The Higherside Chats


THC is an interview based show with some of the best guests available across many conspiracy, paranormal, & all around fringe topics.

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Recent Reviews
  • Huckster Charlatan
    I look forward to every episode
    I enjoy listening while I’m working on my shop. Real genuine and professional interviews. Greg cares about what his listeners experience. THC has introduced me to so many different perspectives that would be hard to find with so many horrible podcasts clogging up the atmosphere. The Greekspeek interviews completely nailed it. I recommend everyone to go through his archives to listen to these.
  • dan627291
    Excellent show
    Love the wide ranging content and viewpoints.
  • BriantheLion3185
    The Best
    A man of true integrity. Honest to his own chagrin, but that’s a compliment from my POV.
  • Arc 724
    Good show, stop begging
    Really enjoy the show. Greg’s formate is very appealing and the topics looked at in a manner that brings fresh eye to topics we’ve heard around the CT community. The part that has soured me over the years of listening is his begging for conversions to the premium. Sometimes at the end of some shows he will criticize people for not doing it and complain. It has turned me right off from wanting to ever purchase the plus membership. Thank God there is a skip button. Greg, your stuff speaks for itself and complaining only make your look un grateful. No matter how much you say are. Please stop criticizing non-HC members and low key bragging about how you don’t do ads while other podcasters do. There’s too much content out there for me to pay you and if I where to pay someone it would not be someone complaining and slinging their family at me like a weapon. You’re better than that Greg.
  • Kbkallday5452
    Greg im sorry for your loss. Hope all is well. My condolences to you and yours
  • 😌Qty
    Matthew Lysiak
    Strong vegetarian animals who exist without eating meat. 1. The Elephant 2. The Rhino 3. The Hippo 4. The Bison 5. The Wildebeest 6. The Horse 7. The Manatee 8. The Deer 9. Some Whales 10. Yak Also look what happened when farmers fed meat to there cows
  • Rustywallace357
    No words
    No one on this podcast plane does it better than Greg C.
  • Creepycuttlefish
    Greatest Podcast
    Mr Carlwood has some serious skills. This is my favorite podcast. There is so much in the Higherside chat library to keep me entertained and educated for months. It’s the only podcast I subscribe to. I very highly recommend the higherside chats to everyone. Very much worth the tiny subscription for the second hour of content . There is also great merchandise to don up in. Shirt designs are amazing. Thanks for the many hours of quality listening Mr Carlwood.
  • TheSynchroMystic
    Absolutely Outstanding Show
    As someone who’s been “awake” since a little after 9/11, who cut their teeth on OG conspiracy theories and scrolled the infant World Wide Web finding all sorts of things, this show scratches the itch of giving us information that just isn’t widely available as it should be, and breaking it down for people newer to the info who can even find more. A top shelf show!
  • Moonie Burger
    Sometimes I feel like Greg could do a better solo show with some of these hokey word salad chef’s he’s had on lately… 🤷‍♂️
  • Jak4202000
    THC is the OG
    Such a wonderful listen. Keep up the hard work, sending positive energy your way ✌️🙏
    4/20/2024’s Closer Said The Quiet Part Out Loud
    I’ve been listening to and loving THC for years. However, the closing remarks of the 4/20/2024 episode lost me. It’s one thing to be agnostic or have doubts — which I would say generally characterizes how the host presents himself — but in this episode such a strong animus for Christians came through in the closing remarks that I’m not OK continuing my support — or, as the host insultingly characterized it as, “keeping that money coming in.”
  • dzakonly
    … this dude is wild! great ep Greg
  • earthsaver107
    Trance Disruptor
    I love Greg and I most admire him for his curious mind, genuine heart, and his courage to explore topics most others won't touch. As a deeply sensitive being living in a dystopian reality where nothing makes sense, Greg has offered a place where it all gets to belong - where the strange, magical, nonsensical, upside down world 🌍 is allowed to be its multi-dimentional self, and so too are those who see and experience it through a multitude of perspectives and perceptions. I'm grateful for your work, Greg!
  • Diesel Dirk Digler
    Greg is the G.O.A.T.
