You Made It Weird with Pete Holmes


Everybody has secret weirdness, Pete Holmes gets comedians to share theirs.

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Recent Reviews
  • KenDB76
    Every show
    I listen to every episode. The laughs are easy but they’re not cheap - Pete’s commitment to honoring the truth, even the hard truths, make the humor that much more edifying. Positivity can be hard to come by these days, and this show is a lifeline. Don’t miss the Friday episodes with Val, they’re the deepest ones.
  • Greg Booyah
    Still One Of The Best Podcasts Out There
    I’ve been a weirdo for over 10 years and YMIW has got me through so much. Pete and Val and the guests each week have some of the funniest and interesting conversations you will hear. Not only has the show given me hours of entertainment but also has inspired me to do my own show. There’s something in You Made It Weird for everyone. Keep It Crispy!
  • normal woman
    Good Vibes
    Pete’s my North Star for happiness. His philosophies sprinkled with silliness is just the right formula that changed my life. PS. I’m super proud every time Pete mentions that he’s Lithuanian 🇱🇹❤️ -Lithuanian Alisa-
  • Brandon schoeppner
    Pete is a beautiful human
    I have absolutely loved adding You Made it Weird to my podcast rotation. Growing up Catholic, this podcast, and his book Comedy Sex God have both been amazing to listen to another perspective to understand my own better, and to hear validated on so many things that we have similar understanding feels great. I appreciate Pete’s angles of approach of seeing and feeling seen through genuine conversation with his guests. Hearing Pete and Val’s dynamic on We Made it Weird is also aspirational for how a deep healthy connection with a partner can/and should be. I’ve been going on my own comedy journey the past couple years and hearing Pete’s journey along with other comic guests is both insightful and inspiring. Thanks Pete, I appreciate you. :)
  • MJPGr
    Thank you!
    Pete’s combination of wit and wisdom bring me such joy. He’s a brilliant stand up comedian and this podcast lets us get to know him on another level. Thank you for sharing and teaching, Pete!
  • Wisco Art Teacher
    Enjoyable relatable heartfelt humor
    I am so glad I found this podcast!! I have always loved Pete Holmes’ stand up comedy and Crashing was so good too! I love hearing about your personal journey in comedy, your family, you marriage and family now, and all of the wonderful guests. You are a great interviewer and you always ask good questions that “let us in” to your guests. I love it when you get into the creative process too. Your show has helped me get through a tough surgery this spring and I am forever grateful. Bonus that you’re vegan again, like me! I don’t mind it at all that it gets sprinkled in here and there. You and Val model a real loving and open relationship in the We Made It Weird bonus episodes and it’s very comforting to listen to you both talk about real things! I hope you never stop. You bring so much light to so many.
  • Samim_Avan
    Highly Recommended ❤️🤣☯️
    This podcast doesn’t TRY to be funny or interesting. It just is! It’s easy on the ears and heart. I also cannot count the number of times I was feeling sad and I decided to listen to an episode, get immersed into it and without realizing it having completely escaped my funk! It’s also amazing how listening to the right episode at the right time can really hit the “spot” in terms what you needed to hear. Additionally, there are always surprises with this show and no episode is like any other. And finally as with many of fellow weirdos the Friday episodes with Pete and Val are my favorites 💕 …wish they were longer though
  • Marty in SD
    Hilarious episode
    1st time listening to the podcast. Tuned in because Kathleen Madigan was the guest. I laughed so hard at times, I couldn’t breathe. The golf cart story with Vicki was beyond funny. Excellent conversation between Pete & Kathleen.
  • Mannah Honroe
    Best part of my week!
    I can’t believe how much this podcast has changed my life. I’m beyond grateful to Pete and Val and all the guests for accompanying my life and helping me laugh, cry, grow, feel, and learn.
  • Wes Zlatnik
    Love you Pete!
    It’s such a great pod! It gives me a perfect balance of silly and spiritual! It’s like your favorite celebrities are having late night sleep over talks. Pete if you read this on this episode, who is you favorite Muppet? Sesame Street muppets included. Thanks! 🧡🧡🧡
  • The Monster Was Me
    I made it weird
    I’ve been keeping it crispy for a while going back to the 2022 episodes through to the current ones. We made it Weird are the milk and honey of podcasting. You two are amazing. Last night I had a dream I met Pete in a very 80s basement with wood paneling and all. We hung out for a while and he gave me a hug when I was leaving. Pete picked me up, a 6’ 2” dude and spun me around like I was a child. I said “I could cry. I don’t think you know how much my heart needed that”. Pete just smiled with a knowing twinkle in his eye. Thank you for the soul hugs. Pete and Val please start a cult already. Just kidding. No really what color robes do you think we should have?
