RJ Bell's Dream Preview


Winning sports picks from Las Vegas. Everything you need for free on the biggest games each week from Pregame.com's Wiseguy Roundtable. Alongside your host RJ Bell, we have professional bettor Steve Fezzik, plus more of the biggest names from the world of sports betting.

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  • my dude 88
    System play
    Scott chances the college basketball system depending on which variant is doing better. He’s d+ handicapper who still uses straight up numbers to make his point. Now there’s an nba system ? No that’s a trend you slow pitch softball playing bum. Only bums take men’s league softball that serious.
  • darius_knox00
    Fake bettors
    All munjai does is bet overs. Dude has tricked so many companies to hire him. Dude is square
  • KWitt15
    CFB Pod is trash
    When AJ did the CFB pod it was great. The first couple weeks was good with Griffin and Big East Ben but it’s awful now. Ben audio is always messed up. They give picks on games when they don’t even like a side they just pick on the spot.
  • I’mATexasAlum
    Did Griffin go to Texas? Hard to tell.
    I stopped listening to the college football/basketball podcasts after AJ moved on. Love the NFL podcasts with RJ, Fez, Scott & Mackenzie.
  • Echocardioman
    Noticeably worsened
    NFL Dream pod used to be a solid podcast with well thought out handicaps and research. This year, they just retrofit obsolete trends and blindly follow them, but it definitely isn’t working. I miss the old pods
  • Kurtz73
    The new format is horrible
    I used to look forward to this show every week during NFL season. I don’t know who these new guys are. I don’t know what happened to RJ and Fez, etc.
  • 22Peps22
    Stop with political bias
    Show has great sports betting content. However, the one sided political attack adds is making this a tough listen. I do not listen to this pod for political takes
  • Foreman009
    Podcast of the century
    Don’t ever stop I’ve been listening since you guys had the radio show straight out of Vegas I only wish Jonas Knox came with you guys but man podcast hasn’t been affected by that I love the analysis of football. I wish I was more into other sports I don’t really gamble but the insight these guys give is wild and I’ll make sure bets with buddy’s and this is why I’m winning against em.
    Best Pod
    Couldn’t ask for a better NFL take. Deciding on who to trust between RJ and Fez is my only dilemma.
  • Nobodyhome2020
    Informative podcast
    My favorite podcast to trim the fat on my picks. While on the subject of trimming fat if you just stop addressing the power 75 mins you might actually get it to an hour. If y’all cut down entertaining rjs old movie tangents that aren’t really funny/interesting and just give the other brains in the trust that don’t get enough shine like Makenzie you can have a show that is more meat than fat. I mean half of rjs deal is just eating chips and clowning anyone not named Steve. He leaves early all the time anyways. Just cut the goodfellas stories and actually talk sports. It’ll be a 5 star show. Edit: while you guys haven’t fixed any old issues I gotta say STOP RELEASING PODCASTS ABOUT GAMES THAT ALREADY PASSED!!! What are we doing here?! Release takes about Thursday night football BEFORE kickoff
  • kdjohansen
    Dream Preview is a 5 star pod
    I’ve learned far more about sports betting from this podcast than I have from every other pod combined. Entertaining and informative.
  • BM2521203
    Please fix the pod. Multiple parts is not the answers
    We need all of you guys together on the picks pod. The best parts of the pod in my opinion are the rebuttals and crossfires. You guys are very informative, handicap storytellers.
  • Respektable Idiot Mike
    Tell us what Ajs picks are if he’s not going to be on the show
  • Joe-Dollar
    CFB show
    Great job to Ben on a first week winner. Then you made sure to counterbalance Griffin’s under bet with an over bet in week two. Keep up the good work fellas.
  • Le Noir Faineant
    Good mostly
    Love a lot of the content. Best bets could be better organized as they are often sprinkled throughout content. My main hang up, especially for the college betting is focusing on big games. That makes sense for other kinds of shows but for betting we want to know where Vegas is wrong and that is far more likely to be in less watched games. I can get my big match previews elsewhere. From y’all I couldn’t care less about big games. What are the best bets?
  • Wormwillturn
    Dream Pod outstanding
    The insight and depth of knowledge is preeminent. Can’t wait for another season!