    Been a member almost a decade now (around the time you had Crrow777 on for the first time to talk about the Lunar Wave baby! You practically discovered him before anyone else. I know people get all weird, uncomfortable and upset whenever it gets brought up, but FE needs to be seriously discussed with some one like Austin Whitsit from “WhitsitGetsIt” or the guys from “Space Audits” Also JayDreamerz has a crazy book called “plasma apocalypse” that you’d prolly enjoy quite a bit…much love. P.S.-Stop by Dr. Narco Longo’s bookstore if you’re ever on the east side.
  • britter98
    The woman in the wall
    I’m listening to the episode with Shannon Rowan about the mother and baby homes in Ireland. You have to watch a show called “the woman in the wall” an FX show (i believe). I watched it on Hulu they talk all about this they show the background of how the poor you g girls were treated and their babies stolen and trafficked or murdered! it is just horrific!!😲😤😳😭😭love your show Greg
  • ana691!
    A little too far into tedious conspiracy
    Great guests (Gordon) but host too invested in the big bad daddy puppeteer notion (“the elites, Mr global”). Would that the world was so cozy and neat. Lacks complexity at the end of the day and reminds me of my teenage boyfriends. But I still listen because he is open minded and willing to discuss various Povs.
  • gaby.g.rojas
    Love it 💫
    Great show Greg! I love the topics. Keep it up!
  • Aubra7
    If you can only afford one newspaper buy the opposition’s
    I’ve grown so much being a plus member at THC with Greg’s presentations of the alternative narrative and I can’t thank him enough.
  • attackkitten11
    Love Love! As a tennis fan this was extra fascinating.
    Keep up the great work!
  • RebelMusic510
    One of the best.
    Great show. Prolific interviews. Greg has progressed to one of the best hosts in podcasting. Keep an open mind and be prepared to be amazed.
  • LordAqua23
    Top notch, High quality!
    Some of the best interviews with the best guests, Greg is truly a giant amongst podcasters
  • xgbjk
    Diana Walsh Pasulka
    Excellent interview! Keep up the good work!
  • mitchellB25
    William Ramsey episode was amazing
    I loved this episode. And I learned a lot that I didn’t know before! The only complaint is the audio quality of William Ramsay’s voice. So many words were inaudible. It was very frustrating at times. His voice goes too low for his microphone, often. But now I really want his books! I always love your songs, Greg! I laughed out loud at the line “ don’t you know we’re Archon food !” lol lol lol Merry Christmas everybody !
  • Laura Gale
    Yes, loving it
    The variety of guests, some serious, some whacky, most both, are worthwhile. I listen while doing farm work. As a new Jesus faithful person, Mom, farmer, former New Ager type, I love Greg’s openness to it all. Definitely helps those long cold days here go by.
  • LuckyLucy88
    You literally just called a majority of hardworking Americans ‘ignorant’ for working blue collar jobs. You might be a little more respectful toward those who may be ‘awake’ yet still need to put food on their table and work jobs that supply you with your ‘needs’. Everyone can’t all be podcasters - sad but I am out. Good luck.
  • cookiedodo
    Joe Atwill
    Thanks for looking at this cluster F0ck of a situation with a clear and level head. I feel like I just got an honest look at what’s going on over there instead of the typical “narrative” and “counter narrative” views being offered, both of which are full of lies. Big ups Gregg.
  • milosz on the wing
    It’s changed to fit it’s disaffected audience
    It used to be okay. Had some good guests and some horrible guests, but it was trying to showcase broad ideas. But it’s come off it’s hinges since 2020. Pandering to upset people by inflaming their distrust. If only the world were as simple as is often portrayed here. If only control and secrets were that easy to achieve. If only all of the puzzle pieces fit so comfortably and the enemies of the world were that cinematically defined.
  • ShawnJohn22
    Too many idiot guests
    Overall, it’s a great show. But Greg keeps having these idiot guests on that only talk about ghosts, god or aliens. These guests are worthless because the only evidence they ever come on the show with is anecdotal evidence. Anecdotes are NOT evidence in any way shape or form.
  • jute40
    you’re one of my go to’s
    but wanna course correct this term ‘slave’ once,on a museum tour,the guide asked how many slaves were brought from africa. everyone in the group,all black folks,spoke nearly in unison: 12 million!! wrong,the guide said. there were NO slaves brought from africa. there were PEOPLE brought from africa and ENSLAVED. there are no slaves. anywhere. there are only ENSLAVED PEOPLE. all your guests teach me so much. dean was on point in every way.
