Thinking in Public with Albert Mohler


For more resources, including articles, The Briefing, Thinking in Public, and archived editions of his nationally-syndicated radio show, The Albert Mohler Program, be sure to visit

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Recent Reviews
  • h55rs3h1p
    Good listening
    I always appreciate listening to the interviews. They are interesting, informative and, I should add, challenging. The dialogue is courteous even if there is disagreement about the subject. It is obvious that there is respect for each other.
  • Ty tomb
    Love it
    Love what you do doctor Mohler. Keeping true to the word and not compromising on it. Thank you for doing this
  • Mark C 95
    Zuckerman interview
    I listened to your interview with Dr. Zuckerman this morning. Thank you for having him on. My initial impression was that Z confused cause-and-effect. For example, Dr. Zuckerman thinks that universities secularized as people became more educated. Whereas, I think a lot of Christians would argue that universities were a cause of secularization not an effect. I also think there is strong evidence to suggest that materialism might aid secularization, but it is not the heart of it. In fact, statistics are now showing that many well off people are actually attending churches in greater numbers than the poor. That is true in my rural Kentucky community.
  • a. Bubba
    Thank You Dr. Mohler
    I am thankful for the rich insight provided into our present cultural confusion and trauma presented by Dr. Mohler and his guests examined through the lens of Christ. Without such keen focus and summary of the problems that assault us by intelligent, high-minded, leaders, it would be much harder to navigate toward the narrow way all believers are called to pursue.
  • SRH04
    Thinking in Public
    Excellent! Relevant, intelligent, knowledgeable on every subject covered.
  • G Royboy
    Good stuff
    I accidentally found this podcast and it is one of my favorite!!! I’m an average guy with high school education, who loves Jesus and his country! I believe listening to this podcast is like getting an education! Thank you for the content and the learning from it👍👍👍
  • D. Wizzy
    Brilliant host, great guests, valuable knowledge
    What a wealth of learning and inspiration!
  • Halo Warrior
    Reading List
    I like the in-depth interviews. I often times add the books discussed to my reading list. Thank you!
  • BourbonSangria
    No standards except those proposed by the elite education class
  • C.J. Z******
    Four Americais and Our Current Social Crisis
    Arguably one of your best episodes! #keepthinking
  • Gunzobuns
    Perfect intersection
    Thinking in Public is the perfect intersection of intellectual curiosity, careful discernment and critical thinking. Thank you Dr. Mohler!
  • c2rosa
    Great podcast
    I love Al Mohlers “Thinking in Public” podcast. Amazing discussions. I highly recommend.
  • JMule6
    Incredible podcast for deepening one’s Christian worldview
    This podcast is indispensable for those trying to love God with all their mind. The conversations are important, timely, and deeply infused with biblical wisdom.
  • Igor1234534
    10 out of 10
    So refreshing and uplifting
  • Dr. E. St.Victor
    Let the guest speak more
    These are fascinating conversations, informative and inspiring. My only critique would be I wish the host would let the guests speak more.
  • JoanieWalker
    Stunningly interesting even if you’re not Christian
    Although I was raised Christian, I am now agnostic. That said so you know where I am coming from, I cannot explain to you how insightful this show is. He does not bombard you with Christian ethics or make you feel like you should convert on the spot, he comes from a his mindset, but really it is in the background compared to all of the things he wants you to think about. I love the show I have subscribed to the show, it is one of the shows I listen to the most. He has no true agenda other than to make you think that I can discern in how he presents the show. I suggest you give a listen to at least one episode and decide for yourself, it’s a winner.
  • Hammer1time
    Intelligent and relevant
    No wallflower politeness here! Straightforward and frank discussions on topics happening right now. Gives Christians the language and thought process they need to defend the faith with grace.
  • JESUSFREAK!!!!!!!
    Excellent podcast
    Dr. Mohler has been CRUSHING the game for a while. I have especially been enjoying these recent episodes. Thank you for all your hard work Thinking in Public team!
  • Goodguesser
    Medvedev said BLM should be holding up people like Martin Luther King Jr - a man assassinated - “noted not for victim hood...”
  • ChuckVanInMass
    Outstanding podcast
    Outstanding podcast Interview conversations on TIP. Dr. Mohler brings on some interesting guests. I truly enjoy these interviews and almost always learn something from them. Keep up the good work. Chuck V.
  • Selling Phoenix
    So Thankful
    Very thankful to have Al back as of today. I appreciate his ability to think critically about the events occurring all around us. It has helped me to think more critically as well. May the church be strengthen in its understanding of the times and be awakened to respond as the Bible teaches.
  • honest thinker
    Albert Mohler - Let the writer talk
    Can you try to be objective in your interviews? Your topics and guests are so interesting, and yet you continually find the need to debate, correct, and interject your own rank over the people you interview. I like your shows, but I wish you'd lay off continually trying to overpower your guests (many/ some of them... not always) to give the impression that you want to surprise them with unsolicited negative peer-review. Case in point - Todays release of "American Television and The Left". You know more people, you're older, etc. Your point to me quickly appeared to become all about your better knowledge. Hard to listen to. I definitely don't want to read the poor guy's book. He is no kind of expert, or so it seems from your long, continual one-upsmanship. Please try to ask questions... and let the guest answer. I'd bet the guest really is interesting. Maybe I'll resubscribe after awhile. Good bye.
