Mormon Stories Podcast


Mormon Stories Podcast is an attempt to build understanding between and about Mormons through the telling of stories in both audio and video formats.

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Recent Reviews
  • Jj jelled
    Please remind your “fill-ins” as well as guests to turn off their notifications on their phones. During the Hayley/Courtney episode “, is was so distracting to hear the notifications thoughout the entire episode. Otherwise, great episode.
  • Dave Wright Chicago
    If Mormonism were not true, it could be ignored
    “Although the religions of men are often tolerant of each other, they cannot abide the presence of living prophets and the truths of salvation. Their bitterness and opposition toward Mormonism are an essential witness of its truthfulness. Validity draws the fire… “If Mormonism were not true, it could be ignored. The fact that Satan and his cohorts cannot leave it alone is an evidence of its truthfulness. There is no neutrality where the truths of salvation are concerned.” McConkie
  • Lovin'thisgame21121
    Prideful & Prejudice
    An obviously bitter former member of the church who is trying to diminish members’ faith and make them as miserable as he is without the truth and spirit that the gospel brings.
  • MiffMuff
    Thoughtful and Real
    This show is a soothing balm for those who are left with the aftermath of leaving the church.
  • mst3kaddict
    Great podcast, I really love how passionate and well-informed the hosts are. I’m curious how many of the “never-Morman” fans found their way here because of Krakauer’s book.
  • meggyjan
    True Mormon stories!
    I am obsessed and have been for years. I love the evolution of the show, and am amazed every time I learn something new! I think “how many more things can there be” and then there’s a waterfall of information dumped on me. Thank you so much for all of your incredible work and to all of you fabulous cohosts throughout the years as well ❤️
  • Velvetme
    Religious studies and fascinating content
    Grab a glass of something. Wow these shows are just mesmerizing
  • KW31210
    Savior to my mental health
    As a fully believing and engaged member of the LDS faith I came upon some really disturbing information while studying the life of Joseph Smith. From there it was like a bull in the china shop of my life. Panic attacks, anxiety, and depression were the result of finding out that the church I loved so dearly, and everything I believed to be true about my life and the afterlife was all a sham. I found the deepest comfort when I stumbled upon Mormon Stories while looking for some sort of guidance to get me out of a hole of despair. I felt a glimmer of hope. Between getting into therapy, binging this podcast, and the support of a loving spouse, I am finally happy again. This time, happy in a “true to myself” kind of way. A happiness I didn’t know existed. I am grateful for this platform where people can come on and share their experiences, both positive and negative, with hosts who are genuinely caring and committed to conveying truth. Thank you from one of the many you have helped navigate an extremely hard situation.
  • Exiled LDS
    Mormon Stories reaching for the bottom of the barrel.
  • nbmerrill
    Yes yes yes
    You Nd Heather coming together to produce a show opening the conversation wide and letting the fresh air in.❤️❤️❤️
  • Marlee's Momma
    It’s is all about
    It is all about informed consent. I was never informed. I love Mormon stories and all of the contributors. I’m learning so much. At first I was having a nervous breakdown literally learning all of this stuff and realizing I have been in fact, part of a cult. Now that I understand things more through LDS discussions it has been healing to my soul. I no longer believe I need special underwear and handshakes to return to His presence one day. I never felt good about the fact that I wouldn’t be together forever with my family. It just doesn’t make sense to me that God would keep family away from me if I didn’t do genealogy and Temple work for them. I’m so thankful for the freedom that I feel now to live and worship as I see fit. I miss my church family so much but it’s hard for me to be around them knowing they have no clue nor want to know probably. It can be so isolating. I’m so thankful that I feel not alone through watching this community. Thank you.
  • wyobrit
    Only Negative Mormon Stories
    Pathetic misrepresentation of the LDS faith. You only include stories that are hateful and negative. Not accurate by any standard. Anti-Mormon rhetoric!
  • aaron cott
    Great Discussions
    They are so kind with how they provide information and ask questions, giving people a chance to come to their own conclusions. Very Socratic.
  • Evesquared01
    One of the best episodes!
    I gained a lot of insight into ethical therapy through this podcast. I have had a lot of distrust in therapist in Utah ever since learning about Jody Hildebrandt. It’s good to know there are good ethical therapist out there.
  • Deathhikeauntie
    As a gay Mormon who didn’t leave the church but couldn’t reconcile all my truths, this podcast is a great way to process so much. Not just the gay stuff. I find the analysis thoughtful. Contrary to those who think the podcasters are trying to deceive or are anti-Mormon, it is more like a mirror. You may not like what you see/hear but then go back to your ward and do something about it. Don’t protect wrong in the name of your church or beliefs.
