of information and insight. Mr. Green has great interviewing skills with both artists and curators- listen and enjoy. Don't forget the supporting website. A+.
  • Hungry Robin
    Very informative and lively
    I really enjoy this podcast. As an artist I listen for historical insight but also for those questions that draw the artist out in a new directions, questions that allow them to discover something about their art through the conversation, which is very differnt than looking at your own work critically. As an arts educator I recommend this podcast to all my Art & art history students.
  • UrbanMotif
    Sensational Podcast
    Tyler Green is erudite while having a conversational style that's approachable and informative. Great guests! A must for anyone culturally curious.
  • Mkleberg
    Amazing resource for art lovers
    Tyler definitely does his homework, hosting consistently excellent interviews with some of the best living artists around.
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