The Projection Booth Podcast


The Projection Booth has been recognized as a premier film podcast by The Washington Post, The A.V. Club, IndieWire, Entertainment Weekly, and Filmmaker Magazine. With over 700 episodes to date and an ever-growing fan base, The Projection Booth features discussions of films from a wide variety of genres with in-depth critical analysis while regularly attracting special guest talent eager to discuss their past gems.


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  • cineastical
    Numero uno
    Truly the best film podcast out there. Thoughtful and smart. It’s always a joy when a new episode drops. Thank you for all you do Mike.
  • David Meier Smith
    I was into it until…
    The oh so convenient yet misguided and just stereotypically dumb… Disney bashing. Deadpool Wolverine bashing… well… I’m thinking they’re rather happy. Same with the Romulus people. This elitist and unable to just have fun attitude just made me drop off and unsubscribe. Gave it a try. I’m off to have a good time watching movies and not spread misery.
  • Garber Patrone
    My favorite podcast
    Every episode is thoughtfully executed. The Projection Booth isn’t generating “content”; it’s providing real analysis with a clear reverence for the medium and for art in general. So many podcasts are just recycled fluff. This one has substance. If you love movies, it’s worth your time.
  • reallygreatproduct
    Triggered by Alex Garland?
    I typically enjoy the film analysis and depth of knowledge, but the hosts sounded completely triggered in the episode about Alex Garland’s Civil War. They were ranting about all the decisions he made for “no reason” and how enraging they found the movie for an entire hour plus. Fine for a two sentence Letterboxed review, but I would expect a more thoughtful and thorough analysis of a film during such an extended dialogue. For me it highlighted the occasional unfortunate tendency for their discussions to start sounding like an amateurish echo chamber.
  • Nitwit who bought a fitbit
    Politics again where they don’t belong.
    Would be a fantastic podcast if the host and guests could go two minutes without sticking their idiotic political points of view in movie reviews that have NOTHING to do with politics. So exhausting!
  • Dummy fan
    Amazing podcast
    Best film podcast ever. Very entertaining and affectionate look at movie new and old.
  • IsItLenorGlen
    What happened to this channel??? This has turned into indie Entertainment Tonight!
    This podcast was one of the best, if not the best, movie podcasts." In-depth" didn't even begin to describe its quailty-take the best film school conversation you've ever had with a fellow cineaste, focus on one film, go moment by moment weith that film, then top it off with one-on-one interviews with the creates behind it. It was a staggering achievement and I wold proudly play episode after episode, and liste,n and LEARN. Now? Now it is an empty shell of what it was. The in-depth movie discussions have been replaced with PR-led interviews for upcoming movies, with zero ciritques givem zero insight given. WHAT HAPPENED? The days of the fur-hour reviews are long gone, replaced with something so lightweight itr= reminds of an indie Entertainment Tonight! I'd like to personally say "shame on you" to Mike White for forgetting what his channel is. Bring back the movies and DROP the shilling!
  • Mr. Michael
    The Naked Kiss episode is …
    an absolute home run. Loved hearing what you all had to say about it and Fuller. So spot on and you get this singular film and genius director. Great to hear the interviews w M Dante and Miss Towers too. You guys are the best.
  • Johnny Fuerte
    Educational and entertaining
    This pod should be taught in film school
  • Normajeanforever
    Best movie podcast!!
    I have learned more about movies and the making of them from listening to this podcast than from a host of classes and professors claiming to be experts on the subject. The host is engaging, entertaining and educated. He does his due diligence on the subject/film being discussed and is an excellent interviewer. Never disappoints!
  • It's alright; I'm a doctor.
    There’s no there there.
    I listened to the Gumball Rally podcast, and after 30 minutes, yes 30, they still had not actually said anything that amounted to more than “we watched this movie.” My life wants its 30 minutes back.
  • Scratched Liberace Record
    Raiders story meetings
    Who ever plays George Lucas needs to settle down. The editing needs to be better. You can hear two sentences by the same person overlapping.
  • DeathShrike
    Makes every other movie podcast completely useless.
  • Textdgh
    Five stars based on Jacobs ladder.
    I am basing this on one podcast, but I have never listened to a movie podcast that was so thorough in breaking down the meaning of a movie. Interviewing the writer was fantastic. Will definitely be coming back for more.