  • baller3852825
    Best podcast
    Love the show. I think towers could go away but everything else is great. Also hoping yall were doing an nfl season preview but I’ve always been a loyal listener and will never sway. Been listening since 2017
  • myfootballjesus
    Good info each week , your picks are NOT GOOD in fact they are bad but info good entertainment
    Good info each week from vegas ,sometime go on on tangents about childhood stories or NON betting stuff like music but overall decent info for sports bettors
  • sperkins54
    Incredible Knowledge, Horrible Intro
    The worst part of the podcast is the intro that blows out your headphones every time the pod starts. Worst part is, it is never in the same spot each episode, so, skipping forward to miss it can entail missing some info. Eminem is cool, but losing my hearing is not. Don’t come to this pod for knowledge about individual players, the hosts can hardly pronounce some names (one pronounces Luka’s last name like “Don-kitch”). This and other things make it slightly tough to listen to at times. Also, apparently RJ is so busy during the day that he can’t find anytime for a snack other than during recording this pod. Not more than 15 minutes into the most recent episode and he’s opening a bag of chips. Nothing worse than hearing bags crumbling and him chewing as he’s talking. But, again, the impeccable knowledge of NFL and NCAAF is there.
  • Stezo82
    Towers is garbage man - joe blow off the street can do better
    Most of the team has great chemistry. Big fan of rj and fezz. Four stars because that towers guy is terrible. He has diarrhea of the mouth and has no gambling angle at all. He can’t even hold a conversation - just wants to listen to himself. I skip forward his sections and skip over his featured podcasts
  • thebigdudelebowski
    Fez is great
  • SkylerECU
    was this guy selling cars 5 years ago? i think i bought a Kia off him
  • Love4TheShow
    Great show… if RJ wasn’t part of it
    RJ is rude, condescending, and annoying. He constantly cuts off his co-hosts mid sentence, berates them and attempts to come across as smarter than them when it’s obvious he is not. No matter how many times he says “I’ll be candid” he’s not convincing anyone that he has an above than average vocabulary and should consider that as he talks down to his colleagues. Opening a soda can right into the mic in the midst of someone speaking is also so unbelievably disrespectful to his co-hosts that it infuriates me. In all honesty, I truly appreciate everyone’s opinion on this show other than his. If you have that type of personality I don’t have any respect of what you have to say… let the others speak. They’re more likable and more relatable.
  • JHeins333
    The Best!!!
    This is the best overall sports betting podcast. I’ve been listing for years. It’s not all about the picks, which are also very informative. It’s about the way a handicapper should break down a game, handle bankroll and get the best of the number. Plus it’s funny and very entertaining. For the weak of mind it can be uncomfortable when RJ challenges his expert panel to answer hard questions about their options, but that benefits the listener to have hard questions answered honestly.
  • bkfogdog
    Selling a ncaa bracket
    Entertaining smart guys as long as you don’t take them seriously. I heard they are selling a ncaa tourney bracket . How desperate and awful to extract money from people . Why don’t you guys sell keno numbers ?
  • realitystrikesback
    UFC fail. NCAAB fail
    Whoever went against you is rolling in money
  • cliff876543
    Fez is the only reason to listen but tbf AJ is improving. Too many Howard Stern bits. RJ is consistently wrong but anytime it’s pointed out he talks over them “no no no” or “ya ya ya” and redirects. Scott is the worst by far. Giggles at every thing he says and is not remotely funny. Fez gives out excellent info but constantly defers to RJ because it’s set up to pretend he’s smarter than he is.
  • ZFZaf
    Dream preview has high highs but could improve
    Prefacing this by saying I love the show, hardly miss an episode, and have been listening for years. A few improvement points though: - Would stray away from highlighting only SuperContest lines for NFL. Fezz is incredible but hearing him pick off which stale line to select for the contest isn’t the best way to help inform listeners of their own bets (would prefer the show to use market lines at time of recording) - College pod is somewhat elementary. Scott and AJ often say “I like the under” but never say the total for the game. The guys seem way more prepared for the NFL pod than the college (other than the best bets, it almost seems like they’re speaking off the cuff with regards to which games they like) - NFL pod is a bit too long (I like the level of detail, but there’s fluff to cut out. Even for me, who always listens on 2x speed, it’s long) Otherwise, love it and keep up the good work
  • Jon Jozwick
    The dream
    Top handicappers across a variety of sports. Been listening for 5+ years and current panel and format are the best. Appreciate the team continue to grow and evolve with the industry
  • TelemarketerByDayDishesbyNight
    AJ Hoffman’s Dream Preview
    RJ is terrible, every strong conviction he has loses. Every time he contradicts a point AJ makes, he’s wrong. He’s over the hill, clearly doesn’t pay attention to the games anymore, and seems to be very jealous of AJ’s radio success in Houston. Guy is a fraud and total joke.
  • Kid Vegas 7
    Rookie Bettors
    “AJ” wondering aloud if overtime counts in a NFL second half NFL bet? Jesus Dude.
