This Week in Parasitism


TWiP is a monthly netcast about eukaryotic parasites. Vincent Racaniello and Dickson Despommier, science Professors from Columbia University, deconstruct parasites, how they cause illness, and how you can prevent infections.

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Recent Reviews
  • Asciguy
    Monoclonal Antibodies Against Malaria in Mali
    When discussing administration of CIS43LS they forgot to check the math. One dose for me at 40mg per kilogram would be 3.38 grams. That would require an IV infusion.
  • MadmanDrew
    Less clinical cases and more research would be nice.
    I like the other This Week In series quite a bit, but this one is the odd one out since they spend a large amount of time (sometimes the entire episode) on case studies. They present these with the idea of listeners writing in to guess what parasite it is. What’s lame about these is that most of the time the listeners all say the exact same thing so it’s rather boring. Also it’s not exciting for many folks who are into research since most of us want to hear scientists talk about their latest work and what’s going on in the field. Perhaps this podcast should be split into TWIP and This Week in Case Studies so that the doctors and medical students can still have their fun while us researchers can have the content we prefer. Just my two cents. Just feels like a bit of a misleading podcast since it is so different from the other sister podcasts.
  • BulgarianNurse
    I love it!!
    I am a nursing student and i am fascinated by microbiology and infectious diseases. Thank you for having this amazing resource for free!
  • rhods
    Great show. Might need a new title though
    Shouldn’t a monthly show be called This Month in Parasitism?
  • Jim CBGB
    Rigid banter, poor flow
    “I just got back from a trip to Panama...” “Ahh, fishing is great in the coasts of central america...” “Do you know Dr. Blank...?” I simply wanted to learn about parasites not how these fogeys spend their retirements.
  • chemimen
    A fun part of every month
    I came to this podcast as a joke I played on a friend who had a nasty parasitic infection but stayed for the wit and wisdom. I have so much fun listening and studying, I hope you have as much fun making it as I do listening
  • Laney who are you looking at
    Love these Guys!
    Thank you for such a great podcast!
  • MMartin, MD
    Updated review: still one of the best.
    One of only 3 or 4 podcasts I listen to regularly. Their conversational style, fascinating topics, I feel as though I were back in medical school, hanging out with some of the cooler profs.
  • ingleaccident
    Parasitus in Latin is a lesser guest...
    Get to know the creatures who share your body, and the bodies of animals and sometimes invertebrates. Broad based education with some clinical medicine, some basic science, and general musings by very experienced academics who are generously sharing their time. The entire enterprise is sincere and well-meaning.
  • KWagle
    Truly awesome
    My second favorite science podcast. Gastropod is the first, Inquiring Minds was displaced by TWiP. You'll learn more in a few episodes than in a semester of college, if you don't freak out completely instead.
  • Sarieven
    These guys are great!
    I really enjoy these! Can’t stop listening.
  • trptmd
    Entertains and educates doctors!
    My MD husband listens with interest when I play these out loud on our car trips. As a doctor of the other sort I found this to be an excellent way to learn about parasites, then teach my students.
  • Ivana Haffun
    A bit late to the party
    I’ve only just found this amazing podcast. Please have more of Dr Despommier’s stories. I wish my professors were like you, I would have never skipped a single class.
  • 鐘雲龍
    An excellent podcast
    This is the most accessible of the TWiX family. I recommend it highly to everyone.
  • Stefmona
    SOS! Binge watching TWIP!
    TWIP! I love all the TWIM’s, TWIP’s and TWIV’s!! I am an avid listener and just discovered these gems a few months back. Thus I have binge listening to them for the past month! I listen to them almost daily! Being that I was just accepted to PA school, and my favorite class as an undergrad was Parasitology- I love this podcast! I listen to it routinely and it has helped me refresh my memory on what I learned in Parasitology. I love Dickson and Vincent and with the addition of Daniel or as they say TWIP 2.0. The podcast has just become even better! I love the real life medical cases that are presented, and help me use my critical thinking skills! The podcast has also made me careful of what I eat and have even given me nightmares of waking up with parasites- but good nightmares! I highly recommend this podcast to anyone who is interested in medicine or even just parasites! Magnificent podcast! Will continue listening. I have learned so much and you will too!
  • MizOkada
    I just discovered this podcast! It's a feast of knowledge...and I've got 8 years of podcasts to consume!! Thank you, Vince and Dickson, for building this treasury and making it available to the world. Hearing these makes me feel like I'm a kid sitting on the floor at "Story Hour for Scientists" in the the world's best library! What fun :-)
  • Drgghvohovuicvivi
    You should do one for molecular biology
  • Communism is bad
    Excellent show
    Amazing show that keeps me entertained and educated every day!