  • CONELRAD6401240
    Incredibly Well Researched
    My favorite movie podcast by a wide margin. Incredibly well researched by the host Mike White. Sometimes I find myself annoyed by the co-hosts, but I understand why they are there - to generate discussion. The guest interviews are always great.
  • DeathNerveCharlie
    The original movie podcast GOAT
    As someone who also produces a movie podcast, I often find myself cribbing from Mike White’s notes. Every episode he puts out is just so wildly ambitious and deeply researched that it sets the bar so insanely high for the rest of us. I can’t get over the depth of knowledge brought on by various guests, as well as the insanely impressive interview subjects who provide the sort of insights you otherwise have to pay top bluray dollar to get. This show is a gift, and the 4+ hour episode on the 1980 incel masterpiece FADE TO BLACK is a testament to that fact. Also, occasionally Mike has on someone who isn’t some big cheese historian or film scene head or critic or artist or anything really, and sometimes it’s insanely fascinating. Like, I know what Snooty Boots thinks of the surreal gothic horror genre, and I know the star loves to say how proud they are to have been a part of surreal gothic horror, but you know what I don’t know? I don’t know what Jared thinks! Long live The Projection Booth!
  • snowericsnow
    Great film podcast for film fans
    I found The Projection Booth podcast randomly this last year and I love it. Mike the host has an interesting mix of guests, interviews, film reviews and film background and production. And what a range of films! Not just whatever is current or famous, there's everything here from famous films to cult films to unknown gems. There's great stories about the productions, analysis and discussions from everyone from the people who worked on the film to other filmmakers and film fans. I like how the podcast is organized. If I want to skip to a portion of interviews, or just listen to the analysis, it's easy to find what you like. I have only listened to a fraction of the library in the last year, and I look forward to working my way through them. I highly recommend this podcast, especially for film geeks. Mr. White, thank you.
  • Happy Dallas
    The Projection Booth is the best movie podcast out there. I’ll still on occasion give a listen to half a dozen new ones a week and twenty mins in they are wasting my time. For years now the work put into every episode has blown me away but it’s become not only the best movie podcast I know… it’s also a cultural touchstone for music, books, television, art as some of the most talented people in their field join Mike on a weekly basis. I’ve found my favorite pulp authors and sci-fi books and other podcasts that I enjoy in addition to The Projection Booth. I’ve broadened my love of films by listening to the podcast and I feel somehow kept in a conversation that I love having daily.
  • Omni Geek
    Horrible effete commentaries
    I came across this podcast and decided to try it out because they featured an interesting selection of movies they were reviewing. It's a bit interesting that their commentaries and reviews can be triple the length of the movies themselves. I found many of the commentaries to be obnoxious from effete self-appointed elites. Specifically, I listened to the the reviews and commentary on "The Thing" and "The Running Man". Ascribing the box office failure of "The Thing" to Reagan-era politics as they did was just ridiculous. Reagan took office in Jan 1981, "The Thing" was released in late 1982. "The Thing" was indeed underappreciated then (and frankly still is) but the commentary was idiotic. In a similar vein, I was annoyed by the Brit reviewing "The Running Man". The ultimate irony in their 2017 commentary was that the very bit the commenters were talking about -- the selective editing by corporate media, manipulation of the general public, etc. is exactly what's been happening in the last 5 or so years but by the people they presumably support. I was hoping to hear bits about the craft of the films and got a little of that on "The Thing" but "The Running Man" (which is sadly proving to be as prophetic as "Demolition Man") was filled with political diatribes and snide remarks. Some might say to give it more of a chance but I've wasted too many hours on this podcast as it is.
  • Marco Fernandooo
    Finally a podcast that intellectually and philosophically reviews old movies that can be seen as bad or outdated or wtv but we NEED people trying to dissect the every aspect of these films or else why do they exist!!
  • _Bill Ackerman_
    The Best Film Podcast?