  • rose from reno
    We laugh, we cry, we learn, we laugh again
    I’ve somehow been listening to this podcast for over 7 years of my life. It’s been amazing from the start and such a journey. I’ve laughed uncontrollably at some of the amazing comedy guests, been able to learn invaluable information and hear from great spiritual influences, and love being a little parasocial fly on the wall for every episode with Val. I learn so many great tidbits and quote the show so often that my friends accept a first name basis when I say “oh Pete says” or “like Val is always saying” and on that note, I’m going to go outside and talk to some in person folks. But I’ll be back!
  • DecentCupOfTea
    Pete and Val are my heroes! Thank you for doing what you do every week!
  • Yoga Granny
    So much heart here
    This podcast is the real deal if you want genuine conversations between people who are unafraid to be exactly who they are. The recent episode with Phil Rosenthal delighted me no end. Keep on keeping it crispy, please!
  • Madster1223
    Favorite podcast
    Have been listening for years, and got my sister listening.. it has brought us closer! We talk about the topics covered on the guest episodes, I clueing the silly and deep moments… it has been so fun to follow Pete’s spiritual and philosophical journey. I love the breadth of discussions on both the guest episodes and the Friday episodes with Val. Love you Pete and val !
  • HashMoney
    My main Pod
    I’ve enjoyed this podcast for about 8 years. Pretty sure I’ve listened to every interview show Pete has done. It’s funny, deep, and casual all in one episode. Can’t thank Pete enough for doing it for so many years. He seems to be a very genuine person who’s open to sharing life’s hardships. I’ve fallen off all other shows eventually but this one has stuck around.
  • Kdackattack
    Pete and Val convos are great. Judy Greer was so joyful!! Convo on veganism while your advertising colostrum is killing me though Pete…… hellllo
  • youngzapizza
    Best podcast hands down
    Huge fan! Keep it crispy
  • CJ Niles
    Love it but…
    Hostage tape??? Disturbing name for a product you endorse. Otherwise l love your work!
  • Buster nutzs
    Just the best
    Been listening since the beginning. Love silly boy Petey pants and also spiritual insightful Petey pants. Free podcast!
  • PeytonMc2
    Some episodes are super fantastic
    I don’t love every episode of this podcast, but then some episodes are THE BEST. For example, “River Butcher Returns” is a must-listen. When someone is on who can just nerd out about deep stuff with Pete for two hours = gold.
  • GirlFridayLA
    Good for the Soul!
    This podcast is so funny and heartwarming. Hysterically funny mixed with kindness. It helps me spiritually and emotionally. I have a similar Christian background and occasional depression, and Pete’s book recommendations and way of looking at life, helps me so much. I always feel better after I listen to an episode.
  • Nestfork
    Empathic Hug
    I have listen to the pod for several years and I love watching the videos on YouTube. Every episode is sprinkled with magic and watching the reactions is like being in the room. I am always surprised by the amount of knowledge that comes out of these episodes. I can not gush enough about it.
  • Jere Bere
    Best pod that’s not for everyone
    There’s an episode somewhere where Val and Pete say (more or less), “I wonder who our audience is that comes here for dirty jokes, therapy, mindfulness and spirituality, and back, all in a few minutes?” If that sounds like your jam, you will LOVE it. If not, there are probably other pods you’ll like better.
  • Evrit
    Only Gets Better
    Podcasts in life come and go, and there have been many where I eventually lose interest and eventually stop listening to every week. I am so proud to be a listener of You Made it Weird every week since it first started, and I can tell you that it only gets better with each and every episode. Lessons in life and spirituality with a heavy dose of comedy and silliness make it my favorite podcast of all time, and I can’t wait to listen every week, especially the Friday episodes with Val.
  • Justin in Houston, TX
    Thank you, Pete and Val!
    I’ve been listening to every episode for several years now, and I can honestly say this podcast has tangibly changed my life. Through this show, I’ve been introduced to teachers like Byron Katie, Tara Brach, and Ram Dass. So many great episodes, but I find myself suggesting to friends to start with Jason Alexander, Maya Rudolph, and Henry Winkler. The Friday episodes with Val are such a gift. I find many of these episodes to be healing - giving me a model of what communication in a beautiful, real relationship can look like. I talk about something I learned from this pod with my therapist almost every week. “Sorry, I'm going to bring up Pete’s podcast again…” Get into it!
  • RNCnKC
    Mostly Enjoyable
    It’s all mostly good. It does get a little old hearing a bunch of rich comedians whine and complain about cancel culture.
  • Moosed102039
    Easy Listens
    Great to listen to at work. Easy to listen to with fun conversations and interesting asides. Pete is a great host and the guests are fun!