  • vbgirl23456
    I have enjoyed listening to your podcast never being exposed to the Morman church. But have to say your last eat episode was so disturbing . The manner in which you, Carrie and your guest were so disrespectful to the Christian faith goes beyond what is civil. I find all very narrow minded and frankly bullies.
  • HBMerk
    Needs to clarify purposes
    They need to clarify that this is an anti Mormon podcast. If you want to spend your time tearing other people down, that's your choice. But you should be clear in the description and episodes that that is your goal and purpose. Otherwise I feel like you are actively trying to deceive.
  • dyjccju
    Used to be Mormon
    I was raised LDS and left the church for good about 10 years ago because it just didn’t feel right. I didn’t give it much thought until I started to listen to Mormon stories. I’m angry that I was raised under delusions and lies but it’s nice to finally see the church in the correct light. I feel like I’m going through the stages of grief, finally and that there is a way to feel better in the future. Thank you so much for putting this information out there. I especially enjoy the LDS discussions!
  • jtm9796
    Thoughtful, Enlightened and Therapeutic
    John and company have created the quintessential space to approach all things Mormonism and high demand religions in general. This podcast was a lifeline when I was deconstructing my faith and when I was experiencing the anger loss and betrayal that generally happens when leaving Mormonism. Now I listen to this t to keep up to date on happenings, learn new historical information and the occasional Exmormon therapy session I sometimes need. I genuinely know and appreciate this podcast.
  • Hisoccermom
    The Ruby Franke ep is EPIC! To have the completely outside perspective of the Canadian YouTuber learn about the essential tenants of the Mormon church as NOT fringe but core was fabulous. I loved every moment and would love MORE MORE MORE.
  • falconboomer
    Wow, Wow, Wow
    Bokovoy part 5 is SUPERB! What a brilliant historian. Love the presentation on Isaiah. And, Margi, she is a great co-host, not part of this episode but when she is she is fantastic. Wish you had her from the beginning of the LDS Discussion series instead of the underwhelming Jenn Kamp (Kamp sucked). With the help of Dr. Bokovoy week, I believe I now can describe myself as a Deist(belief in a supreme being but no revealed religion). Suits me fine. Mike L.
  • jlo 2
    Julia please slow down, you are talking to fast
    Love the show but please someone tell Julia to slow down, she talks so fast that I can’t even listen to the show anymore.
  • Cirrus0809
    Helping me so much through my faith crisis!
    So grateful for these podcasts! I know if a question comes up there is bound to be a podcast for it! So grateful!
  • Wonder_Women
    The stories
    The stories is where this show works the best. I do also like the news from the church, and when bishops talk. Now sitting in church knowing all the back stories is starting to become more and more difficult!
    Former LDS Bishop loves this show!!!
    This podcast has helped me so much. As a former LDS Bishop from Utah, I saw how much of the good and much of the bad of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints from the inside. In my opinion the Church’s main priority is to protect it self. In service of this priority, the church smothers transparency and accountability. The church has not shown itself capable of acknowledging the inconsistencies in its doctrine or history. Mormon Stories is a public service by shedding light and bringing accountability to a reckless church, run by inept leaders that use wealth and church status to avoid the consequences of its poor behavior while playing the victim. Thank you John and team.
  • jeepin rocks
    30 years later
    I left the church after discovering Sandra and Jerald Tanner in the early 90s. I found Mormon stories a few months ago while helping a young person navigate their faith crisis. It has not just been helpful for them, but dealing with issues I did not know I still needed to deal with. John is a fantastic interviewer, and the guests have brought me the closure I did not think I needed. That’s a long way to say; even 30 years later, Mormon stories is helpful.
  • changagarcia
    I’m not a Mormon or ex-Mormon and this podcast is fantastic. I’ve learned so much!
  • mud puddles
    Best Best Best
    Mormon Stories tells the truth about peoples lives who have been raised in a high demand - shame based dishonest system and the heartbreak of finding the truth and facing the reality of the struggles of leaving. What a service to humankind! To offer up others journeys to soften the steps of so many brave souls who dare to face the truth and get out! (Or stay for whatever reasons). I love John Dehlin and his lovely band of beautiful and brilliant co hosts. If you are a seeker of truth and a lover of courage this is the podcast for you x Mormon or not!
  • Helpersonety
    Too much Margy
    John is very, very good at this, but he interrupts every single guest, always with, “I don’t mean to interrupt, but…” which does not make it better. Margy is a lovely person, and she’s great in small doses, but episodes lately have had WAY too much of her. It’s a different tone when her voice is nearly constant. I was listening to the Bishop who recently resigned, and between the too-many interruptions and too-much Margy, I could never hear the full thoughts of the guest. Had to quit listening.