    Plenty of magazines and celebrities have started very strong film-related in recent years, in addition to the countless fan-generated shows. So what makes The Projection Booth arguably the best film podcast? Well, maybe it's because it marries together everything that's good about the different fan/critic discussion-driven and interview-driven film podcasts out there. Episodes usually feature in-depth, well-researched analysis AND exclusive interviews with production history/anecdotes. You get, more often than not, Criterion/Arrow-level DVD/Blu-Ray special features in a podcast form. The epic running times and occasionally esoteric selections might make this a hard podcast to keep up with for every episode. But if you're a passionate cinephile with adventurous taste, there really isn't a better show than this one.
  • PBdisappointment
    Too many interruptions and bias
    I used to consider this the best film podcast out there but lately, the amount of commercials which literally interrupt interviews mid sentence and very frequently, have taken over. And nowadays, they can’t help themselves to interject their personal politics into the discussion whether it calls for it or not. This podcast has really fallen in quality and I am dropping these guys for better shows.
  • Andrea Canales
    Excellent conversations!
    I love the guests and conversations that Mike curates. I have so many cinema blind spots that this helps me fill in, thanks for the amazing work!
  • tiny tuan
    Simply Delicious!!
    Always appreciate the deep dive conversations Mike and his friends have about both popular and lesser known films. I often watch the movie while listening. Keep up the great work!
  • nowplayingjim
    One of the most thorough podcasts about film ever
    Mike works hard, talks hard and does a fantastic job recruiting very smart, articulate guests that know the chosen film front to back. Everything about this show should be praised and embraced if you’re a cinephile or just looking for an extensive conversation complete with interviews with the cast and crew. Thank you Mike for all your dedication, talent and effort.
  • FredSMade
    Quite good most of the time
    Another show where I want to love it more than I do only because some episodes are home runs and others are strikeouts for me depending on the chosen guest. Really though there was a recent episode where the “r” word was used to describe something unintelligent and thought the host would know better than to be that politically incorrect in using that terminology. Regardless, I’ve come down in the middle on this one. Some episodes are a bit too long while others are the perfect length. Maybe I just need to be more picky and selective about which ones I want to explore further but this is another where I’m amazed at the knowledge of the guests and the dedication of the host. I’ll subscribe and keep listening but I’d be a little more sensitive to certain language being used.
  • White Sox 2020
    Ball of Fire
    Had to bail on your podcast when your guests decided to use the format to get political. Coming from a Brit who grew up underprivileged, one would have expected her views to be exactly opposite as she critiques the man who endeavored to lift everyone through opportunity. I tune in to film podcasts for enjoyment and a break from politics which has invaded everything. Good luck to you.
  • robslawson
    The perfect film lover’s podcast
    I truly appreciate this podcast. I’ve tried out several podcasts about films and filmmakers and got so tired of yelling at my JBL speaker over misinformation, or guests who really didn’t know about the films they were brought on to speak about, beyond having watched it the night before. One exception was It Happened in Hollywood, which seems to have ceased production. But this podcast goes deep into the minutiae of the film being discussed, not afraid to spend over 3 hours discussing Carrie, for example. I’m currently listening to the episode about Pink Narcissus. PINK NARCISSUS! Bless Mike White* and friends for giving as much attention to obscure, queer art films as to the blockbusters. And at over 800 episodes, I’m going to be listening to this fantastic podcast for a long time. *I just yelled at my speaker, and I’m going to have to let myself forgive him for not knowing who directed Querelle. Dude. Okay, deep breath.
  • Lunchbox Steve
    Take your cinephilia to the next level!
    The Projection Booth is the perfect next step for film enthusiasts who have seen most of the IMDb Top 250, exhausted the AFI 100 list, and are getting a little tired of the Box Office Top 10 each year. If you match any part of this description and are looking for to expand your watchlist, look no further than The Projection Booth. It's not that Unspooled, The Ringer Podcast network, or Filmspotting are not worth listening to, it's just that The Projection Booth belongs on a tier of its own. At the risk of sounding superlative, no other film podcast quite compares to the depth, curation, and dedication that Mike White brings to TPB. I started listening about 6 years ago and have yet to be underwhelmed by an episode. Mike White and his cavalcade of insightful co-hosts and interviewees never fail to interest and enlighten. Some of my favorite discoveries of the past few years have been guided by this podcast. If Mike has an episode on it, I make a point to watch it just I can fully appreciate his work on the episode. Without TPB, I would not have had the motivation to watch gems like Wake in Fright, Happy End (1966), The Swimmer, Saint Jack, Let's Scare Jessica to Death, Scarecrow, Pastoral: To Die In Country, Mr. Freedom, Cabin Boy, and of course, Black Shampoo. Even episodes covering widely-discussed movies like Psycho, A Clockwork Orange, Fight Club, or Carrie add intriguing perspectives and impressive research to the conversation. Even if I already felt like I was an armchair expert on certain films, Mike and company will always bring more to the table. Top 10 Favorite Episodes (based on quality of discussion and interviews) Black Christmas (1974) Puzzle of a Downfall Child (1970) On the Silver Globe (1988) The Cremator (1968) The Intruder (1962) The Exorcist II: The Heretic (1977) An American Carol (2008) Saint Jack (1979) The Brood (1979) All That Jazz (1979)
  • doubtingtomjr
    The definitive film podcast
    Due to the breadth of the subjects as well as the extensive interviews, this podcast is the one all other film podcasts are measured by.
