3 Martini Lunch


Three Martini Lunch is a funny, edgy and fast-paced podcast of the day's major political stories, hosted by Radio America's Greg Corombos and Jim Geraghty

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Recent Reviews
  • Boilingrug
    Pathetic “men”
    It’s telling & interesting that there is such extreme interest & celebration over the legal problems of a political opponents family member. Sins of the Father, & all that. Are these men?
  • Draw-4-Fun
    Can’t Miss
    This is one I listen to every day. I look forward to it.
  • XYZ75034
    3 Martini…
    Great Show!!
  • Mike5591637
    It would be easier to vote for Trump
    if he named Bergum as his running mate. Then I’d be hoping for a medical event to strike Trump.
  • Wspers
    First Podcast Look for Everyday
    Love you guys even though I may not get every Die Hard reference. Always informs while putting a smile on my face. Please keep it up!
  • Joyce7030
    Trump and Lee Greenwood…
    I am dropping your podcast. I am sick of media criticizing Trump for his “sins.” 1)Jesus died on the cross to cover everyone’s sins, not just yours. There is not a big or little sin. Sin is sin. 2) Let he who is without sin cast the first stone. 3) You are not the judge of who is saved or is or is not a Christian. 4) You apparently do support a president who professes to be a devout catholic, but uses curse words when speaking to Americans, says “palms” for Psalms (Hmmm, suppose he reads the Bible?) and supports full term abortion (murder) of babies. Don’t forget he hit on his daughter and 15-yr-old babysitter. He lies on a daily basis and has a reputation for plagiarism. Jim G., you’re way too windy, giving very drawn-out responses to questions. You must like to hear yourself talk. PS: Conservatives don’t think Federalism is anti-American.
  • Matt McKenney
    Even if it were a “fig leaf,” shouldn’t it be passed if it helps?
  • tvc1976
    Common Sense Commentary
    Always enjoy common sense perspective from the hosts. The hosts are funny but precise with their take on current events.
  • Fibrogirl96
    Loved the Dana Perino episode
    I enjoy and love your podcast. You have a great way of breaking politics down and make you think. Dana Perino is my role model. I hope that you’ll have her back on again in the near future. I only wanted to correct one thing you left out about Dana’s career at Fox. Her first show was The Five but you left out that prior to joining America’s Newsroom Dana had her own show called The Daily Briefing that was successful as well. Her insight and intellect are second to none. I thought the three of you had a great flow and easiness about you. Thank you for such a great show that gives us a great handle and insight into contemporary politics. I like getting a better understanding of what’s happening and giving me things to think about and sometimes change my way of thinking about a certain subject. Keep up the great work you’re doing. I hope you’ll have Dana back more often.
  • Rick Locker
    Who made you the king of beers?
    I stopped drinking bod lite because of the arrogance of the ad executive who told me she didn’t want my business anymore. I considering stopping listening to the podcast because of the arrogance of someone who tells me the beer I liked and was the most popular brand of beer tastes like piss. KMA.
  • targetugh
    Sad that they are so jaded
    Maybe they have some good ideas somewhere, but most of the podcast is just sad criticism of minor items that just seems to miss the point. Easy to criticize, harder to build.
  • Balsam Range
    Can’t miss this podcast!
    I’ve been listening to Jim and Greg for a close to two years now, and I’m ashamed that I’m just now reviewing Three Martini Lunch. This podcast is a great combination of humor and substance, and it’s the first podcast I listen to every day. I guess I could live without it, but I’d prefer not!
  • (KJN33)
    The Granddaddy of them All
    I’ve been listening to The Three Martini Lunch since the antediluvian days of podcasting. Entertaining and thought-provoking.
  • L.H……….!!!!!
    Love your podcast
    I love listening to your podcast everyday during the week. It enlightens me to what is happening in the world without going into to much detail.
  • Tired of it 4494
    Please drop the Sara Carter ad. I can’t take the y’all any more.
  • Mort Todtman
    Sara Carter
    Hey y’all. If I have to hear another grating advertisement for Sooper Beeets I’m going to scratch my fingernails off on the nearest blackboard.
  • Martin P72
    Are you being banned?
    I have not been able to listen to 3 Martini Lunch for weeks on my iPhone podcast app. Have you heard about others with this issue? I can listen to my other podcasts on iTunes just fine.
  • Claversj
    Not too long and a great format
    There are some people who just seem to work well together. Greg Colombos and Jim Gheraty are just good chemistry. Always entertaining, and mostly interesting!
  • Robert Henry Holtz
    Must listen for the top good, bad, and CRAZY stories of the day.
    Really funny and informative show. Try to name a more dynamic duo!!
  • thomasjust listening
    Always civil and cheerful
  • Presleeeee89098
    Love it
    Excellent daily conservative podcast. I really like the news of the day format. The hosts have great chemistry, are informative and also keep it light and fun for easy listening.
  • clallen68
    Entertaining Format
    Always an entertaining and informed look at issues of the day from the right side of the spectrum.
  • Sebastian Tombs
    Memorial Day
    Great podcast! And, a great episode! I just wish your sponsor’s products were made in China, particularly with “patriot” in their name.
  • Original Ifunny is better
    Hunter Biden is a crook
    The way Biden treats his new granddaughter is horrible. She is innocent. Focusing on Hunter and the influence peddling is right. Keep it up.