  • BobDobbs305
    Top Shelf Discourse!
    I love it when popular authors and intellectuals come on this show after touring the more popular podcasts. The conversations here are higher level and smarter. Now I think this pop podcasts are a waste of time.
  • Ideaddict
    Sound mind
    ‘Really enjoy Dr Mohler’s serious in-depth discussions and interviews. He explains most things better than many.Can’t wait for “ the next one”. I am a little disappointed in his views of women and their limitations in ministry.
  • skm_lb
    Among the best interviews
    Dr. Mohler is in one of my favorite interviewers, along with Peter Robinson of Uncommon Knowledge. Fantastic and fascinating interviews about big ideas underlying history, culture, and current events. Dr. Mohler is without question the most well-read interviewer I’ve ever listened to.
  • Rutgers70
    Dangerous Trumpism.
    The embrace of Trumpism is disturbing. People identify the president as a beacon of Christianity but fundamental beliefs in confession and forgiveness are foreign to him. The church is hurt by its surrender to all things Trump whose life verse is an eye for an eye.
  • families first 99
    World news from a Christian worldview
    I appreciate Dr Mohler’s analysis of the news each day. He addresses the most relevant issues that affect our families and our churches. I look forward to hearing this podcast each day.
  • jpeattie
    One of My Favorite Podcasts
    Dr. Mohler demonstrates respectful and intelligent conversation with each of his thoughtful guests. Each episode leaves me wanting more. I recommend this to everyone.
  • need a pro
    Wrong audio
    This episode is not correct. It’s playing the previous episode
  • 654sam
    Awesome Christian news. Sound doctrine
  • Paul Sampietro
    Nothing like it
    Refreshing, unique, and much needed. I would give it 5 stars, if not for the too-friendly views on Roman Catholicism, and what I believe is an over emphasis on the culture wars. The Bible is clear we are to preach the gospel, and the culture is always an extension of “the world,” which is going to oppose the advancement of Christ’s kingdom. I guess that’s a wordy way of saying I wish he’d focus more on gospel-centered thought and not so much “Christendom” as a whole.
  • zadad55
    Thoughtful conversations
    This is one of my favorite podcasts. iTunes should include more which are available on Mohler's website.
  • Ivannkekk
    One of the best podcasts out there...
    Intelligent, informative, civil. Excellent.
  • Katie Joy B.
    Thinking Allowed
    Dr. Mohler and his knowledgeable guests have done an excellent job at building a platform on which everyone is equally entitled to their own take on our current religious culture. If you’re looking for a place to learn and grow intellectually without judgement then you’ve come to the right place. Thanks for putting out such a superb show Dr. Mohler - keep up the great work!
  • Fhdrubvd
    Bill C.
    Really like TIP. Really gives good background for talking w/ nonbelievers or agnostics. Also forces me to my dictionary both English and Latin quite often.
  • Cnm45mag
    Can hardly wait for each new one
    I wish Dr. Mohler could read even faster so we could have even more of these thought provoking and insightful conversations! :)
  • PastorPaulH
    Keep them coming
    These interviews with some of the nations most well-known and not-yet-known thinkers provide bite size ideas from significant books and works.
  • Aarong3eason
    I've benefited more from this podcast than my academic degrees. The worst thing about this podcast (and it is a horrible thing) is how infrequent it is!!! It's so much work to do this kind of thing this well, but there's gotta be a way to make it more frequent!
  • PenName69
    Great interviews, great discussions, always learn something new.
  • Spencer Camp
    Perfect For Christian Students, Pastors, and Teachers
    Always worthwhile, thought provoking, well executed discussion on the world of ideas for Christians!! Albert Mohler Is the man!
  • Paul GA
    Smarter every Podcast
    Whether it is true or not, I come away feeling smarter every time I listen. I'm definitly wiser in thinking through cultural issues. I also highly reccomend The Daily Briefing, Dr. Mohler produces. Both of these together puts me at the top of the game when discussing relevant issues with friends. Highly reccomend!!!
  • Husker Don
    Great Conversations
    I've listened to only 3 episodes but I love Dr. Mohler's podcasts. They are intelligent and thought provoking. Thank you and keep up the great work.
  • Matt DFW
    We Need More Like This
    I appreciate this podcast so much. As a twenty something Christian who sometimes struggles with doubt, this program has been a huge encouragement. I do have to agree about the guest audio being rough, though.
  • Charles Spurgeon P.
    Fabulous Resource!
    Always a thoughtful and provoking conversation! Mohler converses with some of the most interesting intellectuals of the day, and elevates our thinking in the pricess!
  • D Witmer
    Good but hard to listen to
    I love Al Mohler and his podcasts. The new setup with the two different ones is superior to his old setup I just have one major problem with this specific podcast--THE GUEST AUDIO IS HORRIBLE. Come on, lots of podcasts with less resources get this right all the time. At least they should balance the audio so Mohler isn't so much louder than the guests. As a result of this headache, I have unfortunately given up listening to this podcast even though I really want to partake of it. This review is my public cry for an improvement.
  • kevstar29
    Agree or disagree with Mohler, but either way you'll walk away thinking more deeply.
  • thicks84
    So Excited!
    I haven't even listened to the podcast yet, but I listened to the Albert Mohler Program all the time. Mohler is amazing! So glad that he is still doing this and it's free.
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