  • The Man Who Comes Around
    Quite Possibly the Best Film Podcast
    In a market saturated with fanboys in their basements, The Projection Booth Podcast is both amatuer, and heights above the amatuer. Mike White has more than just 'let's talk about this film' he has a method of walking his guests through a film and methodically pointing out qualities and contentions. If a film is problematic, he addresses it. If it is not one he cares for, he does not let that hinder the guest he brings on to talk about why he might be wrong. He is well versed both in the contextual reading of film (analysis) but also the nut and bolts of film making. There is an episode in which a guest spends about an hour talking about the change from film to digitial, for instance. Mike has built up considerable clout with reps and agents to the point where Hollywood directors like William Friedkin and and Indie directors like Keith Gordon have come on the show for interviews or to co-host. If you're not interested in William Friedkin breaking down Sorcerer or Ronny Cox talking about his experience making Bevery Hills Cop, Total Recall, and Robocop, then this podcast may not be for you. I am surprised at the enormous amount of comments on iTunes regarding politics on the Projection Booth. First, I don't think it's that much, second, I think what is there is relevant, and third, I think the truth may sting a little. I'd like to think of myself as right of center. Art is meant to make you think. If you're turning it off, you're not thinking. The episode on 1984 for example has a fantastic discussion about Newspeak and how it is directly relatable to 'Fake News' and 'Alternative Facts.' If you don't see the parallel there, you're not just subjective, you're blind. Mike has also spent a lot of time on other's podcasts so you can tell he has total devotion to his interest. I heard him on CultureCast, We Hate Movies, and the Super 70 Commentary Cast. You should definately give it a chance. There's over three hundred episodes so you should beable to find SOMETHING you like. I'd start with the one on Star Wars or The Empire Strikes back before you jumped into Point Blank or Yojimbo. Give it a shot. The Projection Booth Podcast might be the greatest thing coming out of Detroit since the '05 Shelby GT.
  • MegaPhilip
    Top Tier Movie Podcast
    I listen to a lot of movie podcasts and The Projection Booth is one of the very best! Mike is a great host and does a nice job of being a knowledgeable guide through a wide variety of films without being condescending or too full of himself. He also has an incredible backlog of shows that don’t get old. Check it out!
  • Davividavid
    Essential for movie lovers
    There’s no more in-depth, informative, engaging, interesting, fun, and well-made film podcast. Whenever I see a film, I always check the Projection Booth archives to see if they’ve done an episode on it: they’re always focused, well-researched, and rich with analyses that are deep but never boring. They also go the extra mile to contextualize the films and seek out great subjects for interviews. Can’t praise this podcast highly enough.
  • Rahne
    A top-tier film podcast
    The Projection Booth is really a delight — every episode is full of curiosity, interesting guests, and open-ended discussion, and I learn something new every time. If you love film, treat yourself to one of the Projection Booth’s deep dives. I’ve been fortunate to guest on a few episodes and always look forward to the opportunity to connect over a common love for an old favorite film or a new discovery.
  • Drano55
    I come to listen to movie reviews and not politics. Don’t bother with this podcast.
    High Quality
    I have listened to so many movie podcasts but all pale in comparison to The Projection Booth. It’s not just a group of fans giving their opinions, the broadcasts are well researched and comprehensive. They always seem to reveal new facts about movies I thought I knew every detail about. These days I struggle to sit through 30 minutes of TV, yet even their 4 hour podcasts flyby.