  • BatteryCritic
    I carry all the TWiX in my pocket
    Sharp, engaging, free-wheeling and unafraid to make the occasional erroneous statement - and to be corrected by listeners who write in faithfully. Even better with the addition of "weekly" clinical case studies. The best way I've found to soak up some pretty esoteric info in fields that can be as close to home or as exotic as science itself.
  • Khabita
    Great Podcast!
    Love it, love ALL of the TWIX family of podcasts. This one was already great, but got better when Daniel joined and they started doing a case every week. I have learned sooo much from this podcast, and its sister podcasts as well. They are informative, well-done, and I feel like I'm listening to a group of friends talking about science.
  • Jim A C
    I love TWIP because I am learning so much. Thank you all!
  • nutrition undergrad
    Awesome for microbiologists, parasitolgists, and physicians alike
    I love this podcast for my morning commute or to go along with my morning run. Fantastic case presentations and literature discussion.
  • Pinkiestile
    Pinkiestile in Az
    I loved this pod as a duo, as a trio they are interesting,informative,challenging as well entertaining.I enjoy all the TWI casts
  • eeevan2
    Spectacular and informative
    I just discovered TWiP and am so excited to have a fun way to learn about parasites! My roommates frequently find me chuckling aloud to the sharp wit.
  • igilg
    Great podcast, even for the non-physician
    I love the relaxed, conversational banter between the hosts. As a lay person, I especially appreciate the accessible way in which they present their fascinating subject matter and case studies. A truly exceptional podcast!
  • notyourcupofbri
    Edutainment at it's finest!
    This podcast is not only highly entertaining and educational it's also infectious! Ok bad pun but seriously you don't have to even have a college degree to enjoy this podcast! I learn so much from every episode and not always just facts on microbiology. I find myself laughing out loud while listening because the hosts have a great chemistry and good senses of humor. Even if you have no idea what parasitism is, it's worth a listen. You might love it like I did.
  • rise_up
    Story time and humor to supplement my studies
    I’m an MSPH student in Tropical Medicine and Parasitology at Tulane University. Listening to Dr. Despommier and Dr. Racaniello has been a real pleasure and a great way to unwind from the stress of everyday life while still reinforcing my learning. The fusion of basic biological science, public health, and education is a passion of mine; and I aspire to reach even half the caliber of the hosts of this show one day. Thank you for giving me a better course to my future.
  • EoinFirestorm
    10 out of 5
    This podcast is great and everyone should listen to it every week.
  • Ekallas
    After Daniel's addition, TWIP probably became the best of the TWIKs podcasts. Dick an Vincent are fantastic in debating parasites and their companions.
  • Onionspark
    Really good information, buts takes way too long to find it. Ever considered making an outline, exploring a topic in a logically sequential manner, and staying on topic?
  • Abbiecw
    Twip Reminds Me of Click and Clack
    I discovered your site yesterday and am very excited with this deep vein of great knowledge that I can listen to while doing routine chores at my house. These podcasts remind me of Car Talk where I am entertained and educated by two engaging and intelligent experts. Your show explains parasitism in easy to understand terms and language. I would be very interested in hearing more shows about tick borne diseases. Instead of Click and Click, you could be known as the Twip Team of Tick and Rat!
  • Adrian Tween
    Awesome group of podcasts
    I love TWiV, TWiM and TWiP. I really like that a group of scientists bothers to expose the public to how important science is in practical everyday life. This show will raise your awareness to the importance of science, issues related to science, the capabilities of science to solve real-world problems - you will understand the broadcast WITHOUT needing a scientific background.
  • Uppy123
    Start from the beginning, this makes it easy to follow and very educational. I love the way Vincent ask the questions Im thinking. And I love the way Dick explains and tells stories, He’s a very engaging educator. He has the cutest laugh and you just can’t help loving both these science guys when they interact! This spills over and you become lost in parasitism and science for over an hour. Love, Keep up the great work.
  • vikimikivet
    Perfectly parasitic podcast
    This podcast is a great combination of research and banter. I really appreciate the hosts’ ability to break down the disease processes from lifecycle to molecular level and bring it back again. It is a great listen for anyone at any level and if you don’t have the background, they will quickly bring you up to speed in through a conversation as a teaching tool. I highly suggest this podcast to any individual interested in the complexities of life on this planet.
  • NTJ254
    Excellent information and funny
    I really enjoy listening to Drs. Racaniello and Despommier. They are able to make a complex subject easy to understand and fun to learn.