  • Scribble03
    Fruitful & Informational- will not disappoint
    Thankfully I have found this podcast. I grew up next door to mormons all my life & honestly I started listening after House Wife Ex Mormon Heather Gay was on your podcast & I now educate people around me on the truth behind the history of Latter Day Saints aka Mormons. Good Listen for Facts that allow you to make your own mind up. Again based on truths and facts - leaves the rest up to you mic 🎤 🫳🏻💥
  • The Ex Mormon
    Really enjoy the podcast
    This podcast covers a wide array of topics including LDS history, current news regarding the church, how the church impacts various groups positively and negatively, and more. I do think it skews towards ex Mormon or non Mormon audiences (I’m ex-Mormon). There is not hatred in this podcast but there is a passionate desire for the church to change and adapt. I think that sometimes comes across as frustration, sarcasm, or disappointment. I really connect with this podcast. I will never be LDS again, but I really wish the church would do better in many areas and be transparent. Finally, this podcast cites many resources and grounds its conversations with scientific, historic, statistical, and other (accounting) information. This is a great podcast.
  • DLDC1313
    Great. Wonderful.
    I truly enjoy this podcast learning more about the world of controlling religions. It is so informative and eye opening. The guests are riveting, real and John is a wonderful host. This podcast is helping SO many people understand reality away from the ridiculousness of religion aka cult life and I’m thankful for it.
  • MagnumRs40
    This Podcast is Important and a Service to so many
    This show has helped me process and get through so much in my life.
  • Kaykah7829
    Ah yes let’s leave the Mormon church and take part in stalking activities like Scientology! So progressive! No LGBTQ+ Ally would condone this sort of behavior. You need to apologize.
  • jansje81
    ANTI-Mormon Podcast
    I wasn’t going to give it a star rating as obviously that would based on the content, but Apple requires a rating. So, my rating is based solely on how I feel about the content. I just want to offer a heads up to anyone who wonders the vein of the stories presented on the podcast. The podcasters work very hard to keep the purpose vague to pull unsuspecting people in. Interesting that they find it necessary to keep all that vague. Almost like they are trying to trick people…. If you’re looking for content about why the church is wrong/bad/dangerous/a cult, etc. then this is the podcast for you. If you are a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints looking for edifying stories, this is /not/ the podcast for you.
  • UtahPodcastGuru
    Stay Angry
    I feel like these guys absolutely rely on keeping people angry rather than helping them heal and move forward. And now they are spying on gay people who choose to attend church to see if they take the sacrament. This seriously happened.
  • CLDowell
    Informed Consent
    Mormon stories does a great job of providing access to information and thought provoking content that contributes to a better understanding along of high demand religions. This podcast resonates with my desire to continuous learn and expand my ability to make informed decisions across contexts.
    Never a mormon
    After my best friend of 62 years left the mormon church and my adult nephew, who was raised in it left, I became very curious as to why. I googled “ex mormons” and ran across your amazing podcast. My sister became a mormon when she married one. I want so badly to tell her about the amazing stories I listen to. However, when I try, she cuts me off immediately and says the standard, “I just know the church is true for me!” Honestly, I have listened to hundreds of hours of your podcast and have no doubt that I know & understand way more about the “organization” than she does. I would so love to talk to you, John D. about my thoughts as a “never Mormon” and my best friend, from birth to now. She was raised in the mormon church, where her maternal grandfather started molesting her IN the church from the time she was about three or four. She didn’t confide in me until we were in our young 30’s, after he died. I think we could be an interesting interview for you podcast. I would love for you to contact me;however, I don’t want my phone number or email address on a public forum. I’m not sure you can contact me via the”review section.” Again, thank you for the most interesting, intriguing and educational information about the mormon organization/religion. Kelly E.
  • Shop479
    New listener
    When I was a TB, I heard so many times don’t listen to John and his podcast because he is anti Mormon. Pleasantly surprised how that’s not true. What great content you have! Thank you for this podcast!
  • BOM malarky
    Thank you!
    Long time listener and grateful for all you have done John Dehlin! Thank you so much for giving John Larsen a platform again. Grateful for his cut to the chase, no crap, take no prisoners approach to saying it like it is. Love listening to the combination of Carah and the 2 Johns! Also absolutely love the LDS discussions and the new Mormon newscast you have going on with Bill, Radio Free Mormon, and Rebecca! A+ work all around!