  • ron dron
    Projection booth
    Would Sergei Eisenstein’s Ivan the Terrible parts I and II be the best film adaption(s) of Frank Herbert’s Dune?
  • RoguesDa
    Best Movie Podcast
    I have enjoyed listening to Mike and his guest hosts talk about movies for several years. They have introduced me to some new favorites. Their conversations are so good that I have listened to shows about movies that I probably would never see. Mike does extensive research and has great interviews of actors, writers, and directors.
  • bigmacher
    Love this podcast
    I’ve never known anyone who knows as much about movies as Mike. It’s a joy to have all his goodness bottled up here in a podcast to enjoy anytime.
  • manjicat
    Love this podcast , they go deep into each film covered.
    Very enjoyable podcast about movies that goes deep into each movie covered . The interviews are terrific and Mike White asks interesting questions. Recent example : stellar interview with Elliot Gould in the Silent Partner episode.
  • matthewj888
    The best movie podcast by far
    Long standing best movie podcast, no comparisons. It’s better than reading a book or article about the film. No silly radio gimmicks or games, just straight discussions by people who love movies and do lots of research.
  • (Mario500)
    A Review of "The Projectionist Booth Podcast"
    I had found what I had believed to had been certain parts of a certain installment of this "The Projection Booth Podcast" (specifically certain forms of language) to had been vulgar, unnecessary, negative, and detrimetal (especially after having had found certain parts of it to had been informative, pleasant, and amusing).
  • Zombie Tombie
    Give it a rest
    Another good podcast ruined by politics.Taking shots at Trumpers and Redhats for no reason, except it's the 'thing to do'. Mike can't seem to help himself. Lord knows NO ONE will comment on the current administration Don't know why it's so tough for FILM podcasts to not get political
  • mpf75
    Engaging and they know their stuff
    Engaging hosts and guests who know what they are talking about. Well researched and enjoyable conversations that go DEEP on these films.
  • C-T-M '93
    Engaging & Well-Researched
    The amount of work and research Mike puts into these episodes is truly incredible. Well worth your time.
  • Grae_cat
    Great Podcast
    This is a great podcast for people that really love movies. Lots of interesting interviews with people that were in the movie, made the movie, or were just involved with the movie. Mike sounds like he’s talking through an 80’s cell phone, and I can’t figure why though.
  • jeandeberg
    A goldmine
    I happened across The Projection Booth about a year ago because I am a fan of several co-hosts that appear on the show. That turned into a deep dive into the show past decade worth of shows that basically got me through the pandemic. Mike as a host is truly a film fan’s film fan, and I’m eternally grateful for not only his stellar guests and co-hosts, but his own passion, sense of humor, and above all ever-evolving knowledge. I’ve occasionally had to stop and take notes on a particular episode because of the wealth of information being provided, such as other related films or books that get mentioned. Whether he’s doing a episode on a film he’s just watched for the first time, or one of which he’s already a seasoned fan, there’s a consistent level of enthusiasm and engagement with the subject. His willingness to give a film a chance and to be surprised by what he finds is totally refreshing. I always look forward to what he’s going to cover next. Thanks, Mike!
  • The SpringJack
    The best film podcast
    Mike White is the hardest working podcaster in the biz. The Projection Booth is consistently excellent. Even a grizzled film lover can find much to consider here. If you love films this is a required resource.
  • 1-Man
    Annoying amateur babbling nerds!
    If you have no life and like listening to long winded, redundant, poorly spoken, profane, vulgar unfunny nerd humor, unoriginal regurgitated misinformation, irrelevant personal stories, and off topic stupid ridiculous connections told in bloated more is more geek fashion, then go ahead and tune into these idiots. But if you are yourself a fan of such movies and want to know more about their making, certainly do not ever make the mistake of listening to this junk. It will taint the properties you once loved.
  • Brunomac
    One of my faves
    These guya are informed, funny, and clearly love film. Especially genre stuff. But I wish there was more of that, So many eps are about obscure, Euro stuff I never heard of. . But every long epsiode about my faves (Conan is almost 6 hours!) is cherished by me on raod trips and at work/gym. This california beach bum sez to you Detroiters; keep em coming!
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