  • Daniel the Critic
    Nature and parasitism abhors a vacuum
    This a podcast that seems appropriate for all levels. I am a physician trained in Infectious disease and see patients with these parasitic maladies as part of my professional duties in immigrants, travelers and during my time abroad. I am impressed by the knowledge, accuracy and color brought to bear on these topics. Not a podcast goes by without my acquiring a new ‘pearl’ about parasitic diseases that gives me a deeper understanding that I feel certain will improve my care of patients. My children, ages 8, 12, 13, now find that when I drive them about to their activities they will often hear the voices of Dickson and Vincent bantering about these mysterious creatures in a fascinating and engaging manner. They have yet to request Taylor Swift or Kelly Clarkson over this dynamic duo! Vincent does a fine job of keeping Dickson connected with audiences of all levels while Dickson makes sure to drag us on an enjoyable ride through all the complexities. A podcast on parasitism was lacking and thus an abhorrent vacuum existed. Now that niche is being exploited to our benefit!! Cook or freeze your fish, wash your hands, don’t let dogs that hang out with sheep give you kisses, but do check out this great podcast! by Daniel Griffin MD, PhD
  • Gnup1
    Fascinating show with great parasite stories and banter.
  • Clarke B.
    A First and Appreciated
    I review parasite hazards in fish and other foods, and its really great to listen to experts discuss parasites, instead of reading everything. And they have fun side conversations too.
  • SnoogansBONG
    Great information, amazing delivery
    This is a fantastic podcast for anyone interested in biology or medicine. Many biological concepts that function outside the scope of parasitism are discussed. The back and forth between Drs. Racaniello and Despommier is both informative and engaging. I especially enjoy that the podcast isn't overproduced- it gives the impression that the listener is part of the conversation. I would (and do) recommend this podcast to everyone. Period.
  • CharleyGSO
    Entertaining and Informative
    This is a conversational style look at a broad range of issues and principles of parasitism. In the US we treat parasitism almost like a bacterial infection; take a drug and get rid of it. A very high percentage of adults in the US host or have hosted a parasite yet we are woefully ignorant. In much of the world it is more of a balancing act. Regardless, it is a fascinating subject and Vince and Dickson do a great job of making parasitism accessible to the layman and still communicate the complexities. Many thanks guys.
  • Joseph Coco
    Leisurely, but interesting
    Dickson does a great job using allegories to explain concepts and Vincent is always spunky and knowledgable. They have good banter but you'll definitely come away from the show feeling like you learned something.
  • fazmd
    Worms,germs,and virions
    TWIP,TWIM,and TWIV are portals for expanding your knowledge in parasitology,microbiology and virology. Each podcast has a personality of its own and tweaks your brain in different ways. A good investment of your time.
  • speedwalker5
    I love this show. Finally a podcast who’s host speak intelligently on a topic. Too many podcasters seem to like the sound of their voice so much they think content is unimportant. I was so fascinated I listened to the first four in one day. Sorry I don’t want subscribe until I get through all of them. But I also hate the idea of catching up and them having to wait a month between episodes! I plan to check out TWIV next.
  • KonaGecko
    Best podcast! V. Educational & Entertaining
    My favorite podcast. What podcasts should aspire to be like.
  • ChocolateDave
    Clear, concise, easily understood, informative...
    Great podcast for the intellectually curious. An easy going factual repartee between experts,that informs and entertains both, the casual, and serious listener. Now if they could only devote the time and energy to make this podcast on a weekly basis.........
  • Quirkeegurl
    Great rapport!
    I'm not a med student or scientist by profession, just a science geek. So some of what's discussed is (way) over my head. But I still learn a lot thanks to Vince's layman's breakdown of Dick's deep knowledge. I'm always entertained by Vince and Dick. The duo are dynamic, funny, and have a wonderful rapport. Definitely check it out!
  • I'm touched
    Love it!
    Every life-long learner owes themselves to listen to these great teachers regularly. Highly recommended!
  • Patty in NM
    interesting and entertaining
    I drive long distances in rural areas and I love taking these smart, interesting guys along to keep me entertained while I learn at the same time.
  • Ed from NAZ
    I don't have a science background, doesn't stop me from enjoying this podcast.
    I don't have a science background, some parts may go over my head a bit but it doesn't stop me from enjoying this podcast & I learn a lot... The hosts have a nice chemistry, I get a few chuckles and the science of parasitism is far more interesting then I might have imagined. I've been a regular listener for about 6 months, I am very glad I stumbled upon the program!
  • Listening for pearls
    Thanks for a great podcast!
    Thank you for presenting this fascinating topic in an informative, accessible, and entertaining podcast. The breadth and depth of knowledge and the appreciation for the evolutionary strategies of parasites come through clearly in the friendly discussions of the hosts. (Not that kind of hosts!)
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