  • Dhdvshdbf
    The Rise and Fall of John C Bennett
    I quit listening to this series because Julia from Analyzing Mormonism talks so fast you can’t understand her. And because she talks so fast, she stumbles over her own words making it impossible for her to put together a coherent sentence. Take a deep breath and just slow down Julia.
  • LAJ in NYC
    I like this podcast a lot but…
    …PLEASE edit out the coughing, long pauses, background sounds, etc. It’s incredibly distracting. The host also interrupts guests / derails their stories constantly. So many times I’ve been engaged in a story one of the guests is telling and right before the climax of the story John jumps in, makes a comment / asks a question, and changes the whole topic so that they never finish the story. I do really enjoy the guests / topics and the long form style!
  • Kaytlinkatnissmma
    Former Mormon
    This podcast has helped me through my faith transition and it’s helped me not feel like I was crazy or the only one seeing certain things about the church. I really appreciate the work that is being put into this.
  • Sheila MaRee
    Difficult listening
    Seems scattered and disorganized
  • Postmoroni
    Love the content, hate the narrative
    I’ve been listening for 6+ years and exmo for 11. The core information and subject matter that gets covered is interesting and validating. It’s mostly well researched, and production quality is very good. My criticisms are: John is very condescending and dismissive to anyone that doesn’t have “orthodox” scholars. The college attended and the paper on the wall seems to be the value and credibility of the person. The Trevor Milton episode certainly showed that. It spent more time criticizing people’s appearance, where they were from, and their level of eduction to discredit anyone involved rather than give any real insight. Multiple times the guest had interesting facts but was cut off with prolonged awkward laughing and jabs at people’s previous jobs or level of education. The show in general become very black and white with no nuance. If the church promotes something, MSP is against it. Every episode seems to have a narrative agenda that’s not hidden very well. So, it shouldn’t need to be interjected over and over. It would be nice to hear the stories get covered without interruptions every 20 seconds to make a point. Lastly, I wish John could pay attention to the guests better. I know it takes a lot to run a live podcast, and I’m sure there’s a good reason for it. But, the amount of times people have to repeat things they’ve said multiple times already in the same podcast gets irritating. I’ve noticed that the things that get skipped over are typically said right before John interrupts and interjects a correlation to a narrative that’s being pushed that episode. We’re not dumb, we typically get where the story and episode is heading in the first 5 min of the 20 min intro. I just want to hear the stories and I’m capable of coming to my own conclusion at the end. These criticisms shouldn’t keep anyone from listening. It’s a great podcast and does have great content, I just hope it can evolve more into informative and interesting rather than certain ideas good, certain ideas bad.
  • StaceyLErick
    Recent pod with Nuancehoe
    I really enjoyed the relaxed and playful pod with Nuancehoe, especially talking about silly subjects like garments. While I really like the series with John Larson, I would love to see more pods with just the two of you. Thank you for what you do to help the Mormon stories community! StaceyLE
  • RD8
    Go Mormon Stories!
    I started listening to Mormon Stories podcasts in January of 2020 when I began deconstructing the Mormon religion. I’ve now listened to EVERY episode (some multiple times). John is a courageous man and I’m so grateful for the time, dedication and sacrifice he (his family & staff/contributors) have made to bring us so many beautiful Mormon stories, words of wisdom, counsel and insight. I have been touched by John’s empathy and desire to help listeners understand basic facts so we can each be informed - which allows us to make better decisions. Not only do I listen to all of the Mormon Stories podcasts, but I follow them on social media and contribute to them financially every month. These are good people doing good things. Go Mormon Stories!!!
  • Memishel
    Never Mo learning so much
    I really appreciate this podcast in all its forms. From the latest iteration of a weekly news episode, the LDS series, to the long form personal stories, all the notes are being struck and should be included under the umbrella of Mormon Stories. Thank you for all you do John, et al.
  • Frenchsilk33
    Through the highs and lows of this podcast, it is consistently informative, well-researched, and cutting edge. Interview skills have massively improved over time and that is due to Dehlin’s intentional efforts to accept criticism and evolve. Huge fan of the entire team that he’s built around himself. Appreciate the variety of topics and diversity of stories. The show proved a huge blessing during my painful escape from Mormonism. Just when I think I am done needing research and stories like these, I end up returning for more. Keep up the brilliant work, John.
  • Chadinazdesert
    I just listened to you beg for money. May I suggest that the reason that people used to donate is because you used to actually tell Mormon stories. You actually worried about helping people. You have stopped that completely and gone completely woke and anti-Mormon. Your podcast is no longer interesting. It’s now boring and uninteresting. You are not relying on your bread and butter anymore. It is why you are going broke. And I for one couldn’t be happier.
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