  • Podcasts Son
    Great conversations
    Pete does an amazing job of staying playful but getting vulnerable and diving deep. I’ve been listening since 2012 and the show has only gotten stronger over time and it’s always been solid. The Val episodes is a fantastic addition.
  • G Peezy
    Hooked from day one!
    I discovered Pete from his Netflix special “I’m Not for Everyone” and stumbled on to You Made it Weird. We Made It Weird bonus episodes are awesome as well. I love being a part of this much needed podcast/community. I love going deep on existential topics then laughing and crying about dog poop. His guests are amazing and Pete is such a hilarious humble and kind soul. Hi Val!
  • s0urcreamqu33n
    A feel good gem
    Long time weirdo, first time reviewer. Pete’s conversations feel like listening to old friends chat about life. Love the long format, mixture of insight and bit riffin. 10/10
  • Katie Walsh 🪶
    We Made It Weird
    Pete is my all time favorite comedian but no one makes me belly laugh out loud like Valerie. I look forward to Pete and Val’s Friday shows even more than the regular shows! Love you guys!! ❤️
  • carlybergs
    Isosceles I sauced all of these
    I’m a painter and listen to audiobooks and pods while I work. I’ve been a YMIW and dollop listener for years and have so many favorite episodes but I genuinely cannot remember the last time I laughed this hard. I had to lean on my ladder to wipe my eyes from giggle tears. Thank you for giving me exactly what I didn’t know I needed today. From the bit about us being allowed to visit England to the Jeff Foxworthy father bit, Julia Child and of course Jay Leno. I’ll definitely be buying a shirt and I don’t even wear t shirts. Perfect glimmer for my day!
  • caleb from minnesota
    If “We Made It Weird” episodes stop I will be sad.
    Long time weirdo here. I’ve been listening to every episode since 2017, and since 2020 the Friday episodes with Val have become a relished part of my weekly rhythm. Always feels like a recharge into healing through loving attention after a long week. Couldn’t connect more with your life experience and healing journeys. My wife and I grew up in the church and have similar parent disconnects. I’m also a songwriter and music producer so all the creative process talks are right up my alley. Thanks, you two!
  • Cousin Lauren
    Petey, sweetie, thanks for the laughs!
    Please have Gareth Reynolds on once a month at least! Big fan of Friday’s with Val too!
  • blondebear
    My favorite podcast!!!
    I have been listening to this podcast since 2013. It was the first podcast I ever listened to and now 11 years later it’s still my favorite. I mostly listen to comedy podcasts and I have learned so much about comedy from listening to Pete talk to so many people from the entertainment industry, from standup to actors. But Pete has another side that is more spiritual that I love hearing his ideas and the guests he’s had that come from that world. I didn’t grow up religious, but I still enjoy hearing about his thoughts about the nature of existence. Also, ever since the pandemic Pete has had a weekly episode with his lovely wife Val and that has me my absolute. I love both of them so much and it’s so rewarding listening to them talk about mental health, spirituality, relationships, and parenthood. I recommend this podcast to everyone I know who does or even doesn’t listen to podcasts.
  • hept27
    You’ll laugh, you’ll profoundly relate, you’ll love it.
    Whether I’m a huge fan of the guest, or it’s someone I’ve never heard of, I’m always captivated by the profound and insightful discussions that unfold. These aren’t talk show style interviews with punched-up anecdotes and shameless plugs, they’re genuine conversations. I first heard Pete on the Fake Doctors Real Friends podcast in Nov 2023 and enjoyed the dialog he had with them so much I decided to check out You Made It Weird. I started out looking through the 10 year catalog for episodes with people I was big a fan of, as a sampler of sorts. Seeing the 1-2 hour long run time, I really didn’t think I’d make it through a full episode, but Ive never not listened to an episode all the way through. After that sampler I looked for episodes of people who I had just heard of, and now I listen to every new episode and have discovered some very interesting people and their creative works.
  • MandaG.
    WE Made It Weird is the Best
    I look forward to the Friday episodes with Val all week!
  • KES2323
    I discovered this podcast during the pandemic and became instantly addicted. To say that it has helped transform my life is an understatement. I began reading every book that was recommended and looked up every teacher, and I have not been disappointed once. Not only have I grown deeply through this experience of learning alongside Pete and Val, but the podcast brings just the right amount of playfulness, laughter, and absurdity into my life. The Friday episodes are my absolute favorite thing to listen to, and I eagerly open the app every Friday morning to get my weekly dose of Pete and Val. Their journey and relationship is a true delight, and I am continuously grateful for their willingness to be vulnerable and share themselves with us. Thank you for being a part of my world!
  • Sarver81
    Pete does the best Tony Robbins.