  • djdflp
    Thank you
    I have been looking for inciteful podcast content that is non partisan. Just tell me What’s going on. Thank you!
  • Mick Salty
    Aktion T4
    Great interview with German EU parliamentarian. Was hoping she’d address Aktion T4. Can you do a think piece on it?
  • Bootstrappers
    Good job…
  • Sdctdc
    “It’s like finding loose women at an abortion clinic.” What kind of disgusting, inappropriate stereotype is this?! I have no words for how vile that statement was.
  • Raw Mike 100
    Woah man!
    Great show Greg! Longtime listener first time commenting. Had to speak on this due to synchronizty and the universe bringing these matters to my attention. Important stuff my man Gen 6 text book stuff. It’s definitely a functioning matrix. It’s like the intelligence behind this whole biz is manipulating us just as easy as we operate our digital devices for social media ext. they’revrunnig apps per say that have results for us here on our side. God bless you nd yours. Keep up the good works.
    Great host and production
    5 stars for that, as for the guests and content that’s up to you. I really appreciate this being released on the weekends during the podcast lull, for free, and in general.
  • Living on a Thin Line
    Worth a listen
    The intersection of where Matt Drudge meets Art Bell…great show!
  • pmccomb
    Great information
    Following this show for over 10 years.,
  • whatwouldkarendo
    Another mouthpiece for the fascist government regimes pushing globalization and one world government. No thanks
  • AB4664
    Best Esoteric Interview Show. Period.
    Thanks for all your hard work, Greg! Very much appreciated— i’ve learned a ton.
  • Mikekare71
    Awesome analog interview
    Great as always
  • Khdhdghh
    The music is out of this world
    Greg is such a lively host with some of the best guests one can find. But I have to know, who does the music? It’s incredible, the amount of effort put into the show. Been loving it for years.
  • Explorienlo
    A go to fave! Thumbs Up
    Greg is excellent at interviewing his guests. Great topics. Terrific content, usually current and sometimes controversial- always interesting whether I agree with what they are saying or not. I applaud and appreciate THC! (The least I can do is share a review since I cannot support it monetarily at this time… I love yer show!!) Thank you and please keep ‘em coming.
    Best show so far
    Elisa E best guest to have on a show! Greg you are a great interviewer! Also i hope you enjoy FLA! My favorite place on earth!
  • Lucy Pasteur
    May G-d bless you with all you need to flourish BIG time!!! As soon as I can send money - I will, with G-d’s help! SOOO grateful for you & your work! Funny that the biggest truth tellers will get lots of trolls giving 1 star reviews! Even the music is on a LOVE frequency! From truth seeker to truth seeker - the light is overcoming the dark - FAST! מחיל אל חיל! Keep climbing!
  • Odasarta
    Red Rider
    Love the show. Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.
  • Seabass138
    Wow. All roads really do lead to anti-semetism. Pretty disappointed to hear Greg buying into this weeks guest “Jews control all religions and are false victims”.. shows been going down the tubes since COVID but this was profoundly disappointing to me. I’m out
  • kimberdancer
    Normally Intellectual
    I typically enjoy this podcast but disappointed in the Adam Green episode…where is he getting his theology!? I’ve had bad experiences in some Christian spaces as well, but the theology in this episode was definitely lacking which isn’t typical. If you’re going to talk about foundational psy-ops, one should look deeper into the theologies of the religions one is trying to discuss, the Torah, the New Testament and the deeper roots of these religions. Most of the guests can site their sources which makes for interesting, thought provoking discussions. Greg Carlwood is good about giving his guests space to talk which is appreciated…
  • northend4
    Amazing show
    So grateful I found THC. I recently went back to listen to Greg in the earliest days of Covid and he was spot on. He is a very skilled interviewer and it’s a pleasure to support someone who is so good at his craft. Bravo!
  • Randy Leete
    Richard C. Hoagland
    great show, however Richard Hoagland is delusion. wow. actually thinks Musk is going to bring 9 people to space! doesn’t he know space is fake & gay?!? wow Greg. screen the guests a little.
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