  • @ConorFrazier
    Gone With Scott
    So I had this review typed up earlier in the year, but I used discretion and deleted it and moved on. Unfortunately I haven’t been able to listen to the college podcast strictly due to Scott and his surface level handicapping mixed within teenage like bravado and ignorance that other opinions could potentially exist besides their own. I listened to the championship pod and had to stop after listening to 15 minutes of Scott. He is consistently intentionally obtuse, provides handicapping that rec bettors working a 9-5 could unearth and constantly biased and partial to either his teams or bad faith takes he refuses to move off of. I have listened to this show for 7-8 years and enjoyed almost everyone that has cycled through, so I continue to listen to the main pod, however I cannot bite my tongue any longer and had to say this. Scott could well be a good man, and I don’t wish anything but the best for him, but he is a terrible addition to the show in my opinion and seems only to be around because RJ likes him for whatever reason. Shout out Mackenzie.
  • Dom Cicale
    RJ is obnoxious
    RJ sounds like the guy floating around light in the loafers all over the office and popping into everyone's cubicle telling everyone he knows more than everyone else
  • Steven Saballos
    High level handicappers
    Favorite group and podcast to listen to. Especially the Dream Preview and the panel picking out each high level angle of games, spreads, teams, and props. Been listening for the past 5 years
  • Ryan7$
    RJ’s arrogance ruins the pod
    RJ constantly steps on everyone and rarely lets anyone explain their position without interrupting multiple times. He does 80% of the talking regardless of how many people are on the pod. Unfortunately he is way to arrogant to self reflect.
  • bob0002
    Five Star Show!
    Great insight. Funny commentary. Highly recommended!!
  • VegasPokerFan14
    Come for Fezz and RJ leave for Scott and AJ
    Fezz and RJ are great when it comes to NFL and Mackenzie is great with NBA. Pregame should just highlight these guys as they are phenomenal at what they do and provide great insight. AJ and Scott are terrible. They do a overnight show which provides nothing, they claim to be CFB experts but if you fade their picks you will end up in the profit. The baseball show is terrible also. They both are used car salesmen and provide nothing for the show. Take what you can from RJ Fezz and Mack, and ignore the school children.
  • Zoo242
    Best betting show available
    Context, narrative and numbers. Love the content! Only downfall is sometimes I can’t get the wise guy round table to download the day it comes out, but it always works eventually
  • thomas t cat
    The Show
    This is absolutely one of the most entertaining shows out there. Too bad it’s only once a week.
  • kavlick
    Not just your normal boring picks show, RJ brings the entertainment along with the sports talk. Fezz, AJ, Scott, and Mackenzie are part of my weekly listen. When RJ went from Fox sports radio to his own platform, I followed along and it’s been a fun ride
  • Beat Navy 92
    2023 NFL Week 7: Two and a half hours of WRONG
    As of Sunday evening, you clowns are 6-15 with two outstanding Vikings grasps left. It’s tough to imagine how you could prep forever and then generate a near-3 hour pod blathering on to provide 23 best bets that collectively go an astounding 28.5%. Forget a drunk baby, I can do that in my sleep 🤡🤡
  • T_Murf
    RJs Gota stop snackin
    Been listening to these guys for half a decade. These guys know what they’re talking about. I love that they aren’t always on the same page and have to argue points. The crinkly bag and the chewing mid crossfire is just not ideal though by RJ. RJ used to not let his guys talk and go off on 30 minute tangents about a movie you never heard of from 1973 but he’s been way better. The boys are strong
  • jolleyboyC
    You will make money
    Even if you know absolutely nothing about sports, or betting on games, if you just listen to this podcast I promise that you’ll make money. Great insights, you can tell the group all respect each other and get along well which leads to some incredibly fiery, yet incisive, conversations. If you want to make money, listen to this show.
  • Tony Rod 5590
    Great POD!
    I literally look forward to this pod weekly their NFL weekly pod is second to none! Plus the coupon codes are a steal! Love this crew
  • Bodonnel
    Mention the Line
    Love the pod. Best sports pod out there. Hands down 5 stars. One thing I would request is to say the line when you make your picks. Many of us play along at home, listen days later and the line will have changed by then so I would like to know what you are playing at the time of the taping. Thanks!
  • ruthwellness
    Toooo Looong
    3:30 ??? Get to the pertinent info.
  • naishzusnsis svdjdbsjs
    More picks, less preview !!
    Last year I set my clock to Scott and Aj's college preview. They would each give out 3 of their favorite plays + a forced over/under and a combined best bet for the pod. This year they just go on and on about the top 25 games with some leans on them. I don't care to hear about an Ohio state - Youngstown preview!!
  • Hillblows
    Radical Right Wingers
    I’m sick of hearing R.J.’s radical right wing viewpoints. His love of Timothy McEvoy and admiration of the Unabomber is sickening. Cancel R.J.!!!!
  • TeflonSean
    XFL is great this year! Hope you guys do the weekly previews
  • pz?
    Congrats on RJ’s retirement.
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