  • choir buddy
    Alway five stars for content - but six commercials is the first segment… bad direction for those of us listening.
  • Chris_M_S
    War / Neocons / Ads
    Jim the Neocon, squish, Iraq War adorer. The governments isn’t shady you’re insane to think Epstein was murdered. What a waste of space.
  • greg30577
    Entertaining and informative
    Entertaining and informative. Clearly has a point of view but is generally fair and fact-based.
  • WrigleyFieldMarshal
    A Daily Listen
    This is a good podcast for catching up with the major stories of the day, with excellent analysis.
  • George & Tracy
    Entertaining an informative
    Great podcast enjoy their interaction with one another nice combination of humor and substance
  • cqgoodwin
    Interesting but often self congratulatory
    I listen to these guys almost every day, and I have been for years, but I am close to being done with them because of the endless smug self congratulatory references to how generation X is so great (???) and how millennials are the worst. I wonder if these guys forget that millennials are in their mid 30s and even early 40s now and the “kids” that they actually mean to complain about is generation Z? Either way, it’s a really great way to make sure no one in their 30’s/40’s listens. Good job guys.
  • Trmp20
    Mostly.great minus sand story
    Could have skipped Brady sand story… beneath you … more important issues
  • Amistead Maupin
    Blah Blah Blah
    As usual I listened to these guys and tried to see their points of view, just can’t do it anymore 🤮
  • TomBowZno
    Deferent view
    I see Mitch as the number one problem. Maybe heavy advertising to the American public about the way omnibus bills are past would help. What a con job !!!
  • MagicMarker58
    My day is not complete until I have heard this podcast
    Jim Geraghty: always worth a listen…except when he weeps about the Jets
  • EZKSUCATs1581
    Need more Martinis
    I look forward to My 3 Martini lunch everyday over the lunch hour, it quickly became one of my favorite podcasts, Thanks Jim & Greg!!!
  • Quliter Babs
    Pronounce names correctly
    Please Jim, learn how to pronounce the names of the people you’re discussing correctly- and then do it consistently- Kathy Hochul (hokel not hockel and Maggie HASSen not HasSAN) Those of us who live in their states and know the correct way of saying these names find your inconsistencies extremely annoying. Otherwise, your podcast is excellent
  • jbrown1968
    Saudi Birdie for Biden
    Greg got it seriously wrong on MBS’. His target is clearly Biden after being called a pariah. No way was he going to do Biden a political favor by increasing production. You kind of recovered late in the podcast. I would bet that a neutral handling if not a friendly one would have resulted in a more accommodating response. To be sure, the USA is a natural partner if not an ally of America.
  • 4TW5
    Money Talks
    I love this podcast! But the recent addition of political ads- all of which run contrary to the political ideology to which I subscribe, and that of most conservative Libertarians- makes it impossible for me to support this podcast any longer. I get it, money talks.
  • brentcurrier
    Great Podcast!
    Perfect balance of Substance delivered with humor. Keep it up!
  • DiamondBob
    Never miss it
    I haven’t missed an episode of this podcast in years. Number one on my list every day. Especially love the expose of Disney C
  • Liz in Paige Texas
    Stop that stupid woman’s make-up advertisement
    I like your content but on Apple your podcast starts and continues EVERY segment with an imbecile woman whispering about fixing her ugly duck face with some colors. I will rate a 1 or quit you b/c it’s GROSS!
  • 30 names come on
    Stuck in communist New England
    I you guys do a great job I laugh all the time why is it that when dumb Joe says gas is under $ 3.00 no on asks s follow up question or tells him he is lying I remember him Acosta veins poping out at anything trump or his people said but it seems no on questions Biden or KJP they lie do much
  • KingOfMagnolia
    Keep up the great work!
    Essential daily listening for me across nearly 10 years and six cell phones on three different cell phone platforms.
  • Mtayl03
    Look, I am all in favor of Democrats wasting campaign funds but I can’t understand why Stacey Abrams is advertising so heavily on this podcast (I live in Georgia)
  • Voiceguy2000
    Content Great; Technical Side Lousy
    Good content esp. from Jim Geraghty. Marred by the blastingly loud commercials that interrupt the program periodically. The recorded commercials (not the ones read by Greg and Jim) come crashing through at levels 10 dB or more louder than the program content and knock listeners out of their seats. There is really no excuse for this, and the program’s technical production team should be ashamed. In addition, I have to wonder why commercials in Spanish, Japanese and Korean are bring blasted at me? I really have the proposed federal statute on loud commercials is enacted. This producer is totally irresponsible and disrespectful of listeners.
  • A independent voter
    Makes sense of these crazy times
    Love this podcast-appreciate your sense of humor. Makes up for the crazy stuff going on in the world…well, almost! Keep up the great work
  • Sp Ri
    No, I am the King of Stuff.
    The claim is now disputed, my gauntlet thrown down. May God lend strength to the one true King and vanquish the perfidious pretender, Jon Gabriel! ;) Great podcast, guys! One of my favorite daily listens (best enjoyed after reading Jim’s excellent Morning Jolt)!
  • TheSoupIsHot
    5* for Leroy Jenkins
    Just for Jim trying to explain and contextualize the internet meme “LeeeeeRoyy Jenkins”. Love listening to these guys daily.
  • Lars42069
    Too many ads
    Good but way too many ads
  • sudokuala
    Too many ads
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