  • MikeyFresh☕️
    Learning in Laughter
    Whether it’s riffing, philosophy, spirituality, relationships, comedy, art, or whatever, Pete Holmes is an amazing host, interviewing fascinating guests from a variety of backgrounds. It’s a hub of interesting people discussing anything from sex, art, comedy, God, and anything in between. I’ve learned so much from Pete and his guests, and have become a lifelong fan of both his podcast and his comedy because of it. It’s helped me to grapple with some of my own existential questions, relationship issues, or finding a new shape for my faith; and I find peace and laughter in the middle of the absurdity of life. I’m inspired and encouraged by almost any episode, and feel like Pete is a cool friend who lets me into his life like I belong, regardless of what’s being shared.
  • Lilly Kugel
    One of my favorite podcasts!
    I’m a fan of everything Pete Holmes does from his stand up to Crashing, but this podcast is probably my favorite content from old Petey. I love the way he connects with guests, he’s a really great interviewer. The episodes he does with his wife Val (we made it weird), bring me unbridled joy. I listen to a lot of podcasts, and the we made it weird Friday episodes are in my top 3. Thanks Pete and Val!
  • EternallyAndy
    Like PB&J
    This show is an amazing combo of comedy and spirituality. Pete and Val consistently put out great episodes - I listen to every episode that comes out (2 per week). I especially value hearing about everything that Pete has learned spiritually from his many practitioners. I love hearing from Val too, who is brilliant in her own right - they are near and dear to my heart. Then out of nowhere they will devolve into the stupidest hilarious goofing around and it grounds everything they’re saying that much more. Their own creativity and playfulness reflects the nature of the universe, which is crucial to my understanding, because spirituality shouldn’t ALL be serious business. I’ve seen Pete’s standup live several times and this show is the reason why. Thank you for all the effort, Pete and Val, and to the producer Katie, the unsung hero!
  • "Ms.Alice"
    Keeps your mind magic, modern, and crispy
    It’s frankly a crime how much time passed between me watching Badman sketches with my friends in high school, crying from laughter, to finally re-discovering Pete Holmes this last year. He’s an amazing comedian and interviewer that manages to keep things in a flow teeming with bits and impressions while also truly engaging the guest to bring out their best parts. I love all the spirituality talk as well, feels like I’m listening to a dear friend or mentor. The episodes with Val are a delight, truly sweet and inspirational hearing two intelligent, funny people who are so clearly in love. I look forward to this pod every week, keep it up guys :)
  • Jtwolfe
    I told my mom about this podcast…
    … and now you have TWO new listeners! Every episode is a joy, and I cherish the Friday Val and Pete conversations. Thank you for earnestly sharing your hearts.
  • K0zv
    I love this show so much! I look forward to every single episode and am so thankful that it comes out twice a week, which feels selfish because I reap the benefits of all the hard work and time put into each one. I just love how honest, hilarious and different every episode is. I am a single mom and work a desk job remotely and while my son is at school, each episode provides much needed laughter, sometimes a good cry and a little bit of insight or hope that I didn’t have before. I admit I am late to the train on listening, but firmly believe it arrived when I needed it most. Thank you!
  • Neilius Maximus
    For Weirdos
    Can you be a silly goose? Are you a curious critter? Do you like bible verses, bodily fluids, psychedelics, and nondualism? Can you be kind to yourself? Can you also get freaky? If so, this podcast is for you. Let’s get into it!
  • Yerp883
    There’s so much love here.
    This is my absolute favorite podcast. I love how simultaneously silly and deep the discussions are and am grateful for the laughter, relatability and just the genuine kindness delivered throughout every single episode. I’ve been listening for years and Pete, Val and his guests have helped expand my little mind sponge with some lighthearted spirituality, and who wouldn’t require exactly that delivery system (if you’re into that sort of thing)? Keep up the great work, Pete! You very often make my day! - Rachel
  • Jfy180
    Opens up your mind and heart
    Love Pete and Val so much; I look forward every week to a new We Made It Weird to get me through to the weekend! Their openness and frank discussions on a wide range of topics is so engaging, and their quirky and fun sides keep it flowing. I also love the original Pete episodes. They are such a delight. There’s something really comforting in hearing successful comedians and actors and writers talk about their fears, insecurities, and doubts. There is so much wisdom to be gained from hearing these amazingly deep convos. They range from pee-in-your-pants funny to jaw-droppingly-mind-blowing. Please keep doing what you’re doing! And maybe consider a Patreon or paid subscription — I’d gladly pay directly to support the show!
  • Whiskeyskeleton
    Petey Petes!
    Pete makes you feel almost like you’re listening to a friend’s podcast. I usually get a good laugh, and he does a good job at doing casual interviews. They don’t feel like he’s forcing any questions on the guests, but he is actively engaged and listening. It’s a real good show. Keep it crispy
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